Example #1
    def setCoords(self, coords):
        """Set *coords* as the ensemble reference coordinate set.  *coords*
        may be an array with suitable data type, shape, and dimensionality, or
        an object with :meth:`getCoords` method."""

        atoms = coords
            if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                coords = copy(coords._coords)
                coords = coords.getCoords()
        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates of {0} are not set'

            checkCoords(coords, natoms=self._n_atoms)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

        self._coords = coords
        self._n_atoms = coords.shape[0]
Example #2
    def addCoordset(self, coords):
        """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble.  *coords* must be a Numpy
        array with suitable data type, shape and dimensionality, or an object
        with :meth:`getCoordsets` method."""

        n_atoms = self._n_atoms
        n_select = self.numSelected()
            if self._coords is not None:
                if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                    coords = coords._getCoordsets(selected=False)
                elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords._getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoords'):
                    coords = coords._getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)
                if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                    coords = coords.getCoordsets(selected=False)
                elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords.getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoords'):
                    coords = coords.getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)

        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates are not set')

            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms)
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_select)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        if coords.ndim == 2:
            n_nodes, _ = coords.shape
            coords = coords.reshape((1, n_nodes, 3))
            n_confs = 1
            n_confs, n_nodes, _ = coords.shape

        if not n_atoms:
            self._n_atoms = n_atoms = n_nodes

        if n_nodes == n_select and self.isSelected():
            full_coords = repeat(self._coords[newaxis, :, :], n_confs, axis=0)
            full_coords[:, self._indices, :] = coords
            coords = full_coords

        if self._confs is None:
            self._confs = coords
            self._confs = concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0)
        self._n_csets += n_confs
Example #3
    def setCoords(self, coords, label=None):
        """Set coordinates of atoms.  *coords* may be any array like object
        or an object instance with :meth:`getCoords` method.  If the shape of
        coordinate array is ``(n_csets > 1, n_atoms, 3)``, it will replace all
        coordinate sets and the active coordinate set index  will reset to
        zero.  This situation can be avoided using :meth:`addCoordset`.
        If shape of *coords* is ``(n_atoms, 3)`` or ``(1, n_atoms, 3)``, it
        will replace the active coordinate set.  *label* argument may be used
        to label coordinate set(s).  *label* may be a string or a list of
        strings length equal to the number of coordinate sets."""

        atoms = coords
            if self._coords is None and hasattr(atoms, '_getCoords'):
                coords = atoms._getCoords()
                coords = atoms.getCoords()
        except AttributeError:
            if self._coords is None:
                coords = np.array(coords)
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates of {0} are not set'

            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, dtype=(float, np.float32))
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an '
                            'object with `getCoords` method')

        self._setCoords(coords, label=label)
Example #4
    def buildHessian(self, coords, blocks, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg blocks: a list or array of block identifiers
        :type blocks: list, :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        super(RTB, self).buildHessian(coords, cutoff=cutoff, gamma=gamma, **kwargs)

        self.calcProjection(coords, blocks, **kwargs)
Example #5
def calcCenter(atoms, weights=None):
    """Returns geometric center of *atoms*.  If *weights* is given it must
    be a flat array with length equal to number of atoms.  Mass center of
    atoms can be calculated by setting weights equal to atom masses, i.e.

        coords = atoms._getCoords()
    except AttributeError:
            coords = atoms.getCoords()
        except AttributeError:
            coords = atoms
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, dtype=None, name='atoms')
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance')

    if weights is not None:
            ndim, shape = weights.ndim, weights.shape
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('weights must be a numpy array')
            if shape[0] != coords.shape[-2]:
                raise ValueError('weights.shape[0] must be equal to number of '
            if ndim != 2:
                    weights = weights.reshape((shape[0], 1))
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('weights.shape must be a (n_atoms, 1)')

    return getCenter(coords, weights)
Example #6
def calcCenter(atoms, weights=None):
    """Return geometric center of *atoms*.  If *weights* is given it must
    be a flat array with length equal to number of atoms.  Mass center of
    atoms can be calculated by setting weights equal to atom masses, i.e.

        coords = atoms._getCoords()
    except AttributeError:
            coords = atoms.getCoords()
        except AttributeError:
            coords = atoms
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, dtype=None, name='atoms')
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance')

    if weights is not None:
            ndim, shape = weights.ndim, weights.shape
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('weights must be a numpy array')
            if shape[0] != coords.shape[-2]:
                raise ValueError('weights.shape[0] must be equal to number of '
            if ndim != 2:
                    weights = weights.reshape((shape[0], 1))
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('weights.shape must be a (n_atoms, 1)')

    return getCenter(coords, weights)
Example #7
    def setCoords(self, coords):
        """Set *coords* as the ensemble reference coordinate set.  *coords*
        may be an array with suitable data type, shape, and dimensionality, or
        an object with :meth:`getCoords` method."""

        atoms = coords
            if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                coords = copy(coords._coords)
                coords = coords.getCoords()
        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates of {0} are not set'

            checkCoords(coords, natoms=self._n_atoms)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

        self._coords = coords
        self._n_atoms = coords.shape[0]
Example #8
    def addCoordset(self, coords):
        """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble.  *coords* must be a Numpy
        array with suitable data type, shape and dimensionality, or an object
        with :meth:`getCoordsets` method."""

        n_atoms = self._n_atoms
        n_select = self.numSelected()
            if self._coords is not None:
                if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                    coords = coords._getCoordsets(selected=False)
                elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords._getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoords'):
                    coords = coords._getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)
                if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                    coords = coords.getCoordsets(selected=False)
                elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords.getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoords'):
                    coords = coords.getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)

        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates are not set')

            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms)
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_select)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        if coords.ndim == 2:
            n_nodes, _ = coords.shape
            coords = coords.reshape((1, n_nodes, 3))
            n_confs = 1
            n_confs, n_nodes, _ = coords.shape

        if not n_atoms:
            self._n_atoms = n_atoms = n_nodes

        if n_nodes == n_select and self.isSelected():
            full_coords = repeat(self._coords[newaxis, :, :], n_confs, axis=0)
            full_coords[:, self._indices, :] = coords
            coords = full_coords

        if self._confs is None:
            self._confs = coords
            self._confs = concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0)
        self._n_csets += n_confs
Example #9
def calcMechStiff(modes, coords, kbt=1.):
    """Calculate stiffness matrix calculated using :class:`.ANM` instance. 
    Method described in [EB08]_ and [KMR17]_. 

    .. [KMR] Mikulska-Ruminska K., Kulik A.J., Benadiba C., Bahar I., Dietler G., Nowak W.
        Nanomechanics of multidomain neuronal cell adhesion protein contactin revealed by 
        single molecule AFM and SMD. *Sci Rep* **2017** 7:8852. 

    :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
    :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`.

    :arg n_modes: number of non-zero eigenvalues/vectors to calculate.
        If **None** is given, all modes will be calculated (3x number of atoms).
    :type n_modes: int or **None**, default is 20.
    Authors: Mustafa Tekpinar & Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska & Cihan Kaya

        coords = (coords._getCoords()
                  if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')
        is3d = modes.is3d()
        eigvecs = modes.getArray().T.flatten()
        eigvals = modes.getEigvals()
        raise TypeError('modes must be either an NMA or ModeSet object')

    if not is3d:
        raise TypeError('modes must be 3-dimensional')

    n_atoms = modes.numAtoms()
    n_modes = modes.numModes()


    sm = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), np.double)
    from .smtools import calcSM
    LOGGER.info('Calculating stiffness matrix.')

    calcSM(coords, sm, eigvecs, eigvals, n_atoms, n_modes, float(kbt))

    LOGGER.report('Stiffness matrix calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_sm')

    LOGGER.info('The range of effective force constant is: {0} to {1}.'.format(

    return sm
Example #10
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set. 
        **kwargs** are passed to :method:`.buildMembrane`.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        atoms = coords
        turbo = kwargs.pop('turbo', True)

            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        n_atoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        if self._membrane is None:
            coords = self.buildMembrane(atoms, **kwargs)
            coords = self._combined.getCoords()

        system = zeros(coords.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        system[:n_atoms] = True


        if turbo:
            self._hessian = buildReducedHessian(coords, system, cutoff, gamma,
            super(exANM, self).buildHessian(coords, cutoff, gamma, **kwargs)
            system = np.repeat(system, 3)
            self._hessian = _reduceModel(self._hessian, system)

        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_exanm')
        self._dof = self._hessian.shape[0]
        self._n_atoms = n_atoms
Example #11
def calcMechStiff(modes, coords, kbt=1.):
    """Calculate stiffness matrix calculated using :class:`.ANM` instance. 
    Method described in [EB08]_. 

    :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
    :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`.

    :arg n_modes: number of non-zero eigenvalues/vectors to calculate.
        If **None** is given, all modes will be calculated (3x number of atoms).
    :type n_modes: int or **None**, default is 20.
    Author: Mustafa Tekpinar & Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska & Cihan Kaya

        coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')
        is3d = modes.is3d()
        eigvecs = modes.getArray().T.flatten()
        eigvals = modes.getEigvals()
        raise TypeError('modes must be either an NMA or ModeSet object')

    if not is3d:
        raise TypeError('modes must be 3-dimensional')

    n_atoms = modes.numAtoms()
    n_modes = modes.numModes()

    sm = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), np.double)
    from .smtools import calcSM
    LOGGER.info('Calculating stiffness matrix.')

    calcSM(coords, sm, eigvecs, eigvals,
            n_atoms, n_modes, float(kbt))

    LOGGER.report('Stiffness matrix calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_sm')
    LOGGER.info('The range of effective force constant is: {0} to {1}.'

    return sm
Example #12
    def getNormDistFluct(self, coords):
        """Normalized distance fluctuation

        model = self.getModel()
        LOGGER.info('Number of chains: {0}, chains: {1}.'
                     .format(len(list(set(coords.getChids()))), \

            #coords = coords.select('protein and name CA')
            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        if not isinstance(model, NMA):
            LOGGER.info('Calculating new model')
            model = GNM('prot analysis')

        linalg = importLA()
        n_atoms = model.numAtoms()
        n_modes = model.numModes()

        from .analysis import calcCrossCorr
        from numpy import linalg as LA
        # <dRi, dRi>, <dRj, dRj> = 1
        crossC = 2 - 2 * calcCrossCorr(model)
        r_ij = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms, 3))

        for i in range(n_atoms):
            for j in range(i + 1, n_atoms):
                r_ij[i][j] = coords[j, :] - coords[i, :]
                r_ij[j][i] = r_ij[i][j]
                r_ij_n = LA.norm(r_ij, axis=2)

        #with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        r_ij_n[np.diag_indices_from(r_ij_n)] = 1e-5  # div by 0
        crossC = abs(crossC)
        normdistfluct = np.divide(np.sqrt(crossC), r_ij_n)
        LOGGER.report('NDF calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_ndf')
        normdistfluct[np.diag_indices_from(normdistfluct)] = 0  # div by 0
        return normdistfluct
Example #13
    def buildMechStiff(self, coords, n_modes=None, kbt=1.):

        """Calculate stiffness matrix calculated using :class:`.ANM` instance. 
        Method described in [EB08]_. 
        .. [EB08] Eyal E., Bahar I. Toward a Molecular Understanding of 
            the Anisotropic Response of Proteins to External Forces:
            Insights from Elastic Network Models. *Biophys J* **2008** 94:3424-34355. 
        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`.
        :arg n_modes: number of non-zero eigenvalues/vectors to calculate.
            If ``None`` is given, all modes will be calculated (3x number of atoms).
        :type n_modes: int or ``None``, default is 20.
        Author: Mustafa Tekpinar & Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska & Cihan Kaya

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')
        n_atoms = natoms = self._n_atoms
        n_modes = 3 * n_atoms

        self.calcModes(n_modes=None, zeros=True)
        eigvecs = (np.transpose(self._array)).flatten()
        eigvals = np.transpose(self._eigvals)
        natoms = n_atoms

        sm = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), np.double)
        from .smtools import calcSM
        LOGGER.info('Calculating stiffness matrix.')

        calcSM(coords, sm, eigvecs, eigvals,
                natoms, n_modes, float(kbt))

        LOGGER.report('Stiffness matrix calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_sm')

        self._stiffness = sm
        LOGGER.info('The range of effective force constant is: {0} to {1}.'
                                   .format(np.min(sm[np.nonzero(sm)]), np.amax(sm)))
Example #14
File: gnm.py Project: sixpi/ProDy
    def getNormDistFluct(self, coords):
        """Normalized distance fluctuation
        model = self.getModel()
        LOGGER.info('Number of chains: {0}, chains: {1}.'
                     .format(len(list(set(coords.getChids()))), \

            #coords = coords.select('protein and name CA')
            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                                'with `getCoords` method')
        if not isinstance(model, NMA):
            LOGGER.info('Calculating new model')
            model = GNM('prot analysis')
        linalg = importLA()
        n_atoms = model.numAtoms()
        n_modes = model.numModes()
        from .analysis import calcCrossCorr
        from numpy import linalg as LA
        # <dRi, dRi>, <dRj, dRj> = 1
        crossC = 2-2*calcCrossCorr(model)
        r_ij = np.zeros((n_atoms,n_atoms,3))

        for i in range(n_atoms):
           for j in range(i+1,n_atoms):
               r_ij[i][j] = coords[j,:] - coords[i,:]
               r_ij[j][i] = r_ij[i][j]
               r_ij_n = LA.norm(r_ij, axis=2)

        #with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        r_ij_n[np.diag_indices_from(r_ij_n)] = 1e-5  # div by 0
        normdistfluct = np.divide(np.sqrt(crossC),r_ij_n)
        LOGGER.report('NDF calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_ndf')
        normdistfluct[np.diag_indices_from(normdistfluct)] = 0  # div by 0
        return normdistfluct
Example #15
    def addCoordset(self, coords, label=None):
        """Add a coordinate set.  *coords* argument may be an object with
        :meth:`getCoordsets` method."""

        if self._coords is None:
            return self.setCoords(coords)

        n_atoms = self._n_atoms
        atoms = coords
            coords = (atoms._getCoordsets()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets') else
        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates of {0} are not set'

            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms, dtype=None)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an '
                            'object with `getCoords` method')

        if coords.ndim == 2:
            coords = coords.reshape((1, n_atoms, 3))

        diff = coords.shape[0]
        self._coords = np.concatenate((self._coords, coords), axis=0)
        self._n_csets = self._coords.shape[0]
        timestamps = self._timestamps
        self._timestamps = np.zeros(self._n_csets)
        self._timestamps[:len(timestamps)] = timestamps
        self._timestamps[len(timestamps):] = time()
        self._kdtrees.extend([None] * diff)
        if label is None or isinstance(label, str):
            self._cslabels.extend([label] * diff)
        elif isinstance(label, (list, tuple)):
            if len(label) == diff:
                self._cslabels.extend([str(lbl) for lbl in label])
                LOGGER.warn('Number of labels does not match number '
                            'of coordinate sets.')
            LOGGER.warn('Wrong type for `label` argument.')
Example #16
    def addCoordset(self, coords):
        """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble.  *coords* must be a Numpy
        array with suitable data type, shape and dimensionality, or an object
        with :meth:`getCoordsets` method."""

        n_atoms = self._n_atoms
            if self._coords is not None:
                if hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords._getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoords'):
                    coords = coords._getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)
                if hasattr(coords, 'getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords.getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoords'):
                    coords = coords.getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)

        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates are not set')

            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

        if not n_atoms:
            self._n_atoms = n_atoms = coords.shape[-2]

        if coords.ndim == 2:
            coords = coords.reshape((1, n_atoms, 3))
            n_confs = 1
            n_confs = coords.shape[0]

        if self._confs is None:
            self._confs = coords
            self._confs = concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0)
        self._n_csets += n_confs
Example #17
    def addCoordset(self, coords):
        """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble.  *coords* must be a Numpy
        array with suitable data type, shape and dimensionality, or an object
        with :meth:`getCoordsets` method."""

        n_atoms = self._n_atoms
            if self._coords is not None:
                if hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords._getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoords'):
                    coords = coords._getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)
                if hasattr(coords, 'getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords.getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoords'):
                    coords = coords.getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)

        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates are not set')

            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

        if not n_atoms:
            self._n_atoms = n_atoms = coords.shape[-2]

        if coords.ndim == 2:
            coords = coords.reshape((1, n_atoms, 3))
            n_confs = 1
            n_confs = coords.shape[0]

        if self._confs is None:
            self._confs = coords
            self._confs = concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0)
        self._n_csets += n_confs
Example #18
def calcDistanceMatrix(coords, cutoff=None):
    """Calculate matrix of distances between coordinates within *cutoff*.
    Other matrix entries are set to maximum of calculated distances.

    :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with :meth:`getCoords` method.
    :type coords: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :class:`.Atomic`

    :arg cutoff: cutoff distance for searching the KDTree.
        Default (**None**) is to use the length of the longest coordinate axis.
    :type cutoff: None, float
        coords = (coords._getCoords()
                  if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

    n_atoms = coords.shape[0]
    dist_mat = zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms))

    if cutoff is None:
        cutoff = max(coords.max(axis=0) - coords.min(axis=0))

    kdtree = KDTree(coords)

    dists = kdtree.getDistances()

    r = 0
    for i, j in kdtree.getIndices():
        dist_mat[i, j] = dist_mat[j, i] = dists[r]
        r += 1

    for i in range(n_atoms):
        for j in range(i + 1, n_atoms):
            if dist_mat[i, j] == 0.:
                dist_mat[i, j] = dist_mat[j, i] = max(dists)

    return dist_mat
Example #19
    def buildHessian(self, coords, blocks, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float"""

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        natoms = coords.shape[0]
        if (natoms,) != blocks.shape:
            raise ValueError('blocks.shape must be (natoms,)')

        nblocks = len(set(blocks))
        nb6 = nblocks * 6

        coords = coords.T.copy()

        self._hessian = hessian = np.zeros((nb6, nb6), float)
        self._project = project = np.zeros((natoms * 3, nb6), float)

        from rtbtools import buildhessian
        buildhessian(coords, blocks, hessian, project,
                     natoms, nblocks, float(cutoff), float(gamma))

        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_rtb')
Example #20
    def buildHessian(self, coords, blocks, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float"""

            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        natoms = coords.shape[0]
        if (natoms, ) != blocks.shape:
            raise ValueError('blocks.shape must be (natoms,)')

        nblocks = len(set(blocks))
        nb6 = nblocks * 6

        coords = coords.T.copy()

        self._hessian = hessian = np.zeros((nb6, nb6), float)
        self._project = project = np.zeros((natoms * 3, nb6), float)

        from rtbtools import buildhessian
        buildhessian(coords, blocks, hessian, project, natoms, nblocks,
                     float(cutoff), float(gamma))

        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_rtb')
Example #21
    def setCoords(self, coords):
        """Set *coords* as the trajectory reference coordinate set.  *coords*
        must be an object with :meth:`getCoords` method, or a Numpy array with
        suitable data type, shape, and dimensionality."""

        atoms = coords
            coords = atoms.getCoords()
        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates of {0:s} are not set'

            checkCoords(coords, natoms=self._n_atoms)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

        self._coords = coords
Example #22
    def setCoords(self, coords):
        """Set *coords* as the trajectory reference coordinate set.  *coords*
        must be an object with :meth:`getCoords` method, or a Numpy array with
        suitable data type, shape, and dimensionality."""

        atoms = coords
            coords = atoms.getCoords()
        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates of {0} are not set'.format(

            checkCoords(coords, natoms=self._n_atoms)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

        self._coords = coords
Example #23
File: exanm.py Project: sixpi/ProDy
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg membrane_hi: the maximum z coordinate of the pdb default is 13.0
        :type membrane_hi: float

        :arg membrane_lo: the minimum z coordinate of the pdb default is -13.0
        :type membrane_lo: float

        :arg R: radius of all membrane in x-y direction default is 80. 
        :type R: float

        :arg r: radius of individual barrel-type membrane protein default is 2.5.
        :arg lat: lattice type which could be FCC(face-centered-cubic)(default), 
        SC(simple cubic), SH(simple hexagonal)
        :type lat: str

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        if self._membrane is None:
            membrane_hi = float(kwargs.get('membrane_hi', 13.0))
            membrane_lo = float(kwargs.get('membrane_lo', -13.0))
            R = float(kwargs.get('R', 80))
            r = float(kwargs.get('r', 5))
            lat = str(kwargs.get('lat', 'FCC'))
            buildMembrane(self,coords,membrane_hi=membrane_hi, membrane_lo=membrane_lo,R=R,r=r,lat=lat)

        coords = np.concatenate((coords,self._membrane.getCoords()),axis=0)
        self._combined_coords = coords
        total_natoms = int(coords.shape[0])
        self._hessian = np.zeros((natoms*3, natoms*3), float)
        total_hessian = np.zeros((total_natoms*3, total_natoms*3), float)
        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
        for i in range(total_natoms):
            res_i3 = i*3
            res_i33 = res_i3+3
            i_p1 = i+1
            i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
            for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all ** 2).sum(1)):
                if dist2 > cutoff2:
                i2j = i2j_all[j]
                j += i_p1
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                res_j3 = j*3
                res_j33 = res_j3+3
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element

        ss = total_hessian[:natoms*3, :natoms*3]
        so = total_hessian[:natoms*3, natoms*3+1:]
        os = total_hessian[natoms*3+1:,:natoms*3]
        oo = total_hessian[natoms*3+1:, natoms*3+1:]
        self._hessian = ss - np.dot(so, np.dot(linalg.inv(oo), os))
        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_exanm')
        self._dof = self._hessian.shape[0]
Example #24
File: gnm.py Project: sixpi/ProDy
    def buildKirchhoff(self, coords, cutoff=10., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Kirchhoff matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`.Atomic`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions
            default is 10.0 Å, , minimum is 4.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg sparse: elect to use sparse matrices, default is **False**. If
            Scipy is not found, :class:`ImportError` is raised.
        :type sparse: bool

        :arg kdtree: elect to use KDTree for building Kirchhoff matrix faster,
            default is **True**
        :type kdtree: bool

        Instances of :class:`Gamma` classes and custom functions are
        accepted as *gamma* argument.

        When Scipy is available, user can select to use sparse matrices for
        efficient usage of memory at the cost of computation speed."""

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        self._cutoff = cutoff
        self._gamma = g

        n_atoms = coords.shape[0]
        start = time.time()
        if kwargs.get('sparse', False):
                from scipy import sparse as scipy_sparse
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError('failed to import scipy.sparse, which  is '
                                  'required for sparse matrix calculations')
            kirchhoff = scipy_sparse.lil_matrix((n_atoms, n_atoms))
            kirchhoff = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), 'd')

        if kwargs.get('kdtree', True):
            kdtree = KDTree(coords)
            dist2 = kdtree.getDistances() ** 2
            r = 0
            for i, j in kdtree.getIndices():
                g = gamma(dist2[r], i, j)
                kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
                kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
                kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] + g
                kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] + g
                r += 1
            LOGGER.info('Using slower method for building the Kirchhoff.')
            cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
            mul = np.multiply
            for i in range(n_atoms):
                xyz_i = coords[i, :]
                i_p1 = i+1
                i2j = coords[i_p1:, :] - xyz_i
                mul(i2j, i2j, i2j)
                for j, dist2 in enumerate(i2j.sum(1)):
                    if dist2 > cutoff2:
                    j += i_p1
                    g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                    kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
                    kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
                    kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] + g
                    kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] + g

        LOGGER.debug('Kirchhoff was built in {0:.2f}s.'
        self._kirchhoff = kirchhoff
        self._n_atoms = n_atoms
        self._dof = n_atoms
Example #25
    def addCoordset(self, coords, weights=None, label=None):
        """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble.  *coords* must be a Numpy
        array with suitable shape and dimensionality, or an object with
        :meth:`getCoordsets` method.  *weights* is an optional argument.
        If provided, its length must match number of atoms.  Weights of
        missing (not resolved) atoms must be ``0`` and weights of those
        that are resolved can be anything greater than ``0``.  If not
        provided, weights of all atoms for this coordinate set will be
        set equal to ``1``. *label*, which may be a PDB identifier or a
        list of identifiers, is used to label conformations."""

        atoms = coords
            if self._coords is not None and hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'):
                coords = coords._getCoordsets()
                coords = coords.getCoordsets()

        except AttributeError:
            label = label or 'Unknown'

            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates are not set')
            elif label is None and isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
                ag = atoms
                if not isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
                    ag = atoms.getAtomGroup()
                label = ag.getTitle()
                if coords.shape[0] < ag.numCoordsets():
                    label += 'm' + str(atoms.getACSIndex())
                label = label or str(coords)
            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=self._n_atoms)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or must have '
                            '`getCoords` attribute')

        if coords.ndim == 2:
            coords = coords.reshape((1, self._n_atoms, 3))

        n_csets, n_atoms, _ = coords.shape
        if not self._n_atoms:
            self._n_atoms = n_atoms

        if weights is None:
            weights = np.ones((n_csets, n_atoms, 1), dtype=float)
            weights = checkWeights(weights, n_atoms, n_csets)

        if n_csets > 1:
            if isinstance(label, str):
                    .format(label, i+1) for i in range(n_csets))
                if len(label) != n_csets:
                    raise ValueError('length of label and number of '
                                     'coordinate sets must be the same')

        if self._confs is None and self._weights is None:
            self._confs = coords
            self._weights = weights
            self._n_csets = n_csets
        elif self._confs is not None and self._weights is not None:
            self._confs = np.concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0)
            self._weights = np.concatenate((self._weights, weights), axis=0)
            self._n_csets += n_csets
            raise RuntimeError('_confs and _weights must be set or None at '
                               'the same time')
Example #26
    def buildMembrane(self, coords, **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg membrane_hi: the maximum z coordinate of the pdb default is 13.0
        :type membrane_hi: float

        :arg membrane_lo: the minimum z coordinate of the pdb default is -13.0
        :type membrane_lo: float

        :arg R: radius of all membrane in x-y direction default is 80. 
        :type R: float

        :arg r: radius of individual barrel-type membrane protein default is 2.5.
        :arg lat: lattice type which could be FCC(face-centered-cubic)(default), 
        SC(simple cubic), SH(simple hexagonal)
        :type lat: str
        if type(coords) is AtomGroup:
            buildAg = True
            buildAg = False

            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        pxlo = min(np.append(coords[:, 0], 10000))
        pxhi = max(np.append(coords[:, 0], -10000))
        pylo = min(np.append(coords[:, 1], 10000))
        pyhi = max(np.append(coords[:, 1], -10000))
        pzlo = min(np.append(coords[:, 2], 10000))
        pzhi = max(np.append(coords[:, 2], -10000))

        membrane_hi = float(kwargs.get('membrane_hi', 13.0))
        membrane_lo = float(kwargs.get('membrane_lo', -13.0))
        R = float(kwargs.get('R', 80))
        r = float(kwargs.get('r', 5))
        lat = str(kwargs.get('lat', 'FCC'))
        lpv = assign_lpvs(lat)

        imax = (R + lpv[0, 2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo) / 2.) / r
        jmax = (R + lpv[1, 2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo) / 2.) / r
        kmax = (R + lpv[2, 2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo) / 2.) / r

        #print pxlo, pxhi, pylo, pyhi, pzlo, pzhi
        #print lpv[0,2],lpv[1,2],lpv[2,2]
        #print R,r,imax,jmax,kmax
        membrane = zeros((1, 3))

        membrane = zeros((1, 3))
        atm = 0
        for i in range(-int(imax), int(imax + 1)):
            for j in range(-int(jmax), int(jmax + 1)):
                for k in range(-int(kmax), int(kmax + 1)):
                    X = zeros((1, 3))
                    for p in range(3):
                        X[0, p] = 2. * r * (i * lpv[0, p] + j * lpv[1, p] +
                                            k * lpv[2, p])
                    dd = 0
                    for p in range(3):
                        dd += X[0, p]**2
                    if dd < R**2 and X[0,
                                       2] > membrane_lo and X[0,
                                                              2] < membrane_hi:
                        if X[0, 0] > pxlo - R / 2 and X[
                                0, 0] < pxhi + R / 2 and X[
                                    0, 1] > pylo - R / 2 and X[
                                        0, 1] < pyhi + R / 2 and X[
                                            0, 2] > pzlo and X[0, 2] < pzhi:
                            if checkClash(X, coords[:natoms, :], radius=5):
                                if atm == 0:
                                    membrane = X
                                    membrane = np.append(membrane, X, axis=0)
                                atm = atm + 1
        #print atm

        self._membrane = AtomGroup(title="Membrane")
        self._membrane.setResnames(["NE1" for i in range(atm)])
        self._membrane.setChids(["Q" for i in range(atm)])
        self._membrane.setElements(["Q1" for i in range(atm)])
        self._membrane.setNames(["Q1" for i in range(atm)])
        LOGGER.report('Membrane was built in %2.fs.', label='_membrane')
Example #27
    def testCoords(self):

Example #28
    def buildMembrane(self, coords, **kwargs):
        """Build membrane lattice around **coords**.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg membrane_high: the maximum z coordinate of the membrane. Default is **13.0**
        :type membrane_high: float

        :arg membrane_low: the minimum z coordinate of the membrane. Default is **-13.0**
        :type membrane_low: float

        :arg R: radius of all membrane in x-y direction. Default is **80**
        :type R: float

        :arg Ri: inner radius of the membrane in x-y direction if it needs to be hollow. 
                 Default is **0**, which is not hollow
        :type Ri: float

        :arg r: radius of each membrane node. Default is **3.1**
        :type r: float
        :arg lat: lattice type which could be **FCC** (face-centered-cubic, default), 
                  **SC** (simple cubic), **SH** (simple hexagonal)
        :type lat: str

        :arg exr: exclusive radius of each protein node. Default is **5.0**
        :type exr: float

        :arg hull: whether use convex hull to determine the protein's interior. 
                   Turn it off if protein is multimer. Default is **True**
        :type hull: bool

        :arg center: whether transform the structure to the origin (only x- and y-axis). 
                     Default is **True**
        :type center: bool

        atoms = coords

            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = int(coords.shape[0])


        depth = kwargs.pop('depth', None)
        h = depth / 2 if depth is not None else None

        h = kwargs.pop('h', h)
        if h is not None:
            h = float(h)
            hu = h
            hl = -h
            hu = kwargs.pop('membrane_high', 13.0)
            hu = kwargs.pop('high', hu)
            hu = float(hu)

            hl = kwargs.pop('membrane_low', -13.0)
            hl = kwargs.pop('low', hl)
            hl = float(hl)

        R = float(kwargs.pop('R', 80.))
        Ri = float(kwargs.pop('Ri', 0.))
        r = float(kwargs.pop('r', 3.1))
        lat = str(kwargs.pop('lat', 'FCC'))
        exr = float(kwargs.pop('exr', 5.))
        use_hull = kwargs.pop('hull', True)
        centering = kwargs.pop('center', True)

        V = assign_lpvs(lat)

        if centering:
            c0 = coords.mean(axis=0)
            c0[-1] = 0.
            coords -= c0
        # determine transmembrane part
        torf = np.logical_and(coords[:, -1] < hu, coords[:, -1] > hl)
        transmembrane = coords[torf, :]

        if not np.any(torf):
            raise ValueError(
                'No region was identified as membrane. Please use a structure from opm/ppm.'

        if use_hull:
            from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
            hull = ConvexHull(transmembrane)
            hull = transmembrane

        ## determine the bound for ijk
        imax = (R + V[0, 2] * (hu - hl) / 2.) / r
        jmax = (R + V[1, 2] * (hu - hl) / 2.) / r
        kmax = (R + V[2, 2] * (hu - hl) / 2.) / r

        imax = int(ceil(imax))
        jmax = int(ceil(jmax))
        kmax = int(ceil(kmax))

        membrane = []
        atm = 0
        for i in range(-imax, imax):
            for j in range(-jmax, jmax):
                for k in range(-kmax, kmax):
                    c = array([i, j, k])
                    xyz = 2. * r * dot(c, V)

                    if xyz[2]>hl and xyz[2]<hu and \
                       xyz[0]>-R and xyz[0]<R and \
                       xyz[1]>-R and xyz[1]<R:
                        dd = norm(xyz[:2])
                        if dd < R and dd > Ri:
                            if checkClash(xyz, hull, radius=exr):
                                atm = atm + 1

        membrane = array(membrane)

        if len(membrane) == 0:
            self._membrane = None
                'no membrane is built. The protein should be transformed to the correct origin as in OPM'
            return coords
            self._membrane = AtomGroup(title="Membrane")
            self._membrane.setResnames(["NE1" for i in range(atm)])
            self._membrane.setChids(["Q" for i in range(atm)])
            self._membrane.setElements(["Q1" for i in range(atm)])
            self._membrane.setNames(["Q1" for i in range(atm)])
            LOGGER.report('Membrane was built in %2.fs.', label='_membrane')

            coords = self._combineMembraneProtein(atoms)
            return coords
Example #29
    def addCoordset(self, coords, **kwargs):
        """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble.  
        :arg coords: must be a :class:`~numpy.ndarray` with suitable data type, 
                     shape and dimensionality, or an object with :meth:`getCoordsets` method. 
        :kwarg data: associated data to be added along with *coords*.
        :type data: dict   

        n_atoms = self._n_atoms
        n_select = self.numSelected()

        adddata = kwargs.pop('data', {})

            if self._coords is not None:
                if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                    coords = coords._getCoordsets(selected=False)
                elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords._getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoords'):
                    coords = coords._getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)
                if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                    coords = coords.getCoordsets(selected=False)
                elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoordsets'):
                    coords = coords.getCoordsets()
                elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoords'):
                    coords = coords.getCoords()
                    coords = array(coords)

        except AttributeError:
            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates are not set')

            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms)
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_select)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        # update coordinates
        if coords.ndim == 2:
            n_nodes, _ = coords.shape
            coords = coords.reshape((1, n_nodes, 3))
            n_confs = 1
            n_confs, n_nodes, _ = coords.shape

        if not n_atoms:
            self._n_atoms = n_atoms = n_nodes

        if n_nodes == n_select and self.isSelected():
            full_coords = repeat(self._coords[newaxis, :, :], n_confs, axis=0)
            full_coords[:, self._indices, :] = coords
            coords = full_coords

        if self._confs is None:
            self._confs = coords
            self._confs = concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0)

        # appending new data
        if self._data is None:
            self._data = {}
        all_keys = set(list(self._data.keys()) + list(adddata.keys()))

        for key in all_keys:
            if key in self._data:
                data = self._data[key]
                if key not in adddata:
                    shape = [n_confs]
                    for s in data.shape[1:]:
                    newdata = zeros(shape, dtype=data.dtype)
                    newdata = asarray(adddata[key])
                    if newdata.shape[0] != n_confs:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'the length of data["%s"] does not match that of coords'
                            % key)
                newdata = asarray(adddata[key])
                shape = [self._n_csets]
                for s in newdata.shape[1:]:
                data = zeros(shape, dtype=newdata.dtype)
            self._data[key] = concatenate((data, newdata), axis=0)

        # update the number of coordinate sets
        self._n_csets += n_confs
Example #30
    def addCoordset(self, coords, weights=None, label=None, **kwargs):
        """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble.  *coords* must be a Numpy
        array with suitable shape and dimensionality, or an object with
        :meth:`getCoordsets`. *weights* is an optional argument.
        If provided, its length must match number of atoms.  Weights of
        missing (not resolved) atoms must be ``0`` and weights of those
        that are resolved can be anything greater than ``0``.  If not
        provided, weights of all atoms for this coordinate set will be
        set equal to ``1``. *label*, which may be a PDB identifier or a
        list of identifiers, is used to label conformations."""

        degeneracy = kwargs.pop('degeneracy', False)
        adddata = kwargs.pop('data', None)

        atoms = coords
        n_atoms = self._n_atoms
        n_select = self.numSelected()
        n_confs = self.numCoordsets()

            if degeneracy:
                if self._coords is not None:
                    if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                        coords = coords._getCoords(selected=False)
                    elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoords'):
                        coords = coords._getCoords()
                    if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                        coords = coords.getCoords(selected=False)
                    elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoords'):
                        coords = coords.getCoords()
                if self._coords is not None:
                    if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                        coords = coords._getCoordsets(selected=False)
                    elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'):
                        coords = coords._getCoordsets()
                    if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                        coords = coords.getCoordsets(selected=False)
                    elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoordsets'):
                        coords = coords.getCoordsets()

        except AttributeError:
            label = label or 'Unknown'

            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates are not set')
            elif label is None and isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
                if not isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
                    ag = atoms.getAtomGroup()
                    ag = atoms
                label = ag.getTitle()
                if coords.shape[0] < ag.numCoordsets():
                    label += '_m' + str(atoms.getACSIndex())
                label = label or 'Unknown'

        # check coordinates
            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms)
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_select)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        if coords.ndim == 2:
            n_nodes, _ = coords.shape
            coords = coords.reshape((1, n_nodes, 3))
            n_csets = 1
            n_csets, n_nodes, _ = coords.shape
            if degeneracy:
                coords = coords[:1]

        n_repeats = 1 if degeneracy else n_csets

        if not n_atoms:
            self._n_atoms = n_nodes
            n_atoms = self._n_atoms

        if n_nodes == n_select and self.isSelected():
            full_coords = np.repeat(self._coords[np.newaxis, :, :],
            full_coords[:, self._indices, :] = coords
            coords = full_coords

        # check weights
        if weights is None:
            weights = np.ones((n_csets, n_atoms, 1), dtype=float)
            weights = checkWeights(weights, n_atoms, n_csets)

        if degeneracy:
            weights = weights[:1]

        # check sequences
        seqs = None
        sequence = kwargs.pop('sequence', None)
        if hasattr(atoms, 'getSequence'):
            if sequence is not None:
                    'sequence is supplied though coords has getSequence')
            sequence = atoms.getSequence()
            seqs = [sequence for _ in range(n_repeats)]
            if sequence is None:
                    sequence = self._atoms.getSequence()
                except AttributeError:
                    if self._msa:
                        sequence = ''.join('X' for _ in range(n_atoms))
                    # sequence and seqs remains to be None if MSA has not been created
            if isinstance(sequence, Sequence):
                seqs = [str(sequence)]
            elif isinstance(sequence, MSA):
                seqs = [str(seq) for seq in sequence]
            elif np.isscalar(sequence):
                seqs = [sequence for _ in range(n_repeats)]

        if seqs:
            if len(seqs) != n_repeats:
                raise ValueError(
                    'the number of sequences should be either one or '
                    'that of coordsets')

        # assign new values
        # update labels
        if n_csets > 1 and not degeneracy:
            if isinstance(label, str):
                labels = [
                    '{0}_m{1}'.format(label, i + 1) for i in range(n_csets)
                if len(label) != n_csets:
                    raise ValueError('length of label and number of '
                                     'coordinate sets must be the same')
                labels = label
            labels = [label] if np.isscalar(label) else label


        # update sequences
        if seqs:
            msa = MSA(seqs, title=self.getTitle(), labels=labels)
            if self._msa is None:
                if n_confs > 0:
                    def_seqs = np.chararray((n_confs, n_atoms))
                    def_seqs[:] = 'X'

                    old_labels = [self._labels[i] for i in range(n_confs)]
                    self._msa = MSA(def_seqs,
                    self._msa = msa

        # update coordinates
        if self._confs is None and self._weights is None:
            self._confs = coords
            self._weights = weights

        elif self._confs is not None and self._weights is not None:
            self._confs = np.concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0)
            self._weights = np.concatenate((self._weights, weights), axis=0)
            raise RuntimeError('_confs and _weights must be set or None at '
                               'the same time')

        # appending new data
        if self._data is not None and adddata is not None:
            if self._data is None:
                self._data = {}
            if adddata is None:
                adddata = {}
            all_keys = set(list(self._data.keys()) + list(adddata.keys()))

            for key in all_keys:
                if key in self._data:
                    data = self._data[key]
                    if key not in adddata:
                        shape = [n_repeats]
                        for s in data.shape[1:]:
                        newdata = np.zeros(shape, dtype=data.dtype)
                        newdata = np.asarray(adddata[key])
                        if newdata.shape[0] != n_repeats:
                            raise ValueError(
                                'the length of data["%s"] does not match that of coords'
                                % key)
                    newdata = np.asarray(adddata[key])
                    shape = [self._n_csets]
                    for s in newdata.shape[1:]:
                    data = np.zeros(shape, dtype=newdata.dtype)
                self._data[key] = np.concatenate((data, newdata), axis=0)

        # update the number of coordinate sets
        self._n_csets += n_repeats
Example #31
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg membrane_hi: the maximum z coordinate of the pdb default is 13.0
        :type membrane_hi: float

        :arg membrane_lo: the minimum z coordinate of the pdb default is -13.0
        :type membrane_lo: float

        :arg R: radius of all membrane in x-y direction default is 80. 
        :type R: float

        :arg r: radius of individual barrel-type membrane protein default is 2.5.
        :arg lat: lattice type which could be FCC(face-centered-cubic)(default), 
        SC(simple cubic), SH(simple hexagonal)
        :type lat: str

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        pxlo = min(np.append(coords[:,0],10000))
        pxhi = max(np.append(coords[:,0],-10000))
        pylo = min(np.append(coords[:,1],10000))
        pyhi = max(np.append(coords[:,1],-10000))
        pzlo = min(np.append(coords[:,2],10000))
        pzhi = max(np.append(coords[:,2],-10000))

        membrane_hi = float(kwargs.get('membrane_hi', 13.0))
        membrane_lo = float(kwargs.get('membrane_lo', -13.0))
        R = float(kwargs.get('R', 80))
        r = float(kwargs.get('r', 2.5))
        lat = str(kwargs.get('lat', 'FCC'))
        lpv = assign_lpvs(lat)

        imax = (R + lpv[0,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r
        jmax = (R + lpv[1,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r
        kmax = (R + lpv[2,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r

        self._membrane = membrane = zeros((1,3))

        atm = 0
        for i in range(-int(imax),int(imax+1)):
            for j in range(-int(jmax),int(jmax+1)):
                for k in range(-int(kmax),int(kmax+1)):
                    X = zeros((1,3))
                    for p in range(3):
                    for p in range(3):
                        dd += X[0,p] ** 2
                    if dd<R**2 and X[0,2]>membrane_lo and X[0,2]<membrane_hi:
                        if X[0,0]>pxlo and X[0,0]<pxhi and X[0,1]>pylo and X[0,1]<pyhi and X[0,2]>pzlo and X[0,2]<pzhi:
                            if checkClash(X, coords[:natoms,:], radius=5):
                                if atm ==0:
                                    membrane = X
                                    membrane = np.append(membrane, X, axis=0)        
                                atm = atm + 1
                                coords = np.append(coords, X, axis=0)
        self._membrane = membrane 
        LOGGER.report('Membrane was built in %2.fs.', label='_membrane')
        total_natoms = int(coords.shape[0])
        self._hessian = np.zeros((natoms*3, natoms*3), float)
        total_hessian = np.zeros((total_natoms*3, total_natoms*3), float)
        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
        for i in range(total_natoms):
            res_i3 = i*3
            res_i33 = res_i3+3
            i_p1 = i+1
            i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
            for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all ** 2).sum(1)):
                if dist2 > cutoff2:
                i2j = i2j_all[j]
                j += i_p1
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                res_j3 = j*3
                res_j33 = res_j3+3
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element

        ss = total_hessian[:natoms*3, :natoms*3]
        so = total_hessian[:natoms*3, natoms*3+1:]
        os = total_hessian[natoms*3+1:,:natoms*3]
        oo = total_hessian[natoms*3+1:, natoms*3+1:]
        self._hessian = ss - np.dot(so, np.dot(linalg.inv(oo), os))
        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_exanm')
	self._dof = self._hessian.shape[0]
Example #32
def writeVMDstiffness(stiffness, pdb, indices, k_range, filename='vmd_out', \
                      select='protein and name CA', loadToVMD=False):
    Returns three files starting with the provided filename and having 
    their own extensions:

    (1) A PDB file that can be used in the TCL script. 

    (2) TCL file containing vmd commands for loading PDB file with accurate 	
    vmd representation. Pair of residues with selected *k_range* of 
    effective spring constant are shown in VMD respresentation with 
    solid line between them. If more than one residue is selected in 
    *indices*, different pair for each residue will be colored in the 
    different colors.

    (3) TXT file containing pair of residues with effective spring constant 
    in selected range *k_range*.    

    .. note::

       #. This function skips modes with zero eigenvalues.
       #. If a :class:`.Vector` instance is given, it will be normalized
          before it is written. It's length before normalization will be
          written as the scaling factor of the vector.

    :arg stiffness: mechanical stiffness profile calculated with 
    :type stiffness: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`

    :arg pdb: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
    :type pdb: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :class:`.Atomic` 

    :arg indices: an amino acid number or a pair of amino acid numbers
    :type indices: list

    :arg k_range: effective force constant value or range of values
    :type k_range: int, float, list
    :arg select: a selection or selection string
        default is 'protein and name CA'
    :type select: :class:`.Select`, str

    :arg loadToVMD: whether to load VMD and run the tcl file
        default is False
    :type loadToVMD: bool 

    if not isinstance(filename, str):
        raise TypeError('filename should be a string')

        _, coords_sel = sliceAtoms(pdb, select)
        resnum_list = coords_sel.getResnums()
        coords = (coords_sel._getCoords() if hasattr(coords_sel, '_getCoords')
                  else coords_sel.getCoords())
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('pdb must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

    if len(indices) == 0:
        raise ValueError('indices cannot be an empty array')

    if len(indices) == 1:
        indices0 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
        indices1 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
    elif len(indices) == 2:
        indices0 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
        indices1 = indices[1] - resnum_list[0]

    out = openFile(addext(filename, '.tcl'), 'w')
    out_txt = openFile(addext(filename, '.txt'), 'w')
    writePDB(filename + '.pdb', pdb)

    LOGGER.info('Creating VMD file.')

    out.write('display rendermode GLSL \n')
    out.write('display projection orthographic\n')
    out.write('color Display Background white\n')
    out.write('display shadows on\n')
    out.write('display depthcue off\n')
    out.write('axes location off\n')
    out.write('stage location off\n')
    out.write('light 0 on\n')
    out.write('light 1 on\n')
    out.write('light 2 off\n')
    out.write('light 3 on\n')
    out.write('mol addrep 0\n')
    out.write('display resetview\n')
    out.write('mol new {./' + str(filename) +
              '.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1\n')
    out.write('mol modselect 0 0 protein\n')
    out.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n')
    out.write('mol modcolor 0 0 Structure\n')
    out.write('mol color Structure\n')
    out.write('mol representation NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n')
    out.write('mol selection protein\n')
    out.write('mol material Opaque\n')

    colors = ['blue', 'red', 'gray', 'orange','yellow', 'tan','silver', 'green', \
    'white', 'pink', 'cyan', 'purple', 'lime', 'mauve', 'ochre', 'iceblue', 'black', \
    'yellow2','yellow3','green2','green3','cyan2','cyan3','blue2','blue3','violet', \

    color_nr = 1  # starting from red color in VMD
    ResCounter = []
    for r in range(indices0, indices1 + 1):
        baza_col = []  # Value of Kij is here for each residue
        nr_baza_col = []  # Resid of aa are here
        out.write("draw color " + str(colors[color_nr]) + "\n")

        for nr_i, i in enumerate(stiffness[r]):
            if k_range[0] < float(i) < k_range[1]:
                nr_baza_col.append(nr_i + resnum_list[0])
                resid_r = str(
                    coords_sel.getResnames()[r]) + str(r + resnum_list[0])
                resid_r2 = str(
                    coords_sel.getResnames()[nr_i]) + str(nr_i +

                if len(
                ) == 0:  # if base is empty then it will not change the color
                    color_nr = 0
                    out.write("draw line "+'{'+str(coords[r])[1:-1]+'} {'+\
                       str(coords[nr_i])[1:-1]+'} width 3 style solid \n')
                    out_txt.write(resid_r + '\t' + resid_r2 + '\t' + str(i) +


        if len(baza_col) != 0:
            out.write('mol addrep 0\n')
            out.write('mol modselect '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 protein and name CA and resid '+ \
                       str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n')
            out.write('mol modcolor ' + str(color_nr + 1) + ' 0 ColorID ' +
                      str(color_nr) + '\n')
            out.write('mol modstyle ' + str(color_nr + 1) +
                      ' 0 VDW 0.600000 12.000000\n')
            out.write('mol color ColorID ' + str(color_nr) + '\n')
            out.write('mol representation VDW 1.000000 12.000000 \n')
            out.write('mol selection protein and name CA and resid '+ \
            str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n')

            out.write('mol material Opaque \n')
            color_nr = color_nr + 1

    out.write('mol addrep 0\n')

    if loadToVMD:
        from prody import pathVMD
        LOGGER.info('File will be loaded to VMD program.')
        os.system(pathVMD() + " -e " + str(filename) + ".tcl")

    if len(ResCounter) > 0:
        return out
    elif len(ResCounter) == 0:
        LOGGER.info('There is no residue pair in this Kij range.')
        return 'None'
Example #33
    def write(self, coords, unitcell=None, **kwargs):
        """Write *coords* to a file open in 'a' or 'w' mode.  *coords* may be
        a NUmpy array or a ProDy object that stores or points to coordinate
        data.  Note that all coordinate sets of ProDy object will be written.
        Number of atoms will be determined from the file or based on the size
        of the first coordinate set written.  If *unitcell* is provided for
        the first coordinate set, it will be expected for the following
        coordinate sets as well.  If *coords* is an :class:`~.Atomic` or
        :class:`~.Ensemble` all coordinate sets will be written.

        Following keywords are used when writing the first coordinate set:

        :arg timestep: timestep used for integration, default is 1
        :arg firsttimestep: number of the first timestep, default is 0
        :arg framefreq: number of timesteps between frames, default is 1"""

        if self._closed:
            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
        if self._mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('File not open for writing')

            coords = coords._getCoordsets()
        except AttributeError:
                coords = coords._getCoords()
            except AttributeError:
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, dtype=None)
                if unitcell is None:
                        coords = coords.getUnitcell()
                    except AttributeError:

        if coords.dtype != float32:
            coords = coords.astype(float32)
        n_atoms = coords.shape[-2]
        if self._n_atoms == 0:
            self._n_atoms = n_atoms
        elif self._n_atoms != n_atoms:
            raise ValueError('coords does not have correct number of atoms')
        if coords.ndim == 2:
            coords = [coords]

        dcd = self._file
        pack_i_4N = pack('i', self._n_atoms * 4)
        if self._n_csets == 0:
            if unitcell is None:
                self._unitcell = False
                self._unitcell = True
            timestep = float(kwargs.get('timestep', 1.0))
            first_ts = int(kwargs.get('firsttimestep', 0))
            framefreq = int(kwargs.get('framefreq', 1))
            n_fixed = 0

            pack_i_0 = pack(b'i', 0)
            pack_ix4_0x4 = pack(b'i' * 4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            pack_i_1 = pack(b'i', 1)
            pack_i_2 = pack(b'i', 2)
            pack_i_4 = pack(b'i', 4)
            pack_i_84 = pack(b'i', 84)
            pack_i_164 = pack(b'i', 164)

            dcd.write(pack_i_0)  # 0 Number of frames in file, none written yet
            dcd.write(pack(b'i', first_ts))  # 1 Starting timestep
            dcd.write(pack(b'i', framefreq))  # 2 Timesteps between frames
            dcd.write(pack_i_0)  # 3 Number of timesteps in simulation
            dcd.write(pack_i_0)  # 4 NAMD writes NSTEP or ISTART - NSAVC here?
            dcd.write(pack_ix4_0x4)  # 5, 6, 7, 8
            dcd.write(pack('f', timestep))  # 9 timestep
            dcd.write(pack('i', int(self._unitcell)))  # 10 with unitcell
            dcd.write(pack_ix4_0x4)  # 11, 12, 13, 14
            dcd.write(pack_ix4_0x4)  # 15, 16, 17, 18
            dcd.write(pack('i', 24))  # 19 Pretend to be CHARMM version 24
            dcd.write(b'Created by ProDy'.ljust(80))
            temp = now().strftime('%d %B, %Y at %H:%M')
                temp = bytes(temp, encoding='utf-8')
            except TypeError:
            dcd.write((b'REMARKS Created ' + temp).ljust(80))

            dcd.write(pack(b'i', n_atoms))
            self._first_byte = dcd.tell()
        if self._unitcell:
            if unitcell is None:
                raise TypeError('unitcell data is expected')
                uc = unitcell
                uc[3:] = np.sin((PISQUARE / 90) * (90 - uc[3:]))
                uc = uc[[0, 3, 1, 4, 5, 2]]
                pack_i_48 = pack('i', 48)
        dcd.seek(0, 2)
        for xyz in coords:
            if self._unitcell:
            xyz = xyz.T
            self._n_csets += 1
            dcd.seek(8, 0)
            dcd.write(pack('i', self._n_csets))
            dcd.seek(0, 2)
        self._nfi = self._n_csets
Example #34
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set. 
        **kwargs** are passed to :method:`.buildMembrane`.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        atoms = coords

            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        if self._membrane is None:
            coords = self.buildMembrane(atoms, **kwargs)
            coords = self._combined.getCoords()


        total_natoms = int(coords.shape[0])
        self._hessian = np.zeros((natoms * 3, natoms * 3), float)
        total_hessian = np.zeros((total_natoms * 3, total_natoms * 3), float)
        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
        for i in range(total_natoms):
            res_i3 = i * 3
            res_i33 = res_i3 + 3
            i_p1 = i + 1
            i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
            for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all**2).sum(1)):
                if dist2 > cutoff2:
                i2j = i2j_all[j]
                j += i_p1
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                res_j3 = j * 3
                res_j33 = res_j3 + 3
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (-g / dist2)
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = total_hessian[
                    res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = total_hessian[
                    res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element

        ss = total_hessian[:natoms * 3, :natoms * 3]
        so = total_hessian[:natoms * 3, natoms * 3:]
        os = total_hessian[natoms * 3:, :natoms * 3]
        oo = total_hessian[natoms * 3:, natoms * 3:]
        self._hessian = ss - np.dot(so, np.dot(inv(oo), os))
        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_exanm')
        self._dof = self._hessian.shape[0]
Example #35
def calcPairDeformationDist(model, coords, ind1, ind2, kbt=1.):
    """Returns distribution of the deformations in the distance contributed by each mode 
    for selected pair of residues *ind1* *ind2* using *model* from a :class:`.ANM`.
    Method described in [EB08]_ equation (10) and figure (2).     
    .. [EB08] Eyal E., Bahar I. Toward a Molecular Understanding of 
        the Anisotropic Response of Proteins to External Forces:
        Insights from Elastic Network Models. *Biophys J* **2008** 94:3424-34355. 
    :arg model: this is an 3-dimensional :class:`NMA` instance from a :class:`.ANM`
    :type model: :class:`.ANM`  

    :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with :meth:`getCoords` method.
        Recommended: ``coords = parsePDB('pdbfile').select('protein and name CA')``.
    :type coords: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`.

    :arg ind1: first residue number.
    :type ind1: int 
    :arg ind2: secound residue number.
    :type ind2: int 

        resnum_list = coords.getResnums()
        resnam_list = coords.getResnames()
        coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')
    if not isinstance(model, NMA):
        raise TypeError('model must be a NMA instance')
    elif not model.is3d():
        raise TypeError('model must be a 3-dimensional NMA instance')
    elif len(model) == 0:
        raise ValueError('model must have normal modes calculated')
    linalg = importLA()
    n_atoms = model.numAtoms()
    n_modes = model.numModes()

    r_ij = np.zeros((n_atoms,n_atoms,3))
    r_ij_norm = np.zeros((n_atoms,n_atoms,3))

    for i in range(n_atoms):
        for j in range(i+1,n_atoms):
            r_ij[i][j] = coords[j,:] - coords[i,:]
            r_ij[j][i] = r_ij[i][j]
            r_ij_norm[i][j] = r_ij[i][j]/linalg.norm(r_ij[i][j])
            r_ij_norm[j][i] = r_ij_norm[i][j]

    eigvecs = model.getEigvecs()
    eigvals = model.getEigvals()
    D_pair_k = []
    mode_nr = []
    ind1 = ind1 - resnum_list[0]
    ind2 = ind2 - resnum_list[0]

    for m in range(6,n_modes):
        U_ij_k = [(eigvecs[ind1*3][m] - eigvecs[ind2*3][m]), (eigvecs[ind1*3+1][m] \
            - eigvecs[ind2*3+1][m]), (eigvecs[ind1*3+2][m] - eigvecs[ind2*3+2][m])] 
        D_ij_k = abs(sqrt(kbt/eigvals[m])*(np.vdot(r_ij_norm[ind1][ind2], U_ij_k)))  

    LOGGER.report('Deformation was calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_pairdef')
    return mode_nr, D_pair_k
Example #36
    def addCoordset(self, coords, weights=None, label=None, **kwargs):
        """Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble.  *coords* must be a Numpy
        array with suitable shape and dimensionality, or an object with
        :meth:`getCoordsets`. *weights* is an optional argument.
        If provided, its length must match number of atoms.  Weights of
        missing (not resolved) atoms must be ``0`` and weights of those
        that are resolved can be anything greater than ``0``.  If not
        provided, weights of all atoms for this coordinate set will be
        set equal to ``1``. *label*, which may be a PDB identifier or a
        list of identifiers, is used to label conformations."""

        degeneracy = kwargs.pop('degeneracy', False)

        atoms = coords
        n_atoms = self._n_atoms
        n_select = self.numSelected()
        n_confs = self.numCoordsets()

            if degeneracy:
                if self._coords is not None:
                    if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                        coords = coords._getCoords(selected=False)
                    elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoords'):
                        coords = coords._getCoords()
                    if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                        coords = coords.getCoords(selected=False)
                    elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoords'):
                        coords = coords.getCoords()
                if self._coords is not None:
                    if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                        coords = coords._getCoordsets(selected=False)
                    elif hasattr(coords, '_getCoordsets'):
                        coords = coords._getCoordsets()
                    if isinstance(coords, Ensemble):
                        coords = coords.getCoordsets(selected=False)
                    elif hasattr(coords, 'getCoordsets'):
                        coords = coords.getCoordsets()

        except AttributeError:
            label = label or 'Unknown'

            if coords is None:
                raise ValueError('coordinates are not set')
            elif label is None and isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
                if not isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
                    ag = atoms.getAtomGroup()
                    ag = atoms
                label = ag.getTitle()
                if coords.shape[0] < ag.numCoordsets():
                    label += '_m' + str(atoms.getACSIndex())
                label = label or 'Unknown'

        # check coordinates
            checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_atoms)
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, natoms=n_select)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        if coords.ndim == 2:
            n_nodes, _ = coords.shape
            coords = coords.reshape((1, n_nodes, 3))
            n_csets = 1
            n_csets, n_nodes, _ = coords.shape
            if degeneracy:
                coords = coords[:1]

        n_repeats = 1 if degeneracy else n_csets
        if not n_atoms:
            self._n_atoms = n_nodes

        if n_nodes == n_select and self.isSelected():
            full_coords = np.repeat(self._coords[np.newaxis, :, :], n_csets, axis=0)
            full_coords[:, self._indices, :] = coords
            coords = full_coords
        # check weights
        if weights is None:
            weights = np.ones((n_csets, n_atoms, 1), dtype=float)
            weights = checkWeights(weights, n_atoms, n_csets)

        if degeneracy:
            weights = weights[:1]

        # check sequences
        seqs = None
        sequence = kwargs.pop('sequence', None)
        if hasattr(atoms, 'getSequence'):
            if sequence is not None:
                LOGGER.warn('sequence is supplied though coords has getSequence')
            sequence = atoms.getSequence()
            seqs = [sequence for _ in range(n_repeats)]
            if sequence is None:
                    sequence = self.getAtoms().getSequence()
                except AttributeError:
                    if self._msa:
                        sequence = ''.join('X' for _ in range(n_atoms))
                    # sequence and seqs remains to be None if MSA has not been created
            if isinstance(sequence, Sequence):
                seqs = [str(sequence)]
            elif isinstance(sequence, MSA):
                seqs = [str(seq) for seq in sequence]
            elif np.isscalar(sequence):
                seqs = [sequence for _ in range(n_repeats)]
        if seqs:
            if len(seqs) != n_repeats:
                raise ValueError('the number of sequences should be either one or '
                                'that of coordsets')

        # assign new values
        # update labels
        if n_csets > 1 and not degeneracy:
            if isinstance(label, str):
                labels = ['{0}_m{1}'.format(label, i+1) for i in range(n_csets)]
                if len(label) != n_csets:
                    raise ValueError('length of label and number of '
                                        'coordinate sets must be the same')
                labels = label
            labels = [label] if np.isscalar(label) else label


        # update sequences
        if seqs:
            msa = MSA(seqs, title=self.getTitle(), labels=labels)
            if self._msa is None:
                if n_confs > 0:
                    def_seqs = np.chararray((n_confs, n_atoms))
                    def_seqs[:] = 'X'

                    old_labels = [self._labels[i] for i in range(n_confs)]
                    self._msa = MSA(def_seqs, title=self.getTitle(), labels=old_labels)
                    self._msa = msa

        # update coordinates
        if self._confs is None and self._weights is None:
            self._confs = coords
            self._weights = weights
            self._n_csets = n_repeats
        elif self._confs is not None and self._weights is not None:
            self._confs = np.concatenate((self._confs, coords), axis=0)
            self._weights = np.concatenate((self._weights, weights), axis=0)
            self._n_csets += n_repeats
            raise RuntimeError('_confs and _weights must be set or None at '
                               'the same time')
Example #37
    def testCoordset(self):

        self.assertTrue(checkCoords(COORDSET, csets=True))
Example #38
    def buildHessian(self, coords, blocks, cutoff=15.0, gamma=1.0, **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg blocks: a list or array of block identifiers
        :type blocks: list, :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg scale: scaling factor for force constant along Z-direction,
            default is 1.0
        :type scale: float

	:arg membrane_low: minimum z-coordinate at which membrane scaling
            is applied
            default is 1.0
	:type membrane_low: float

	:arg membrane_high: maximum z-coordinate at which membrane scaling
            is applied.  If membrane_high < membrane_low, scaling will be 
	    applied to the entire structure
            default is -1.0
         :type membrane_high: float

            coords = coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, "_getCoords") else coords.getCoords()
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError("coords must be a Numpy array or an object " "with `getCoords` method")

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])
        if natoms != len(blocks):
            raise ValueError("len(blocks) must match number of atoms")
        from collections import defaultdict

        i = Increment()
        d = defaultdict(i)
        blocks = np.array([d[b] for b in blocks], np.int64)

            from collections import Counter
        except ImportError:
            counter = defaultdict(int)
            for b in blocks:
                counter[b] += 1
            counter = Counter(blocks)

        nblocks = len(counter)
        maxsize = 1
        nones = 0
        while counter:
            _, size = counter.popitem()
            if size == 1:
                nones += 1
            if size > maxsize:
                maxsize = size
        LOGGER.info("System has {0} blocks largest with {1} of {2} units.".format(nblocks, maxsize, natoms))
        nb6 = nblocks * 6 - nones * 3

        coords = coords.T.copy()

        self._hessian = hessian = np.zeros((nb6, nb6), float)
        self._project = project = np.zeros((natoms * 3, nb6), float)

        from .rtbtools import buildhessian

            scale=float(kwargs.get("scale", 1.0)),
            memlo=float(kwargs.get("membrane_low", 1.0)),
            memhi=float(kwargs.get("membrane_high", 1.0)),

        self._dof = self._hessian.shape[0]
        LOGGER.report("Hessian was built in %.2fs.", label="_rtb")
Example #39
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg membrane_hi: the maximum z coordinate of the pdb default is 13.0
        :type membrane_hi: float

        :arg membrane_lo: the minimum z coordinate of the pdb default is -13.0
        :type membrane_lo: float

        :arg R: radius of all membrane in x-y direction default is 80. 
        :type R: float

        :arg r: radius of individual barrel-type membrane protein default is 2.5.
        :arg lat: lattice type which could be FCC(face-centered-cubic)(default), 
        SC(simple cubic), SH(simple hexagonal)
        :type lat: str

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        center = mean(coords, axis=0)
        coords = coords - center

        pxlo = min(np.append(coords[:,0],10000))
        pxhi = max(np.append(coords[:,0],-10000))
        pylo = min(np.append(coords[:,1],10000))
        pyhi = max(np.append(coords[:,1],-10000))
        pzlo = min(np.append(coords[:,2],10000))
        pzhi = max(np.append(coords[:,2],-10000))

        membrane_hi = float(kwargs.get('membrane_hi', 13.0))
        membrane_lo = float(kwargs.get('membrane_lo', -13.0))
        R = float(kwargs.get('R', 80))
        r = float(kwargs.get('r', 5))
        lat = str(kwargs.get('lat', 'FCC'))
        lpv = assign_lpvs(lat)

        imax = R/r
        jmax = R/r
        kmax = membrane_hi/r
        kmin = membrane_lo/r

        self._membrane = membrane = zeros((1,3))

        membrane = zeros((1,3))
        membrane1 = zeros((1,3))
        atm = 0
        a = 0
        b = 0
        scale = 3
        lim = range(-int(scale/2), int(scale/2)+1)
        for i in range(-int(imax),int(imax+1)):
            for j in range(-int(jmax),int(jmax+1)):
                for k in range(int(kmin),int(kmax+1)):
                    X = zeros((1,3))
                    for p in range(3):
                        dd += X[0,p] ** 2
                    if dd<R**2 and X[0,2]>membrane_lo and X[0,2]<membrane_hi:
                        if X[0,2]-6<membrane_lo or k==int(kmin):
                            if X[0,0]>pxlo and X[0,0]<pxhi and X[0,1]>pylo and X[0,1]<pyhi and X[0,2]>pzlo and X[0,2]<pzhi:
                                if checkClash(X, coords[:natoms,:], radius=5):
                                    if atm ==0:
                                        membrane = X
                                        membrane = np.append(membrane, X, axis=0)        
                                    atm = atm + 1
                                    coords = np.append(coords, X, axis=0)
                                if atm==0:
                                    membrane = X
                                    membrane = np.append(membrane, X, axis=0)
                                atm = atm + 1
                                coords = np.append(coords, X, axis=0)
                        elif X[0,2]+6>membrane_hi or k==int(kmax):
                            if X[0,0]>pxlo and X[0,0]<pxhi and X[0,1]>pylo and X[0,1]<pyhi and X[0,2]>pzlo and X[0,2]<pzhi:
                                if checkClash(X, coords[:natoms,:], radius=5):
                                    if atm ==0:
                                        membrane = X
                                        membrane = np.append(membrane, X, axis=0)        
                                    atm = atm + 1
                                    coords = np.append(coords, X, axis=0)
                                if atm==0:
                                    membrane = X
                                    membrane = np.append(membrane, X, axis=0)
                                atm = atm + 1
                                coords = np.append(coords, X, axis=0)
                            T1 = zeros((scale,3))
                            for l in range(scale):
                            if X[0,0]>pxlo and X[0,0]<pxhi and X[0,1]>pylo and X[0,1]<pyhi and X[0,2]>pzlo and X[0,2]<pzhi:
                                if checkClash(X, coords[:natoms,:], radius=5):
                                    if atm ==0:
                                        membrane1 = X
                                        membrane1 = np.append(membrane1, X, axis=0)        
                                    atm = atm + 1
                                    coords = np.append(coords, X, axis=0)
                                if atm==0:
                                    membrane1 = X
                                    membrane1 = np.append(membrane1, X, axis=0)
                                atm = atm + 1
                                coords = np.append(coords, X, axis=0)
                            for l in range(scale):
                                if T1[l,0]>pxlo and T1[l,0]<pxhi and T1[l,1]>pylo and T1[l,1]<pyhi and T1[l,2]>pzlo and T1[l,2]<pzhi:
                                    if checkClash(T1[l,:], coords[:natoms,:], radius=5):
                                        membrane1 = np.append(membrane1, T1[l,:].reshape(1,3), axis=0)        
                                        atm = atm + 1
                                        coords = np.append(coords, T1[l,:].reshape(1,3), axis=0)
                                    membrane1 = np.append(membrane1, T1[l,:].reshape(1,3), axis=0)
                                    atm = atm + 1
                                    coords = np.append(coords, T1[l,:].reshape(1,3), axis=0)

        # length = membrane.shape[0]
        # f = open(filename, 'w')
        # for i in range(length):
        #     f.write('ATOM%7d  Q1  NE1 Q%4d% 12.3f% 8.3f% 8.3f\n' % (i,i,membrane[i,0],membrane[i,1],membrane[i,2]))
        # f.close()     
        # length = membrane1.shape[0]
        # f = open(filename2, 'w')
        # for i in range(length):
        #     f.write('ATOM%7d  Q1  NE1 Q%4d% 12.3f% 8.3f% 8.3f\n' % (i,i,membrane1[i,0],membrane1[i,1],membrane1[i,2]))
        # f.close()                     

        self._membrane = membrane 
        LOGGER.report('Membrane was built in %2.fs.', label='_membrane')
        total_natoms = int(coords.shape[0])
        self._hessian = np.zeros((natoms*3, natoms*3), float)
        total_hessian = np.zeros((total_natoms*3, total_natoms*3), float)
        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
        for i in range(total_natoms):
            res_i3 = i*3
            res_i33 = res_i3+3
            i_p1 = i+1
            i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
            for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all ** 2).sum(1)):
                if dist2 > cutoff2:
                i2j = i2j_all[j]
                j += i_p1
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                res_j3 = j*3
                res_j33 = res_j3+3
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element

        ss = total_hessian[:natoms*3, :natoms*3]
        so = total_hessian[:natoms*3, natoms*3+1:]
        os = total_hessian[natoms*3+1:,:natoms*3]
        oo = total_hessian[natoms*3+1:, natoms*3+1:]
        self._hessian = ss - np.dot(so, np.dot(linalg.inv(oo), os))
        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_exanm')
        self._dof = self._hessian.shape[0]
Example #40
    def buildHessian(self, coords, B=1., cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg b: bond-bending constant, default is 1.0
        :type b: float

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :type scale: float


            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        self._hessian = hessian = np.zeros((3*natoms, 3*natoms), float)
        self._dof = 3*natoms - 6
        cutoffd = cutoff
        gammad = gamma
        #anm hessian calculation 
        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
        for i in range(natoms):
            res_i3 = i*3
            res_i33 = res_i3+3
            i_p1 = i+1
            i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
            for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all ** 2).sum(1)):
                if dist2 > cutoff2:
                i2j = i2j_all[j]
                j += i_p1
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                res_j3 = j*3
                res_j33 = res_j3+3
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = \
                    hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = \
                    hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element

        # hessian updates
        from .bbenmtools import buildhessian

        buildhessian(coords, hessian, natoms, 
                     float(cutoffd), float(gammad),)

        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_bbenm')
Example #41
    def testCoordset(self):

        self.assertTrue(checkCoords(COORDSET, csets=True))
Example #42
    def buildKirchhoff(self, coords, cutoff=10., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Kirchhoff matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`.Atomic`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions
            default is 10.0 Å, , minimum is 4.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg sparse: elect to use sparse matrices, default is **False**. If
            Scipy is not found, :class:`ImportError` is raised.
        :type sparse: bool

        :arg kdtree: elect to use KDTree for building Kirchhoff matrix faster,
            default is **True**
        :type kdtree: bool

        Instances of :class:`Gamma` classes and custom functions are
        accepted as *gamma* argument.

        When Scipy is available, user can select to use sparse matrices for
        efficient usage of memory at the cost of computation speed."""

            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        self._cutoff = cutoff
        self._gamma = g

        n_atoms = coords.shape[0]
        start = time.time()
        if kwargs.get('sparse', False):
                from scipy import sparse as scipy_sparse
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError('failed to import scipy.sparse, which  is '
                                  'required for sparse matrix calculations')
            kirchhoff = scipy_sparse.lil_matrix((n_atoms, n_atoms))
            kirchhoff = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), 'd')

        if kwargs.get('kdtree', True):
            kdtree = KDTree(coords)
            dist2 = kdtree.getDistances()**2
            r = 0
            for i, j in kdtree.getIndices():
                g = gamma(dist2[r], i, j)
                kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
                kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
                kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] + g
                kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] + g
                r += 1
            LOGGER.info('Using slower method for building the Kirchhoff.')
            cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
            mul = np.multiply
            for i in range(n_atoms):
                xyz_i = coords[i, :]
                i_p1 = i + 1
                i2j = coords[i_p1:, :] - xyz_i
                mul(i2j, i2j, i2j)
                for j, dist2 in enumerate(i2j.sum(1)):
                    if dist2 > cutoff2:
                    j += i_p1
                    g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                    kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
                    kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
                    kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] + g
                    kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] + g

        LOGGER.debug('Kirchhoff was built in {0:.2f}s.'.format(time.time() -
        self._kirchhoff = kirchhoff
        self._n_atoms = n_atoms
        self._dof = n_atoms
Example #43
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg membrane_hi: the maximum z coordinate of the pdb default is 13.0
        :type membrane_hi: float

        :arg membrane_lo: the minimum z coordinate of the pdb default is -13.0
        :type membrane_lo: float

        :arg R: radius of all membrane in x-y direction default is 80. 
        :type R: float

        :arg r: radius of individual barrel-type membrane protein default is 2.5.
        :arg lat: lattice type which could be FCC(face-centered-cubic)(default), 
        SC(simple cubic), SH(simple hexagonal)
        :type lat: str

            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        if self._membrane is None:
            membrane_hi = float(kwargs.get('membrane_hi', 13.0))
            membrane_lo = float(kwargs.get('membrane_lo', -13.0))
            R = float(kwargs.get('R', 80))
            r = float(kwargs.get('r', 5))
            lat = str(kwargs.get('lat', 'FCC'))

        coords = np.concatenate((coords, self._membrane.getCoords()), axis=0)
        self._combined_coords = coords
        total_natoms = int(coords.shape[0])
        self._hessian = np.zeros((natoms * 3, natoms * 3), float)
        total_hessian = np.zeros((total_natoms * 3, total_natoms * 3), float)
        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
        for i in range(total_natoms):
            res_i3 = i * 3
            res_i33 = res_i3 + 3
            i_p1 = i + 1
            i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
            for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all**2).sum(1)):
                if dist2 > cutoff2:
                i2j = i2j_all[j]
                j += i_p1
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                res_j3 = j * 3
                res_j33 = res_j3 + 3
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (-g / dist2)
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = total_hessian[
                    res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = total_hessian[
                    res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element

        ss = total_hessian[:natoms * 3, :natoms * 3]
        so = total_hessian[:natoms * 3, natoms * 3 + 1:]
        os = total_hessian[natoms * 3 + 1:, :natoms * 3]
        oo = total_hessian[natoms * 3 + 1:, natoms * 3 + 1:]
        self._hessian = ss - np.dot(so, np.dot(linalg.inv(oo), os))
        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_exanm')
        self._dof = self._hessian.shape[0]
Example #44
    def buildHessian(self, coords, blocks, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg blocks: a list or array of block identifiers
        :type blocks: list, :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg scale: scaling factor for force constant along Z-direction,
            default is 1.0
        :type scale: float


            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])
        if natoms != len(blocks):
            raise ValueError('len(blocks) must match number of atoms')
        from collections import defaultdict
        i = Increment()
        d = defaultdict(i)
        blocks = np.array([d[b] for b in blocks], np.int64)

            from collections import Counter
        except ImportError:
            counter = defaultdict(int)
            for b in blocks:
                counter[b] += 1
            counter = Counter(blocks)

        nblocks = len(counter)
        maxsize = 1
        nones = 0
        while counter:
            _, size = counter.popitem()
            if size == 1:
                nones += 1
            if size > maxsize:
                maxsize = size
            'System has {0} blocks largest with {1} of {2} units.'.format(
                nblocks, maxsize, natoms))
        nb6 = nblocks * 6 - nones * 3

        coords = coords.T.copy()

        self._hessian = hessian = np.zeros((nb6, nb6), float)
        self._project = project = np.zeros((natoms * 3, nb6), float)

        from .rtbtools import buildhessian
            scale=float(kwargs.get('scale', 1.0)),
            memlo=float(kwargs.get('membrane_low', 1.0)),
            memhi=float(kwargs.get('membrane_high', -1.0)),

        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_rtb')
Example #45
    def write(self, coords, unitcell=None, **kwargs):
        """Write *coords* to a file open in 'a' or 'w' mode.  *coords* may be
        a NUmpy array or a ProDy object that stores or points to coordinate 
        data.  Note that all coordinate sets of ProDy object will be written.
        Number of atoms will be determined from the file or based on the size
        of the first coordinate set written.  If *unitcell* is provided for 
        the first coordinate set, it will be expected for the following 
        coordinate sets as well.  If *coords* is an :class:`~.Atomic` or 
        :class:`~.Ensemble` all coordinate sets will be written.  

        Following keywords are used when writing the first coordinate set:        
        :arg timestep: timestep used for integration, default is 1
        :arg firsttimestep: number of the first timestep, default is 0
        :arg framefreq: number of timesteps between frames, default is 1"""
        if self._closed:
            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
        if self._mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('File not open for writing')
            coords = coords._getCoordsets()
        except AttributeError:
                coords = coords._getCoords()
            except AttributeError:
                checkCoords(coords, csets=True, dtype=None)
                if unitcell is None:
                        coords = coords.getUnitcell()
                    except AttributeError:
        if coords.dtype != float32:
            coords = coords.astype(float32)
        n_atoms = coords.shape[-2]
        if self._n_atoms == 0:
            self._n_atoms = n_atoms
        elif self._n_atoms != n_atoms:
            raise ValueError('coords does not have correct number of atoms')
        if coords.ndim == 2:
            coords = [coords]

        dcd = self._file
        pack_i_4N = pack('i', self._n_atoms * 4)
        if self._n_csets == 0:
            if unitcell is None:
                self._unitcell = False
                self._unitcell = True
            timestep = float(kwargs.get('timestep', 1.0))
            first_ts = int(kwargs.get('firsttimestep', 0))
            framefreq = int(kwargs.get('framefreq', 1))
            n_fixed = 0

            pack_i_0 = pack('i', 0)
            pack_ix4_0x4 = pack('i'*4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            pack_i_1 = pack('i', 1)
            pack_i_2 = pack('i', 2)
            pack_i_4 = pack('i', 4)
            pack_i_84 = pack('i', 84)
            pack_i_164 = pack('i', 164)

            dcd.write(pack_i_0) # 0 Number of frames in file, none written yet
            dcd.write(pack('i', first_ts)) # 1 Starting timestep
            dcd.write(pack('i', framefreq)) # 2 Timesteps between frames
            dcd.write(pack_i_0) # 3 Number of timesteps in simulation
            dcd.write(pack_i_0) # 4 NAMD writes NSTEP or ISTART - NSAVC here?
            dcd.write(pack_ix4_0x4) # 5, 6, 7, 8
            dcd.write(pack('f', timestep)) # 9 timestep
            dcd.write(pack('i', int(self._unitcell))) # 10 with unitcell
            dcd.write(pack_ix4_0x4) # 11, 12, 13, 14
            dcd.write(pack_ix4_0x4) # 15, 16, 17, 18
            dcd.write(pack('i', 24)) # 19 Pretend to be CHARMM version 24
            dcd.write('{0:80s}'.format('Created by ProDy'))
            dcd.write('{0:80s}'.format('REMARKS Created ' + 
                                       now().strftime('%d %B, %Y at %H:%M')))
            dcd.write(pack('i', n_atoms))
            self._first_byte = dcd.tell()
        if self._unitcell: 
            if unitcell is None:
                raise TypeError('unitcell data is expected')
                uc = unitcell
                uc[3:] = np.sin((PISQUARE/90) * (90-uc[3:]))
                uc = uc[[0,3,1,4,5,2]]
                pack_i_48 = pack('i', 48)
        dcd.seek(0, 2)
        for xyz in coords:
            if self._unitcell:
            xyz = xyz.T
            self._n_csets += 1
            dcd.seek(8, 0)
            dcd.write(pack('i', self._n_csets))
            dcd.seek(0, 2)
        self._nfi = self._n_csets
Example #46
def calcPairDeformationDist(model, coords, ind1, ind2, kbt=1.):
    """Returns distribution of the deformations in the distance contributed by each mode 
    for selected pair of residues *ind1* *ind2* using *model* from a :class:`.ANM`.
    Method described in [EB08]_ equation (10) and figure (2).     
    .. [EB08] Eyal E., Bahar I. Toward a Molecular Understanding of 
        the Anisotropic Response of Proteins to External Forces:
        Insights from Elastic Network Models. *Biophys J* **2008** 94:3424-34355. 
    :arg model: this is an 3-dimensional :class:`NMA` instance from a :class:`.ANM`
    :type model: :class:`.ANM`  

    :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with :meth:`getCoords` method.
        Recommended: ``coords = parsePDB('pdbfile').select('protein and name CA')``.
    :type coords: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`.

    :arg ind1: first residue number.
    :type ind1: int 
    :arg ind2: secound residue number.
    :type ind2: int 

        resnum_list = coords.getResnums()
        resnam_list = coords.getResnames()
        coords = (coords._getCoords()
                  if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

    if not isinstance(model, NMA):
        raise TypeError('model must be a NMA instance')
    elif not model.is3d():
        raise TypeError('model must be a 3-dimensional NMA instance')
    elif len(model) == 0:
        raise ValueError('model must have normal modes calculated')
    elif model.getStiffness() is None:
        raise ValueError('model must have stiffness matrix calculated')

    linalg = importLA()
    n_atoms = model.numAtoms()
    n_modes = model.numModes()

    r_ij = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms, 3))
    r_ij_norm = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms, 3))

    for i in range(n_atoms):
        for j in range(i + 1, n_atoms):
            r_ij[i][j] = coords[j, :] - coords[i, :]
            r_ij[j][i] = r_ij[i][j]
            r_ij_norm[i][j] = r_ij[i][j] / linalg.norm(r_ij[i][j])
            r_ij_norm[j][i] = r_ij_norm[i][j]

    eigvecs = model.getEigvecs()
    eigvals = model.getEigvals()

    D_pair_k = []
    mode_nr = []
    ind1 = ind1 - resnum_list[0]
    ind2 = ind2 - resnum_list[0]

    for m in range(6, n_modes):
        U_ij_k = [(eigvecs[ind1*3][m] - eigvecs[ind2*3][m]), (eigvecs[ind1*3+1][m] \
            - eigvecs[ind2*3+1][m]), (eigvecs[ind1*3+2][m] - eigvecs[ind2*3+2][m])]
        D_ij_k = abs(
            sqrt(kbt / eigvals[m]) * (np.vdot(r_ij_norm[ind1][ind2], U_ij_k)))

    LOGGER.report('Deformation was calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_pairdef')

    return mode_nr, D_pair_k
Example #47
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å, minimum is 4.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float, :class:`Gamma`

        :arg sparse: elect to use sparse matrices, default is **False**. If
            Scipy is not found, :class:`ImportError` is raised.
        :type sparse: bool

        :arg kdtree: elect to use KDTree for building Hessian matrix,
            default is **False** since KDTree method is slower
        :type kdtree: bool

        Instances of :class:`Gamma` classes and custom functions are
        accepted as *gamma* argument.

        When Scipy is available, user can select to use sparse matrices for
        efficient usage of memory at the cost of computation speed."""

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        self._cutoff = cutoff
        self._gamma = g
        n_atoms = coords.shape[0]

        dof = n_atoms * 3

        if kwargs.get('sparse', False):
                from scipy import sparse as scipy_sparse
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError('failed to import scipy.sparse, which  is '
                                  'required for sparse matrix calculations')
            kirchhoff = scipy_sparse.lil_matrix((n_atoms, n_atoms))
            hessian = scipy_sparse.lil_matrix((dof, dof))
            kirchhoff = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), 'd')
            hessian = np.zeros((dof, dof), float)

        if kwargs.get('kdtree', False):
            LOGGER.info('Using KDTree for building the Hessian.')
            kdtree = KDTree(coords)
            for i, j in kdtree.getIndices():
                i2j = coords[j] - coords[i]
                dist2 = np.dot(i2j, i2j)
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                res_i3 = i*3
                res_i33 = res_i3+3
                res_j3 = j*3
                res_j33 = res_j3+3
                hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = \
                    hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = \
                    hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element
                kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
                kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
                kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] - g
                kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] - g
            cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
            for i in range(n_atoms):
                res_i3 = i*3
                res_i33 = res_i3+3
                i_p1 = i+1
                i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
                for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all ** 2).sum(1)):
                    if dist2 > cutoff2:
                    i2j = i2j_all[j]
                    j += i_p1
                    g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                    res_j3 = j*3
                    res_j33 = res_j3+3
                    super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                    hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                    hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                    hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = \
                        hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                    hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = \
                        hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element
                    kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
                    kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
                    kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] - g
                    kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] - g
        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_anm_hessian')
        self._kirchhoff = kirchhoff
        self._hessian = hessian
        self._n_atoms = n_atoms
        self._dof = dof
Example #48
File: anm.py Project: hrch3n/cNMA
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å, minimum is 4.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float, :class:`Gamma`

        :arg sparse: elect to use sparse matrices, default is **False**. If
            Scipy is not found, :class:`ImportError` is raised.
        :type sparse: bool

        :arg kdtree: elect to use KDTree for building Hessian matrix,
            default is **False** since KDTree method is slower
        :type kdtree: bool

        Instances of :class:`Gamma` classes and custom functions are
        accepted as *gamma* argument.

        When Scipy is available, user can select to use sparse matrices for
        efficient usage of memory at the cost of computation speed."""

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        self._cutoff = cutoff
        self._gamma = g
        n_atoms = coords.shape[0]
        dof = n_atoms * 3

        if kwargs.get('sparse', False):
                from scipy import sparse as scipy_sparse
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError('failed to import scipy.sparse, which  is '
                                  'required for sparse matrix calculations')
            kirchhoff = scipy_sparse.lil_matrix((n_atoms, n_atoms))
            hessian = scipy_sparse.lil_matrix((dof, dof))
            kirchhoff = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), 'd')
            hessian = np.zeros((dof, dof), float)

        if kwargs.get('kdtree', False):
            LOGGER.info('Using KDTree for building the Hessian.')
            kdtree = KDTree(coords)
            for i, j in kdtree.getIndices():
                i2j = coords[j] - coords[i]
                dist2 = np.dot(i2j, i2j)
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                res_i3 = i*3
                res_i33 = res_i3+3
                res_j3 = j*3
                res_j33 = res_j3+3
                hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = \
                    hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = \
                    hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element
                kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
                kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
                kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] - g
                kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] - g
            cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
            for i in range(n_atoms):
                res_i3 = i*3
                res_i33 = res_i3+3
                i_p1 = i+1
                i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
                for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all ** 2).sum(1)):
                    if dist2 > cutoff2:
                    i2j = i2j_all[j]
                    j += i_p1
                    g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                    res_j3 = j*3
                    res_j33 = res_j3+3
                    super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                    hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                    hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                    hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = \
                        hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                    hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = \
                        hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element
                    kirchhoff[i, j] = -g
                    kirchhoff[j, i] = -g
                    kirchhoff[i, i] = kirchhoff[i, i] - g
                    kirchhoff[j, j] = kirchhoff[j, j] - g
        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_anm_hessian')
        self._kirchhoff = kirchhoff
        self._hessian = hessian
        self._n_atoms = n_atoms
        self._dof = dof
Example #49
File: anm.py Project: salotz/ProDy
    def buildSM(self, coords, n_modes=None, kbt=1., saveMap=False, saveMatrix=False, filename='sm'):

        """Calculate stiffness matrix calculated using :class:`.ANM` instance. 
        Method described in [EB08]_. 
        .. [EB08] Eyal E., Bahar I. Toward a Molecular Understanding of 
            the Anisotropic Response of Proteins to External Forces:
            Insights from Elastic Network Models. *Biophys J* **2008** 94:3424-34355. 
        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`.
        :arg n_modes: number of non-zero eigenvalues/vectors to calculate.
            If ``None`` is given, all modes will be calculated (3x number of atoms).
        :type n_modes: int or ``None``, default is 20.
        By default results are not saved to a *filename* file. To save data with 
        stiffness matrix map and mean value of effective force constant 
        for each residue use: ``saveMap=True`` and ``saveMatrix=True``. 

        Author: Mustafa Tekpinar & Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska & Cihan Kaya

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')
        n_atoms = natoms = self._n_atoms
        n_modes = 3 * n_atoms

        self.calcModes(n_modes=None, zeros=True)
        eigvecs = (np.transpose(self._array)).flatten()
        eigvals = np.transpose(self._eigvals)
        natoms = n_atoms

        sm = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms), np.double)
        from .smtools import calcSM
        LOGGER.info('Calculating stiffness matrix.')

        calcSM(coords, sm, eigvecs, eigvals,
                natoms, n_modes, float(kbt))

        LOGGER.report('Stiffness matrix calculated in %.2lfs.', label='_sm')

        self._stiffness = sm
        meanSiff = np.mean(sm, axis=0)
        LOGGER.info('The range of effective force constant is: {0} to {1}.'
                                           .format(np.min(sm[np.nonzero(sm)]), np.amax(sm)))
        if (saveMatrix == True):
            np.savetxt(filename+'.txt', sm, fmt='%.6f')
            out_mean = open(filename+'_mean.txt','w')	# mean value of Kij for each residue
            for nr_i, i in enumerate(meanSiff):
               out_mean.write("{} {}\n".format(nr_i, i))
        if (saveMap == True):
            import math
            import matplotlib
            import matplotlib.pylab as plt
            matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = '16'
            fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10,8), dpi=100, facecolor='w')
            plt.imshow(sm, origin='lower')
            plt.axis([0, n_atoms, n_atoms, 0])
            plt.xlabel('residue', fontsize = '18')
            plt.ylabel('residue', fontsize = '18')
            cbar = plt.colorbar()
            #cbar.set_label('N/m', rotation=90, fontsize = '18')
            plt.clim(math.floor(np.min(sm[np.nonzero(sm)])), round(np.amax(sm),1))
            plt.savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=100)
Example #50
    def buildHessian(self, coords, B=1., cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg b: bond-bending constant, default is 1.0
        :type b: float

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :type scale: float


            coords = (coords._getCoords()
                      if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else coords.getCoords())
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        self._hessian = hessian = np.zeros((3 * natoms, 3 * natoms), float)
        self._dof = 3 * natoms - 6

        # anm hessian calculation
        cutoff, gamma, gamma_func = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
        for i in range(natoms):
            res_i3 = i * 3
            res_i33 = res_i3 + 3
            i_p1 = i + 1
            i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
            for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all**2).sum(1)):
                if dist2 > cutoff2:
                i2j = i2j_all[j]
                j += i_p1
                g = gamma_func(dist2, i, j)
                res_j3 = j * 3
                res_j33 = res_j3 + 3
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (-g / dist2)
                hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = \
                    hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = \
                    hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element

        # hessian updates
        from .bbenmtools import buildhessian


        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_bbenm')
Example #51
File: exanm.py Project: sixpi/ProDy
    def buildMembrane(self, coords, **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg membrane_hi: the maximum z coordinate of the pdb default is 13.0
        :type membrane_hi: float

        :arg membrane_lo: the minimum z coordinate of the pdb default is -13.0
        :type membrane_lo: float

        :arg R: radius of all membrane in x-y direction default is 80. 
        :type R: float

        :arg r: radius of individual barrel-type membrane protein default is 2.5.
        :arg lat: lattice type which could be FCC(face-centered-cubic)(default), 
        SC(simple cubic), SH(simple hexagonal)
        :type lat: str
        if type(coords) is AtomGroup:
            buildAg = True
            buildAg = False
            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        pxlo = min(np.append(coords[:,0],10000))
        pxhi = max(np.append(coords[:,0],-10000))
        pylo = min(np.append(coords[:,1],10000))
        pyhi = max(np.append(coords[:,1],-10000))
        pzlo = min(np.append(coords[:,2],10000))
        pzhi = max(np.append(coords[:,2],-10000))

        membrane_hi = float(kwargs.get('membrane_hi', 13.0))
        membrane_lo = float(kwargs.get('membrane_lo', -13.0))
        R = float(kwargs.get('R', 80))
        r = float(kwargs.get('r', 5))
        lat = str(kwargs.get('lat', 'FCC'))
        lpv = assign_lpvs(lat)

        imax = (R + lpv[0,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r
        jmax = (R + lpv[1,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r
        kmax = (R + lpv[2,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r    

        #print pxlo, pxhi, pylo, pyhi, pzlo, pzhi
        #print lpv[0,2],lpv[1,2],lpv[2,2]
        #print R,r,imax,jmax,kmax
        membrane = zeros((1,3))

        membrane = zeros((1,3))
        atm = 0
        for i in range(-int(imax),int(imax+1)):
            for j in range(-int(jmax),int(jmax+1)):
                for k in range(-int(kmax),int(kmax+1)):
                    X = zeros((1,3))
                    for p in range(3):
                    for p in range(3):
                        dd += X[0,p] ** 2
                    if dd<R**2 and X[0,2]>membrane_lo and X[0,2]<membrane_hi:
                        if X[0,0]>pxlo-R/2 and X[0,0]<pxhi+R/2 and X[0,1]>pylo-R/2 and X[0,1]<pyhi+R/2 and X[0,2]>pzlo and X[0,2]<pzhi:
                            if checkClash(X, coords[:natoms,:], radius=5):
                                if atm == 0:
                                    membrane = X
                                    membrane = np.append(membrane, X, axis=0)
                                atm = atm + 1 
        #print atm             

        self._membrane = AtomGroup(title="Membrane")
        self._membrane.setResnames(["NE1" for i in range(atm)])
        self._membrane.setChids(["Q" for i in range(atm)])
        self._membrane.setElements(["Q1" for i in range(atm)])
        self._membrane.setNames(["Q1" for i in range(atm)])
        LOGGER.report('Membrane was built in %2.fs.', label='_membrane')
Example #52
File: exanm.py Project: Wyss/ProDy
    def buildHessian(self, coords, cutoff=15., gamma=1., **kwargs):
        """Build Hessian matrix for given coordinate set.

        :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
        :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions,
            default is 15.0 Å
        :type cutoff: float

        :arg gamma: spring constant, default is 1.0
        :type gamma: float

        :arg membrane_hi: the maximum z coordinate of the pdb default is 13.0
        :type membrane_hi: float

        :arg membrane_lo: the minimum z coordinate of the pdb default is -13.0
        :type membrane_lo: float

        :arg R: radius of all membrane in x-y direction default is 80. 
        :type R: float

        :arg r: radius of individual barrel-type membrane protein default is 2.5.
        :arg lat: lattice type which could be FCC(face-centered-cubic)(default), 
        SC(simple cubic), SH(simple hexagonal)
        :type lat: str

            coords = (coords._getCoords() if hasattr(coords, '_getCoords') else
        except AttributeError:
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coords must be a Numpy array or an object '
                                'with `getCoords` method')

        self._n_atoms = natoms = int(coords.shape[0])

        pxlo = min(np.append(coords[:,0],10000))
        pxhi = max(np.append(coords[:,0],-10000))
        pylo = min(np.append(coords[:,1],10000))
        pyhi = max(np.append(coords[:,1],-10000))
        pzlo = min(np.append(coords[:,2],10000))
        pzhi = max(np.append(coords[:,2],-10000))

        membrane_hi = float(kwargs.get('membrane_hi', 13.0))
        membrane_lo = float(kwargs.get('membrane_lo', -13.0))
        R = float(kwargs.get('R', 80))
        r = float(kwargs.get('r', 2.5))
        lat = str(kwargs.get('lat', 'FCC'))
        lpv = assign_lpvs(lat)

        imax = (R + lpv[0,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r
        jmax = (R + lpv[1,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r
        kmax = (R + lpv[2,2] * (membrane_hi - membrane_lo)/2.)/r

        self._membrane = membrane = zeros((1,3))

        atm = 0
        for i in range(-int(imax),int(imax+1)):
            for j in range(-int(jmax),int(jmax+1)):
                for k in range(-int(kmax),int(kmax+1)):
                    X = zeros((1,3))
                    for p in range(3):
                    for p in range(3):
                        dd += X[0,p] ** 2
                    if dd<R**2 and X[0,2]>membrane_lo and X[0,2]<membrane_hi:
                        if X[0,0]>pxlo and X[0,0]<pxhi and X[0,1]>pylo and X[0,1]<pyhi and X[0,2]>pzlo and X[0,2]<pzhi:
                            if checkClash(X, coords[:natoms,:], radius=5):
                                if atm ==0:
                                    membrane = X
                                    membrane = np.append(membrane, X, axis=0)        
                                atm = atm + 1
                                coords = np.append(coords, X, axis=0)
        self._membrane = membrane 
        LOGGER.report('Membrane was built in %2.fs.', label='_membrane')
        total_natoms = int(coords.shape[0])
        self._hessian = np.zeros((natoms*3, natoms*3), float)
        total_hessian = np.zeros((total_natoms*3, total_natoms*3), float)
        cutoff, g, gamma = checkENMParameters(cutoff, gamma)
        cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff
        for i in range(total_natoms):
            res_i3 = i*3
            res_i33 = res_i3+3
            i_p1 = i+1
            i2j_all = coords[i_p1:, :] - coords[i]
            for j, dist2 in enumerate((i2j_all ** 2).sum(1)):
                if dist2 > cutoff2:
                i2j = i2j_all[j]
                j += i_p1
                g = gamma(dist2, i, j)
                res_j3 = j*3
                res_j33 = res_j3+3
                super_element = np.outer(i2j, i2j) * (- g / dist2)
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_j3:res_j33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_i3:res_i33] = super_element
                total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] = total_hessian[res_i3:res_i33, res_i3:res_i33] - super_element
                total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] = total_hessian[res_j3:res_j33, res_j3:res_j33] - super_element

        ss = total_hessian[:natoms*3, :natoms*3]
        so = total_hessian[:natoms*3, natoms*3+1:]
        os = total_hessian[natoms*3+1:,:natoms*3]
        oo = total_hessian[natoms*3+1:, natoms*3+1:]
        self._hessian = ss - np.dot(so, np.dot(linalg.inv(oo), os))
        LOGGER.report('Hessian was built in %.2fs.', label='_exanm')
        self._dof = self._hessian.shape[0]
Example #53
def writeVMDstiffness(stiffness, pdb, indices, k_range, filename='vmd_out', \
                      select='protein and name CA', loadToVMD=False):
    Returns three files starting with the provided filename and having 
    their own extensions:

    (1) A PDB file that can be used in the TCL script. 

    (2) TCL file containing vmd commands for loading PDB file with accurate 	
    vmd representation. Pair of residues with selected *k_range* of 
    effective spring constant are shown in VMD respresentation with 
    solid line between them. If more than one residue is selected in 
    *indices*, different pair for each residue will be colored in the 
    different colors.

    (3) TXT file containing pair of residues with effective spring constant 
    in selected range *k_range*.    

    .. note::

       #. This function skips modes with zero eigenvalues.
       #. If a :class:`.Vector` instance is given, it will be normalized
          before it is written. It's length before normalization will be
          written as the scaling factor of the vector.

    :arg stiffness: mechanical stiffness profile calculated with 
    :type stiffness: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`

    :arg pdb: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
    :type pdb: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :class:`.Atomic` 

    :arg indices: an amino acid number or a pair of amino acid numbers
    :type indices: list

    :arg k_range: effective force constant value or range of values
    :type k_range: int, float, list
    :arg select: a selection or selection string
        default is 'protein and name CA'
    :type select: :class:`.Select`, str

    :arg loadToVMD: whether to load VMD and run the tcl file
        default is False
    :type loadToVMD: bool 

    if not isinstance(filename, str):
        raise TypeError('filename should be a string')

        _, coords_sel = sliceAtoms(pdb, select)
        resnum_list = coords_sel.getResnums()
        coords = (coords_sel._getCoords() if hasattr(coords_sel, '_getCoords') else
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('pdb must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')
    if len(indices) == 0:
        raise ValueError('indices cannot be an empty array')

    if len(indices) == 1:
        indices0 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
        indices1 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
    elif len(indices) == 2:
        indices0 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
        indices1 = indices[1] - resnum_list[0]

    out = openFile(addext(filename, '.tcl'), 'w')
    out_txt = openFile(addext(filename,'.txt'), 'w')
    writePDB(filename + '.pdb', pdb)

    LOGGER.info('Creating VMD file.')
    out.write('display rendermode GLSL \n')
    out.write('display projection orthographic\n')
    out.write('color Display Background white\n')
    out.write('display shadows on\n')
    out.write('display depthcue off\n')
    out.write('axes location off\n')
    out.write('stage location off\n')
    out.write('light 0 on\n')
    out.write('light 1 on\n')
    out.write('light 2 off\n')
    out.write('light 3 on\n')
    out.write('mol addrep 0\n')
    out.write('display resetview\n')
    out.write('mol new {./'+str(filename)+'.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1\n')
    out.write('mol modselect 0 0 protein\n')
    out.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n')
    out.write('mol modcolor 0 0 Structure\n')
    out.write('mol color Structure\n')
    out.write('mol representation NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n')
    out.write('mol selection protein\n')
    out.write('mol material Opaque\n')

    colors = ['blue', 'red', 'gray', 'orange','yellow', 'tan','silver', 'green', \
    'white', 'pink', 'cyan', 'purple', 'lime', 'mauve', 'ochre', 'iceblue', 'black', \
    'yellow2','yellow3','green2','green3','cyan2','cyan3','blue2','blue3','violet', \
    color_nr = 1 # starting from red color in VMD
    ResCounter = []
    for r in range(indices0, indices1 + 1):
        baza_col = [] # Value of Kij is here for each residue
        nr_baza_col = [] # Resid of aa are here
        out.write("draw color "+str(colors[color_nr])+"\n")
        for nr_i, i in enumerate(stiffness[r]):
            if k_range[0] < float(i) < k_range[1]:
                resid_r = str(coords_sel.getResnames()[r])+str(r+resnum_list[0])
                resid_r2 = str(coords_sel.getResnames()[nr_i])+str(nr_i+resnum_list[0])
                if len(baza_col) == 0: # if base is empty then it will not change the color
                    color_nr = 0
                    out.write("draw line "+'{'+str(coords[r])[1:-1]+'} {'+\
                       str(coords[nr_i])[1:-1]+'} width 3 style solid \n')
                    out_txt.write(resid_r + '\t' + resid_r2 + '\t' + str(i) + '\n')
            else: pass
        if len(baza_col) != 0:
            out.write('mol addrep 0\n')
            out.write('mol modselect '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 protein and name CA and resid '+ \
                       str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n')
            out.write('mol modcolor '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 ColorID '+str(color_nr)+'\n')
            out.write('mol modstyle '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 VDW 0.600000 12.000000\n')
            out.write('mol color ColorID '+str(color_nr)+'\n')
            out.write('mol representation VDW 1.000000 12.000000 \n')
            out.write('mol selection protein and name CA and resid '+ \
            str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n')
            out.write('mol material Opaque \n')
            color_nr = color_nr + 1
    out.write('mol addrep 0\n')

    if loadToVMD:
        from prody import pathVMD
        LOGGER.info('File will be loaded to VMD program.')
        os.system(pathVMD()+" -e "+str(filename)+".tcl")
    if len(ResCounter) > 0:
        return out
    elif len(ResCounter) == 0:
        LOGGER.info('There is no residue pair in this Kij range.')
        return 'None'   
Example #54
    def testCoords(self):
