Example #1
def solvemask(notats, tats, color):
	# turn image object into list of pixels
	notats_data = list(notats.getdata())
	tats_data = list(tats.getdata())
	# convert to numpy float-mode
	notats_data = np.array(notats_data, dtype="float64") / 255
	tats_data = np.array(tats_data, dtype="float64") / 255
	color = np.array(color) / 255
	# for each pixel value, compare before & after to find what % of the specified color should be added
	# do this by trying all 0-255 possible alpha values
	# for each alpha value, do the alpha blending algorithm, get the resulting color, and compare against the "after" color
	# component-wise R G B difference, squared, averaged to get mean-square-error
	# select the alpha with the min MSE
	# pre-calculate the float versions of the alpha values
	alpha_list = np.arange(256, dtype="float64") / 255
	alpha_list = alpha_list.reshape((256,1))
	# this holds resulting alpha values
	alpha = np.zeros(tats_data.shape[0], dtype="uint8")
	# this is a temp buffer used to store the MSE
	blend_list = np.zeros(256, dtype="float64")
	mse = np.zeros(256, dtype="float64")
	for d, (before, after) in enumerate(zip(notats_data, tats_data)):
		progprint(d / tats_data.shape[0])
		# first check shortcuts
		if np.array_equal(before, after):
			alpha[d] = 0  # transparent
		if np.array_equal(before, color):
			alpha[d] = 255  # opaque
		# now do the hard way
		# calc resulting colors after multiplying with all possible alphas
		blend_list = alpha_blend_bulk(before, color, alpha_list)
		# now calculate the error
		mse = blend_list - after
		# then square
		mse = np.square(mse)
		# then mean
		mse = np.mean(mse, axis=1)
		# then find the lowest error
		bestfit = np.argmin(mse)
		alpha[d] = bestfit
		# print(before, after)
	print("done iterating")
	nonzero = np.count_nonzero(alpha)
	print("mask covers %f%%" % (100 * nonzero / alpha.size))
	opaque = np.count_nonzero(alpha == 255)
	print("mask opaque %f%%" % (100 * opaque / alpha.size))
	# # convert results from 1d array to 2d array
	# alpha = alpha.reshape(tats.size)
	return alpha
Example #2
def mkcurve(chan1, chan2):
    """Calculate channel curve by averaging target values."""
    sums = {}
    asdf = ravel(chan1)
    asdff = len(asdf)
    for z, (v1, v2) in enumerate(zip(asdf, ravel(chan2))):
        progprint(z / asdff)
        except KeyError:
            sums[v1] = [v2]
    c = array([(src, mean(vals)) for src, vals in sorted(sums.items())])
    nvals = interp(range(256), c[:, 0], c[:, 1], 0, 255)
    return dict(zip(range(256), nvals))
Example #3
def correct_bad(good, bad, read=False):
    """Match colors of the bad image to good image."""
    r, g, b = bad.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    r2, g2, b2 = good.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    corr = bad.copy()
    h, w = corr.shape[:2]
    if read:
        print("start r")
        rc = mkcurve(r, r2)
        print("start g")
        gc = mkcurve(g, g2)
        print("start b")
        bc = mkcurve(b, b2)
        with open('r.curve', 'wb') as rf:
            pickle.dump(rc, rf)
        with open('g.curve', 'wb') as gf:
            pickle.dump(gc, gf)
        with open('b.curve', 'wb') as bf:
            pickle.dump(bc, bf)
        with open('r.curve', 'rb') as rf:
            rc = pickle.load(rf)
        with open('g.curve', 'rb') as gf:
            gc = pickle.load(gf)
        with open('b.curve', 'rb') as bf:
            bc = pickle.load(bf)

    for row in range(h):
        progprint(row / h)
        for col in range(w):
            r, g, b = corr[row, col]
            corr[row, col] = [rc[r], gc[g], bc[b]]
    return corr