Example #1
def test_hash_function_implemented():
    assert hash(AddConstant(3)) == hash(str(AddConstant(3)))
    assert hash(SubConstant(-3)) == hash(str(AddConstant(3)))
    assert hash(AddConstantModN(7, 4)) == hash(str(AddConstantModN(7, 4)))
    assert hash(SubConstantModN(7, 4)) == hash(str(AddConstantModN(-3, 4)))
    assert hash(MultiplyByConstantModN(3, 5)) == hash(
        MultiplyByConstantModN(3, 5))
Example #2
def test_hash_function_implemented():
    assert hash(AddConstant(3)) == hash(str(AddConstant(3)))
    assert hash(SubConstant(-3)) == hash(str(AddConstant(3)))
    assert hash(AddConstantModN(7, 4)) == hash(str(AddConstantModN(7, 4)))
    assert hash(SubConstantModN(7, 4)) == hash(str(AddConstantModN(-3, 4)))
    assert hash(MultiplyByConstantModN(3, 5)) == hash(
        str(MultiplyByConstantModN(3, 5)))
    assert hash(AddQuantum) == hash(str(AddQuantum))
    assert hash(SubtractQuantum) == hash(str(SubtractQuantum))
    assert hash(ComparatorQuantum) == hash(str(ComparatorQuantum))
    assert hash(DivideQuantum) == hash(str(DivideQuantum))
    assert hash(MultiplyQuantum) == hash(str(MultiplyQuantum))
Example #3
def test_high_level_gate_set():
    mod_list = projectq.setups.ibm16.get_engine_list()
    saving_engine = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    mod_list = mod_list[:6] + [saving_engine] + mod_list[6:]
    eng = MainEngine(DummyEngine(), engine_list=mod_list)
    qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(3)
    AddConstant(3) | qureg
    QFT | qureg
    received_gates = [cmd.gate for cmd in saving_engine.received_commands]
    assert sum([1 for g in received_gates if g == QFT]) == 1
    assert get_inverse(QFT) not in received_gates
    assert AddConstant(3) not in received_gates
Example #4
def test_restriction():
    engine_list = grid_setup.get_engine_list(num_rows=3, num_columns=2,
                                             one_qubit_gates=(Rz, H),
    backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    eng = projectq.MainEngine(backend, engine_list)
    qubit1 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qubit2 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qubit3 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    CNOT | (qubit1, qubit2)
    H | qubit1
    Rz(0.2) | qubit1
    Measure | qubit1
    Swap | (qubit1, qubit2)
    Rx(0.1) | (qubit1)
    AddConstant(1) | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    assert backend.received_commands[4].gate == X
    assert len(backend.received_commands[4].control_qubits) == 1
    assert backend.received_commands[5].gate == H
    assert backend.received_commands[6].gate == Rz(0.2)
    assert backend.received_commands[7].gate == Measure
    for cmd in backend.received_commands[7:]:
        assert cmd.gate != Swap
        assert not isinstance(cmd.gate, Rx)
        assert not isinstance(cmd.gate, AddConstant)
Example #5
def test_adder(eng):
    qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(4)
    init(eng, qureg, 4)

    AddConstant(3) | qureg

    assert 1.0 == pytest.approx(abs(eng.backend.cheat()[1][7]))

    init(eng, qureg, 7)  # reset
    init(eng, qureg, 2)

    # check for overflow -> should be 15+2 = 1 (mod 16)
    AddConstant(15) | qureg
    assert 1.0 == pytest.approx(abs(eng.backend.cheat()[1][1]))

    All(Measure) | qureg
Example #6
def test_adder():
	sim = Simulator()
	eng = MainEngine(sim, [AutoReplacer(),
	qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(4)
	init(eng, qureg, 4)
	AddConstant(3) | qureg
	assert 1. == pytest.approx(abs(sim.cheat()[1][7]))
	init(eng, qureg, 7)  # reset
	init(eng, qureg, 2)
	AddConstant(15) | qureg  # check for overflow -> should be 15+2 = 1 (mod 16)
	assert 1. == pytest.approx(abs(sim.cheat()[1][1]))
	Measure | qureg
Example #7
def test_restriction():
    engine_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        one_qubit_gates=(Rz, H),
        two_qubit_gates=(CNOT, AddConstant, Swap),
        other_gates=(Toffoli, AddConstantModN, MultiplyByConstantModN(2, 8)),
    backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    eng = projectq.MainEngine(backend, engine_list, verbose=True)
    qubit1 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qubit2 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qubit3 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    CNOT | (qubit1, qubit2)
    H | qubit1
    with Control(eng, qubit2):
        Rz(0.2) | qubit1
    Measure | qubit1
    AddConstant(1) | (qubit1 + qubit2)
    AddConstantModN(1, 9) | (qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3)
    Toffoli | (qubit1 + qubit2, qubit3)
    Swap | (qubit1, qubit2)
    MultiplyByConstantModN(2, 8) | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    TimeEvolution(0.5, QubitOperator("X0 Y1 Z2")) | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    QFT | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    Rx(0.1) | (qubit1)
    MultiplyByConstantModN(2, 9) | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    assert backend.received_commands[4].gate == X
    assert len(backend.received_commands[4].control_qubits) == 1
    assert backend.received_commands[5].gate == H
    assert backend.received_commands[6].gate == Rz(0.1)
    assert backend.received_commands[10].gate == Measure
    assert backend.received_commands[11].gate == AddConstant(1)
    assert backend.received_commands[12].gate == AddConstantModN(1, 9)
    assert backend.received_commands[13].gate == X
    assert len(backend.received_commands[13].control_qubits) == 2
    assert backend.received_commands[14].gate == Swap
    assert backend.received_commands[15].gate == MultiplyByConstantModN(2, 8)
    for cmd in backend.received_commands[16:]:
        assert cmd.gate != QFT
        assert not isinstance(cmd.gate, Rx)
        assert not isinstance(cmd.gate, MultiplyByConstantModN)
        assert not isinstance(cmd.gate, TimeEvolution)
Example #8
    def run_simulation(sim):
        eng = MainEngine(sim, [])
        quint = eng.allocate_qureg(5)
        AddConstant(3) | quint
        All(Measure) | quint
        results[0].append([int(qb) for qb in quint])

        AddConstantModN(4, 5) | quint
        All(Measure) | quint
        results[1].append([int(qb) for qb in quint])

        MultiplyByConstantModN(15, 16) | quint
        All(Measure) | quint
        results[2].append([int(qb) for qb in quint])
Example #9
def test_addconstant():
    assert AddConstant(3) == AddConstant(3)
    assert not AddConstant(3) == AddConstant(4)
    assert AddConstant(7) != AddConstant(3)

    assert str(AddConstant(3)) == "AddConstant(3)"