def fetch_amendements(chambre: Optional[str], num: Optional[int], progress: bool, settings: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: an_ids = repository.list_opendata_dossiers() if progress: bar = ProgressBar(total=len(an_ids)) random.shuffle(an_ids) for an_id in an_ids: dossier_ref = repository.get_opendata_dossier_ref(an_id) fetch_amendements_for_dossier(dossier_ref, chambre, num, settings) if progress: bar.update(step=len(dossier_ref.lectures))
async def fetch_statistics(datasets: List[Dataset]) -> List[Dataset]: print(f"Fetching statistics") nb_updated_datasets = 0 bar = ProgressBar(total=len(datasets)) for dataset in bar.iter(datasets): results = await fetch_stats_for( if results["2020"]: dataset.nb_hits = results["2020"][0]["nb_hits"] nb_updated_datasets += 1 print(f"{nb_updated_datasets} datasets updated from Matomo") return datasets
async def fetch_stats(): conn = await get_conn() rows = await conn.fetch('SELECT id, url FROM datasets;') bar = ProgressBar(total=len(rows)) for row in bar.iter(rows): stats = await fetch_stats_for(row['url']) if stats.get('2020'): await conn.execute( 'UPDATE datasets SET nb_hits = $1 WHERE id = $2', stats['2020'][0]['nb_hits'], row['id'] )
def migrate_users(app, limit, users_filepath): click.echo('Starting users migration.') ds = app.user_datastore old_users = load_json_file(users_filepath) if limit: old_users = old_users[:limit] bar = ProgressBar(total=len(old_users), template=PROGRESSIST_TEMPLATE, done_char='👤') editor_role = Role.objects.get(name='editor') with app.app_context(): for old_user in bar.iter(old_users): create_user(ds, old_user, editor_role) click.echo('Users migrated.')
def migrate_articles(app, limit, article_filepath): click.echo('Starting article migration.') old_articles = load_json_file(article_filepath) if limit: old_articles = old_articles[:limit] bar = ProgressBar(total=len(old_articles), template=PROGRESSIST_TEMPLATE, done_char='📃') with app.app_context(): for old_article in bar.iter(old_articles): create_article(old_article) bar.done = 0 # Reset. for old_article in bar.iter(old_articles): create_article(old_article) click.echo('Articles migrated.')
async def as_xlsx(max_rows=None, debug=False): """Export des données au format souhaité par la DGT. :max_rows: Max number of rows to process. :debug: Turn on debug to be able to read the generated Workbook """ print("Reading from DB") records = await db.declaration.completed() print("Flattening JSON") if max_rows: records = records[:max_rows] wb = Workbook(write_only=not debug) ws = wb.create_sheet() ws.title = "BDD REPONDANTS" = ws ws_ues = wb.create_sheet() ws_ues.title = "BDD UES détail entreprises" ws_ues.append([ "Annee_indicateurs", "Region", "Departement", "Adresse", "CP", "Commune", "Tranche_effectif", "Nom_UES", "Siren_entreprise_declarante", "Nom_entreprise_declarante", "Nom_entreprise", "Siren", ]) headers, columns = await get_headers_columns() ws.append(headers) bar = ProgressBar(prefix="Computing", total=len(records)) for record in bar.iter(records): data = if not data: continue ues_data(ws_ues, data) data = prepare_record(data) data["modified_at"] = record["modified_at"] ws.append([clean_cell(fmt(data.get(c))) for c, fmt in columns]) return wb
async def fetch_datasets_from_urls(dataset_urls: List[str]) -> List[Dataset]: print("Fetching datasets from URLs.") dataset_slugs = [ extract_slug(dataset_url) for dataset_url in dataset_urls if dataset_url.startswith("") ] datasets = [] bar = ProgressBar(total=len(dataset_slugs)) for i, dataset_slug in enumerate(bar.iter(dataset_slugs)): data = await fetch_json_data( f"/api/1/datasets/{dataset_slug}/", headers={ "X-Fields": ("id,title,metrics,description,acronym,page," "owner{first_name,last_name,avatar_thumbnail}," "organization{name,slug,logo_thumbnail}") }, ) if data and "id" in data: dataset = await convert_to_dataset(data, i) datasets.append(dataset) return datasets
def put(local, remote, force=False): user = client.context.get('user') if remote = Path( / remote if not hasattr(local, 'read'): local = Path(local) if local.is_dir(): with unsudo(): # Force reset to SSH user. mkdir(remote) if user: chown(user, remote) for path in local.rglob('*'): relative_path = path.relative_to(local) put(path, remote / relative_path) return if not force and exists(remote): lstat = os.stat(str(local)) rstat = client.sftp.stat(str(remote)) if (lstat.st_size == rstat.st_size and lstat.st_mtime <= rstat.st_mtime): print(f'{local} => {remote}: SKIPPING (reason: up to date)') return elif isinstance(local, StringIO): local = BytesIO( if hasattr(local, 'read'): func = client.sftp.putfo bar = ProgressBar(prefix=f'Sending to {remote}', animation='{spinner}', template='{prefix} {animation} {done:B}') else: bar = ProgressBar(prefix=f'{local} => {remote}') func = client.sftp.put if client.dry_run: print(bar.prefix) return tmp = str(Path('/tmp') / md5(str(remote).encode()).hexdigest()) try: func(local, tmp, callback=lambda done, total: bar.update(done=done, total=total), confirm=True) except OSError as err: print(red(f'Error while processing {remote}')) print(red(err)) sys.exit(1) if hasattr(local, 'read'): bar.finish() if user: with (unsudo()): with (sudo()): chown(user, tmp) mv(tmp, remote) if user: chown(user, remote)
def get(remote, local): if remote = Path( / remote if hasattr(local, 'read'): func = client.sftp.getfo bar = ProgressBar(prefix=f'Reading from {remote}', animation='{spinner}', template='{prefix} {animation} {done:B}') else: bar = ProgressBar(prefix=f'{remote} => {local}', template='{prefix} {animation} {percent} ' '({done:B}/{total:B}) ETA: {eta}') func = client.sftp.get func(str(remote), local, callback=lambda done, total: bar.update(done=done, total=total)) if hasattr(local, 'read'): bar.finish()
logging.basicConfig(format="[%(asctime)s -%(levelname)8s]: %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S", level=LOGGING_LEVEL) logger = logging.getLogger('bbb-player') # try to import pySmartDL else use plain old urllib try: from pySmartDL import SmartDL smartDlEnabled = True except ImportError: logger.warning("pySmartDL not imported, using urllib instead") smartDlEnabled = False try: from progressist import ProgressBar bar = ProgressBar( throttle=timedelta(seconds=1), template= "Download |{animation}|{tta}| {done:B}/{total:B} at {speed:B}/s") except: logger.warning( "progressist not imported. Progress bar will not be shown. Try running: \ pip3 install progressist") bar = None def ffmpegCombine(suffix, fileName=DEFAULT_COMBINED_VIDEO_NAME): try: import ffmpeg except: logger.critical( "ffmpeg-python not imported. Try running:\npip3 install ffmpeg-python" )
def downloadScript(inputURL, meetingNameWanted): # get meeting id from url matchesURL ="/?(\d+\.\d+)/.*?([0-9a-f]{40}-\d{13})/?", inputURL, re.IGNORECASE) if matchesURL and len(matchesURL.groups()) == 2: bbbVersion = meetingId ="Detected bbb version:\t{bbbVersion}")"Detected meeting id:\t{meetingId}") else: logger.error("Meeting ID could not be found in the url.") exit(1) baseURL = "{}://{}/presentation/{}/".format( urlparse(inputURL).scheme, urlparse(inputURL).netloc, meetingId) logger.debug("Base url: {}".format(baseURL)) if meetingNameWanted: folderPath = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, DOWNLOADED_MEETINGS_FOLDER, meetingNameWanted) else: folderPath = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, DOWNLOADED_MEETINGS_FOLDER, meetingId) logger.debug("Folder path: {}".format(folderPath)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folderPath, DOWNLOADED_FULLY_FILENAME)):"Meeting is already downloaded.") else: "Folder already created but not everything was downloaded. Retrying." ) # todo: maybe delete contents of the folder foldersToCreate = [ os.path.join(folderPath, x) for x in ["", "video", "deskshare", "presentation"] ] # for i in foldersToCreate: createFolder(i) try: from progressist import ProgressBar bar = ProgressBar( throttle=timedelta(seconds=1), template= "Download |{animation}|{tta}| {done:B}/{total:B} at {speed:B}/s" ) except: logger.warning( "progressist not imported. Progress bar will not be shown. Try running: \ pip3 install progressist") bar = None downloadFiles(baseURL, folderPath) downloadSlides(baseURL, folderPath) # Copy the 2.3 player copy_tree(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "player23"), folderPath) with open(os.path.join(folderPath, DOWNLOADED_FULLY_FILENAME), 'w') as fp: # write a downloaded_fully file to mark a successful download # todo: check if files were really dl-ed (make a json of files to download and # check them one by one on success) pass
# progressist - Minimalist and pythonic progress bar # PyPI: # Github: # pip install progressist # Usage from progressist import ProgressBar bar = ProgressBar(total=mytotalstuff) for item in mystuff: # do_stuff bar.update()
def urlretrieve(url, dest): print("Downloading", url) bar = ProgressBar(template="Download |{animation}| {done:B}/{total:B}") urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, dest, reporthook=bar.on_urlretrieve)