def _cmd_paste(arg1=None, arg2=None): if not arg1: root = tk.Tk(baseName="") root.withdraw() result = root.clipboard_get() newline = prof.settings_boolean_get("paste", "newline", True) if len(result.splitlines()) > 1 and newline: prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + result) else: prof.send_line(result) return if arg1 == "newline": if not arg2: prof.cons_show("") newline = prof.settings_boolean_get("paste", "newline", True) if newline: prof.cons_show(" newline: on") else: prof.cons_show(" newline: off") elif arg2 == "on": prof.settings_boolean_set("paste", "newline", True) prof.cons_show(" newline enabled.") elif arg2 == "off": prof.settings_boolean_set("paste", "newline", False) prof.cons_show(" newline disabled.") else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/paste") return prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/paste")
def _cmd_system(arg1=None, arg2=None): if not arg1: create_win() prof.win_focus(system_win) elif arg1 == "send": if arg2 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/system") else: room = prof.get_current_muc() recipient = prof.get_current_recipient() if room == None and recipient == None: prof.cons_show( "You must be in a chat or muc window to send a system command" ) prof.cons_alert() else: result = _get_result(arg2) prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + result) elif arg1 == "exec": if arg2 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/system") else: create_win() prof.win_focus(system_win) _handle_win_input(system_win, arg2) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/system")
def _cmd_system(arg1=None, arg2=None): if not arg1: create_win() prof.win_focus(system_win) elif arg1 == "send": if arg2 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/system") else: room = prof.get_current_muc() recipient = prof.get_current_recipient() if room == None and recipient == None: prof.cons_show("You must be in a chat or muc window to send a system command") prof.cons_alert() else: result = _get_result(arg2) prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + result) elif arg1 == "exec": if arg2 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/system") else: create_win() prof.win_focus(system_win) _handle_win_input(system_win, arg2) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/system")
def _cmd_python(msg): if msg: prof.cons_show("python-test: /python command called, arg = " + msg) else: prof.cons_show("python-test: /python command called with no arg") prof.cons_alert() prof.notify("python-test: notify", 2000, "Plugins") prof.send_line("/vercheck") prof.cons_show("python-test: sent \"/vercheck\" command")
def _sendline(line): if not line: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") return prof.win_create(plugin_win, _handle_win_input) prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.send_line(line) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.send_line: " + line)
def _cmd_ascii(text): proc = subprocess.Popen(['figlet', '--', text], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ascii_out = proc.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8') recipient = prof.get_current_recipient() room = prof.get_current_muc() if recipient: prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + ascii_out) elif room: prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + ascii_out) elif prof.current_win_is_console(): prof.cons_show(u'\u000A' + ascii_out)
def _handle_send(command=None): if command == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/system") return room = prof.get_current_muc() recipient = prof.get_current_recipient() if room == None and recipient == None: prof.cons_show("You must be in a chat or muc window to send a system command") prof.cons_alert() return result = _get_result(command) newline = prof.settings_boolean_get("system", "newline", True) if len(result.splitlines()) > 1 and newline: prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + result) else: prof.send_line(result)
def _cmd_imgur(arg1): if arg1 == "screenshot": file_path = "/tmp/_prof_screenshot.png" if sys.platform == "darwin":"screencapture " + file_path, shell=True) else:"scrot " + file_path, shell=True) else: try: file_path = path.expanduser(arg1) except IOError as ioe: prof.cons_show('Could not find file at ' + file_path) return try: data = client.upload_from_path(file_path, config=None, anon=True) prof.send_line(data['link']) except ImgurClientError as e: prof.log_error('Could not upload to Imgur - ' + e.error_message) prof.log_error('Imgur status code - ' + e.status_code)
def _handle_send(command=None): if command == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/system") return room = prof.get_current_muc() recipient = prof.get_current_recipient() if room == None and recipient == None: prof.cons_show( "You must be in a chat or muc window to send a system command") prof.cons_alert() return result = _get_result(command) newline = prof.settings_boolean_get("system", "newline", True) if len(result.splitlines()) > 1 and newline: prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + result) else: prof.send_line(result)
def _cmd_ascii(text): recipient = prof.get_current_recipient() if recipient: proc = subprocess.Popen(['figlet', '--', text], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ascii_out = proc.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8') prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + ascii_out)
def _cmd_paste(): clipboard = gtk.Clipboard() result = clipboard.wait_for_text() prof.send_line(u'\u000A' + result)
def _parse_args(arg1=None, arg2=None, arg3=None): """ Parse arguments given in command window arg1: start || end arg2: muc || jid (optional) Starts or ends an encrypted chat session """ account = ProfOmemoUser().account fulljid = ProfOmemoUser().fulljid if arg1 == 'on': _set_omemo_enabled_setting(True) elif arg1 == 'off': _set_omemo_enabled_setting(False) elif arg1 == 'start': # ensure we are in a chat window current_recipient = prof.get_current_recipient() if not current_recipient and arg2 != current_recipient:'Opening Chat Window for {0}'.format(arg2)) prof.send_line('/msg {0}'.format(arg2)) recipient = arg2 or current_recipient if recipient:'Start OMEMO session with: {0}'.format(recipient)) _start_omemo_session(recipient) elif arg1 == 'end': # ensure we are in a chat window jid = arg2 or prof.get_current_muc() or prof.get_current_recipient()'Ending OMEMO session with: {0}'.format(jid)) if jid: _end_omemo_session(jid) elif arg1 == 'set': if arg2 == 'message_prefix': if arg3 is not None: _set_omemo_message_char(arg3) elif arg1 == 'account': prof.cons_show('Account: {0}'.format(account)) elif arg1 == 'status': enabled = _get_omemo_enabled_setting() prof.cons_show('OMEMO Plugin Enabled: {0}'.format(enabled)) elif arg1 == 'fulljid': prof.cons_show('Current JID: {0}'.format(fulljid)) elif arg1 == 'show_devices' and arg2 is not None: account = arg2 omemo_state = ProfOmemoState() prof.cons_show('Requesting Devices...') devices = omemo_state.device_list_for(account) prof.cons_show('Devices: {0}'.format(devices)) prof.cons_show('{0}: {1}'.format(account, ', '.join(devices))) elif arg1 == 'reset_devicelist' and arg2 is not None: contact_jid = arg2 if contact_jid != ProfOmemoUser.account: omemo_state = ProfOmemoState() omemo_state.set_devices(contact_jid, []) _query_device_list(contact_jid) elif arg1 == 'fingerprints': if arg2: contact_jid = query_jid = arg2 else: # The local account is identified as '-1' in the OMEMO database contact_jid = ProfOmemoUser.account query_jid = '-1' omemo_state = ProfOmemoState() fingerprints = omemo_state.getFingerprints(query_jid) prof.cons_show('Fingerprints for account: {0}'.format(contact_jid)) for record in fingerprints: _id, recipient_id, public_key, trust = record fpr = binascii.hexlify(public_key) fpr = human_hash(fpr[2:]) prof.cons_show(' {0}'.format(fpr)) else: prof.cons_show('Argument {0} not supported.'.format(arg1))
def prof_post_chat_message_display(barejid, resource, message): if bot_state: if barejid not in bot_session: bot_session[barejid] = bot.create_session() response = bot_session[barejid].think(message) prof.send_line("/msg " + barejid + " " + response)
def cmd_pythontest(arg1=None, arg2=None, arg3=None, arg4=None, arg5=None): if arg1 == "consalert": create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.cons_alert() prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.cons_alert") elif arg1 == "consshow": if arg2 != None: create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.cons_show(arg2) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.cons_show: " + arg2) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") elif arg1 == "consshow_t": if arg2 == None or arg3 == None or arg4 == None or arg5 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test"); else: group = None if arg2 == "none" else arg2 key = None if arg3 == "none" else arg3 dflt = None if arg4 == "none" else arg4 message = arg5 create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.cons_show_themed(group, key, dflt, message) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.cons_show_themed: " + arg2 + ", " + arg3 + ", " + arg4 + ", " + arg5) elif arg1 == "constest": res = prof.current_win_is_console() create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) if res: prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.current_win_is_console: true") else: prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.current_win_is_console: false") elif arg1 == "winshow": if arg2 != None: create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.win_show(plugin_win, arg2) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.win_show: " + arg2) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") elif arg1 == "winshow_t": if arg2 == None or arg3 == None or arg4 == None or arg5 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test"); else: group = None if arg2 == "none" else arg2 key = None if arg3 == "none" else arg3 dflt = None if arg4 == "none" else arg4 message = arg5 create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.win_show_themed(plugin_win, group, key, dflt, message) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof_win_show_themed: " + arg2 + ", " + arg3 + ", " + arg4 + ", " + arg5) elif arg1 == "sendline": if arg2 != None: create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.send_line(arg2) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.send_line: " + arg2) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") elif arg1 == "notify": if arg2 != None: create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.notify(arg2, 5000, "python-test plugin") prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.notify: " + arg2) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") elif arg1 == "get": if arg2 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") elif arg2 == "recipient": create_win() recipient = prof.get_current_recipient(); if recipient != None: prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.get_current_recipient: " + recipient) else: prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof_get_current_recipient: <none>") elif arg2 == "room": create_win() room = prof.get_current_muc() if room != None: prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof_get_current_muc: " + room) else: prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof_get_current_muc: <none>") else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") elif arg1 == "log": if arg2 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") elif arg2 == "debug": if arg3 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") else: create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.log_debug(arg3) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.log_debug: " + arg3) elif arg2 == "info": if arg3 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") else: create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.log_info(arg3) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.log_info: " + arg3) elif arg2 == "warning": if arg3 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") else: create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.log_warning(arg3) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.log_warning: " + arg3) elif arg2 == "error": if arg3 == None: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") else: create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.log_error(arg3) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "called -> prof.log_error: " + arg3) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test") elif arg1 == "count": create_win() prof.win_focus(plugin_win) prof.win_show(plugin_win, "Count: " + str(count)) else: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/python-test")