def queueUpSourceTargets(dConfig): if dConfig['mysql'] and dConfig['redis']: dMp = MuseProjectDB(db=dConfig['mysql-db'],port=dConfig['mysql-port'],user=dConfig['mysql-user'],passwd=dConfig['mysql-passwd'],loc=dConfig['mysql-loc']) # setup to-build queue qRedis = RedisQueue(dConfig['redis-queue-to-build'], namespace='queue', host=dConfig['redis-loc'], port=dConfig['redis-port']) # get projects first to iterate through (makes it easier to build project specific dictionaries), limit if in debug mode iProjectCount = 0 iTargetCount = 0 iMultiTargets = 0 sLimitClause = '' if dConfig['debug']: sLimitClause = '10' lLeadingPaths = [] dProject = {} dCodeDirLookup = {} lProjectRows ='projectName,codeDir', sTable='availableProjects', bDebug=dConfig['debug']) for tProjectRow in lProjectRows: (sProjectName, sCodeDir) = tProjectRow dCodeDirLookup[sProjectName] = sCodeDir lTargetRows = [] if dConfig['unBuiltProjectsOnly']: if dConfig['queueSite']: lTargetRows ='projectName,projectPath,buildTargetPath', sTable='unBuiltSourceTargetsWithSite', sWhereClause='site=\'' + dConfig['queueSite'] + '\'', sOrderByClause='projectName', sLimitClause=sLimitClause, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) else: lTargetRows ='projectName,projectPath,buildTargetPath', sTable='unBuiltSourceTargets', sOrderByClause='projectName', sLimitClause=sLimitClause, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) else: if dConfig['queueSite']: lTargetRows ='projectName,projectPath,buildTargetPath', sTable='availableSourceTargetsWithSite', sWhereClause='site=\'' + dConfig['queueSite'] + '\'', sOrderByClause='projectName', sLimitClause=sLimitClause, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) else: lTargetRows ='projectName,projectPath,buildTargetPath', sTable='availableSourceTargets', sOrderByClause='projectName', sLimitClause=sLimitClause, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) dMp.close() for tTargetRow in lTargetRows: dTarget = {} (sProjectName, sProjectPath, dTarget['buildTargetPath'], ) = tTargetRow (_, sFileExt) = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(dTarget['buildTargetPath']) ) if sFileExt: sFileExt = sFileExt.lower() if sFileExt in dConfig['source-targets'].keys(): dTarget['buildType'] = dConfig['source-targets'][sFileExt] (sLeadingPath, sTarget) = os.path.split(dTarget['buildTargetPath']) # NATE remove leading tarball from path sLeadingPath = re.sub(r'[a-zA-Z_0-9-_]*.tgz/', "", sLeadingPath) dTarget['buildTargetPath'] = os.path.join(sLeadingPath, sTarget) # NATE added to grab code directory from buildTargetPath bPath=sLeadingPath.split('/') if len(bPath) > 1 : codedir2=bPath[0] iTargetCount += 1 if 'projectName' in dProject : if dProject['projectName'] != sProjectName: # new project encountered, push old project onto queue if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: queueUpSourceTargets() queuing project:', json.dumps(dProject, indent=4)) qRedis.put(json.dumps(dProject)) iProjectCount += 1 if len(lLeadingPaths) > 1: iMultiTargets += 1 dProject = { 'projectName': sProjectName, 'projectPath': sProjectPath, 'version': dConfig['version'], 'targets': [ dTarget ], 'codeDir': codedir2 #'codeDir': dCodeDirLookup[sProjectName] } lLeadingPaths = [ sLeadingPath ] else: if sLeadingPath not in lLeadingPaths: dProject['targets'].append(dTarget) lLeadingPaths.append(sLeadingPath) else: iTargetCount += -1 if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: queueUpSourceTargets() already encountered path:', sLeadingPath, 'not adding:', json.dumps(dTarget, indent=4)) else: dProject = { 'projectName': sProjectName, 'projectPath': sProjectPath, 'version': dConfig['version'], 'targets': [ dTarget ], 'codeDir': dCodeDirLookup[sProjectName] } lLeadingPaths = [ sLeadingPath ] else: warning('func: queueUpSourceTargets() unknown C/C++ file extension encountered:', sFileExt, 'file-path:',dTarget['buildTargetPath'],'for project:', sProjectName) else: warning('func: queueUpSourceTargets() missing file extension encountered file-path:') #,dTarget['buildTargetPath'],'for project:', sProjectName) if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: queueUpSourceTargets() queuing project:', json.dumps(dProject, indent=4)) qRedis.put(json.dumps(dProject)) iProjectCount += 1 if len(lLeadingPaths) > 1: iMultiTargets += 1 printMsg('func: queueUpSourceTargets()', str(iProjectCount), 'projects queued', str(iTargetCount), 'targets queued', str(iMultiTargets), 'multi-target projects queued') printMsg('func: queueUpSourceTargets()', qRedis.size(), 'projects reported by redis')
def processProjects(dConfig): qRedis = RedisQueue(dConfig['redis-queue-project-paths'], namespace='queue', host=dConfig['redis-loc'], port=dConfig['redis-port']) dMp = MuseProjectDB(db=dConfig['mysql-db'],port=dConfig['mysql-port'],user=dConfig['mysql-user'],passwd=dConfig['mysql-passwd'],loc=dConfig['mysql-loc']) lProjects = [] iCount = 0 while 1: sRoot = qRedis.get(block=True, timeout=30) if sRoot: dProject = { '_index': dConfig['es-project-index-name'], '_type': dConfig['es-project-index-type'], '_source': {} } dProject['_id'] = os.path.basename(sRoot) dProject['_source']['name'] = os.path.basename(sRoot) debug('func: processProjects() projects-root:', sRoot) if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: processProjects() projects-root:', sRoot) debug('func: processProjects() projects _id and _source[name] :', dProject['_id']) debug('func: processProjects() inserting project:', dProject['_source']['name']) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(sRoot, 'filter.json') ): with open( os.path.join(sRoot, 'filter.json') ) as fProjectFilter: dProjectFilter = json.load(fProjectFilter) if 'hasBytecode' in dProjectFilter and dProjectFilter['hasBytecode'].lower() != 'none': dProject['_source']['bytecode_available'] = True if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(sRoot, 'index.json') ): with open( os.path.join(sRoot, 'index.json') ) as fProjectIndex: dProjectIndex = json.load(fProjectIndex) if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: processProjects() dProjectIndex.keys():', json.dumps(dProjectIndex.keys(), indent=4) ) ''' if 'bytecode_available' in dProjectIndex and dProjectIndex['bytecode_available']: dProject['_source']['bytecode_available'] = True ''' if 'code' in dProjectIndex: dProject['_source']['source'] = True dProject['_source']['codeDir'] = dProjectIndex['code'] if dProject['_source']['codeDir'].startswith('./'): dProject['_source']['codeDir'] = dProject['_source']['codeDir'][len('./'):] if 'site' in dProjectIndex: dProject['_source']['site'] = dProjectIndex['site'] if 'crawler_metadata' in dProjectIndex: for sMetaDataFile in dProjectIndex['crawler_metadata']: if 'languages.json' in sMetaDataFile: sLanguageFile = os.path.join(sRoot, sMetaDataFile) if os.path.isfile(sLanguageFile): with open(sLanguageFile) as fLanguageFile: dLanguageFile = json.load(fLanguageFile) if 'C' in dLanguageFile: dProject['_source']['c'] = dLanguageFile['C'] if 'C++' in dLanguageFile: dProject['_source']['cpp'] = dLanguageFile['C++'] if 'C#' in dLanguageFile: dProject['_source']['csharp'] = dLanguageFile['C#'] if 'Java' in dLanguageFile: dProject['_source']['java'] = dLanguageFile['Java'] if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: findProjects() dLanguageFile:', json.dumps(dLanguageFile, indent=4) ) else: warning('func: processProjects()', 'languages.json file listed in index.json but does not exist for project:', dProject['_source']['name'], 'at listed location:', sLanguageFile) else: warning('func: processProjects()', 'index.json not found for project:', dProject['_source']['name']) lProjects.append(dProject) iCount += 1 if (iCount % dConfig['mysql-bulk-statement-size']) == 0: dMp.insertIntoProjects(lProjects=lProjects, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) lProjects = [] if dConfig['debug'] and iCount >= 100: break else: break if dConfig['mysql']: if len(lProjects) > 0: dMp.insertIntoProjects(lProjects=lProjects, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) lProjects = [] dMp.close() return lProjects
def findSourceTargets(dConfig): # setup mysql dMp = MuseProjectDB(db=dConfig['mysql-db'],port=dConfig['mysql-port'],user=dConfig['mysql-user'],passwd=dConfig['mysql-passwd'],loc=dConfig['mysql-loc']) # purge source targets queue qRedis = RedisQueue(dConfig['redis-queue-source-targets'], namespace='queue', host=dConfig['redis-loc'], port=dConfig['redis-port']) lProjectRows ='projectName', sTable='cProjectsWithNoBuildTargets', bDebug=dConfig['debug']) dMp.close() debug('func: findSourceTargets() # of c projects without build targets:', len(lProjectRows) ) iCtr = 0 for tProjectRow in lProjectRows: iCtr += 1 if dConfig['debug'] and iCtr > 10: break (sProjectName, ) = tProjectRow # debug('func: findBuildFiles() c project name:', sProjectName) ''' dQuery = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "bool": { "should": [ { "regexp": { "file.raw": ".*\.c" } }, { "regexp": { "file.raw": ".*\.cxx" } }, { "regexp": { "file.raw": ".*\.c++" } }, { "regexp": { "file.raw": ".*\.cc" } } ] } }, { "bool": { "should": [ { "match": { "path": "latest/*" } }, { "match": { "path": "content/*"} } ] } }, { "term": { "project-name.raw": sProjectName } } ] } } } ''' ''' dQuery = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "bool": { "should": [ { "term": { "ext.raw": "c" } }, { "term": { "ext.raw": "cc" } }, { "term": { "ext.raw": "cpp" } }, { "term": { "ext.raw": "cxx" } }, { "term": { "ext.raw": "c++" } } ] } }, { "bool": { "should": [ { "match": { "path": "latest/*" } }, { "match": { "path": "content/*"} } ] } }, { "term": { "project-name.raw": sProjectName } } ] } } } ''' dQuery = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "bool": { "should": [ { "term": { "ext.raw": "c" } }, { "term": { "ext.raw": "cpp" } }, { "term": { "ext.raw": "cxx" } }, { "term": { "ext.raw": "c++" } }, { "term": { "ext.raw": "cc" } } ] } }, { "bool": { "should": [ { "match": { "path": "latest/*" } }, { "match": { "path": "content/*"} } ] } }, { "term": { "project-name.raw": sProjectName } } ] } } } qRedis.put( json.dumps(dQuery) )
def findBuildTargets(dConfig): # setup mysql client dMp = MuseProjectDB(db=dConfig['mysql-db'],port=dConfig['mysql-port'],user=dConfig['mysql-user'],passwd=dConfig['mysql-passwd'],loc=dConfig['mysql-loc']) # setup elasticsearch client oES = Elasticsearch(dConfig['es-instance-locs'],timeout=180, max_retries=3, retry_on_timeout=True ) # purge build targets queue -- considering if we need to split mysql ingestion from elasticsearch queries... mysql may benefit from consumer pool inserting statements concurrently # qRedis = RedisQueue(dConfig['redis-queue-build-targets'], namespace='queue', host=dConfig['redis-loc'], port=dConfig['redis-port']) lBuildFiles = [] iCtr = 0 dQuery = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "bool": { "should": [ { "wildcard": { "file.raw": "*/" } }, { "wildcard": { "file.raw": "*/" } }, { "wildcard": { "file.raw": "*/configure" } }, { "wildcard": { "file.raw": "*/CMakeLists.txt" } }, { "wildcard": { "file.raw": "*/Makefile" } } ] } }, { "bool": { "should": [ { "match": { "path": "latest/*" } }, { "match": { "path": "content/*"} } ] } }, {"wildcard":{"file.raw": "/data/corpus_8tof/*"}} ] } } } if dConfig['debug']: debug( 'func: findBuildFiles() dQuery:', json.dumps(dQuery) ) # scroll time set to 10 minutes, change as needed -- required for consistent results, the scroll token expires at the end of scroll time dResponse =['es-file-index-name'], doc_type=dConfig['es-file-index-type'], body=json.dumps(dQuery), search_type='scan', scroll='20m', timeout='20m', lowercase_expanded_terms=False, request_timeout=180,) sScrollId = dResponse['_scroll_id'] if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: findBuildFiles() (after initial search) dResponse: ', dResponse) if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: findBuildFiles() search hits: ', dResponse['hits']['total']) debug('func: findBuildFiles() search hits: ', dResponse['hits']['total']) while 'timed_out' in dResponse and not dResponse['timed_out'] and 'hits' in dResponse and 'total' in dResponse['hits'] and dResponse['hits']['total'] > 0: dResponse = oES.scroll(scroll_id=sScrollId, scroll='20m') sScrollId = dResponse['_scroll_id'] if ('hits' in dResponse['hits']) and (len(dResponse['hits']['hits']) > 0): if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: findBuildFiles() scroll_id:', sScrollId, 'number of hits:', len(dResponse['hits']['hits']) ) if dConfig['debug'] and iCtr > 10: break for dHit in dResponse['hits']['hits']: iCtr += 1 if dConfig['debug'] and iCtr > 10: break # found matches try: if '_source' in dHit: #NATE added, remove leading path from found built targets mBuildTarget=dHit['_source']['file']; mBuildTarget=mBuildTarget.split('/') dHit['_source']['file'] = mBuildTarget[len(mBuildTarget)-1] dProjectFound = {} # initialize all build target types to false lBuildTypes = dMp.getBuildTypes() for sBuildType in lBuildTypes: dProjectFound[sBuildType] = False # mark relevant build target type true if 'file' in dHit['_source'] and dHit['_source']['file'] and dHit['_source']['file'] in dConfig['build-targets'].keys(): if dConfig['debug']: debug('func findBuildFiles() returned build target:', dHit['_source']['file']) dProjectFound[ dConfig['build-targets'][ dHit['_source']['file'] ]['type'] ] = True dProjectFound['ranking'] = dConfig['build-targets'][ dHit['_source']['file'] ]['ranking'] else: warning( 'func findBuildFiles() es returned an improper build target:', json.dumps(dHit['_source']) ) continue if 'project-name' in dHit['_source'] and dHit['_source']['project-name']: dProjectFound['projectName'] = dHit['_source']['project-name'] if 'project-path' in dHit['_source'] and dHit['_source']['project-path']: dProjectFound['projectPath'] = dHit['_source']['project-path'] if 'path' in dHit['_source'] and dHit['_source']['path']: dProjectFound['buildTargetPath'] = verifyEncoding( dHit['_source']['path'] ) dProjectFound['depth'] = depth( dProjectFound['buildTargetPath'] ) # debug('func findBuildFiles()', json.dumps(dProjectFound)) lBuildFiles.append(dProjectFound) # causing es reads to time out if (len(lBuildFiles) > dConfig['mysql-bulk-statement-size']) and dConfig['mysql']: dMp.insertIntoBuildTargets(lTargets=lBuildFiles, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) printMsg('func findBuildFiles() loaded', iCtr, 'build targets') lBuildFiles = [] except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError) as e: warning('func findBuildFiles() encountered exception:', e) #warning('func findBuildFiles() with string: ', dHit['_source']['path']) warning('func findBuildFiles() full _source payload: ', json.dumps( dHit['_source'], indent=4 ) ) else: break if (len(lBuildFiles) > 0) and dConfig['mysql']: dMp.insertIntoBuildTargets(lTargets=lBuildFiles, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) lBuildFiles = [] dMp.close()
def indexSourceTargets(dConfig): # setup mysql client dMp = MuseProjectDB(db=dConfig['mysql-db'],port=dConfig['mysql-port'],user=dConfig['mysql-user'],passwd=dConfig['mysql-passwd'],loc=dConfig['mysql-loc']) # setup elasticsearch client oES = Elasticsearch(dConfig['es-instance-locs']) # setup source targets queue qRedis = RedisQueue(dConfig['redis-queue-source-targets'], namespace='queue', host=dConfig['redis-loc'], port=dConfig['redis-port']) while 1: sQuery = qRedis.get(block=True, timeout=30) if sQuery: dQuery = json.loads(sQuery) if dConfig['debug']: debug( 'func: indexSourceTargets() dQuery:', json.dumps(dQuery) ) lSourceFiles = [] # scroll time set to 10 minutes, change as needed -- required for consistent results, the scroll token expires at the end of scroll time dResponse =['es-file-index-name'], doc_type=dConfig['es-file-index-type'], body=json.dumps(dQuery), search_type='scan', scroll='20m', timeout='20m', lowercase_expanded_terms=False) sScrollId = dResponse['_scroll_id'] if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: indexSourceTargets() (after initial search) dResponse: ', dResponse) if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: indexSourceTargets() search hits: ', dResponse['hits']['total']) #while not dResponse['timed_out'] and dResponse['hits']['hits']['total'] > 0: while 'timed_out' in dResponse and not dResponse['timed_out'] and 'hits' in dResponse and 'total' in dResponse['hits'] and dResponse['hits']['total'] > 0: dResponse = oES.scroll(scroll_id=sScrollId, scroll='20m') sScrollId = dResponse['_scroll_id'] if ('hits' in dResponse['hits']) and (len(dResponse['hits']['hits']) > 0): if dConfig['debug']: debug('func: indexSourceTargets() scroll_id:', sScrollId, 'number of hits:', len(dResponse['hits']['hits']) ) for dHit in dResponse['hits']['hits']: # found matches try: if '_source' in dHit: # debug('func: indexSourceTargets() dHit:', json.dumps(dHit['_source']) ) #NATE added, remove leading path from found built targets mBuildTarget=dHit['_source']['file']; mBuildTarget=mBuildTarget.split('/') dHit['_source']['file'] = mBuildTarget[len(mBuildTarget)-1] dProjectFound = {} lSourceTypes = dMp.getSourceTypes() for sSourceType in lSourceTypes: dProjectFound[sSourceType] = False if 'file' in dHit['_source'] and dHit['_source']['file']: (sFileName, sFileExt) = os.path.splitext(dHit['_source']['file']) if sFileExt.lower() in dConfig['source-targets'].keys(): dProjectFound[ dConfig['source-targets'][ sFileExt.lower() ] ] = True else: warning( 'func indexSourceTargets() es returned an improper source target:', json.dumps(dHit['_source']) ) continue if 'project-name' in dHit['_source'] and dHit['_source']['project-name']: dProjectFound['projectName'] = dHit['_source']['project-name'] if 'project-path' in dHit['_source'] and dHit['_source']['project-path']: dProjectFound['projectPath'] = dHit['_source']['project-path'] if 'path' in dHit['_source'] and dHit['_source']['path']: dProjectFound['buildTargetPath'] = verifyEncoding( dHit['_source']['path'] ) # debug('func findSourceFileHelper()', json.dumps(dProjectFound)) lSourceFiles.append(dProjectFound) # causing es reads to time out if (len(lSourceFiles) > dConfig['mysql-bulk-statement-size']) and dConfig['mysql']: dMp.insertIntoSourceTargets(lTargets=lSourceFiles, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) printMsg('func indexSourceTargets() loaded', iCtr, 'source targets') lSourceFiles = [] except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError) as e: warning('func indexSourceTargets() encountered exception:', e) #warning('func indexSourceTargets() with string: ', dHit['_source']['path']) warning('func indexSourceTargets() full _source payload: ', json.dumps( dHit['_source'], indent=4 ) ) else: break if (len(lSourceFiles) > 0) and dConfig['mysql']: dMp.insertIntoSourceTargets(lTargets=lSourceFiles, bDebug=dConfig['debug']) lSourceFiles = [] else: break dMp.close()