Example #1
def create_local_homography_object(bandwidth, magnitude, lambda_):
    Helper function for creating WeightedLocalHomography objects
    H = WeightedLocalHomography(SqExpWeightingFunction(bandwidth, magnitude))
    H.regularization_lambda = lambda_
    return H
Example #2
def get_homography_estimate(filename):
    # Conventions:
    # a_i, b_i
    #    are variables in image space, units are pixels
    # a_w, b_w
    #    are variables in world space, units are meters
    print '\n========================================'
    print '  File: ' + filename
    print '========================================\n'

    from skimage.io import imread
    from skimage.color import rgb2gray
    im  = imread(filename)
    im  = rgb2gray(im)

    detections = get_tag_detections(im, cache_tag=filename)
    print '  %d tags detected.' % len(detections)

    # Sort detections by distance to center
    c_i = np.array([im.shape[1], im.shape[0]]) / 2.
    dist = lambda p_i: np.linalg.norm(p_i - c_i)
    closer_to_center = lambda d1, d2: int(dist(d1.c) - dist(d2.c))

    from tag36h11_mosaic import TagMosaic
    tag_mosaic = TagMosaic(0.0254)
    mosaic_pos = lambda det: tag_mosaic.get_position_meters(det.id)

    det_i = np.array([ d.c for d in detections ])
    det_w = np.array([ mosaic_pos(d) for d in detections ])

    # Improvisation on the classic calibration procedure. We
    # obtain our initial homography estimate from 9 detections
    # at the center. This is better because the distortion is
    # minimal at the center.
    det_i9 = det_i[:9]
    det_w9 = det_w[:9]

    from projective_math import WeightedLocalHomography, UnitWeightingFunction
    H_estimator = WeightedLocalHomography(UnitWeightingFunction())
    for s, t in zip(det_w9, det_i9):
        H_estimator.add_correspondence(s, t)

    from tupletypes import Correspondence
    H = H_estimator.get_homography_at(det_w9[0])
    corrs = [ Correspondence(w, i) for w, i in zip(det_w, det_i) ]
    return HomographyInfo(corrs, H, im.shape)