def main():
    n = 1489
    while True:
        b, c = n + 3330, n + 3330 * 2
        if isprime(n) and isprime(b) and isprime(c) \
            and is_perm(n, b) and is_perm(b, c):
        n += 2
    print str(n) + str(b) + str(c)
def main1():
    """This aproach is very slow."""
    end = 10 ** 7
    lowerbound = 2000
    upperbound = 5000
    numbers = list() # totient(n) is a permutation of n
    for i in xrange(2, end):
        if is_perm(i, totient(i)):
    print len(numbers)
def main2():
    semiprimes = create_semiprimes()
    numbers = set() # totient(n) is a permutation of n
    min_value = 100
    min_n = 0
    for semiprime in semiprimes:
        if is_perm(semiprime, totient(semiprime)):
    for num in numbers:
        tmp = num / float(totient(num))
        if tmp < min_value:
            min_value = tmp
            min_n = num
    print min_n