def rebuild( self, gridRect ): """ Rebuilds the tracker item. """ scene = self.scene() if ( not scene ): return self.setVisible(gridRect.contains(self.pos())) self.setZValue(100) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(0, gridRect.height()) tip = '' tip_point = None self._ellipses = [] items = scene.collidingItems(self) self._basePath = QPainterPath(path) for item in items: item_path = item.path() found = None for y in range(int(, int(gridRect.bottom())): point = QPointF(self.pos().x(), y) if ( item_path.contains(point) ): found = QPointF(0, y - self.pos().y()) break if ( found ): path.addEllipse(found, 6, 6) self._ellipses.append(found) # update the value information value = scene.valueAt(self.mapToScene(found)) tip_point = self.mapToScene(found) hruler = scene.horizontalRuler() vruler = scene.verticalRuler() x_value = hruler.formatValue(value[0]) y_value = vruler.formatValue(value[1]) tip = '<b>x:</b> %s<br/><b>y:</b> %s' % (x_value, y_value) self.setPath(path) self.setVisible(True) # show the popup widget if ( tip ): anchor = XPopupWidget.Anchor.RightCenter widget = self.scene().chartWidget() tip_point = widget.mapToGlobal(widget.mapFromScene(tip_point)) XPopupWidget.showToolTip(tip, anchor = anchor, parent = widget, point = tip_point, foreground = QColor('blue'), background = QColor(148, 148, 255))
def hoverMoveEvent(self, event): """ Tracks whether or not this item is being hovered. :param event | <QEvent> """ point = event.pos() found_key = '' found = None for key, value, subpath in self._subpaths: if subpath.contains(point): found = subpath found_key = key break if found: # update the tooltip tip = self.keyToolTip(found_key) if (tip): widget = self.scene().chartWidget() anchor = XPopupWidget.Anchor.RightCenter # show the popup widget XPopupWidget.showToolTip(tip, anchor=anchor, parent=widget, foreground=self.color().darker(120), background=self.alternateColor()) if (found != self._hoveredPath): self._hoveredPath = found self.update()
def hoverMoveEvent( self, event ): """ Tracks whether or not this item is being hovered. :param event | <QEvent> """ point = event.pos() found_key = '' found = None for key, value, subpath in self._subpaths: if subpath.contains(point): found = subpath found_key = key break if found: # update the tooltip tip = self.keyToolTip(found_key) if ( tip ): widget = self.scene().chartWidget() anchor = XPopupWidget.Anchor.RightCenter # show the popup widget XPopupWidget.showToolTip(tip, anchor = anchor, parent = widget, foreground = self.color().darker(120), background = self.alternateColor()) if ( found != self._hoveredPath ): self._hoveredPath = found self.update()
def mousePressEvent( self, event ): """ Changes the current date to the clicked on date. :param event | <QMousePressEvent> """ XPopupWidget.hideToolTip() # update the current date self.setCurrentDate(self.dateAt(event.scenePos())) super(XCalendarScene, self).mousePressEvent(event)
def __init__(self, parent, buttons=None): super(XPopupButton, self).__init__(parent) # define custom options if buttons is None: buttons = QDialogButtonBox.Reset buttons |= QDialogButtonBox.Save buttons |= QDialogButtonBox.Cancel self._popupWidget = XPopupWidget(self, buttons) self._defaultAnchor = 0 self._popupShown = False self.setEnabled(False) # create connections self.clicked.connect(self.clickAction) self.triggered.connect(self.togglePopupOnAction) self._popupWidget.accepted.connect(self.popupAccepted) self._popupWidget.rejected.connect(self.popupRejected) self._popupWidget.resetRequested.connect(self.popupReset)
def helpEvent( self, event ): """ Displays a tool tip for the given help event. :param event | <QHelpEvent> """ item = self.itemAt(event.scenePos()) if ( item and item and item.toolTip() ): parent = self.parent() rect = item.path().boundingRect() point = event.scenePos() point.setY(item.pos().y() + rect.bottom()) point = parent.mapFromScene(point) point = parent.mapToGlobal(point) XPopupWidget.showToolTip(item.toolTip(), point = point, parent = parent) event.accept() else: super(XCalendarScene, self).helpEvent(event)
class XPopupButton(QToolButton): popupAboutToShow = Signal() popupAccepted = Signal() popupRejected = Signal() popupReset = Signal() Anchor = XPopupWidget.Anchor def __init__(self, parent, buttons=None): super(XPopupButton, self).__init__(parent) # define custom options if buttons is None: buttons = QDialogButtonBox.Reset buttons |= QDialogButtonBox.Save buttons |= QDialogButtonBox.Cancel self._popupWidget = XPopupWidget(self, buttons) self._defaultAnchor = 0 self._popupShown = False self.setEnabled(False) # create connections self.clicked.connect(self.clickAction) self.triggered.connect(self.togglePopupOnAction) self._popupWidget.accepted.connect(self.popupAccepted) self._popupWidget.rejected.connect(self.popupRejected) self._popupWidget.resetRequested.connect(self.popupReset) def centralWidget(self): """ Returns the central widget from this tool button """ return self._popupWidget.centralWidget() def clickAction(self): """ Calls the triggered signal if there is no action for this widget. """ if not self.defaultAction(): self.triggered.emit(None) def defaultAnchor(self): """ Returns the default anchor for this popup widget. :return <XPopupWidget.Anchor> """ return self._defaultAnchor def hideEvent(self, event): super(XPopupButton, self).hideEvent(event) self._popupShown = self.popupWidget().isVisible() if self.popupWidget().currentMode() != XPopupWidget.Mode.Dialog: self.popupWidget().hide() def popupWidget(self): """ Returns the popup widget for this button. :return <XPopupWidget> """ return self._popupWidget def setCentralWidget(self, widget): """ Sets the central widget for this button. :param widget | <QWidget> """ self.setEnabled(widget is not None) self._popupWidget.setCentralWidget(widget) def setDefaultAnchor(self, anchor): """ Sets the default anchor for the popup on this button. :param anchor | <XPopupWidget.Anchor> """ self._defaultAnchor = anchor def showEvent(self, event): super(XPopupButton, self).showEvent(event) if self._popupShown and \ self.popupWidget().currentMode() != XPopupWidget.Mode.Dialog: self.showPopup() def showPopupOnAction(self, action): """ Shows the popup if the action is the current default action. :param action | <QAction> """ if (action == self.defaultAction()): self.showPopup() def showPopup(self): """ Shows the popup for this button. """ as_dialog = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() anchor = self.defaultAnchor() if anchor: self.popupWidget().setAnchor(anchor) else: anchor = self.popupWidget().anchor() if (anchor & (XPopupWidget.Anchor.BottomLeft | XPopupWidget.Anchor.BottomCenter | XPopupWidget.Anchor.BottomRight)): pos = QPoint(self.width() / 2, 0) else: pos = QPoint(self.width() / 2, self.height()) pos = self.mapToGlobal(pos) if not self.signalsBlocked(): self.popupAboutToShow.emit() self._popupWidget.popup(pos) if as_dialog: self._popupWidget.setCurrentMode(XPopupWidget.Mode.Dialog) def togglePopup(self): """ Toggles whether or not the popup is visible. """ if not self._popupWidget.isVisible(): self.showPopup() elif self._popupWidget.currentMode() != self._popupWidget.Mode.Dialog: self._popupWidget.close() def togglePopupOnAction(self, action): """ Toggles the popup if the action is the current default action. :param action | <QAction> """ if action in (None, self.defaultAction()): self.togglePopup()
class XPopupButton(QToolButton): popupAboutToShow = Signal() popupAccepted = Signal() popupRejected = Signal() popupReset = Signal() Anchor = XPopupWidget.Anchor def __init__(self, parent, buttons=None): super(XPopupButton, self).__init__(parent) # define custom options if buttons is None: buttons = QDialogButtonBox.Reset buttons |= QDialogButtonBox.Save buttons |= QDialogButtonBox.Cancel self._popupWidget = XPopupWidget(self, buttons) self._defaultAnchor = 0 self._popupShown = False self.setEnabled(False) # create connections self.clicked.connect(self.clickAction) self.triggered.connect(self.togglePopupOnAction) self._popupWidget.accepted.connect(self.popupAccepted) self._popupWidget.rejected.connect(self.popupRejected) self._popupWidget.resetRequested.connect(self.popupReset) def centralWidget(self): """ Returns the central widget from this tool button """ return self._popupWidget.centralWidget() def clickAction(self): """ Calls the triggered signal if there is no action for this widget. """ if not self.defaultAction(): self.triggered.emit(None) def defaultAnchor(self): """ Returns the default anchor for this popup widget. :return <XPopupWidget.Anchor> """ return self._defaultAnchor def hideEvent(self, event): super(XPopupButton, self).hideEvent(event) self._popupShown = self.popupWidget().isVisible() if self.popupWidget().currentMode() != XPopupWidget.Mode.Dialog: self.popupWidget().hide() def popupWidget(self): """ Returns the popup widget for this button. :return <XPopupWidget> """ return self._popupWidget def setCentralWidget(self, widget): """ Sets the central widget for this button. :param widget | <QWidget> """ self.setEnabled(widget is not None) self._popupWidget.setCentralWidget(widget) def setDefaultAnchor(self, anchor): """ Sets the default anchor for the popup on this button. :param anchor | <XPopupWidget.Anchor> """ self._defaultAnchor = anchor def showEvent(self, event): super(XPopupButton, self).showEvent(event) if self._popupShown and \ self.popupWidget().currentMode() != XPopupWidget.Mode.Dialog: self.showPopup() def showPopupOnAction(self, action): """ Shows the popup if the action is the current default action. :param action | <QAction> """ if ( action == self.defaultAction() ): self.showPopup() def showPopup(self): """ Shows the popup for this button. """ as_dialog = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() anchor = self.defaultAnchor() if anchor: self.popupWidget().setAnchor(anchor) else: anchor = self.popupWidget().anchor() if ( anchor & (XPopupWidget.Anchor.BottomLeft | XPopupWidget.Anchor.BottomCenter | XPopupWidget.Anchor.BottomRight) ): pos = QPoint(self.width() / 2, 0) else: pos = QPoint(self.width() / 2, self.height()) pos = self.mapToGlobal(pos) if not self.signalsBlocked(): self.popupAboutToShow.emit() self._popupWidget.popup(pos) if as_dialog: self._popupWidget.setCurrentMode(XPopupWidget.Mode.Dialog) def togglePopup(self): """ Toggles whether or not the popup is visible. """ if not self._popupWidget.isVisible(): self.showPopup() elif self._popupWidget.currentMode() != self._popupWidget.Mode.Dialog: self._popupWidget.close() def togglePopupOnAction( self, action ): """ Toggles the popup if the action is the current default action. :param action | <QAction> """ if action in (None, self.defaultAction()): self.togglePopup()