Example #1
def test_controlled_gate_or():
    saving_backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    main_engine = MainEngine(backend=saving_backend,
    gate = Rx(0.6)
    qubit0 = Qubit(main_engine, 0)
    qubit1 = Qubit(main_engine, 1)
    qubit2 = Qubit(main_engine, 2)
    qubit3 = Qubit(main_engine, 3)
    expected_cmd = Command(main_engine, gate, ([qubit3], ))
    expected_cmd.add_control_qubits([qubit0, qubit1, qubit2])
    received_commands = []
    # Option 1:
    _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | ([qubit1], [qubit0], [qubit2
                                                               ], [qubit3])
    # Option 2:
    _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | (qubit1, qubit0, qubit2, qubit3)
    # Option 3:
    _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | ([qubit1, qubit0], qubit2, qubit3)
    # Option 4:
    _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | (qubit1, [qubit0, qubit2], qubit3)
    # Wrong option 5:
    with pytest.raises(_metagates.ControlQubitError):
        _metagates.ControlledGate(gate, 3) | (qubit1, [qubit0, qubit2, qubit3])
    # Remove Allocate and Deallocate gates
    for cmd in saving_backend.received_commands:
        if not (isinstance(cmd.gate, FastForwardingGate)
                or isinstance(cmd.gate, ClassicalInstructionGate)):
    assert len(received_commands) == 4
    for cmd in received_commands:
        assert cmd == expected_cmd
Example #2
def test_controlled_gate_comparison():
    gate1 = _metagates.ControlledGate(Y, 1)
    gate2 = _metagates.ControlledGate(Y, 1)
    gate3 = _metagates.ControlledGate(T, 1)
    gate4 = _metagates.ControlledGate(Y, 2)
    assert gate1 == gate2
    assert not gate1 == gate3
    assert gate1 != gate4
Example #3
def test_controlled_gate_init():
    one_control = _metagates.ControlledGate(Y, 1)
    two_control = _metagates.ControlledGate(Y, 2)
    three_control = _metagates.ControlledGate(one_control, 2)
    assert one_control._gate == Y
    assert one_control._n == 1
    assert two_control._gate == Y
    assert two_control._n == 2
    assert three_control._gate == Y
    assert three_control._n == 3
Example #4
def test_controlled_gate_empty_controls():
    rec = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    eng = MainEngine(backend=rec, engine_list=[])

    a = eng.allocate_qureg(1)
    _metagates.ControlledGate(Y, 0) | ((), a)
    assert rec.received_commands[-1] == Command(eng, Y, [a])
Example #5
def test_controlled_gate_str():
    one_control = _metagates.ControlledGate(Y, 2)
    assert str(one_control) == "CC" + str(Y)
Example #6
def test_c():
    expected = _metagates.ControlledGate(Y, 2)
    assert _metagates.C(Y, 2) == expected
Example #7
def test_controlled_gate_get_inverse():
    one_control = _metagates.ControlledGate(Rx(0.5), 1)
    expected = _metagates.ControlledGate(Rx(-0.5 + 4 * math.pi), 1)
    assert one_control.get_inverse() == expected