def save_mo_data(data_list, path, t, new_size): open_path = path + '/avg.hdf5' f = h5py.File(open_path, 'w') size = compute_new_size(new_size, focus) dset = f.create_dataset("avg_data", (len(data_list), size, size)) d = 'modifying ' + t + ' data' pt = progress_timer(description=d, n_iter=len(data_list)) for i in range(len(data_list)): dset[i, ...] = modify(data_list[i], total_grid_size, new_size) pt.update() f.close() pt.finish()
def save_data(data_list, path, t): open_path = path + '/ori.hdf5' f = h5py.File(open_path, 'w') dset = f.create_dataset("ori_data", (len(data_list), total_grid_size, total_grid_size)) d = 'saving ' + t + ' data' pt = progress_timer(description=d, n_iter=len(data_list)) for i in range(len(data_list)): dset[i, ...] = data_list[i] pt.update() f.close() pt.finish()
def gen(input, output, max_atm_length, num_exm): # define which character is an atom atoms = ['C', 'F', 'H', 'N', 'O', 'c', 'n', 'o'] # save atom number of the word at the same time dict = {'words': [], 'atm-num': []} # load in words path = input + '.txt' with open(path, 'rb') as f: for word in f: word = word.decode('utf-8').replace("\n", "") dict['words'].append(word) atm_num = 0 counter = Counter(word) for atom in atoms: atm_num += counter[atom] dict['atm-num'].append(atm_num) # find the maximum atom number max_atm_num = max(dict['atm-num']) # separate the words into several bins according to atom number bins = {} for i in range(max_atm_num): bins[i + 1] = [] for i in range(len(dict['words'])): bins[dict['atm-num'][i]].append(dict['words'][i]) # maximum word number of one atom size of word max_num = [] for i in range(max_atm_num): max_num.append(max_atm_length // (i + 1)) # begin to generate sentences sents = [] pt = progress_timer(description='generating examples', n_iter=num_exm) while len(sents) < num_exm: mole_num = [np.random.randint(max_num[i]) for i in range(len(max_num))] total_atm_num = 0 for j in range(max_atm_num): total_atm_num += (j + 1) * mole_num[j] if total_atm_num > max_atm_length: continue else: sent = [] for j in range(max_atm_num): for k in range(mole_num[j]): sent.append(random.sample(bins[j + 1], 1)[0]) random.shuffle(sent) str_sent = ' '.join(sent) sents.append(str_sent) pt.update() pt.finish() # save sentences text = '\n'.join(sents) path = output + '.txt' with open(path, 'ab+') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8'))
def nse(Re=1000, temam=False, bfs=False, level=1, velocity_degree=2, eps=0.0002, dt=0.001, auto=False, plotcircles=0, gammagiv=1): mesh_root = 'stenosis_f0.6' if level == 2: mesh_root += '_fine' mesh = Mesh(mesh_root + '.xml') boundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh_root + '_facet_region.xml') ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) stabmethod = 'No stabilization' VE = VectorElement('P', mesh.ufl_cell(), velocity_degree) PE = FiniteElement('P', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) W = FunctionSpace(mesh, VE * PE) u, p = TrialFunctions(W) v, q = TestFunctions(W) w = Function(W) u0, p0 = w.split() #### theta = Constant(1) k = Constant(1 / dt) mu = Constant(0.035) rho = Constant(1.2) eps = Constant(eps) U = (3 / 2) * 0.5 * Re * float(mu) / float(rho) print('\n Re = {}, U = {}\n'.format(Re, U)) u_ = theta * u + (1 - theta) * u0 theta_p = theta p_ = theta_p * p + (1 - theta_p) * p0 laplace = mu * inner(grad(u_), grad(v)) * dx F = (k * rho * dot(u - u0, v) * dx + laplace - p_ * div(v) * dx + q * div(u) * dx + rho * dot(grad(u_) * u0, v) * dx) # F = ( # k*rho*dot(u - u0, v)*dx # + mu*inner(grad(u_), grad(v))*dx # - p_*div(v)*dx + q*div(u)*dx # + rho*dot(grad(u_)*u0, v)*dx # ) n = FacetNormal(mesh) h = CellDiameter(mesh) # eps = Constant(dt * float(mu) / (0.1 ** 2 * float(rho))) if temam: F += 0.5 * rho * div(u0) * dot(u_, v) * dx beta = Constant(1) #TODO add initial values, probably 1 gamma = Constant(gammagiv) backflow_func = 0.5 * rho * HF.abs_n(dot(u0, n)) * dot(u_, v) * ds( 2) #0.5 * rho * HF.abs_n(div(u0)) * dot(u_, v) * dx param = 'No param' G = 0 ### Added here beta parameter to the stabilization terms which we can control if bfs == 1: param = 'beta' stabmethod = 'velocity-penalization' G = 0.5 * rho * beta * dot(u0, n) * dot(u_, v) * ds(2) F -= G elif bfs == 2: param = 'beta' stabmethod = 'velocity-penalization negative part' G = 0.5 * rho * beta * HF.abs_n(dot(u0, n)) * dot(u_, v) * ds(2) F -= G elif bfs == 3: param = 'gamma' stabmethod = 'tangential penalization' Ctgt = h**2 G = gamma * Ctgt * 0.5 * rho * HF.abs_n(dot(u0, n)) * ( Dx(u[0], 1) * Dx(v[0], 1) + Dx(u[1], 1) * Dx(v[1], 1)) * ds(2) elif bfs == 4: param = 'gamma' stabmethod = 'tangential penalization - 2016 paper' Ctgt = h**2 print(type(u0)) max1 = assemble(HF.abs_n(u0) * ds(2)) max2 = np.array(max1.array()) max3 = abs(max2) maxi = max3.max() G = -1 * gamma * maxi * 0.5 * rho * Ctgt * ( Dx(u[0], 1) * Dx(v[0], 1) + Dx(u[1], 1) * Dx(v[1], 1)) * ds(2) F -= G elif velocity_degree == 1 and float(eps): F += eps / mu * h**2 * inner(grad(p_), grad(q)) * dx # if temam: # F += 0.5*rho*div(u0)*dot(u_, v)*dx # # if bfs == 1: # F -= 0.5*rho*dot(u0, n)*dot(u_, v)*ds(2) # elif bfs == 2: # F -= 0.5*rho*HF.abs_n(dot(u0, n))*dot(u_, v)*ds(2) # elif bfs == 3: # Ctgt = h**2 # F -= Ctgt*0.5*rho*HF.abs_n(dot(u0, n))*( # Dx(u[0], 1)*Dx(v[0], 1) + Dx(u[1], 1)*Dx(v[1], 1))*ds(2) # # elif velocity_degree == 1 and float(eps): # F += eps/mu*h**2*inner(grad(p_), grad(q))*dx numerical = 0.5 * rho * k * dot(u_ - u0, u_ - u0) * dx stabilisationTest = backflow_func - G #+ laplace + numerical a = lhs(F) L = rhs(F) inflow = Expression(('sin(a*t*DOLFIN_PI)*U*(1 - pow(x[1], 2))', '0.'), U=U, t=0., a=2.5, degree=2) # inflow = Expression(('U*(1 - pow(x[1], 2))', '0.'), # U=U, t=0., degree=2) bcs = [ DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0, 0)), boundaries, 4), DirichletBC(W.sub(0), inflow, boundaries, 1), DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0), boundaries, 3), ] A = assemble(a) if auto: runtype = "auto" elif param == 'beta': runtype = round(assemble(beta * ds(2)), 3) elif param == 'gamma': runtype = round(assemble(gamma * ds(2))) suf = 'bfs{}_tem{}_Re{}_'.format(int(bfs), int(temam), Re) + param + '_' + '{}_'.format(runtype) if velocity_degree == 1: suf = 'p1_' + suf suf = 'l{}_'.format(level) + suf xdmf_u = XDMFFile('results/u_' + suf + '.xdmf') xdmf_p = XDMFFile('results/p_' + suf + '.xdmf') xdmf_tau = XDMFFile('tau_sd_' + suf + '.xdmf') # xdmf_u.parameters['rewrite_function_mesh'] = False # xdmf_p.parameters['rewrite_function_mesh'] = False # xdmf_tau.parameters['rewrite_function_mesh'] = False u0.rename('u', 'u') p0.rename('p', 'p') w0 = Function(W) # r0, s0 = w0.split() # # w1 = Function(W) # r1, s1 = w1.split() # FINAL TIME T = 0.4 # PLOTTING VECTORS # viscEnergyVec = np.zeros(((int)(T / dt), 1)) # ToteviscEnergyVec = np.zeros(((int)(T / dt), 1)) # incEnergyVec = np.zeros(((int)(T / dt), 1)) # incEnergyVec2 = np.zeros(((int)(T / dt), 1)) # numEnergyVec = np.zeros(((int)(T / dt), 1)) # stabEnergyVec = np.zeros(((int)(T / dt), 1)) # avgeig = np.zeros(((int)(T / dt), 1)) # print(type(F)) pt = prog.progress_timer(description='Time Iterations', n_iter=40) # MAIN SOLVING LOOP eigvec = np.array([0, 0]) for t in np.arange(dt, T + dt, dt): # print('t = {}'.format(round(t, 2))) #### May not be necessary #### w0.assign(w) r0, s0 = w0.split() inflow.t = t assemble(a, tensor=A) b = assemble(L) [bc.apply(A, b) for bc in bcs] solve(A, w.vector(), b) #### May not be necessary #### ### # w1.assign(w) # r1, s1 = w1.split() # # r1.vector().set_local(u0.vector().get_local() * (u0.vector().get_local() < 0)) # # # ite +=1 # # if ite==5: # # plt.plot(r1.vector().get_local()) # # plt.plot(u0.vector().get_local()) # # # print('|u|:', norm(u0)) # # print('|p|:', norm(p0)) # # print('div(u):', assemble(div(u0)*dx)) # # ### This was trying to view U0 as a numpy array but didnt show anything meaningful #### # # for i in u0.vector().get_local(): # # print(i) # # print(u0.vector().get_local()) # # # BACKFLOW KINETIC ENERGY CHANGE # BKE = assemble((rho / 2) * HF.abs_n(dot(r0, n)) * dot(u0, u0) * ds(2)) # BACKFLOW VISCOUS ENERGY CHANGE # BVE = assemble(mu * inner(grad(r1),grad(r1)) * ds(2)) # TVE = assemble(mu * inner(grad(u0),grad(u0)) * ds(2)) # TVE = assemble(mu * inner(grad(u0), grad(u0)) * dx) # print( (HF.abs_n(u0) != 0) ) # BVEs = assemble(mu * np.abs(div(u0)) * div(r1) * ds(2)) # TODO rework the backflowarea function so that it is one when there is backflow and 0 otherwise # ADDING TO VECTORS # viscEnergyVec[(int)(t / dt) - 1] = BVE # ToteviscEnergyVec[(int)(t / dt) - 1] = TVE # # incEnergyVec[(int)(t / dt) - 1] = BKE # # numEnergyVec[(int)(t / dt) - 1] = assemble((dot(u0 - r0, u0 - r0)) * ds(2)) # print(numEnergyVec[(int)(t / dt) - 1]) if bfs == 3 and auto: numericalfunc = 0 #0.5 * rho * dot(u0 - r0, u0 - r0) * dx backflow_mat = assemble(lhs(backflow_func)) backflow_vec = np.array(backflow_mat.array()) # gamma.assign(1) while True: ### Building matrix and applying eigenvalues stabTensor = assemble(lhs(stabilisationTest + numericalfunc)) # for bc in bcs: bc.apply(stabTensor) stabMatrix = np.array(stabTensor.array()) # stabMatrix += np.eye(stabMatrix.shape[0]) stabMatrix_backflow = stabMatrix * (backflow_vec != 0) stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero = stabMatrix_backflow[~( stabMatrix_backflow == 0).all(1)] # stabMatrix_sparse = sp.sparse.bsr_matrix(stabMatrix) # Sparse Version ### Creating reduced backflow matrix reduced_stabMatrix = np.transpose( stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero.transpose() [~(stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero.transpose() == 0).all(1)]) eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix = LA.eigvals(reduced_stabMatrix) if plotcircles == 1: circles = HF.GregsCircles(reduced_stabMatrix) fig = HF.plotCircles(circles, round(t, 2), stabmethod, param, runtype) if plotcircles == 2: stabMatrix_sparse = sp.sparse.bsr_matrix( stabMatrix) # Sparse Version small_eigenvals_stabMatrix = ssl.eigs( stabMatrix_sparse, 5, sigma=-10, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False) for EV in small_eigenvals_stabMatrix: plt.plot(EV.real, EV.imag, 'wo') for eigval in eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix: plt.plot(eigval.real, eigval.imag, 'r+') fig.savefig('circles/' + str(round(t * 100)) + 'gersh.png') plt.close(fig) if eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix.size == 0: del stabTensor, stabMatrix, reduced_stabMatrix, eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix break if eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix.min() >= 0: del stabTensor, stabMatrix, reduced_stabMatrix, eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix break else: del stabTensor, stabMatrix, reduced_stabMatrix, eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix gamma.assign(assemble(gamma * ds(2)) * 2) # print(round(assemble(gamma * ds(2)))) elif (bfs == 1 or bfs == 2) and auto: numericalfunc = 0 #0.5 * rho * dot(u0 - r0, u0 - r0) * dx # # numericalEn = assemble(numericalfunc) # # print(numericalEn) # backflow_mat = assemble(lhs(backflow_func)) backflow_vec = np.array(backflow_mat.array()) # beta.assign(1) betaold = 1 betanew = 1 while True: ### Building matrix and applying eigenvalues stabTensor = assemble(lhs(stabilisationTest + numericalfunc)) # for bc in bcs: bc.apply(stabTensor) stabMatrix = np.array(stabTensor.array()) # stabMatrix += np.eye(stabMatrix.shape[0]) stabMatrix_backflow = stabMatrix * (backflow_vec != 0) stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero = stabMatrix_backflow[~( stabMatrix_backflow == 0).all(1)] ### Creating reduced backflow matrix reduced_stabMatrix = np.transpose( stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero.transpose() [~(stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero.transpose() == 0).all(1)]) eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix = LA.eigvals(reduced_stabMatrix) if plotcircles == 1: circles = HF.GregsCircles(reduced_stabMatrix) fig = HF.plotCircles(circles, round(t, 2), stabmethod, param, runtype) if plotcircles == 2: stabMatrix_sparse = sp.sparse.bsr_matrix( stabMatrix) # Sparse Version small_eigenvals_stabMatrix = ssl.eigs( stabMatrix_sparse, 5, sigma=-10, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False) for EV in small_eigenvals_stabMatrix: plt.plot(EV.real, EV.imag, 'wo') for eigval in eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix: plt.plot(eigval.real, eigval.imag, 'r+') fig.savefig('circles/' + str(round(t * 100)) + 'gersh.png') plt.close(fig) if eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix.size == 0: del stabTensor, stabMatrix, reduced_stabMatrix, eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix break if eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix.min() < 0 or betanew < 0.2: del stabTensor, stabMatrix, reduced_stabMatrix, eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix beta.assign(betaold) break else: betaold = betanew betanew -= 0.05 beta.assign(betanew) del stabTensor, stabMatrix, reduced_stabMatrix, eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix if plotcircles > 0 and not auto: numericalfunc = 0 #0.5 * rho * dot(u0 - r0, u0 - r0) * dx backflow_mat = assemble(lhs(backflow_func)) backflow_vec = np.array(backflow_mat.array()) stabTensor = assemble(lhs(stabilisationTest + numericalfunc)) # for bc in bcs: bc.apply(stabTensor) stabMatrix = np.array(stabTensor.array()) stabMatrix_backflow = stabMatrix * (backflow_vec != 0) stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero = stabMatrix_backflow[~( stabMatrix_backflow == 0).all(1)] reduced_stabMatrix = np.transpose( stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero.transpose() [~(stabMatrix_backflow_Nozero.transpose() == 0).all(1)]) eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix = LA.eigvals(reduced_stabMatrix) circles = HF.GregsCircles(reduced_stabMatrix) fig = HF.plotCircles(circles, round(t, 2), stabmethod, param, runtype) if plotcircles == 2 and eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix.size > 0: stabMatrix_sparse = sp.sparse.bsr_matrix( stabMatrix) # Sparse Version # print(stabMatrix_sparse) small_eigenvals_stabMatrix = ssl.eigs( stabMatrix_sparse, 5, sigma=-10, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False, v0=np.ones(stabMatrix_sparse.shape[0])) if t > 0.245 and t < 0.255: eigvec = np.array([ small_eigenvals_stabMatrix.min(), small_eigenvals_stabMatrix.max() ]) printlab = True for EV in small_eigenvals_stabMatrix: if printlab: plt.plot(EV.real, EV.imag, 'ko', label='Eigenvalues of full Matrix') printlab = False else: plt.plot(EV.real, EV.imag, 'ko', label='_nolegend_') print(small_eigenvals_stabMatrix.min()) del small_eigenvals_stabMatrix, stabMatrix_sparse printlab = True for eigval in eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix: if printlab: plt.plot(eigval.real, eigval.imag, 'r+', label='Eigenvalues of reduced Matrix') printlab = False else: plt.plot(eigval.real, eigval.imag, 'r+', label='_nolegend_') if eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix.size > 0: plt.legend() fig.savefig('circles/' + str(round(t * 100)) + 'gersh.png') del stabTensor, stabMatrix, reduced_stabMatrix, eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix plt.close(fig) # print(round(assemble(beta * ds(2)), 5)) # print("stabilisationTest matrix is: " + HF.diag_dom(stabMatrix)) # # # print("Reduced Matrix is: " + HF.diag_dom(reduced_stabMatrix)) ### Print out the values for the energy changes at the current time step # print('Viscous energy change:', viscEnergyVec[(int)(t/dt) - 1]) # print('Incoming energy change:', incEnergyVec[(int)(t/dt) - 1]) # print('Numerical energy:', numEnergyVec[(int)(t/dt) - 1]) xdmf_u.write(u0, t) xdmf_p.write(p0, t) pt.update() pt.finish() return eigvec # plt.figure() # # plt.plot(viscEnergyVec, 'b', label="Viscous") # # plt.plot(ToteviscEnergyVec, 'forestgreen', label="tot Viscous") # plt.plot(incEnergyVec, 'red', label="Incoming") # # plt.plot(numEnergyVec, 'yellow', label="Numerical") # # plt.plot(stabEnergyVec, 'orange', label='Stabilization') # plt.plot(ToteviscEnergyVec + numEnergyVec, 'deepskyblue', label='Total corrective energy') # plt.legend(loc='upper left') # plt.title('Energy changes of ' + stabmethod) # del xdmf_u, xdmf_p
def gen_data(num_exm, total_grid_size=256, max_mole_dist=32, max_mole_size=30): """ generate data :param num_exm: number of exmaples :param total_grid_size: size of studying area :param max_mole_size: maximum size of molecules """ # initialize timer pt = progress_timer(description='creating examples', n_iter=num_exm) # set up a dict to memorize the data data = {'grid': [], 'total': [], 'ising': [], 'elec': []} # compute maximum molecule number max_mole_num = ((total_grid_size // max_mole_dist) / 2)**2 for z in range(num_exm): # initialize grid grid = np.zeros(shape=[total_grid_size, total_grid_size]) total_energy = 0 total_ising_energy = 0 total_electric_energy = 0 centers = [] charges = [] mole_num = np.random.randint(2, max_mole_num) while len(centers) < mole_num: coor = [ np.random.randint(total_grid_size), np.random.randint(total_grid_size) ] real_coor = True for pre_coor in centers: if (abs(pre_coor[0] - coor[0]) < max_mole_dist) & ( abs(pre_coor[1] - coor[1]) < max_mole_dist): real_coor = False break if not real_coor: continue x_range_l = np.random.randint(max_mole_size / 2) if x_range_l > coor[0]: x_range_l = coor[0] y_range_d = np.random.randint(max_mole_size / 2) if y_range_d > coor[1]: y_range_d = coor[1] x_range_r = np.random.randint(max_mole_size / 2) if x_range_r > total_grid_size - coor[0] - 1: x_range_r = total_grid_size - coor[0] - 1 y_range_u = np.random.randint(max_mole_size / 2) if y_range_u > total_grid_size - coor[1] - 1: y_range_u = total_grid_size - coor[1] - 1 mole = np.round( np.random.uniform(size=[ x_range_l + x_range_r + 1, y_range_d + y_range_u + 1 ])) mole = mole * 2 - 1 for m in range(x_range_l + x_range_r + 1): for n in range(y_range_d + y_range_u + 1): grid.itemset( (coor[0] - x_range_l + m, coor[1] - y_range_d + n), mole[m][n]) ising_energy = H(mole) total_ising_energy += ising_energy charge = np.sum(mole) center = [(2 * coor[0] - x_range_l + x_range_r) / 2, (2 * coor[1] - y_range_d + y_range_u) / 2] for i in range(len(centers)): dist = np.sqrt( np.square(centers[i][0] - center[0]) + np.square(centers[i][1] - center[1])) total_electric_energy += 10 * charge * charges[i] / dist charges.append(charge) centers.append(center) total_energy = total_electric_energy + total_ising_energy data['grid'].append(grid) data['total'].append(total_energy) data['ising'].append(total_ising_energy) data['elec'].append(total_electric_energy) p_str = "generating done " + str(z) pt.update() pt.finish() return data
def nse(Re=1000, temam=False, bfs=False, level=1, velocity_degree=2, eps=0.0002, dt=0.001, plotcircles=0, gammagiv=1, betagiv=1): mesh_root = 'stenosis_f0.6' if level == 2: mesh_root += '_fine' mesh = Mesh(mesh_root + '.xml') boundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh_root + '_facet_region.xml') ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) stabmethod = 'No stabilization' VE = VectorElement('P', mesh.ufl_cell(), velocity_degree) PE = FiniteElement('P', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) W = FunctionSpace(mesh, VE * PE) u, p = TrialFunctions(W) v, q = TestFunctions(W) w = Function(W) u0, p0 = w.split() #### theta = Constant(1) k = Constant(1 / dt) mu = Constant(0.035) rho = Constant(1.2) eps = Constant(eps) U = (3 / 2) * 0.5 * Re * float(mu) / float(rho) print('\n Re = {}, U = {}\n'.format(Re, U)) u_ = theta * u + (1 - theta) * u0 theta_p = theta p_ = theta_p * p + (1 - theta_p) * p0 laplace = mu * inner(grad(u_), grad(v)) * dx #Defined separately so it may be used later F = ( k * rho * dot(u - u0, v) * dx + laplace - p_ * div(v) * dx + q * div(u) * dx + rho * dot(grad(u_) * u0, v) * dx ) n = FacetNormal(mesh) h = CellDiameter(mesh) # eps = Constant(dt * float(mu) / (0.1 ** 2 * float(rho))) if temam: F += 0.5 * rho * div(u0) * dot(u_, v) * dx beta = Constant(betagiv) #Defines the initial beta from the given value gamma = Constant(gammagiv) #Defines the initial gamma from the given value backflow_func = 0.5 * rho * HF.abs_n(dot(u0, n)) * dot(u_, v) * ds(2) param = 'No param' G = 0 #This variable will contain the backflow stabilisation term ### Added here beta parameter to the stabilization terms which we can control if bfs == 1: param = 'beta' #Setting the string for the parameter being changed stabmethod = 'velocity-penalization' #Setting the string for the stabilisation method being changed G = 0.5 * rho * beta * dot(u0, n) * dot(u_, v) * ds(2) F -= G elif bfs == 2: param = 'beta' stabmethod = 'velocity-penalization negative part' G = 0.5 * rho * beta * HF.abs_n(dot(u0, n)) * dot(u_, v) * ds(2) F -= G elif bfs == 3: param = 'gamma' stabmethod = 'tangential penalization' Ctgt = h ** 2 G = gamma * Ctgt * 0.5 * rho * HF.abs_n(dot(u0, n)) * ( Dx(u[0], 1) * Dx(v[0], 1) + Dx(u[1], 1) * Dx(v[1], 1)) * ds(2) elif bfs == 4: param = 'gamma' stabmethod = 'tangential penalization - 2016 paper' Ctgt = h ** 2 maxiv = HF.maxUneg(W, mesh, u0) #Finding the max|u dot n|_ maxi = Constant(maxiv) G = -1 * gamma * maxi * 0.5 * rho * Ctgt * (Dx(u[0], 1) * Dx(v[0], 1) + Dx(u[1], 1) * Dx(v[1], 1)) * ds(2) F -= G elif velocity_degree == 1 and float(eps): F += eps / mu * h ** 2 * inner(grad(p_), grad(q)) * dx stabilisationTest = backflow_func - G #This term will be the one worked with during the automation, it could have added terms #Such as the laplace or other stabilising terms. a = lhs(F) L = rhs(F) inflow = Expression(('sin(a*t*DOLFIN_PI)*U*(1 - pow(x[1], 2))', '0.'), U=U, t=0., a=2.5, degree=2) # inflow = Expression(('U*(1 - pow(x[1], 2))', '0.'), # U=U, t=0., degree=2) bcs = [ DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0, 0)), boundaries, 4), DirichletBC(W.sub(0), inflow, boundaries, 1), DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0), boundaries, 3), ] A = assemble(a) #Below is needed for good plots if auto: runtype = "auto" elif param == 'beta': runtype = round(assemble(beta * ds(2)), 3) elif param == 'gamma': runtype = round(assemble(gamma * ds(2))) elif param == 'No param': runtype = "No param" #The below is for formatting that names of the output files to be used in paraview suf = 'bfs{}_tem{}_Re{}_'.format(int(bfs), int(temam), Re) + param + '_' + '{}_'.format(runtype) if velocity_degree == 1: suf = 'p1_' + suf suf = 'l{}_'.format(level) + suf xdmf_u = XDMFFile('results/u_' + suf + '.xdmf') xdmf_p = XDMFFile('results/p_' + suf + '.xdmf') xdmf_tau = XDMFFile('tau_sd_' + suf + '.xdmf') # xdmf_u.parameters['rewrite_function_mesh'] = False # xdmf_p.parameters['rewrite_function_mesh'] = False # xdmf_tau.parameters['rewrite_function_mesh'] = False u0.rename('u', 'u') p0.rename('p', 'p') # FINAL TIME T = 0.4 pt = prog.progress_timer(description='Time Iterations', n_iter=40) #Used to have a progress bar # MAIN SOLVING LOOP eigvec = []#Used when finding eigenvalues with varying values of the parameters, i.e. when needing to run multiple times for t in np.arange(dt, T + dt, dt): ## Using Fenics to find the current solution inflow.t = t assemble(a, tensor=A) b = assemble(L) [bc.apply(A, b) for bc in bcs] solve(A, w.vector(), b) ## Creating all the plots if plotcircles > 0: if bfs == 4: # Update the max|u dot n|_ maxiv = HF.maxUneg(W, mesh, u0) maxi.assign(maxiv) ## Creating matrix with just backflow term backflow_mat = assemble(lhs(backflow_func)) backflow_vec = np.array(backflow_mat.array()) ## Create backflow with stabilisation matrix stabTensor = assemble(lhs(stabilisationTest)) # for bc in bcs: bc.apply(stabTensor) %% If including the Laplace term then need to apply BC's stabMatrix = np.array(stabTensor.array()) ## Creating reduced Stabilisation Matrix if backflow_vec.any(): maxidx2 = np.array([np.nonzero(backflow_vec)[0].max(), np.nonzero(backflow_vec)[1].max()]).max() minidx2 = np.array([np.nonzero(backflow_vec)[0].min(), np.nonzero(backflow_vec)[1].min()]).min() reduced_stabMatrix = stabMatrix[minidx2:maxidx2 + 1, minidx2:maxidx2 + 1] else: reduced_stabMatrix = np.resize(np.array([]), [1, 1]) ## Finding eigenvalues of reduced matrix and making the Gershgorin circles eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix = LA.eigvals(reduced_stabMatrix) circles = HF.GregsCircles(reduced_stabMatrix) fig = HF.plotCircles(circles, round(t, 2), stabmethod, param, runtype) ## If want the minimum eigenvalues of the entire matrix and plot them if plotcircles == 2 and eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix.size > 0 and stabMatrix.any(): stabMatrix_sparse = sp.sparse.bsr_matrix(stabMatrix) # Sparse Version small_eigenvals_stabMatrix = ssl.eigs(stabMatrix_sparse, 5, sigma=-10, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False, v0=np.ones(stabMatrix_sparse.shape[0])) printlab = True for EV in small_eigenvals_stabMatrix: if printlab: plt.plot(EV.real, EV.imag, 'ko', label='Eigenvalues of full Matrix') printlab = False else: plt.plot(EV.real, EV.imag, 'ko', label='_nolegend_') del stabMatrix_sparse, small_eigenvals_stabMatrix ## Plotting the eigenvalues of the reduced matrix printlab = True for eigval in eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix: if printlab: plt.plot(eigval.real, eigval.imag, 'r+', label='Eigenvalues of reduced Matrix') printlab = False else: plt.plot(eigval.real, eigval.imag, 'r+', label='_nolegend_') if eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix.size > 0: plt.legend() fig.savefig('circles/' + str(round(t * 100)) + 'gersh.png') del stabTensor, stabMatrix, reduced_stabMatrix, eigenvals_reduced_stabMatrix, backflow_mat, backflow_vec plt.close(fig) xdmf_u.write(u0, t) xdmf_p.write(p0, t) pt.update() pt.finish() return eigvec del xdmf_u, xdmf_p