Example #1
def writeIpol(fname, ipolDict, params, runs=[], summary="", runsdir=""):
    PARAMNAMES = params[0]
    PARAMSLIST = params[1]

    import os, tempfile, zlib
    if fname == "temp":
        f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        f = open(fname, "w")

    import professor2 as prof
    f.write("Summary: %s\n" % summary)
    f.write("DataDir: %s\n" % os.path.abspath(runsdir))
    f.write("ProfVersion: %s\n" % prof.version())
    f.write("Date: %s\n" % prof.mk_timestamp())
        "DataFormat: binned 3\n"
    )  # This tells the reader how to treat the coefficients that follow
    # Format and write out parameter names
    pstring = "ParamNames:"
    for p in PARAMNAMES:
        pstring += " %s" % p
    f.write(pstring + "\n")
    # Dimension (consistency check)
    f.write("Dimension: %i\n" % len(PARAMNAMES))
    # Interpolation validity (hypercube edges)
    # TODO a lot of this is obsolete in the format 3
    minstring = "MinParamVals:"
    for v in prof.mk_minvals(PARAMSLIST):
        minstring += " %f" % v
    f.write(minstring + "\n")
    maxstring = "MaxParamVals:"
    for v in prof.mk_maxvals(PARAMSLIST):
        maxstring += " %f" % v
    f.write(maxstring + "\n")
    f.write("DoParamScaling: 1\n")
    # Number of inputs per bin
    f.write("NumInputs: %i\n" % len(PARAMSLIST))
    s_runs = "Runs:"
    for r in runs:
        s_runs += " %s" % r
    f.write("%s\n" % s_runs)

    ## Write out numerical data for all interpolations
    s = ""
    HNAMES = sorted(list(set([x[0] for x in ipolDict.keys()])))
    for hn in sorted(HNAMES):
        thisbins = sorted(filter(lambda x: x[0] == hn, ipolDict.keys()))
        for ipolstring in [ipolDict[x] for x in thisbins]:
            s += zlib.decompress(ipolstring)

    if not fname == "temp":
        print "\nOutput written to %s" % fname
        return f
Example #2
def mk_ipolbin(rawP, rawV, rawE, xmin, xmax, CFG):
    # TODO finally learn how to use kwargs
    order = CFG["ORDER"]
    errorder = CFG["ERR_ORDER"]
    errmode = CFG["ERR_MODE"]
    medfilt = CFG["MEDIAN_FILT"]

    if medfilt > 0:
        from numpy import median
        # TODO figure out what to do with x=0
        relErrs = [
            rawE[num] / x if x != 0 else 1 for num, x in enumerate(rawV)
        rem = medfilt * median(relErrs)
        P, V, E = [], [], []

        for num, x in enumerate(relErrs):
            if x < rem:
        if CFG["DEBUG"]:
            print "%i/%i survive median filter %f times %f" % (
                len(P), len(rawP), medfilt, median(relErrs))
        P = rawP
        V = rawV
        E = rawE
    import professor2 as prof
    pmin = prof.mk_minvals(P)
    pmax = prof.mk_maxvals(P)

    if order == "auto":
        valipol = mk_autoipol(P, V, CFG)
        valipol = Ipol(P, V, int(order))

    ## Check for NaN coeffs
    import math
    if any([math.isnan(x) for x in valipol.coeffs]):
        raise NanError("NaN coefficient encountered in value ipol")

    ## Build the error interpolation(s)
    if not errmode or errmode == "none":
        erripols = None
    ## Build the error interpolation(s)
    elif errmode == "mean":
        meanerr = sum(E) / float(
        )  #histos[run].bins[binnr].err for run in runs) / float(len(runs))
        erripols = Ipol(P, [meanerr], 0)  #< const 0th order interpolation
    elif errmode == "median":
        medianerr = E[len(E) // 2]
        erripols = Ipol(P, [medianerr], 0)  #< const 0th order interpolation
    elif errmode == "symm":
        if errorder == "auto":
            erripols = mk_autoipol(P, E, CFG)
            erripols = Ipol(P, E, int(errorder))
    elif errmode == "asymm":
        raise Exception("Error interpolation mode 'asymm' not yet supported")
        raise Exception("Unknown error interpolation mode '%s'" % errmode)

    if erripols is not None:
        if any([math.isnan(x) for x in erripols.coeffs]):
            raise NanError("NaN coefficient encountered in error ipol")

    return IpolBin(xmin, xmax, valipol, erripols), pmin, pmax