class HistoryManager(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HistoryManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._history = None self.last_cmd = None self.db = None if HAVE_SQLITE: dbpath = os.path.join( save_cache_path('graphcli'), 'history.db' ) self.db = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) self.cursor = self.db.cursor() self.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS graphcli_history ( ts INT, cmd TEXT ) ''') @property def history(self): if self._history is None: self._history = InMemoryHistory() for cmd in self.read_history(): self._history.append('{0};'.format(cmd)) self.last_cmd = cmd return self._history def read_history(self): if self.db is not None: commands = self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT cmd FROM graphcli_history ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT ? ''', (self.history_size,)) for row in reversed(list(commands)): yield row[0] def add_to_history(self, cmd): if cmd != self.last_cmd: if self.db is not None: ts = int(time()) self.cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO graphcli_history VALUES (:ts, :cmd) ''', {'ts': ts, 'cmd': cmd}) self.last_cmd = cmd def close(self): if self.db is not None: self.db.commit() self.db.close()
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if self.simple_prompt: # Fall back to plain non-interactive output for tests. # This is very limited, and only accepts a single line. def prompt(): isp = self.input_splitter prompt_text = "".join(x[1] for x in self.prompts.in_prompt_tokens()) prompt_continuation = "".join(x[1] for x in self.prompts.continuation_prompt_tokens()) while isp.push_accepts_more(): line = cast_unicode_py2(input(prompt_text)) isp.push(line) prompt_text = prompt_continuation return isp.source_reset() self.prompt_for_code = prompt return # Set up keyboard shortcuts kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt( enable_open_in_editor=self.extra_open_editor_shortcuts, ) register_ipython_shortcuts(kbmanager.registry, self) # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for __, ___, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) last_cell = cell self._style = self._make_style_from_name_or_cls(self.highlighting_style) = DynamicStyle(lambda: self._style) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) def patch_stdout(**kwargs): return self.pt_cli.patch_stdout_context(**kwargs) self._pt_app = create_prompt_application( editing_mode=editing_mode, key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=IPythonPTCompleter(shell=self, patch_stdout=patch_stdout), enable_history_search=True,, mouse_support=self.mouse_support, **self._layout_options() ) self._eventloop = create_eventloop(self.inputhook) self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface( self._pt_app, eventloop=self._eventloop, output=create_output(true_color=self.true_color))
def __init__(self, completer, model_completer, docs, input=None, output=None): self.completer = completer self.model_completer = model_completer self.history = InMemoryHistory() self.file_history = FileHistory(build_config_file_path('history')) self._cli = None self._docs = docs self.current_docs = u'' self.refresh_cli = False self.key_manager = None self._dot_cmd = DotCommandHandler() self._env = os.environ.copy() self._profile = None self._input = input self._output = output # These attrs come from the config file. self.config_obj = None self.config_section = None self.enable_vi_bindings = None self.show_completion_columns = None self.show_help = None self.theme = None self.load_config()
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if self.simple_prompt: # Fall back to plain non-interactive output for tests. # This is very limited, and only accepts a single line. def prompt(): isp = self.input_splitter prompt_text = "".join(x[1] for x in self.prompts.in_prompt_tokens()) prompt_continuation = "".join(x[1] for x in self.prompts.continuation_prompt_tokens()) while isp.push_accepts_more(): line = input(prompt_text) isp.push(line) prompt_text = prompt_continuation return isp.source_reset() self.prompt_for_code = prompt return # Set up keyboard shortcuts key_bindings = create_ipython_shortcuts(self) # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for __, ___, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append_string(cell) last_cell = cell self._style = self._make_style_from_name_or_cls(self.highlighting_style) = DynamicStyle(lambda: self._style) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) self.pt_app = PromptSession( editing_mode=editing_mode, key_bindings=key_bindings, history=history, completer=IPythonPTCompleter(shell=self), enable_history_search = self.enable_history_search,, include_default_pygments_style=False, mouse_support=self.mouse_support, enable_open_in_editor=self.extra_open_editor_shortcuts, color_depth=(ColorDepth.TRUE_COLOR if self.true_color else None), **self._extra_prompt_options())
def main(): # Create some history first. (Easy for testing.) history = InMemoryHistory() history.append_string('import os') history.append_string('print("hello")') history.append_string('print("world")') history.append_string('import path') # Print help. print('This CLI has up-arrow partial string matching enabled.') print('Type for instance "pri" followed by up-arrow and you') print('get the last items starting with "pri".') print('Press Control-C to retry. Control-D to exit.') print() session = PromptSession(history=history, enable_history_search=True) while True: try: text = session.prompt('Say something: ') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Ctrl-C pressed. Try again. else: break print('You said: %s' % text)
def main(): # Create some history first. (Easy for testing.) history = InMemoryHistory() history.append_string('import os') history.append_string('print("hello")') history.append_string('print("world")') history.append_string('import path') # Print help. print('This CLI has fish-style auto-suggestion enable.') print('Type for instance "pri", then you\'ll see a suggestion.') print('Press the right arrow to insert the suggestion.') print('Press Control-C to retry. Control-D to exit.') print() session = PromptSession( history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True) while True: try: text = session.prompt('Say something: ') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Ctrl-C pressed. Try again. else: break print('You said: %s' % text)
def history(self): if self._history is None: self._history = InMemoryHistory() for cmd in self.read_history(): self._history.append('{0};'.format(cmd)) self.last_cmd = cmd return self._history
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if self.simple_prompt: # Fall back to plain non-interactive output for tests. # This is very limited, and only accepts a single line. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2(input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt return # Set up keyboard shortcuts kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt() register_ipython_shortcuts(kbmanager.registry, self) # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for __, ___, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) last_cell = cell self._style = self._make_style_from_name_or_cls(self.highlighting_style) style = DynamicStyle(lambda: self._style) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) self._pt_app = create_prompt_application( editing_mode=editing_mode, key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=IPythonPTCompleter(shell=self), enable_history_search=True, style=style, mouse_support=self.mouse_support, **self._layout_options() ) self._eventloop = create_eventloop(self.inputhook) self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface( self._pt_app, eventloop=self._eventloop, output=create_output(true_color=self.true_color))
def __init__(self, completer, model_completer, docs): self.completer = completer self.model_completer = model_completer self.history = InMemoryHistory() self.file_history = FileHistory(build_config_file_path('history')) self._cli = None self._docs = docs self.current_docs = u'' self.refresh_cli = False self._dot_cmd = DotCommandHandler() self.load_config()
def main(): # Create some history first. (Easy for testing.) history = InMemoryHistory() history.append("import os") history.append('print("hello")') history.append('print("world")') history.append("import path") # Print help. print("This CLI has up-arrow partial string matching enabled.") print('Type for instance "pri" followed by up-arrow and you') print('get the last items starting with "pri".') print("Press Control-C to retry. Control-D to exit.") print() text = prompt("Say something: ", history=history, enable_history_search=Always(), on_abort=AbortAction.RETRY) print("You said: %s" % text)
def main(): # Create some history first. (Easy for testing.) history = InMemoryHistory() history.append('import os') history.append('print("hello")') history.append('print("world")') history.append('import path') # Print help. print('This CLI has fish-style auto-suggestion enable.') print('Type for instance "pri", then you\'ll see a suggestion.') print('Press the right arrow to insert the suggestion.') print('Press Control-C to retry. Control-D to exit.') print() text = prompt('Say something: ', history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True, on_abort=AbortAction.RETRY) print('You said: {0!s}'.format(text))
class AWSShell(object): """Encapsulate the ui, completer, command history, docs, and config. Runs the input event loop and delegates the command execution to either the `awscli` or the underlying shell. :type refresh_cli: bool :param refresh_cli: Flag to refresh the cli. :type config_obj: :class:`configobj.ConfigObj` :param config_obj: Contains the config information for reading and writing. :type config_section: :class:`configobj.Section` :param config_section: Convenience attribute to access the main section of the config. :type model_completer: :class:`AWSCLIModelCompleter` :param model_completer: Matches input with completions. `AWSShell` sets and gets the attribute `AWSCLIModelCompleter.match_fuzzy`. :type enable_vi_bindings: bool :param enable_vi_bindings: If True, enables Vi key bindings. Else, Emacs key bindings are enabled. :type show_completion_columns: bool param show_completion_columns: If True, completions are shown in multiple columns. Else, completions are shown in a single scrollable column. :type show_help: bool :param show_help: If True, shows the help pane. Else, hides the help pane. :type theme: str :param theme: The pygments theme. """ def __init__(self, completer, model_completer, docs, input=None, output=None): self.completer = completer self.model_completer = model_completer self.history = InMemoryHistory() self.file_history = FileHistory(build_config_file_path('history')) self._cli = None self._docs = docs self.current_docs = u'' self.refresh_cli = False self.key_manager = None self._dot_cmd = DotCommandHandler() self._env = os.environ.copy() self._profile = None self._input = input self._output = output self.prompt_tokens = u'aws > ' # These attrs come from the config file. self.config_obj = None self.config_section = None self.enable_vi_bindings = None self.show_completion_columns = None self.show_help = None self.theme = None self.load_config() def load_config(self): """Load the config from the config file or template.""" config = Config() self.config_obj = config.load('awsshellrc') self.config_section = self.config_obj['aws-shell'] self.model_completer.match_fuzzy = self.config_section.as_bool( 'match_fuzzy') self.enable_vi_bindings = self.config_section.as_bool( 'enable_vi_bindings') self.show_completion_columns = self.config_section.as_bool( 'show_completion_columns') self.show_help = self.config_section.as_bool('show_help') self.theme = self.config_section['theme'] def save_config(self): """Save the config to the config file.""" self.config_section['match_fuzzy'] = self.model_completer.match_fuzzy self.config_section['enable_vi_bindings'] = self.enable_vi_bindings self.config_section['show_completion_columns'] = \ self.show_completion_columns self.config_section['show_help'] = self.show_help self.config_section['theme'] = self.theme self.config_obj.write() def add_context(self, text): self.model_completer.context.append(text.split()[0].strip('@')) self.model_completer.reset() self.prompt_tokens = u'aws ' + ' '.join( self.model_completer.context) + u' > ' self.refresh_cli = True self.cli.request_redraw() def remove_context(self): self.model_completer.context.pop() self.prompt_tokens = u'aws ' + ' '.join( self.model_completer.context) + u' > ' self.refresh_cli = True self.cli.request_redraw() @property def cli(self): if self._cli is None or self.refresh_cli: self._cli = self.create_cli_interface(self.show_completion_columns) self.refresh_cli = False return self._cli def run(self): while True: try: document = if self.model_completer.context and isinstance( self.model_completer.context, list): text = " ".join(self.model_completer.context) + \ " " + document.text original_text = document.text else: text = document.text original_text = text except InputInterrupt: pass except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): self.save_config() break else: if original_text.startswith('.'): # These are special commands (dot commands) that are # interpreted by the aws-shell directly and typically used # to modify some type of behavior in the aws-shell. result = self._dot_cmd.handle_cmd(text, application=self) if result is EXIT_REQUESTED: break else: if original_text.startswith('!'): # Then run the rest as a normal shell command. full_cmd = text[1:] elif original_text.startswith('@'): # Add word as context to completions self.add_context(text) continue elif original_text == 'exit' and\ self.model_completer.context: # Remove most recently added context self.remove_context() continue else: full_cmd = 'aws ' + text self.history.append(full_cmd) self.current_docs = u'' self.cli.buffers['clidocs'].reset( initial_document=Document(self.current_docs, cursor_position=0)) self.cli.request_redraw() p = subprocess.Popen(full_cmd, shell=True, env=self._env) p.communicate() def stop_input_and_refresh_cli(self): """Stop input by raising an `InputInterrupt`, forces a cli refresh. The cli refresh is necessary because changing options such as key bindings, single vs multi column menu completions, and the help pane all require a rebuild. :raises: :class:`InputInterrupt <exceptions.InputInterrupt>`. """ self.refresh_cli = True self.cli.request_redraw() raise InputInterrupt def create_layout(self, display_completions_in_columns, toolbar): from awsshell.lexer import ShellLexer lexer = ShellLexer if self.config_section['theme'] == 'none': lexer = None return create_default_layout( self, self.prompt_tokens, lexer=lexer, reserve_space_for_menu=True, display_completions_in_columns=display_completions_in_columns, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=toolbar.handler) def create_buffer(self, completer, history): return Buffer(history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True, completer=completer, complete_while_typing=Always(), accept_action=AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT) def create_key_manager(self): """Create the :class:`KeyManager`. The inputs to KeyManager are expected to be callable, so we can't use the standard @property and @attrib.setter for these attributes. Lambdas cannot contain assignments so we're forced to define setters. :rtype: :class:`KeyManager` :return: A KeyManager with callables to set the toolbar options. Also includes the method stop_input_and_refresh_cli to ensure certain options take effect within the current session. """ def set_match_fuzzy(match_fuzzy): """Setter for fuzzy matching mode. :type match_fuzzy: bool :param match_fuzzy: The match fuzzy flag. """ self.model_completer.match_fuzzy = match_fuzzy def set_enable_vi_bindings(enable_vi_bindings): """Setter for vi mode keybindings. If vi mode is off, emacs mode is enabled by default by `prompt_toolkit`. :type enable_vi_bindings: bool :param enable_vi_bindings: The enable Vi bindings flag. """ self.enable_vi_bindings = enable_vi_bindings def set_show_completion_columns(show_completion_columns): """Setter for showing the completions in columns flag. :type show_completion_columns: bool :param show_completion_columns: The show completions in multiple columns flag. """ self.show_completion_columns = show_completion_columns def set_show_help(show_help): """Setter for showing the help container flag. :type show_help: bool :param show_help: The show help flag. """ self.show_help = show_help return KeyManager(lambda: self.model_completer.match_fuzzy, set_match_fuzzy, lambda: self.enable_vi_bindings, set_enable_vi_bindings, lambda: self.show_completion_columns, set_show_completion_columns, lambda: self.show_help, set_show_help, self.stop_input_and_refresh_cli) def create_application(self, completer, history, display_completions_in_columns): self.key_manager = self.create_key_manager() toolbar = Toolbar(lambda: self.model_completer.match_fuzzy, lambda: self.enable_vi_bindings, lambda: self.show_completion_columns, lambda: self.show_help) style_factory = StyleFactory(self.theme) buffers = {'clidocs': Buffer(read_only=True)} return Application( layout=self.create_layout(display_completions_in_columns, toolbar), mouse_support=False,, buffers=buffers, buffer=self.create_buffer(completer, history), on_abort=AbortAction.RETRY, on_exit=AbortAction.RAISE_EXCEPTION, on_input_timeout=self.on_input_timeout, key_bindings_registry=self.key_manager.manager.registry, ) def on_input_timeout(self, cli): if not self.show_help: return document = cli.current_buffer.document text = document.text LOG.debug("document.text = %s", text) LOG.debug("current_command = %s", self.completer.current_command) if text.strip(): command = self.completer.current_command key_name = '.'.join(command.split()).encode('utf-8') last_option = self.completer.last_option if last_option: self.current_docs = self._docs.extract_param( key_name, last_option) else: self.current_docs = self._docs.extract_description(key_name) else: self.current_docs = u'' cli.buffers['clidocs'].reset( initial_document=Document(self.current_docs, cursor_position=0)) cli.request_redraw() def create_cli_interface(self, display_completions_in_columns): # A CommandLineInterface from prompt_toolkit # accepts two things: an application and an # event loop. loop = create_eventloop() app = self.create_application(self.completer, self.file_history, display_completions_in_columns) cli = CommandLineInterface(application=app, eventloop=loop, input=self._input, output=self._output) return cli @property def profile(self): return self._profile @profile.setter def profile(self, new_profile_name): # There's only two things that need to know about new profile # changes. # # First, the actual command runner. If we want # to use a different profile, it should ensure that the CLI # commands that get run use the new profile (via the # AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE env var). # # Second, we also need to let the server side autocompleter know. # # Given this is easy to manage by hand, I don't think # it's worth adding an event system or observers just yet. # If this gets hard to manage, the complexity of those systems # would be worth it. self._env['AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE'] = new_profile_name self.completer.change_profile(new_profile_name) self._profile = new_profile_name
class AWSShell(object): """Encapsulate the ui, completer, command history, docs, and config. Runs the input event loop and delegates the command execution to either the `awscli` or the underlying shell. :type refresh_cli: bool :param refresh_cli: Flag to refresh the cli. :type config_obj: :class:`configobj.ConfigObj` :param config_obj: Contains the config information for reading and writing. :type config_section: :class:`configobj.Section` :param config_section: Convenience attribute to access the main section of the config. :type model_completer: :class:`AWSCLIModelCompleter` :param model_completer: Matches input with completions. `AWSShell` sets and gets the attribute `AWSCLIModelCompleter.match_fuzzy`. :type enable_vi_bindings: bool :param enable_vi_bindings: If True, enables Vi key bindings. Else, Emacs key bindings are enabled. :type show_completion_columns: bool param show_completion_columns: If True, completions are shown in multiple columns. Else, completions are shown in a single scrollable column. :type show_help: bool :param show_help: If True, shows the help pane. Else, hides the help pane. :type theme: str :param theme: The pygments theme. """ def __init__(self, completer, model_completer, docs, input=None, output=None): self.completer = completer self.model_completer = model_completer self.history = InMemoryHistory() self.file_history = FileHistory(build_config_file_path('history')) self._cli = None self._docs = docs self.current_docs = u'' self.refresh_cli = False self.key_manager = None self._dot_cmd = DotCommandHandler() self._env = os.environ.copy() self._profile = None self._input = input self._output = output # These attrs come from the config file. self.config_obj = None self.config_section = None self.enable_vi_bindings = None self.show_completion_columns = None self.show_help = None self.theme = None self.load_config() def load_config(self): """Load the config from the config file or template.""" config = Config() self.config_obj = config.load('awsshellrc') self.config_section = self.config_obj['aws-shell'] self.model_completer.match_fuzzy = self.config_section.as_bool( 'match_fuzzy') self.enable_vi_bindings = self.config_section.as_bool( 'enable_vi_bindings') self.show_completion_columns = self.config_section.as_bool( 'show_completion_columns') self.show_help = self.config_section.as_bool('show_help') self.theme = self.config_section['theme'] def save_config(self): """Save the config to the config file.""" self.config_section['match_fuzzy'] = self.model_completer.match_fuzzy self.config_section['enable_vi_bindings'] = self.enable_vi_bindings self.config_section['show_completion_columns'] = \ self.show_completion_columns self.config_section['show_help'] = self.show_help self.config_section['theme'] = self.theme self.config_obj.write() @property def cli(self): if self._cli is None or self.refresh_cli: self._cli = self.create_cli_interface(self.show_completion_columns) self.refresh_cli = False return self._cli def run(self): while True: try: document = text = document.text except InputInterrupt: pass except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): self.save_config() break else: if text.startswith('.'): # These are special commands (dot commands) that are # interpreted by the aws-shell directly and typically used # to modify some type of behavior in the aws-shell. result = self._dot_cmd.handle_cmd(text, application=self) if result is EXIT_REQUESTED: break else: if text.startswith('!'): # Then run the rest as a normally shell command. full_cmd = text[1:] else: full_cmd = 'aws ' + text self.history.append(full_cmd) self.current_docs = u'' self.cli.buffers['clidocs'].reset( initial_document=Document(self.current_docs, cursor_position=0)) self.cli.request_redraw() p = subprocess.Popen(full_cmd, shell=True, env=self._env) p.communicate() def stop_input_and_refresh_cli(self): """Stop input by raising an `InputInterrupt`, forces a cli refresh. The cli refresh is necessary because changing options such as key bindings, single vs multi column menu completions, and the help pane all require a rebuild. :raises: :class:`InputInterrupt <exceptions.InputInterrupt>`. """ self.refresh_cli = True self.cli.request_redraw() raise InputInterrupt def create_layout(self, display_completions_in_columns, toolbar): from awsshell.lexer import ShellLexer lexer = ShellLexer if self.config_section['theme'] == 'none': lexer = None return create_default_layout( self, u'aws> ', lexer=lexer, reserve_space_for_menu=True, display_completions_in_columns=display_completions_in_columns, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=toolbar.handler) def create_buffer(self, completer, history): return Buffer( history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True, completer=completer, complete_while_typing=Always(), accept_action=AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT) def create_key_manager(self): """Create the :class:`KeyManager`. The inputs to KeyManager are expected to be callable, so we can't use the standard @property and @attrib.setter for these attributes. Lambdas cannot contain assignments so we're forced to define setters. :rtype: :class:`KeyManager` :return: A KeyManager with callables to set the toolbar options. Also includes the method stop_input_and_refresh_cli to ensure certain options take effect within the current session. """ def set_match_fuzzy(match_fuzzy): """Setter for fuzzy matching mode. :type match_fuzzy: bool :param match_fuzzy: The match fuzzy flag. """ self.model_completer.match_fuzzy = match_fuzzy def set_enable_vi_bindings(enable_vi_bindings): """Setter for vi mode keybindings. If vi mode is off, emacs mode is enabled by default by `prompt_toolkit`. :type enable_vi_bindings: bool :param enable_vi_bindings: The enable Vi bindings flag. """ self.enable_vi_bindings = enable_vi_bindings def set_show_completion_columns(show_completion_columns): """Setter for showing the completions in columns flag. :type show_completion_columns: bool :param show_completion_columns: The show completions in multiple columns flag. """ self.show_completion_columns = show_completion_columns def set_show_help(show_help): """Setter for showing the help container flag. :type show_help: bool :param show_help: The show help flag. """ self.show_help = show_help return KeyManager( lambda: self.model_completer.match_fuzzy, set_match_fuzzy, lambda: self.enable_vi_bindings, set_enable_vi_bindings, lambda: self.show_completion_columns, set_show_completion_columns, lambda: self.show_help, set_show_help, self.stop_input_and_refresh_cli) def create_application(self, completer, history, display_completions_in_columns): self.key_manager = self.create_key_manager() toolbar = Toolbar( lambda: self.model_completer.match_fuzzy, lambda: self.enable_vi_bindings, lambda: self.show_completion_columns, lambda: self.show_help) style_factory = StyleFactory(self.theme) buffers = { 'clidocs': Buffer(read_only=True) } return Application( layout=self.create_layout(display_completions_in_columns, toolbar), mouse_support=False,, buffers=buffers, buffer=self.create_buffer(completer, history), on_abort=AbortAction.RETRY, on_exit=AbortAction.RAISE_EXCEPTION, on_input_timeout=self.on_input_timeout, key_bindings_registry=self.key_manager.manager.registry, ) def on_input_timeout(self, cli): if not self.show_help: return document = cli.current_buffer.document text = document.text LOG.debug("document.text = %s", text) LOG.debug("current_command = %s", self.completer.current_command) if text.strip(): command = self.completer.current_command key_name = '.'.join(command.split()).encode('utf-8') last_option = self.completer.last_option if last_option: self.current_docs = self._docs.extract_param( key_name, last_option) else: self.current_docs = self._docs.extract_description(key_name) else: self.current_docs = u'' cli.buffers['clidocs'].reset( initial_document=Document(self.current_docs, cursor_position=0)) cli.request_redraw() def create_cli_interface(self, display_completions_in_columns): # A CommandLineInterface from prompt_toolkit # accepts two things: an application and an # event loop. loop = create_eventloop() app = self.create_application(self.completer, self.file_history, display_completions_in_columns) cli = CommandLineInterface(application=app, eventloop=loop, input=self._input, output=self._output) return cli @property def profile(self): return self._profile @profile.setter def profile(self, new_profile_name): # There's only two things that need to know about new profile # changes. # # First, the actual command runner. If we want # to use a different profile, it should ensure that the CLI # commands that get run use the new profile (via the # AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE env var). # # Second, we also need to let the server side autocompleter know. # # Given this is easy to manage by hand, I don't think # it's worth adding an event system or observers just yet. # If this gets hard to manage, the complexity of those systems # would be worth it. self._env['AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE'] = new_profile_name self.completer.change_profile(new_profile_name) self._profile = new_profile_name
from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory from prompt_toolkit import prompt from query_handler import predict print("Welcome to PreCrimeBot!") print("You can ask me to predict crime anywhere in London. Let's get started!") print() print("Each prediction will require a date and address as input.") print("Don't worry, I understand most date and address formats.") print("I will try to tell you when I can't understand you.") print() print("PS: type 'exit' and hit ENTER at any time to exit, or use CTLR+D") address_history = InMemoryHistory() date_history = InMemoryHistory() while True: print('-' * 50) address = prompt("Address: ", history=address_history) if 'exit' == address: break date = prompt("Date: ", history=date_history) if 'exit' == date: break try: result = predict(date, address) except ValueError as e:
def __init__(self, cli_ctx, style=None, completer=None, styles=None, lexer=None, history=InMemoryHistory(), app=None, input_custom=sys.stdin, output_custom=None, user_feedback=False, intermediate_sleep=.25, final_sleep=4): from azclishell.color_styles import style_factory self.cli_ctx = cli_ctx self.config = Configuration(cli_ctx.config) self.config.set_style(style) self.styles = style or style_factory(self.config.get_style()) self.lexer = lexer or get_az_lexer( self.config) if self.styles else None try: from azclishell.gather_commands import GatherCommands from azclishell.az_completer import AzCompleter self.completer = completer or AzCompleter( self, GatherCommands(self.config)) except IOError: # if there is no cache self.completer = None self.history = history or FileHistory( os.path.join(self.config.config_dir, self.config.get_history())) os.environ[ENV_ADDITIONAL_USER_AGENT] = 'AZURECLISHELL/' + __version__ self.telemetry = Telemetry(self.cli_ctx) # OH WHAT FUN TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THESE ARE! self._cli = None self.refresh_cli = False self.layout = None self.description_docs = u'' self.param_docs = u'' self.example_docs = u'' self._env = os.environ self.last = None self.last_exit = 0 self.user_feedback = user_feedback self.input = input_custom self.output = output_custom self.config_default = "" self.default_command = "" self.threads = [] self.curr_thread = None self.spin_val = -1 self.intermediate_sleep = intermediate_sleep self.final_sleep = final_sleep # try to consolidate state information here... # These came from key bindings... self._section = 1 self.is_prompting = False self.is_example_repl = False self.is_showing_default = False self.is_symbols = True
# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # import getpass import logging import requests from prompt_toolkit import prompt from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) history = InMemoryHistory() # class PyborgCommandSuggest(AutoSuggest): # "NB: for pt v2" # def __init__(self): # super(PyborgCommandSuggest, self).__init__() # def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document): # #use document.text # if document.text.startswith("!"): # return Suggestion("!quit") # return None class ModLineIn():
def __init__(self, message='', default='', multiline=False, wrap_lines=True, is_password=False, vi_mode=False, editing_mode=EditingMode.EMACS, complete_while_typing=True, validate_while_typing=True, enable_history_search=False, search_ignore_case=False, lexer=None, enable_system_prompt=False, enable_suspend=False, enable_open_in_editor=False, validator=None, completer=None, complete_in_thread=False, reserve_space_for_menu=8, complete_style=None, auto_suggest=None, style=None, color_depth=None, include_default_pygments_style=True, history=None, clipboard=None, prompt_continuation=None, rprompt=None, bottom_toolbar=None, mouse_support=False, input_processors=None, key_bindings=None, erase_when_done=False, tempfile_suffix='.txt', inputhook=None, refresh_interval=0, input=None, output=None): assert style is None or isinstance(style, BaseStyle) assert input_processors is None or isinstance(input_processors, list) assert key_bindings is None or isinstance(key_bindings, KeyBindingsBase) # Defaults. output = output or get_default_output() input = input or get_default_input() history = history or InMemoryHistory() clipboard = clipboard or InMemoryClipboard() # Ensure backwards-compatibility, when `vi_mode` is passed. if vi_mode: editing_mode = EditingMode.VI # Store all settings in this class. self.input = input self.output = output # Store all settings in this class. for name in self._fields: if name not in ('editing_mode', ): value = locals()[name] setattr(self, name, value) # Create buffers, layout and Application. self.history = history self.default_buffer = self._create_default_buffer() self.search_buffer = self._create_search_buffer() self.layout = self._create_layout() = self._create_application(editing_mode, erase_when_done)
def create_prompt_application(self, message='', multiline=False, wrap_lines=True, is_password=False, vi_mode=False, complete_while_typing=True, enable_history_search=False, lexer=None, enable_system_bindings=False, enable_open_in_editor=False, validator=None, completer=None, reserve_space_for_menu=8, auto_suggest=None, style=None, history=None, clipboard=None, get_prompt_tokens=None, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=None, display_completions_in_columns=False, get_title=None, mouse_support=False, extra_input_processors=None, key_bindings_registry=None, on_abort=AbortAction.RAISE_EXCEPTION, on_exit=AbortAction.RAISE_EXCEPTION, accept_action=AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT, default=''): """Create an :class:`~Application` instance for a prompt. (It is meant to cover 90% of the prompt use cases, where no extreme customization is required. For more complex input, it is required to create a custom :class:`~Application` instance.) message : Text to be shown before the prompt. mulitiline : Allow multiline input. Pressing enter will insert a newline. (This requires Meta+Enter to accept the input.) wrap_lines : `bool` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter`. When True (the default), automatically wrap long lines instead of scrolling horizontally. is_password : Show asterisks instead of the actual typed characters. vi_mode : `bool` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter`. If True, use Vi key bindings. complete_while_typing : `bool` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter`. Enable autocompletion while typing. enable_history_search : `bool` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter`. Enable up-arrow parting string matching. lexer : :class:`~prompt_toolkit.layout.lexers.Lexer` to be used for the syntax highlighting. validator : :class:`~prompt_toolkit.validation.Validator` instance for input validation. completer : :class:`~prompt_toolkit.completion.Completer` instance for input completion. reserve_space_for_menu : Space to be reserved for displaying the menu. (0 means that no space needs to be reserved.) auto_suggest : :class:`~prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest.AutoSuggest` instance for input suggestions. style : Pygments style class for the color scheme. enable_system_bindings : `bool` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter`. Pressing Meta+'!' will show a system prompt. enable_open_in_editor : `bool` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter`. Pressing 'v' in Vi mode or C-X C-E in emacs mode will open an external editor. history : :class:`~prompt_toolkit.history.History` instance. clipboard : :class:`~prompt_toolkit.clipboard.base.Clipboard` instance. (e.g. :class:`~prompt_toolkit.clipboard.in_memory.InMemoryClipboard`) get_bottom_toolbar_tokens : Optional callable which takes a :class:`~prompt_toolkit.interface.CommandLineInterface` and returns a list of tokens for the bottom toolbar. display_completions_in_columns : `bool` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter`. Display the completions in multiple columns. get_title : Callable that returns the title to be displayed in the terminal. mouse_support : `bool` or :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter` to enable mouse support. default : The default text to be shown in the input buffer. (This can be edited by the user.) Notes ----- This method was forked from the mainline prompt-toolkit repo. Copyright (c) 2014, Jonathan Slenders, All rights reserved. WARNING; This method is due for removal once prompt-toolkit >v0.54 is released. """ if key_bindings_registry is None: key_bindings_registry = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt( enable_vi_mode=vi_mode, enable_system_bindings=enable_system_bindings, enable_open_in_editor=enable_open_in_editor).registry # Make sure that complete_while_typing is disabled when enable_history_search # is enabled. (First convert to SimpleFilter, to avoid doing bitwise operations # on bool objects.) complete_while_typing = to_simple_filter(complete_while_typing) enable_history_search = to_simple_filter(enable_history_search) multiline = to_simple_filter(multiline) complete_while_typing = complete_while_typing & ~enable_history_search # Accept Pygments styles as well for backwards compatibility. try: if issubclass(style, style = PygmentsStyle(style) except TypeError: # Happens when style is `None` or an instance of something else. pass # Create application return Application(layout=self.create_prompt_layout( message=message, lexer=lexer, is_password=is_password, reserve_space_for_menu=(reserve_space_for_menu if completer is not None else 0), multiline=Condition(lambda cli: multiline()), get_prompt_tokens=get_prompt_tokens, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=get_bottom_toolbar_tokens, display_completions_in_columns=display_completions_in_columns, extra_input_processors=extra_input_processors, wrap_lines=wrap_lines), buffer=Buffer( enable_history_search=enable_history_search, complete_while_typing=complete_while_typing, is_multiline=multiline, history=(history or InMemoryHistory()), validator=validator, completer=completer, auto_suggest=auto_suggest, accept_action=accept_action, initial_document=Document(default), ), style=style or DEFAULT_STYLE, clipboard=clipboard, key_bindings_registry=key_bindings_registry, get_title=get_title, mouse_support=mouse_support, on_abort=on_abort, on_exit=on_exit)
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if ('IPY_TEST_SIMPLE_PROMPT' in os.environ) or not sys.stdin.isatty(): # Fall back to plain non-interactive output for tests. # This is very limited, and only accepts a single line. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2(input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt return kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt(enable_vi_mode=self.vi_mode) insert_mode = ViStateFilter(kbmanager.get_vi_state, InputMode.INSERT) # Ctrl+J == Enter, seemingly @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlJ, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode )) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return status, indent = self.input_splitter.check_complete(d.text) if (status != 'incomplete') and b.accept_action.is_returnable: b.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, b) else: b.insert_text('\n' + (' ' * (indent or 0))) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): event.current_buffer.reset() supports_suspend = Condition(lambda cli: hasattr(signal, 'SIGTSTP')) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlZ, filter=supports_suspend) def _(event): event.cli.suspend_to_background() @Condition def cursor_in_leading_ws(cli): before = cli.application.buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor return (not before) or before.isspace() # Ctrl+I == Tab @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlI, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode & cursor_in_leading_ws )) def _(event): event.current_buffer.insert_text(' ' * 4) # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for _, _, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) style_overrides = { Token.Prompt: '#009900', Token.PromptNum: '#00ff00 bold', } if self.highlighting_style: style_cls = get_style_by_name(self.highlighting_style) else: style_cls = get_style_by_name('default') # The default theme needs to be visible on both a dark background # and a light background, because we can't tell what the terminal # looks like. These tweaks to the default theme help with that. style_overrides.update({ Token.Number: '#007700', Token.Operator: 'noinherit', Token.String: '#BB6622', Token.Name.Function: '#2080D0', Token.Name.Class: 'bold #2080D0', Token.Name.Namespace: 'bold #2080D0', }) style_overrides.update(self.highlighting_style_overrides) style = PygmentsStyle.from_defaults(pygments_style_cls=style_cls, style_dict=style_overrides) app = create_prompt_application(multiline=True, lexer=IPythonPTLexer(), get_prompt_tokens=self.get_prompt_tokens, get_continuation_tokens=self.get_continuation_tokens, key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=IPythonPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, mouse_support=self.mouse_support, reserve_space_for_menu=6, ) self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface(app, eventloop=create_eventloop(self.inputhook))
class PromptInterface(object): go_on = True completer = WordCompleter([ 'block', 'tx', 'header', 'mem', 'help', 'state', 'node', 'exit', 'quit', 'config', 'db', 'log' ]) commands = [ 'quit', 'help', 'block {index/hash}', 'header {index/hash}', 'tx {hash}', 'mem', 'nodes', 'state', 'config {node, db} int int' 'config log on/off' 'pause', ] token_style = style_from_dict({ Token.Command: '#ff0066', Token.Neo: '#0000ee', Token.Default: '#00ee00', Token.Number: "#ffffff", }) history = InMemoryHistory() start_height = Blockchain.Default().Height start_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() node_leader = None paused = False def paused_loop(self): while self.paused: # self.__log.debug("paused...") time.sleep(1) def get_bottom_toolbar(self, cli=None): try: return [(Token.Command, 'Progress: '), (Token.Number, str(Blockchain.Default().Height)), (Token.Neo, '/'), (Token.Number, str(Blockchain.Default().HeaderHeight))] except Exception as e: print("couldnt get toolbar: %s " % e) return [] def quit(self): print('Shutting down. This may take a bit...') self.go_on = False self.paused = False Blockchain.Default().Dispose() reactor.stop() self.node_leader.Shutdown() def help(self): tokens = [] for c in self.commands: tokens.append((Token.Command, "%s\n" % c)) print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) def toggle_pause(self): if self.paused: self.paused = not self.paused # print("resusiming execution") else: self.paused = not self.paused print('pausing execution!') reactor.callLater(1, self.paused_loop) def show_state(self): height = Blockchain.Default().Height headers = Blockchain.Default().HeaderHeight diff = height - self.start_height now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() difftime = now - self.start_dt mins = difftime / datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) bpm = 0 if diff > 0 and mins > 0: bpm = diff / mins out = 'Progress: %s / %s\n' % (height, headers) out += 'Block Cache length %s\n' % Blockchain.Default().BlockCacheCount out += 'Blocks since program start %s\n' % diff out += 'Time elapsed %s mins\n' % mins out += 'blocks per min %s \n' % bpm # out += "Node Req Part, Max: %s %s\n" % (self.node_leader.BREQPART, self.node_leader.BREQMAX) # out += "DB Cache Lim, Miss Lim %s %s\n" % (Blockchain.Default().CACHELIM, Blockchain.Default().CMISSLIM) tokens = [(Token.Number, out)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) def show_nodes(self): if self.node_leader and len(self.node_leader.Peers): out = '' for peer in self.node_leader.Peers: out += 'Peer %s - IO: %s\n' % (peer.Name(), peer.IOStats()) print_tokens([(Token.Number, out)], self.token_style) else: print('Not connected yet\n') def show_block(self, args): item = self.get_arg(args) txarg = self.get_arg(args, 1) if item is not None: block = Blockchain.Default().GetBlock(item) if block is not None: bjson = json.dumps(block.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') if txarg and 'tx' in txarg: for tx in block.Transactions: self.show_tx([tx]) else: print("could not locate block %s" % item) else: print("please specify a block") def show_header(self, args): item = self.get_arg(args) if item is not None: header = Blockchain.Default().GetHeaderBy(item) if header is not None: print(json.dumps(header.ToJson(), indent=4)) else: print("could not locate Header %s \n" % item) else: print("please specify a header") def show_tx(self, args): item = self.get_arg(args) if item is not None: try: tx, height = Blockchain.Default().GetTransaction(item) if height > -1: bjson = json.dumps(tx.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Command, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') except Exception as e: print("Could not find transaction with id %s " % item) print( "Please specify a tx hash like 'db55b4d97cf99db6826967ef4318c2993852dff3e79ec446103f141c716227f6'" ) else: print("please specify a tx hash") def show_account_state(self, args): item = self.get_arg(args) print("account to show %s " % item) if item is not None: account = Blockchain.Default().GetAccountState( item, print_all_accounts=True) if account is not None: bjson = json.dumps(account.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') else: print("account %s not found" % item) else: print("please specify an account address") def show_asset_state(self, args): item = self.get_arg(args) print("asset to show %s " % item) if item is not None: asset = Blockchain.Default().GetAssetState(item) if asset is not None: bjson = json.dumps(asset.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') else: print("asset %s not found" % item) else: print("please specify an asset hash") def show_contract_state(self, args): item = self.get_arg(args) if item is not None: if item.lower() == 'all': contracts = Blockchain.Default().ShowAllContracts() print("contracts: %s " % contracts) else: contract = Blockchain.Default().GetContract(item) if contract is not None: bjson = json.dumps(contract.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') else: print("please specify a contract") def show_spent_coins(self, args): item = self.get_arg(args) if item is not None: if item.lower() == 'all': coins = Blockchain.Default().GetAllSpentCoins() print("coins %s " % coins) else: coin = Blockchain.Default().GetSpentCoins(item) if coin is not None: bjson = json.dumps(coin.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print("\n") else: print("please specify a tx hash") def show_mem(self): total = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss totalmb = total / 1000000 out = "Total: %s MB\n" % totalmb out += "total buffers %s\n" % StreamManager.TotalBuffers() print_tokens([(Token.Number, out)], self.token_style) def configure(self, args): what = self.get_arg(args) if what == 'node': c1 = self.get_arg(args, 1, convert_to_int=True) c2 = self.get_arg(args, 2, convert_to_int=True) if not c1: print("please provide settings. arguments must be integers") if c1 is not None and c1 > 1: if c1 > 200: c1 = 200 print("Node request part must be less than 201") self.node_leader.BREQPART = c1 print("Set Node Request Part to %s " % c1) if c2 is not None and c2 >= self.node_leader.BREQPART: self.node_leader.BREQMAX = c2 print("Set Node Request Max to %s " % c2) self.show_state() elif what == 'db': c1 = self.get_arg(args, 1, convert_to_int=True) c2 = self.get_arg(args, 2, convert_to_int=True) if c1 is not None and c1 > 1: Blockchain.Default().CACHELIM = c1 print("Set DB Cache Limit to %s " % c1) if c2 is not None and c2 >= self.node_leader.BREQPART: Blockchain.Default().CMISSLIM = c2 print("Set DB Cache Miss Limit %s " % c2) self.show_state() elif what == 'log' or what == 'logs': c1 = self.get_arg(args, 1).lower() if c1 is not None: if c1 == 'on' or c1 == '1': print("turning on logging") logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if c1 == 'off' or c1 == '0': print("turning off logging") logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) else: print("cannot configure log. Please specify on or off") else: print("cannot configure %s " % what) print( "Try 'config node 100 1000' or config db 1000 4' or config log on/off" ) def get_arg(self, arguments, index=0, convert_to_int=False): try: arg = arguments[index] if convert_to_int: return int(arg) return arg except Exception as e: pass return None def parse_result(self, result): if len(result): commandParts = [s for s in result.split()] return commandParts[0], commandParts[1:] return None, None def run(self): dbloop = task.LoopingCall(Blockchain.Default().PersistBlocks) dbloop.start(.1) Blockchain.Default().PersistBlocks() self.node_leader = NodeLeader.Instance() tokens = [(Token.Neo, 'NEO'), (Token.Default, ' cli. Type '), (Token.Command, "'help' "), (Token.Default, 'to get started')] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print("\n") while self.go_on: result = prompt("neo> ", completer=self.completer, history=self.history, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=self.get_bottom_toolbar, style=self.token_style) command, arguments = self.parse_result(result) if command is not None and len(command) > 0: command = command.lower() if command == 'quit' or command == 'exit': self.quit() elif command == 'help': elif command == 'block': self.show_block(arguments) elif command == 'tx': self.show_tx(arguments) elif command == 'header': self.show_header(arguments) elif command == 'account': self.show_account_state(arguments) elif command == 'asset': self.show_asset_state(arguments) elif command == 'contract': self.show_contract_state(arguments) elif command == 'sc': self.show_spent_coins(arguments) elif command == 'mem': self.show_mem() elif command == 'nodes' or command == 'node': self.show_nodes() elif command == 'state': self.show_state() elif command == 'config': self.configure(arguments) elif command == 'pause' or command == 'unpause' or command == 'resume': self.toggle_pause() elif command == None: print('please specify a command') else: print("command %s not found" % command) else: pass
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if 'JUPYTER_CONSOLE_TEST' in os.environ: # Simple restricted interface for tests so we can find prompts with # pexpect. Multi-line input not supported. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2(input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt self.print_out_prompt = \ lambda: print('Out[%d]: ' % self.execution_count, end='') return kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt() insert_mode = ViInsertMode() | EmacsInsertMode() # Ctrl+J == Enter, seemingly @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlJ, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode )) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return more, indent = self.check_complete(d.text) if (not more) and b.accept_action.is_returnable: b.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, b) else: b.insert_text('\n' + indent) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): event.current_buffer.reset() # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for _, _, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) style_overrides = { Token.Prompt: '#009900', Token.PromptNum: '#00ff00 bold', Token.OutPrompt: '#ff2200', Token.OutPromptNum: '#ff0000 bold', } if self.highlighting_style: style_cls = get_style_by_name(self.highlighting_style) else: style_cls = get_style_by_name('default') # The default theme needs to be visible on both a dark background # and a light background, because we can't tell what the terminal # looks like. These tweaks to the default theme help with that. style_overrides.update({ Token.Number: '#007700', Token.Operator: 'noinherit', Token.String: '#BB6622', Token.Name.Function: '#2080D0', Token.Name.Class: 'bold #2080D0', Token.Name.Namespace: 'bold #2080D0', }) style_overrides.update(self.highlighting_style_overrides) style = PygmentsStyle.from_defaults(pygments_style_cls=style_cls, style_dict=style_overrides) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) langinfo = self.kernel_info.get('language_info', {}) lexer = langinfo.get('pygments_lexer', langinfo.get('name', 'text')) app = create_prompt_application(multiline=True, editing_mode=editing_mode, lexer=PygmentsLexer(get_pygments_lexer(lexer)), get_prompt_tokens=self.get_prompt_tokens, get_continuation_tokens=self.get_continuation_tokens, key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=JupyterPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, ) self._eventloop = create_eventloop() self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface(app, eventloop=self._eventloop)
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if self.simple_prompt or ('JUPYTER_CONSOLE_TEST' in os.environ): # Simple restricted interface for tests so we can find prompts with # pexpect. Multi-line input not supported. async def prompt(): prompt = 'In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count raw = await async_input(prompt) return raw self.prompt_for_code = prompt self.print_out_prompt = \ lambda: print('Out[%d]: ' % self.execution_count, end='') return kb = KeyBindings() insert_mode = vi_insert_mode | emacs_insert_mode @kb.add("enter", filter=(has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~has_selection & insert_mode)) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return # Pressing enter flushes any pending display. This also ensures # the displayed execution_count is correct. self.handle_iopub() more, indent = self.check_complete(d.text) if (not more) and b.accept_handler: b.validate_and_handle() else: b.insert_text('\n' + indent) @kb.add("c-c", filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): event.current_buffer.reset() @kb.add("c-\\", filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): raise EOFError @kb.add("c-z", filter=Condition(lambda: suspend_to_background_supported())) def _(event): event.cli.suspend_to_background() @kb.add("c-o", filter=(has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & emacs_insert_mode)) def _(event): event.current_buffer.insert_text("\n") # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for _, _, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail( self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append_string(cell) style_overrides = { Token.Prompt: '#009900', Token.PromptNum: '#00ff00 bold', Token.OutPrompt: '#ff2200', Token.OutPromptNum: '#ff0000 bold', Token.RemotePrompt: '#999900', } if self.highlighting_style: style_cls = get_style_by_name(self.highlighting_style) else: style_cls = get_style_by_name('default') # The default theme needs to be visible on both a dark background # and a light background, because we can't tell what the terminal # looks like. These tweaks to the default theme help with that. style_overrides.update({ Token.Number: '#007700', Token.Operator: 'noinherit', Token.String: '#BB6622', Token.Name.Function: '#2080D0', Token.Name.Class: 'bold #2080D0', Token.Name.Namespace: 'bold #2080D0', }) style_overrides.update(self.highlighting_style_overrides) style = merge_styles([ style_from_pygments_cls(style_cls), style_from_pygments_dict(style_overrides), ]) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) langinfo = self.kernel_info.get('language_info', {}) lexer = langinfo.get('pygments_lexer', langinfo.get('name', 'text')) # If enabled in the settings, highlight matching brackets # when the DEFAULT_BUFFER has the focus input_processors = [ ConditionalProcessor( processor=HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor(chars='[](){}'), filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~is_done & Condition(lambda: self.highlight_matching_brackets)) ] # Tell prompt_toolkit to use the asyncio event loop. # Obsolete in prompt_toolkit.v3 if not PTK3: use_asyncio_event_loop() self.pt_cli = PromptSession( message=(lambda: PygmentsTokens(self.get_prompt_tokens())), multiline=True, complete_style=self.pt_complete_style, editing_mode=editing_mode, lexer=PygmentsLexer(get_pygments_lexer(lexer)), prompt_continuation=( lambda width, lineno, is_soft_wrap: PygmentsTokens( self.get_continuation_tokens(width))), key_bindings=kb, history=history, completer=JupyterPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, input_processors=input_processors, color_depth=(ColorDepth.TRUE_COLOR if self.true_color else None), )
def __init__( self, get_globals: Optional[_GetNamespace] = None, get_locals: Optional[_GetNamespace] = None, history_filename: Optional[str] = None, vi_mode: bool = False, color_depth: Optional[ColorDepth] = None, # Input/output. input: Optional[Input] = None, output: Optional[Output] = None, # For internal use. extra_key_bindings: Optional[KeyBindings] = None, _completer: Optional[Completer] = None, _validator: Optional[Validator] = None, _lexer: Optional[Lexer] = None, _extra_buffer_processors=None, _extra_layout_body=None, _extra_toolbars=None, _input_buffer_height=None, ) -> None: self.get_globals: _GetNamespace = get_globals or (lambda: {}) self.get_locals: _GetNamespace = get_locals or self.get_globals self._completer = _completer or FuzzyCompleter( PythonCompleter( self.get_globals, self.get_locals, lambda: self.enable_dictionary_completion, ), enable_fuzzy=Condition(lambda: self.enable_fuzzy_completion), ) self._validator = _validator or PythonValidator( self.get_compiler_flags) self._lexer = _lexer or PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer) self.history: History if history_filename: self.history = ThreadedHistory(FileHistory(history_filename)) else: self.history = InMemoryHistory() self._input_buffer_height = _input_buffer_height self._extra_layout_body = _extra_layout_body or [] self._extra_toolbars = _extra_toolbars or [] self._extra_buffer_processors = _extra_buffer_processors or [] self.extra_key_bindings = extra_key_bindings or KeyBindings() # Settings. self.title: AnyFormattedText = "" self.show_signature: bool = False self.show_docstring: bool = False self.show_meta_enter_message: bool = True self.completion_visualisation: CompletionVisualisation = CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN self.completion_menu_scroll_offset: int = 1 self.show_line_numbers: bool = False self.show_status_bar: bool = True self.wrap_lines: bool = True self.complete_while_typing: bool = True self.paste_mode: bool = False # When True, don't insert whitespace after newline. self.confirm_exit: bool = True # Ask for confirmation when Control-D is pressed. self.accept_input_on_enter: int = 2 # Accept when pressing Enter 'n' times. # 'None' means that meta-enter is always required. self.enable_open_in_editor: bool = True self.enable_system_bindings: bool = True self.enable_input_validation: bool = True self.enable_auto_suggest: bool = False self.enable_mouse_support: bool = False self.enable_history_search: bool = False # When True, like readline, going # back in history will filter the # history on the records starting # with the current input. self.enable_syntax_highlighting: bool = True self.enable_fuzzy_completion: bool = False self.enable_dictionary_completion: bool = False self.swap_light_and_dark: bool = False self.highlight_matching_parenthesis: bool = False self.show_sidebar: bool = False # Currently show the sidebar. # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text. self.show_sidebar_help: bool = True # Currently show 'Do you really want to exit?' self.show_exit_confirmation: bool = False # The title to be displayed in the terminal. (None or string.) self.terminal_title: Optional[str] = None self.exit_message: str = "Do you really want to exit?" self.insert_blank_line_after_output: bool = True # (For the REPL.) # The buffers. self.default_buffer = self._create_buffer() self.search_buffer: Buffer = Buffer() self.docstring_buffer: Buffer = Buffer(read_only=True) # Tokens to be shown at the prompt. self.prompt_style: str = "classic" # The currently active style. # Styles selectable from the menu. self.all_prompt_styles: Dict[str, PromptStyle] = { "ipython": IPythonPrompt(self), "classic": ClassicPrompt(), } self.get_input_prompt = lambda: self.all_prompt_styles[ self.prompt_style].in_prompt() self.get_output_prompt = lambda: self.all_prompt_styles[ self.prompt_style].out_prompt() #: Load styles. self.code_styles: Dict[str, BaseStyle] = get_all_code_styles() self.ui_styles = get_all_ui_styles() self._current_code_style_name: str = "default" self._current_ui_style_name: str = "default" if is_windows(): self._current_code_style_name = "win32" self._current_style = self._generate_style() self.color_depth: ColorDepth = color_depth or ColorDepth.default() self.max_brightness: float = 1.0 self.min_brightness: float = 0.0 # Options to be configurable from the sidebar. self.options = self._create_options() self.selected_option_index: int = 0 #: Incremeting integer counting the current statement. self.current_statement_index: int = 1 # Code signatures. (This is set asynchronously after a timeout.) self.signatures: List[Any] = [] # Boolean indicating whether we have a signatures thread running. # (Never run more than one at the same time.) self._get_signatures_thread_running: bool = False # Get into Vi navigation mode at startup self.vi_start_in_navigation_mode: bool = False # Preserve last used Vi input mode between main loop iterations self.vi_keep_last_used_mode: bool = False self.style_transformation = merge_style_transformations([ ConditionalStyleTransformation( SwapLightAndDarkStyleTransformation(), filter=Condition(lambda: self.swap_light_and_dark), ), AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(lambda: self.min_brightness, lambda: self.max_brightness), ]) self.ptpython_layout = PtPythonLayout( self, lexer=DynamicLexer(lambda: self._lexer if self. enable_syntax_highlighting else SimpleLexer()), input_buffer_height=self._input_buffer_height, extra_buffer_processors=self._extra_buffer_processors, extra_body=self._extra_layout_body, extra_toolbars=self._extra_toolbars, ) = self._create_application(input, output) if vi_mode: = EditingMode.VI
# Definitions of commands CMD_HELP = "help" CMD_LOAD = "load" CMD_REGISTERS = "registers" CMD_FIND = "find" CMD_PAYLOAD = "payload" CMD_CONTEXT = "context" CMD_CONFIG = "config" CMD_EXPLOIT = "exploit" CMD_EXIT = "exit" command_list = [ CMD_HELP, CMD_LOAD, CMD_REGISTERS, CMD_FIND, CMD_CONFIG, CMD_EXIT ] command_completer = WordCompleter(command_list) command_history = InMemoryHistory() def main(time_mesure=False): if (time_mesure): pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() #try: # Launching ROPGenerator write_colored(ASCII_art) Config.load_config() Logs.init() quit = False while (not quit):
def pt_init(self, pt_session_options=None): """Initialize the prompt session and the prompt loop and store them in self.pt_app and self.pt_loop. Additional keyword arguments for the PromptSession class can be specified in pt_session_options. """ if pt_session_options is None: pt_session_options = {} def get_prompt_tokens(): return [(Token.Prompt, self.prompt)] if self._ptcomp is None: compl = IPCompleter(, namespace={}, global_namespace={}, # add a completer for all the do_ methods methods_names = [m[3:] for m in dir(self) if m.startswith("do_")] def gen_comp(self, text): return [m for m in methods_names if m.startswith(text)] import types newcomp = types.MethodType(gen_comp, compl) compl.custom_matchers.insert(0, newcomp) # end add completer. self._ptcomp = IPythonPTCompleter(compl) # setup history only when we start pdb if is None: if is not None: p = Path( if not p.exists(): p.touch() self.debugger_history = FileHistory(os.path.expanduser(str(p))) else: self.debugger_history = InMemoryHistory() else: self.debugger_history = options = dict( message=(lambda: PygmentsTokens(get_prompt_tokens())), editing_mode=getattr(EditingMode,, key_bindings=create_ipython_shortcuts(, history=self.debugger_history, completer=self._ptcomp, enable_history_search=True,,, style=getattr(, "style", None),, ) if not PTK3: options['inputhook'] = options.update(pt_session_options) self.pt_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self.pt_app = PromptSession(**options)
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): self._app = None if self.simple_prompt: # Fall back to plain non-interactive output for tests. # This is very limited, and only accepts a single line. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2(input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt return kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt() insert_mode = ViInsertMode() | EmacsInsertMode() # Ctrl+J == Enter, seemingly @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlJ, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode )) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if b.complete_state: cc = b.complete_state.current_completion if cc: b.apply_completion(cc) else: b.cancel_completion() return if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return status, indent = self.input_splitter.check_complete(d.text) if (status != 'incomplete') and b.accept_action.is_returnable: b.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, b) else: b.insert_text('\n' + (' ' * (indent or 0))) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlP, filter=(ViInsertMode() & HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER))) def _previous_history_or_previous_completion(event): """ Control-P in vi edit mode on readline is history next, unlike default prompt toolkit. If completer is open this still select previous completion. """ event.current_buffer.auto_up() @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlN, filter=(ViInsertMode() & HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER))) def _next_history_or_next_completion(event): """ Control-N in vi edit mode on readline is history previous, unlike default prompt toolkit. If completer is open this still select next completion. """ event.current_buffer.auto_down() @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlG, filter=( HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & HasCompletions() )) def _dismiss_completion(event): b = event.current_buffer if b.complete_state: b.cancel_completion() @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _reset_buffer(event): b = event.current_buffer if b.complete_state: b.cancel_completion() else: b.reset() @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(SEARCH_BUFFER)) def _reset_search_buffer(event): if event.current_buffer.document.text: event.current_buffer.reset() else: event.cli.push_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) supports_suspend = Condition(lambda cli: hasattr(signal, 'SIGTSTP')) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlZ, filter=supports_suspend) def _suspend_to_bg(event): event.cli.suspend_to_background() @Condition def cursor_in_leading_ws(cli): before = cli.application.buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor return (not before) or before.isspace() # Ctrl+I == Tab @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlI, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode & cursor_in_leading_ws )) def _indent_buffer(event): event.current_buffer.insert_text(' ' * 4) # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for __, ___, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) self._style = self._make_style_from_name(self.highlighting_style) style = DynamicStyle(lambda: self._style) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) self._app = create_prompt_application( editing_mode=editing_mode, key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=IPythonPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, mouse_support=self.mouse_support, **self._layout_options() ) self._eventloop = create_eventloop(self.inputhook) self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface(self._app, eventloop=self._eventloop)
class PromptInterface(object): go_on = True completer = WordCompleter([ 'block', 'tx', 'header', 'mem', 'help', 'state', 'node', 'exit', 'quit', 'config', 'import', 'export', 'open', 'wallet', 'contract', 'asset', ]) _gathering_password = False _gathered_passwords = [] _gather_password_action = None _gather_address_str = None _num_passwords_req = 0 _wallet_create_path = None _wallet_send_tx = None _invoke_test_tx = None _invoke_test_tx_fee = None Wallet = None commands = [ 'quit', 'help', 'block {index/hash}', 'header {index/hash}', 'tx {hash}', 'asset {assetId}', 'asset search {query}', 'contract {contract hash}', 'contract search {query}', 'mem', 'nodes', 'state', 'config log {on/off}', 'import wif {wif}', 'import contract {path} {params} {returntype}', 'export wif {address}' 'open wallet {path}', 'create wallet {path}', 'wallet {verbose}', 'wallet rebuild {start block}', 'send {assetId or name} {address} {amount}', 'testinvoke {contract hash} {params}', 'invoke', 'cancel', ] token_style = style_from_dict({ Token.Command: '#ff0066', Token.Neo: '#0000ee', Token.Default: '#00ee00', Token.Number: "#ffffff", }) history = InMemoryHistory() start_height = Blockchain.Default().Height start_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() def get_bottom_toolbar(self, cli=None): out = [] try: out = [(Token.Command, 'Progress: '), (Token.Number, str(Blockchain.Default().Height)), (Token.Neo, '/'), (Token.Number, str(Blockchain.Default().HeaderHeight))] except Exception as e: pass return out def quit(self): print('Shutting down. This may take a bit...') self.go_on = False Blockchain.Default().Dispose() reactor.stop() NodeLeader.Instance().Shutdown() def help(self): tokens = [] for c in self.commands: tokens.append((Token.Command, "%s\n" % c)) print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) def do_open(self, arguments): item = get_arg(arguments) if item and item == 'wallet': path = get_arg(arguments, 1) if path: if not os.path.exists(path): print("wallet file not found") return self._num_passwords_req = 1 self._wallet_create_path = path self._gathered_passwords = [] self._gathering_password = True self._gather_password_action = self.do_open_wallet else: print("Please specify a path") else: print("item is? %s " % item) def do_create(self, arguments): item = get_arg(arguments) if item and item == 'wallet': path = get_arg(arguments, 1) if path: if os.path.exists(path): print("File already exists") return self._num_passwords_req = 2 self._wallet_create_path = path self._gathered_passwords = [] self._gathering_password = True self._gather_password_action = self.do_create_wallet # print("create wallet! Please specify a password") else: print("Please specify a path") def do_create_wallet(self): # print("do create wallet with passwords %s "% self._gathered_passwords) psswds = self._gathered_passwords path = self._wallet_create_path self._wallet_create_path = None self._gathered_passwords = None self._gather_password_action = None if len(psswds) != 2 or psswds[0] != psswds[1] or len(psswds[0]) < 10: print( "please provide matching passwords that are at least 10 characters long" ) return passwd = psswds[1] try: self.Wallet = UserWallet.Create(path=path, password=passwd) except Exception as e: print("Exception creating wallet: %s " % e) contract = self.Wallet.GetDefaultContract() key = self.Wallet.GetKey(contract.PublicKeyHash) print("Wallet %s " % json.dumps(self.Wallet.ToJson(), indent=4)) print("pubkey %s " % key.PublicKey.encode_point(True)) dbloop = task.LoopingCall(self.Wallet.ProcessBlocks) dbloop.start(1) def do_open_wallet(self): passwd = self._gathered_passwords[0] path = self._wallet_create_path self._wallet_create_path = None self._gathered_passwords = None self._gather_password_action = None try: self.Wallet = UserWallet.Open(path, passwd) dbloop = task.LoopingCall(self.Wallet.ProcessBlocks) dbloop.start(1) print("Opened wallet at %s" % path) except Exception as e: print("could not open wallet: %s " % e) # traceback.print_stack() # traceback.print_exc() def do_import(self, arguments): item = get_arg(arguments) if item: if item == 'wif': if not self.Wallet: print("Please open a wallet before importing WIF") return wif = get_arg(arguments, 1) if wif: prikey = KeyPair.PrivateKeyFromWIF(wif) if prikey: key = self.Wallet.CreateKey(prikey) print("imported key %s " % wif) print("Pubkey: %s \n" % key.PublicKey.encode_point(True).hex()) print("Wallet: %s " % json.dumps(self.Wallet.ToJson(), indent=4)) else: print("invalid wif") return elif item == 'contract': return self.load_smart_contract(arguments) elif item == 'contract_addr': return ImportContractAddr(self.Wallet, arguments[1:]) print("please specify something to import") return def do_export(self, arguments): item = get_arg(arguments) if item == 'wif': if not self.Wallet: print("please open a wallet") return addr = get_arg(arguments, 1) if not addr: print('please specify an address') return if not self.Wallet.ContainsAddressStr(addr): print("address %s not found in wallet" % addr) return self._num_passwords_req = 1 self._gather_address_str = addr self._gathered_passwords = [] self._gathering_password = True self._gather_password_action = self.do_export_wif return print("Command export %s not found" % item) def do_export_wif(self): passwd = self._gathered_passwords[0] address = self._gather_address_str self._gather_address_str = None self._gathered_passwords = None self._gather_password_action = None if not self.Wallet.ValidatePassword(passwd): print("incorrect password") return keys = self.Wallet.GetKeys() for key in keys: export = key.Export() print("key export : %s " % export) def show_wallet(self, arguments): if not self.Wallet: print("please open a wallet") return item = get_arg(arguments) if not item: print("Wallet %s " % json.dumps(self.Wallet.ToJson(), indent=4)) return if item in ['v', '--v', 'verbose']: print("Wallet %s " % json.dumps(self.Wallet.ToJson(verbose=True), indent=4)) return if item == 'migrate' and self.Wallet is not None: print("migrating wallet...") self.Wallet.Migrate() print("migrated wallet") if item == 'delete_addr': addr_to_delete = get_arg(arguments, 1) print("address to delete %s" % addr_to_delete) DeleteAddress(self, self.Wallet, addr_to_delete) if item == 'close': print('closed wallet') self.Wallet = None if item == 'rebuild': self.Wallet.Rebuild() try: item2 = int(get_arg(arguments, 1)) if item2 and item2 > 0: print('restarting at %s ' % item2) self.Wallet._current_height = item2 except Exception as e: pass if item == 'unspent': self.Wallet.FindUnspentCoins() def do_send(self, arguments): construct_and_send(self, self.Wallet, arguments) def show_state(self): height = Blockchain.Default().Height headers = Blockchain.Default().HeaderHeight diff = height - self.start_height now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() difftime = now - self.start_dt mins = difftime / datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) bpm = 0 if diff > 0 and mins > 0: bpm = diff / mins out = 'Progress: %s / %s\n' % (height, headers) out += 'Block Cache length %s\n' % Blockchain.Default().BlockCacheCount out += 'Blocks since program start %s\n' % diff out += 'Time elapsed %s mins\n' % mins out += 'blocks per min %s \n' % bpm tokens = [(Token.Number, out)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) def show_nodes(self): if len(NodeLeader.Instance().Peers) > 0: out = '' for peer in NodeLeader.Instance().Peers: out += 'Peer %s - IO: %s\n' % (peer.Name(), peer.IOStats()) print_tokens([(Token.Number, out)], self.token_style) else: print('Not connected yet\n') def show_block(self, args): item = get_arg(args) txarg = get_arg(args, 1) if item is not None: block = Blockchain.Default().GetBlock(item) if block is not None: bjson = json.dumps(block.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') if txarg and 'tx' in txarg: # with open("b_1445025.txt",'w') as myfile: # for tx in block.FullTransactions: # myfile.write(json.dumps(tx.ToJson(), indent=4)) for tx in block.FullTransactions: print(json.dumps(tx.ToJson(), indent=4)) else: print("could not locate block %s" % item) else: print("please specify a block") def show_header(self, args): item = get_arg(args) if item is not None: header = Blockchain.Default().GetHeaderBy(item) if header is not None: print(json.dumps(header.ToJson(), indent=4)) else: print("could not locate Header %s \n" % item) else: print("please specify a header") def show_tx(self, args): item = get_arg(args) if item is not None: try: tx, height = Blockchain.Default().GetTransaction(item) if height > -1: bjson = json.dumps(tx.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Command, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') except Exception as e: print("Could not find transaction with id %s " % item) print( "Please specify a tx hash like 'db55b4d97cf99db6826967ef4318c2993852dff3e79ec446103f141c716227f6'" ) else: print("please specify a tx hash") def show_account_state(self, args): item = get_arg(args) if item is not None: account = Blockchain.Default().GetAccountState( item, print_all_accounts=True) if account is not None: bjson = json.dumps(account.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') else: print("account %s not found" % item) else: print("please specify an account address") def show_asset_state(self, args): item = get_arg(args) if item is not None: if item == 'search': query = get_arg(args, 1) results = Blockchain.Default().SearchAssetState(query) print("Found %s results for %s " % (len(results), query)) for asset in results: bjson = json.dumps(asset.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') return asset = Blockchain.Default().GetAssetState(item) if asset is not None: bjson = json.dumps(asset.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') else: print("asset %s not found" % item) else: print("please specify an asset hash") def show_contract_state(self, args): item = get_arg(args) if item is not None: if item.lower() == 'all': contracts = Blockchain.Default().ShowAllContracts() print("contracts: %s " % contracts) elif item.lower() == 'search': query = get_arg(args, 1) if query: contracts = Blockchain.Default().SearchContracts( query=query) print("Found %s results for %s " % (len(contracts), query)) for contract in contracts: bjson = json.dumps(contract.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') else: print("Please specify a search query") else: contract = Blockchain.Default().GetContract(item) if contract is not None: bjson = json.dumps(contract.ToJson(), indent=4) tokens = [(Token.Number, bjson)] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print('\n') else: print("please specify a contract") def load_smart_contract(self, args): if not self.Wallet: print("please open wallet") return function_code = LoadContract(args[1:]) if function_code is not None: contract_script = GatherContractDetails(function_code, self) if contract_script is not None: tx, fee, results, num_ops = test_invoke( contract_script, self.Wallet, []) if tx is not None and results is not None: self._invoke_test_tx = tx self._invoke_test_tx_fee = fee print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("Test deploy invoke successful") print("Total operations executed: %s " % num_ops) print("Results %s " % [str(item) for item in results]) print("Deploy Invoke TX gas cost: %s " % (tx.Gas.value / Fixed8.D)) print("Deploy Invoke TX Fee: %s " % (fee.value / Fixed8.D)) print( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) print( "You may now deploy this contract on the blockchain by using the 'invoke' command with no arguments or type 'cancel' to cancel deploy\n" ) return else: print("test ivoke failed") print("tx is, results are %s %s " % (tx, results)) return def test_invoke_contract(self, args): self._invoke_test_tx = None self._invoke_test_tx_fee = None if not self.Wallet: print("please open a wallet") return if args and len(args) > 0: tx, fee, results, num_ops = TestInvokeContract(self.Wallet, args) if tx is not None and results is not None: self._invoke_test_tx = tx self._invoke_test_tx_fee = fee print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("Test invoke successful") print("Total operations: %s " % num_ops) print("Results %s " % [str(item) for item in results]) print("Invoke TX gas cost: %s " % (tx.Gas.value / Fixed8.D)) print("Invoke TX Fee: %s " % (fee.value / Fixed8.D)) print( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) print( "You may now invoke this on the blockchain by using the 'invoke' command with no arguments or type 'cancel' to cancel invoke\n" ) return else: print("Error testing contract invoke") return print("please specify a contract to invoke") def invoke_contract(self, args): if not self._invoke_test_tx: print( "Please test your invoke before deploying it with the 'testinvoke {contracthash} *args' command" ) return result = InvokeContract(self.Wallet, self._invoke_test_tx, self._invoke_test_tx_fee) self._invoke_test_tx = None self._invoke_test_tx_fee = None return def cancel_operations(self): self._invoke_test_tx = None print("Operation cancelled") return def show_mem(self): total = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss totalmb = total / 1000000 out = "Total: %s MB\n" % totalmb out += "total buffers %s\n" % StreamManager.TotalBuffers() print_tokens([(Token.Number, out)], self.token_style) def configure(self, args): what = get_arg(args) if what == 'log' or what == 'logs': c1 = get_arg(args, 1).lower() if c1 is not None: if c1 == 'on' or c1 == '1': print("turning on logging") logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if c1 == 'off' or c1 == '0': print("turning off logging") logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) else: print("cannot configure log. Please specify on or off") else: print("cannot configure %s " % what) print("Try 'config log on/off'") def parse_result(self, result): if len(result): commandParts = [s for s in result.split()] return commandParts[0], commandParts[1:] return None, None def run(self): dbloop = task.LoopingCall(Blockchain.Default().PersistBlocks) dbloop.start(.1) Blockchain.Default().PersistBlocks() tokens = [(Token.Neo, 'NEO'), (Token.Default, ' cli. Type '), (Token.Command, "'help' "), (Token.Default, 'to get started')] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print("\n") while self.go_on: if self._gathered_passwords and len( self._gathered_passwords) == self._num_passwords_req: self._gathering_password = False self._gather_password_action() if self._gathering_password: result = prompt("password> ", is_password=True) else: result = prompt( "neo> ", completer=self.completer, history=self.history, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=self.get_bottom_toolbar, style=self.token_style) if self._gathering_password: self._gathered_passwords.append(result) else: try: command, arguments = self.parse_result(result) if command is not None and len(command) > 0: command = command.lower() if command == 'quit' or command == 'exit': self.quit() elif command == 'help': elif command == 'create': self.do_create(arguments) elif command == 'open': self.do_open(arguments) elif command == 'import': self.do_import(arguments) elif command == 'export': self.do_export(arguments) elif command == 'wallet': self.show_wallet(arguments) elif command == 'send': self.do_send(arguments) elif command == 'block': self.show_block(arguments) elif command == 'tx': self.show_tx(arguments) elif command == 'header': self.show_header(arguments) elif command == 'account': self.show_account_state(arguments) elif command == 'asset': self.show_asset_state(arguments) elif command == 'contract': self.show_contract_state(arguments) elif command == 'invoke': self.invoke_contract(arguments) elif command == 'testinvoke': self.test_invoke_contract(arguments) elif command == 'cancel': self.cancel_operations() elif command == 'mem': self.show_mem() elif command == 'nodes' or command == 'node': self.show_nodes() elif command == 'state': self.show_state() elif command == 'config': self.configure(arguments) elif command == None: print('please specify a command') else: print("command %s not found" % command) except Exception as e: print("could not execute command: %s " % e) traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc()
def _history(): h = InMemoryHistory() h.append_string("line1 first input") h.append_string("line2 second input") h.append_string("line3 third input") return h
def __init__( self, get_globals=None, get_locals=None, history_filename=None, vi_mode=False, input=None, output=None, color_depth=None, # For internal use. extra_key_bindings=None, _completer=None, _validator=None, _lexer=None, _extra_buffer_processors=None, _extra_layout_body=None, _extra_toolbars=None, _input_buffer_height=None): self.get_globals = get_globals or (lambda: {}) self.get_locals = get_locals or self.get_globals self._completer = _completer or FuzzyCompleter( PythonCompleter(self.get_globals, self.get_locals, lambda: self.enable_dictionary_completion), enable_fuzzy=Condition(lambda: self.enable_fuzzy_completion)) self._validator = _validator or PythonValidator( self.get_compiler_flags) self._lexer = _lexer or PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer) if history_filename: self.history = ThreadedHistory(FileHistory(history_filename)) else: self.history = InMemoryHistory() self._input_buffer_height = _input_buffer_height self._extra_layout_body = _extra_layout_body or [] self._extra_toolbars = _extra_toolbars or [] self._extra_buffer_processors = _extra_buffer_processors or [] self.extra_key_bindings = extra_key_bindings or KeyBindings() # Settings. self.show_signature = False self.show_docstring = False self.show_meta_enter_message = True self.completion_visualisation = CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN self.completion_menu_scroll_offset = 1 self.show_line_numbers = False self.show_status_bar = True self.wrap_lines = True self.complete_while_typing = True self.paste_mode = False # When True, don't insert whitespace after newline. self.confirm_exit = True # Ask for confirmation when Control-D is pressed. self.accept_input_on_enter = 2 # Accept when pressing Enter 'n' times. # 'None' means that meta-enter is always required. self.enable_open_in_editor = True self.enable_system_bindings = True self.enable_input_validation = True self.enable_auto_suggest = False self.enable_mouse_support = False self.enable_history_search = False # When True, like readline, going # back in history will filter the # history on the records starting # with the current input. self.enable_syntax_highlighting = True self.enable_fuzzy_completion = False self.enable_dictionary_completion = False self.swap_light_and_dark = False self.highlight_matching_parenthesis = False self.show_sidebar = False # Currently show the sidebar. self.show_sidebar_help = True # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text. self.show_exit_confirmation = False # Currently show 'Do you really want to exit?' self.terminal_title = None # The title to be displayed in the terminal. (None or string.) self.exit_message = 'Do you really want to exit?' self.insert_blank_line_after_output = True # (For the REPL.) # The buffers. self.default_buffer = self._create_buffer() self.search_buffer = Buffer() self.docstring_buffer = Buffer(read_only=True) # Tokens to be shown at the prompt. self.prompt_style = 'classic' # The currently active style. self.all_prompt_styles = { # Styles selectable from the menu. 'ipython': IPythonPrompt(self), 'classic': ClassicPrompt(), } self.get_input_prompt = lambda: \ self.all_prompt_styles[self.prompt_style].in_prompt() self.get_output_prompt = lambda: \ self.all_prompt_styles[self.prompt_style].out_prompt() #: Load styles. self.code_styles = get_all_code_styles() self.ui_styles = get_all_ui_styles() self._current_code_style_name = 'default' self._current_ui_style_name = 'default' if is_windows(): self._current_code_style_name = 'win32' self._current_style = self._generate_style() self.color_depth = color_depth or ColorDepth.default() self.max_brightness = 1.0 self.min_brightness = 0.0 # Options to be configurable from the sidebar. self.options = self._create_options() self.selected_option_index = 0 #: Incremeting integer counting the current statement. self.current_statement_index = 1 # Code signatures. (This is set asynchronously after a timeout.) self.signatures = [] # Boolean indicating whether we have a signatures thread running. # (Never run more than one at the same time.) self._get_signatures_thread_running = False self.output = output or create_output() self.input = input or create_input(sys.stdin) self.style_transformation = merge_style_transformations([ ConditionalStyleTransformation( SwapLightAndDarkStyleTransformation(), filter=Condition(lambda: self.swap_light_and_dark)), AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(lambda: self.min_brightness, lambda: self.max_brightness), ]) self.ptpython_layout = PtPythonLayout( self, lexer=DynamicLexer(lambda: self._lexer if self. enable_syntax_highlighting else SimpleLexer()), input_buffer_height=self._input_buffer_height, extra_buffer_processors=self._extra_buffer_processors, extra_body=self._extra_layout_body, extra_toolbars=self._extra_toolbars) = self._create_application() if vi_mode: = EditingMode.VI
class AzureShell(object): def __init__(self, config, completer): self._cli = None self._env = os.environ.copy() self.history = InMemoryHistory() self.file_history = FileHistory("{}/history".format( AzureShellCache.Instance().get('base_dir'))) self._config = config self.completer = completer def run(self): while True: try: document = self.get_cli().run(reset_current_buffer=True) text = document.text except InputInterrupt: pass except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): logger.debug( "breaking loop due to KeyboardInterrupt or EOFError") break else: if text.startswith('exit') or text.startswith('quit'): sys.exit(0) if text.startswith('az'): full_cmd = text self.history.append(full_cmd) else: full_cmd = text[0:] logger.debug("Execute subprocess command:{}".format(full_cmd)) self.get_cli().request_redraw() p = subprocess.Popen(full_cmd, shell=True, env=self._env) p.communicate() def on_input_timeout(self, cli): document = cli.current_buffer.document text = document.text logger.debug("on_input_timeout document:{}".format(document)) # Add 'az' to current buffer if no text typed in #if not document.text: # cli.current_buffer.document = Document(u'az', 2) cli.request_redraw() def get_cli(self): if self._cli is None: self._cli = self.create_cli() return self._cli def create_cli(self): ## KeyBindings configuration key_binding = KeyBindingManager(enable_search=True, enable_abort_and_exit_bindings=True, enable_system_bindings=True, enable_auto_suggest_bindings=True, enable_open_in_editor=False) ## Buffer configuration default_buffer = Buffer(history=self.file_history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), enable_history_search=True, completer=self.completer, complete_while_typing=Always(), accept_action=AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT) ## Style configuration try: style = get_style_by_name(self._config.highlighter_style) except ClassNotFound: style = get_style_by_name('native') styles = {} styles.update(style.styles) styles.update(default_style_extensions) styles.update({ Token.Menu.Completions.Completion: 'bg:#003fff #ffffff', Token.Menu.Completions.Completion.Current: 'bg:#5ab300 #000000', Token.Menu.Completions.Meta.Current: 'bg:#5ab300 #ffffff', Token.Menu.Completions.Meta: 'bg:#ffffff #000000', Token.Scrollbar: 'bg:#003fff', Token.Scrollbar.Button: 'bg:#003333', }) prompt_style = style_from_dict(styles) ## Application application = Application( layout=self.create_cli_layout(), mouse_support=False, style=prompt_style, buffer=default_buffer, on_abort=AbortAction.RETRY, on_exit=AbortAction.RAISE_EXCEPTION, on_input_timeout=self.on_input_timeout, key_bindings_registry=key_binding.registry, ) cli = CommandLineInterface(application=application, eventloop=create_eventloop()) return cli def create_cli_layout(self): from .lexer import AzureShellLexer lexer = AzureShellLexer return create_default_layout( message=u'azure> ', reserve_space_for_menu=8, lexer=lexer, extra_input_processors=[ ConditionalProcessor( processor=HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor( chars='[](){}'), filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~IsDone()) ])
def do_loop(self): # use console facilities history = InMemoryHistory() gh_completer_client = WordCompleter([ 'show', 'ident', 'peek', 'clear', 'reset', 'set', 'recv', 'csend', 'dsend' ], ignore_case=True, match_middle=True) while True: result = None try: result = prompt( completer=gh_completer_client, style=AgentStyle, vi_mode=True, enable_history_search=True, reserve_space_for_menu=4, complete_while_typing=True, display_completions_in_columns=True, get_rprompt_tokens=self._get_rprompt_tokens, wrap_lines=True, get_prompt_tokens=self._get_prompt_tokens, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=self._get_bottom_toolbar_tokens, enable_system_bindings=True, get_title=self._get_title, history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), patch_stdout=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.fx.flogger.warning("^D to exit") except EOFError: return if not result: pass else: cmdargs = "" tokens = result.split(' ') if len(tokens) > 0: cmd = tokens[0] # get command if cmd == 'clear': clear() elif cmd == 'help': print(""" System: Alt-! Exit: Ctlr-D Skip: Ctrl-C Search: Vi mode standard """) elif cmd == 'ident': self.do_ident() elif cmd == 'show': self.do_show() elif cmd == 'peek': self.do_peek() elif cmd == 'reset': self.do_reset() elif cmd == 'recv': if len(tokens) == 2: comm = tokens[1] self.do_recv(comm) else: self.do_recv() elif cmd == 'csend': if len(tokens) > 1: self.do_csend(tokens[1:]) else: print("Need commands") elif cmd == 'dsend': if len(tokens) > 1: self.do_dsend(tokens[1]) else: print("Need path to data file") elif cmd == 'set': self.do_set(result) else: print("Unsupported Command") else: print("Invalid Command")
import click import numpy as np # noqa import pandas as pd from prompt_toolkit import prompt from prompt_toolkit.completion import WordCompleter from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory from prompt_toolkit.validation import ValidationError, Validator from kartothek.core.cube.conditions import Conjunction from import query_cube_bag from kartothek.io_components.metapartition import SINGLE_TABLE from kartothek.utils.ktk_adapters import get_dataset_columns __all__ = ("query", ) _history_conditions = InMemoryHistory() _history_payload = InMemoryHistory() @click.pass_context def query(ctx): """ Interactive cube queries into IPython. """ cube = ctx.obj["cube"] datasets = ctx.obj["datasets"] store = ctx.obj["store"] store_instance = store() datasets = {
def __init__( self, get_globals=None, get_locals=None, history_filename=None, vi_mode=False, # For internal use. _completer=None, _validator=None, _lexer=None, _extra_buffers=None, _extra_buffer_processors=None, _on_start=None, _extra_layout_body=None, _extra_toolbars=None, _input_buffer_height=None, _accept_action=AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT, _on_exit=AbortAction.RAISE_EXCEPTION): self.get_globals = get_globals or (lambda: {}) self.get_locals = get_locals or self.get_globals self._completer = _completer or PythonCompleter( self.get_globals, self.get_locals) self._validator = _validator or PythonValidator( self.get_compiler_flags) self.history = FileHistory( history_filename) if history_filename else InMemoryHistory() self._lexer = _lexer or PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer) self._extra_buffers = _extra_buffers self._accept_action = _accept_action self._on_exit = _on_exit self._on_start = _on_start self._input_buffer_height = _input_buffer_height self._extra_layout_body = _extra_layout_body or [] self._extra_toolbars = _extra_toolbars or [] self._extra_buffer_processors = _extra_buffer_processors or [] # Settings. self.show_signature = False self.show_docstring = False self.show_meta_enter_message = True self.completion_visualisation = CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN self.completion_menu_scroll_offset = 1 self.show_line_numbers = False self.show_status_bar = True self.wrap_lines = True self.complete_while_typing = True self.vi_mode = vi_mode self.paste_mode = False # When True, don't insert whitespace after newline. self.confirm_exit = True # Ask for confirmation when Control-D is pressed. self.accept_input_on_enter = 2 # Accept when pressing Enter 'n' times. # 'None' means that meta-enter is always required. self.enable_open_in_editor = True self.enable_system_bindings = True self.enable_input_validation = True self.enable_auto_suggest = False self.enable_mouse_support = False self.enable_history_search = False # When True, like readline, going # back in history will filter the # history on the records starting # with the current input. self.highlight_matching_parenthesis = False self.show_sidebar = False # Currently show the sidebar. self.show_sidebar_help = True # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text. self.show_exit_confirmation = False # Currently show 'Do you really want to exit?' self.terminal_title = None # The title to be displayed in the terminal. (None or string.) self.exit_message = 'Do you really want to exit?' self.insert_blank_line_after_output = True # (For the REPL.) # Tokens to be shown at the prompt. self.prompt_style = 'classic' # The currently active style. self.all_prompt_styles = { # Styles selectable from the menu. 'ipython': IPythonPrompt(self), 'classic': ClassicPrompt(), } self.get_input_prompt_tokens = lambda cli: \ self.all_prompt_styles[self.prompt_style].in_tokens(cli) self.get_output_prompt_tokens = lambda cli: \ self.all_prompt_styles[self.prompt_style].out_tokens(cli) #: Load styles. self.code_styles = get_all_code_styles() self.ui_styles = get_all_ui_styles() self._current_code_style_name = 'default' self._current_ui_style_name = 'default' if is_windows(): self._current_code_style_name = 'win32' self._current_style = self._generate_style() self.true_color = False # Options to be configurable from the sidebar. self.options = self._create_options() self.selected_option_index = 0 #: Incremeting integer counting the current statement. self.current_statement_index = 1 # Code signatures. (This is set asynchronously after a timeout.) self.signatures = [] # Create a Registry for the key bindings. self.key_bindings_registry = MergedRegistry([ ConditionalRegistry( registry=load_key_bindings_for_prompt( enable_abort_and_exit_bindings=True, enable_search=True, enable_open_in_editor=Condition( lambda cli: self.enable_open_in_editor), enable_system_bindings=Condition( lambda cli: self.enable_system_bindings), enable_auto_suggest_bindings=Condition( lambda cli: self.enable_auto_suggest)), # Disable all default key bindings when the sidebar or the exit confirmation # are shown. filter=Condition(lambda cli: not (self.show_sidebar or self. show_exit_confirmation))), load_mouse_bindings(), load_python_bindings(self), load_sidebar_bindings(self), load_confirm_exit_bindings(self), ]) # Boolean indicating whether we have a signatures thread running. # (Never run more than one at the same time.) self._get_signatures_thread_running = False
def console(self): hist = InMemoryHistory() suggest = AutoSuggestFromHistory() while True: gdb_cmd = prompt(u'> ', history=hist, auto_suggest=suggest) self.handle_cmd(gdb_cmd.encode('ascii'))
def _history(): " Prefilled history. " history = InMemoryHistory() history.append_string('alpha beta gamma delta') history.append_string('one two three four') return history
def _history(): h = InMemoryHistory() h.append('line1 first input') h.append('line2 second input') h.append('line3 third input') return h
def __configure_layout(self): # Configure completers used by the application. commands_completer = NestedCommandsFuzzyWordCompleter( self.commands, completers=self.completers) # Configure PythonRuntimeCompleter python_runtime_completer = PythonRuntimeCompleter(self) # --------- This is the CLI input container --------- # Comfigure the input container and handler. self.input_container = TextArea(prompt='{}> '.format(self.app_name), style='class:input-field', multiline=False, wrap_lines=True, completer=commands_completer, history=InMemoryHistory()) self.input_container.accept_handler = lambda command: self.__root_command_handler( self.input_container.text) # Configure the python buffer to write interactive pytho code. self.python_code_buffer = Buffer(completer=python_runtime_completer) # --------- This is the Python code container --------- self.python_code_container = Window( width=130, # Is there any way to use precentage? content=BufferControl(buffer=self.python_code_buffer, lexer=PythonLexer(self.python_code_buffer)), get_line_prefix=self.__get_line_prefix, wrap_lines=True) # Configure the output buffer to 'print' out results. self.output_buffer = Buffer() # --------- This is the Output container --------- self.output_container = Window( content=BufferControl(buffer=self.output_buffer), wrap_lines=True) self.session = Session() self.session.add_tab(Tab("Console", self.output_container)) self.session.add_tab( Tab("Python Interpreter Environment", self.python_code_container)) self.tabs_container = TabbedBuffersContainer(self.session) self.tabs_container.set_selected_tab(0) # Configure the application layout. root_container = HSplit([ VSplit([ # Window for python code. self.tabs_container, ]), # Seperation line. Window(height=1, char='-', style='class:line'), # Command line prompt. self.input_container, ]) self.floating_container = FloatContainer( content=root_container, floats=[ Float(xcursor=True, ycursor=True, content=CompletionsMenu(max_height=16, scroll_offset=1)) ]) self.body_layout = Layout(self.floating_container)
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if 'JUPYTER_CONSOLE_TEST' in os.environ: # Simple restricted interface for tests so we can find prompts with # pexpect. Multi-line input not supported. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2(input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt self.print_out_prompt = \ lambda: print('Out[%d]: ' % self.execution_count, end='') return kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt() insert_mode = ViInsertMode() | EmacsInsertMode() # Ctrl+J == Enter, seemingly @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlJ, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode )) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return more, indent = self.check_complete(d.text) if (not more) and b.accept_action.is_returnable: b.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, b) else: b.insert_text('\n' + indent) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): event.current_buffer.reset() # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for _, _, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) style_overrides = { Token.Prompt: '#009900', Token.PromptNum: '#00ff00 bold', Token.OutPrompt: '#ff2200', Token.OutPromptNum: '#ff0000 bold', } if self.highlighting_style: style_cls = get_style_by_name(self.highlighting_style) else: style_cls = get_style_by_name('default') # The default theme needs to be visible on both a dark background # and a light background, because we can't tell what the terminal # looks like. These tweaks to the default theme help with that. style_overrides.update({ Token.Number: '#007700', Token.Operator: 'noinherit', Token.String: '#BB6622', Token.Name.Function: '#2080D0', Token.Name.Class: 'bold #2080D0', Token.Name.Namespace: 'bold #2080D0', }) style_overrides.update(self.highlighting_style_overrides) style = PygmentsStyle.from_defaults(pygments_style_cls=style_cls, style_dict=style_overrides) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) langinfo = self.kernel_info.get('language_info', {}) lexer = langinfo.get('pygments_lexer', langinfo.get('name', 'text')) app = create_prompt_application(multiline=True, editing_mode=editing_mode, lexer=PygmentsLexer(get_pygments_lexer(lexer)), get_prompt_tokens=self.get_prompt_tokens, get_continuation_tokens=self.get_continuation_tokens, key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=JupyterPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, ) self._eventloop = create_eventloop() self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface(app, eventloop=self._eventloop, output=create_output(true_color=self.true_color), )
def _history(): h = InMemoryHistory() h.append_string('line1 first input') h.append_string('line2 second input') h.append_string('line3 third input') return h
def __init__(self, message: AnyFormattedText = '', multiline: FilterOrBool = False, wrap_lines: FilterOrBool = True, is_password: FilterOrBool = False, vi_mode: bool = False, editing_mode: EditingMode = EditingMode.EMACS, complete_while_typing: FilterOrBool = True, validate_while_typing: FilterOrBool = True, enable_history_search: FilterOrBool = False, search_ignore_case: FilterOrBool = False, lexer: Optional[Lexer] = None, enable_system_prompt: FilterOrBool = False, enable_suspend: FilterOrBool = False, enable_open_in_editor: FilterOrBool = False, validator: Optional[Validator] = None, completer: Optional[Completer] = None, complete_in_thread: bool = False, reserve_space_for_menu: int = 8, complete_style: CompleteStyle = CompleteStyle.COLUMN, auto_suggest: Optional[AutoSuggest] = None, style: Optional[BaseStyle] = None, style_transformation: Optional[StyleTransformation] = None, swap_light_and_dark_colors: FilterOrBool = False, color_depth: Optional[ColorDepth] = None, include_default_pygments_style: FilterOrBool = True, history: Optional[History] = None, clipboard: Optional[Clipboard] = None, prompt_continuation: PromptContinuationText = '', rprompt: AnyFormattedText = None, bottom_toolbar: AnyFormattedText = None, mouse_support: FilterOrBool = False, input_processors: Optional[List[Processor]] = None, key_bindings: Optional[KeyBindingsBase] = None, erase_when_done: bool = False, tempfile_suffix: str = '.txt', refresh_interval: float = 0, input: Optional[Input] = None, output: Optional[Output] = None) -> None: history = history or InMemoryHistory() clipboard = clipboard or InMemoryClipboard() # Ensure backwards-compatibility, when `vi_mode` is passed. if vi_mode: editing_mode = EditingMode.VI # Store all settings in this class. self.input = input self.output = output # Store all settings in this class. # Store attributes. # (All except 'editing_mode'.) self.message = message self.lexer = lexer self.completer = completer self.complete_in_thread = complete_in_thread self.is_password = is_password self.key_bindings = key_bindings self.bottom_toolbar = bottom_toolbar = style self.style_transformation = style_transformation self.swap_light_and_dark_colors = swap_light_and_dark_colors self.color_depth = color_depth self.include_default_pygments_style = include_default_pygments_style self.rprompt = rprompt self.multiline = multiline self.prompt_continuation = prompt_continuation self.wrap_lines = wrap_lines self.enable_history_search = enable_history_search self.search_ignore_case = search_ignore_case self.complete_while_typing = complete_while_typing self.validate_while_typing = validate_while_typing self.complete_style = complete_style self.mouse_support = mouse_support self.auto_suggest = auto_suggest self.clipboard = clipboard self.validator = validator self.refresh_interval = refresh_interval self.input_processors = input_processors self.enable_system_prompt = enable_system_prompt self.enable_suspend = enable_suspend self.enable_open_in_editor = enable_open_in_editor self.reserve_space_for_menu = reserve_space_for_menu self.tempfile_suffix = tempfile_suffix # Create buffers, layout and Application. self.history = history self.default_buffer = self._create_default_buffer() self.search_buffer = self._create_search_buffer() self.layout = self._create_layout() = self._create_application(editing_mode, erase_when_done)
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if not sys.stdin.isatty(): # Piped input - e.g. for tests. Fall back to plain non-interactive # output. This is very limited, and only accepts a single line. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2(input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt return kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt(enable_vi_mode=self.vi_mode) insert_mode = ViStateFilter(kbmanager.get_vi_state, InputMode.INSERT) # Ctrl+J == Enter, seemingly @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlJ, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode )) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return status, indent = self.input_splitter.check_complete(d.text) if (status != 'incomplete') and b.accept_action.is_returnable: b.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, b) else: b.insert_text('\n' + (' ' * (indent or 0))) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC) def _(event): event.current_buffer.reset() # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for _, _, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) style_overrides = { Token.Prompt: '#009900', Token.PromptNum: '#00ff00 bold', } if self.highlighting_style: style_cls = get_style_by_name(self.highlighting_style) else: style_cls = get_style_by_name('default') # The default theme needs to be visible on both a dark background # and a light background, because we can't tell what the terminal # looks like. These tweaks to the default theme help with that. style_overrides.update({ Token.Number: '#007700', Token.Operator: 'noinherit', Token.String: '#BB6622', Token.Name.Function: '#2080D0', Token.Name.Class: 'bold #2080D0', Token.Name.Namespace: 'bold #2080D0', }) style_overrides.update(self.highlighting_style_overrides) style = PygmentsStyle.from_defaults(pygments_style_cls=style_cls, style_dict=style_overrides) app = create_prompt_application(multiline=True, lexer=PygmentsLexer(Python3Lexer if PY3 else PythonLexer), get_prompt_tokens=self.get_prompt_tokens, get_continuation_tokens=self.get_continuation_tokens, key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=IPythonPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, mouse_support=self.mouse_support, ) self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface(app, eventloop=create_eventloop(self.inputhook))
def __init__(self, connector): self.connector = connector self.history = InMemoryHistory() self.completer = SQLDynamicCompleter()
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if self.simple_prompt or ('JUPYTER_CONSOLE_TEST' in os.environ): # Simple restricted interface for tests so we can find prompts with # pexpect. Multi-line input not supported. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2(input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt self.print_out_prompt = \ lambda: print('Out[%d]: ' % self.execution_count, end='') return kb = KeyBindings() insert_mode = vi_insert_mode | emacs_insert_mode @kb.add("enter", filter=(has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~has_selection & insert_mode )) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return # Pressing enter flushes any pending display. This also ensures # the displayed execution_count is correct. self.handle_iopub() more, indent = self.check_complete(d.text) if (not more) and b.accept_handler: b.validate_and_handle() else: b.insert_text('\n' + indent) @kb.add("c-c", filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): event.current_buffer.reset() @kb.add("c-\\", filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): raise EOFError @kb.add("c-z", filter=Condition(lambda: suspend_to_background_supported())) def _(event): event.cli.suspend_to_background() # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for _, _, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cast_unicode_py2(cell.rstrip()) if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append_string(cell) style_overrides = { Token.Prompt: '#009900', Token.PromptNum: '#00ff00 bold', Token.OutPrompt: '#ff2200', Token.OutPromptNum: '#ff0000 bold', } if self.highlighting_style: style_cls = get_style_by_name(self.highlighting_style) else: style_cls = get_style_by_name('default') # The default theme needs to be visible on both a dark background # and a light background, because we can't tell what the terminal # looks like. These tweaks to the default theme help with that. style_overrides.update({ Token.Number: '#007700', Token.Operator: 'noinherit', Token.String: '#BB6622', Token.Name.Function: '#2080D0', Token.Name.Class: 'bold #2080D0', Token.Name.Namespace: 'bold #2080D0', }) style_overrides.update(self.highlighting_style_overrides) style = merge_styles([ style_from_pygments_cls(style_cls), style_from_pygments_dict(style_overrides), ]) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) langinfo = self.kernel_info.get('language_info', {}) lexer = langinfo.get('pygments_lexer', langinfo.get('name', 'text')) # If enabled in the settings, highlight matching brackets # when the DEFAULT_BUFFER has the focus input_processors = [ConditionalProcessor( processor=HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor(chars='[](){}'), filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~is_done & Condition(lambda: self.highlight_matching_brackets)) ] self.pt_cli = PromptSession( message=(lambda: PygmentsTokens(self.get_prompt_tokens())), multiline=True, editing_mode=editing_mode, lexer=PygmentsLexer(get_pygments_lexer(lexer)), prompt_continuation=( lambda width, lineno, is_soft_wrap: PygmentsTokens(self.get_continuation_tokens(width)) ), key_bindings=kb, history=history, completer=JupyterPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, input_processors=input_processors, color_depth=(ColorDepth.TRUE_COLOR if self.true_color else None), )
def main(self): if empire_config.yaml.get('suppress-self-cert-warning', True): urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) # Create some history first. (Easy for testing.) history = InMemoryHistory() history.append_string("help") history.append_string('uselistener http') history.append_string('listeners') history.append_string("main") history.append_string("connect -c localhost") print_util.loading() print("\n") print("Use the 'connect' command to connect to your Empire server.") print( "'connect -c localhost' will connect to a local empire instance with all the defaults" ) print("including the default username and password.") session = PromptSession( key_bindings=bindings, history=history, completer=self.completer, complete_in_thread=True, bottom_toolbar=self.bottom_toolbar, ) t = threading.Thread(target=self.update_in_bg, args=[session]) t.daemon = True t.start() menu_state.push(main_menu) autoserver = self.get_autoconnect_server() if autoserver: print( print_util.color( f'[*] Attempting to connect to server: {autoserver}')) self.menus['MainMenu'].connect(autoserver, config=True) if args.resource: with open(args.resource) as resource_file: print( print_util.color( f"[*] Executing Resource File: {args.resource}")) for cmd in resource_file: with patch_stdout(raw=True): try: time.sleep(1) text = session.prompt(accept_default=True, default=cmd.strip()) cmd_line = list(shlex.split(text)) self.parse_command_line(text, cmd_line, resource_file=True) except CliExitException: return except Exception as e: print( print_util.color( f'[*] Error parsing resource command: ', text)) while True: try: with patch_stdout(raw=True): text = session.prompt(HTML( menu_state.current_menu.get_prompt()), refresh_interval=None) # cmd_line = list(map(lambda s: s.lower(), shlex.split(text))) # TODO what to do about case sensitivity for parsing options. cmd_line = list(shlex.split(text)) self.parse_command_line(text, cmd_line) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(print_util.color("[!] Type exit to quit")) except ValueError as e: print(print_util.color(f'[!] Error processing command: {e}')) except EOFError: break # Control-D pressed. except CliExitException: break
def cli(spec, url, http_options): click.echo('Version: %s' % __version__) copied, config_path = config.initialize() if copied: click.echo('Config file not found. Initialized a new one: %s' % config_path) cfg = config.load() # Override pager/less options os.environ['PAGER'] = cfg['pager'] os.environ['LESS'] = '-RXF' if spec: f = urlopen(spec) try: content ='utf-8') try: spec = json.loads(content) except json.JSONDecodeError: click.secho("Warning: Specification file '%s' is not JSON" % spec, err=True, fg='red') spec = None finally: f.close() url = fix_incomplete_url(url) context = Context(url, spec=spec) output_style = cfg.get('output_style') if output_style: context.options['--style'] = output_style # For prompt-toolkit history = InMemoryHistory() lexer = PygmentsLexer(HttpPromptLexer) completer = HttpPromptCompleter(context) try: style_class = get_style_by_name(cfg['command_style']) except ClassNotFound: style_class = Solarized256Style style = style_from_pygments(style_class) listener = ExecutionListener(cfg) # Execute HTTPie options from CLI or load from last context if len(sys.argv) > 1: http_options = [smart_quote(a) for a in http_options] execute(' '.join(http_options), context, listener=listener) else: load_context(context) while True: try: text = prompt('%s> ' % context.url, completer=completer, lexer=lexer, style=style, history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), on_abort=AbortAction.RETRY, vi_mode=cfg['vi']) except EOFError: break # Control-D pressed else: execute(text, context, listener=listener, style=style_class) if context.should_exit: break click.echo("Goodbye!")
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): self._app = None if self.simple_prompt: # Fall back to plain non-interactive output for tests. # This is very limited, and only accepts a single line. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2( input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt return kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt() insert_mode = ViInsertMode() | EmacsInsertMode() # Ctrl+J == Enter, seemingly @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlJ, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode)) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return status, indent = self.input_splitter.check_complete(d.text) if (status != 'incomplete') and b.accept_action.is_returnable: b.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, b) else: b.insert_text('\n' + (' ' * (indent or 0))) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _reset_buffer(event): event.current_buffer.reset() @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(SEARCH_BUFFER)) def _reset_search_buffer(event): if event.current_buffer.document.text: event.current_buffer.reset() else: event.cli.push_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) supports_suspend = Condition(lambda cli: hasattr(signal, 'SIGTSTP')) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlZ, filter=supports_suspend) def _suspend_to_bg(event): event.cli.suspend_to_background() @Condition def cursor_in_leading_ws(cli): before = cli.application.buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor return (not before) or before.isspace() # Ctrl+I == Tab @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlI, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode & cursor_in_leading_ws)) def _indent_buffer(event): event.current_buffer.insert_text(' ' * 4) # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for __, ___, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail( self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) self._style = self._make_style_from_name(self.highlighting_style) style = DynamicStyle(lambda: self._style) editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper()) self._app = create_prompt_application( editing_mode=editing_mode, key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=IPythonPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, mouse_support=self.mouse_support, **self._layout_options()) self._eventloop = create_eventloop(self.inputhook) self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface(self._app, eventloop=self._eventloop)
def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self): if ('IPY_TEST_SIMPLE_PROMPT' in os.environ) or not sys.stdin.isatty(): # Fall back to plain non-interactive output for tests. # This is very limited, and only accepts a single line. def prompt(): return cast_unicode_py2(input('In [%d]: ' % self.execution_count)) self.prompt_for_code = prompt return kbmanager = KeyBindingManager.for_prompt(enable_vi_mode=self.vi_mode) insert_mode = ViStateFilter(kbmanager.get_vi_state, InputMode.INSERT) # Ctrl+J == Enter, seemingly @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlJ, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode )) def _(event): b = event.current_buffer d = b.document if not (d.on_last_line or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()): b.newline() return status, indent = self.input_splitter.check_complete(d.text) if (status != 'incomplete') and b.accept_action.is_returnable: b.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, b) else: b.insert_text('\n' + (' ' * (indent or 0))) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): event.current_buffer.reset() @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlC, filter=HasFocus(SEARCH_BUFFER)) def _(event): if event.current_buffer.document.text: event.current_buffer.reset() else: event.cli.push_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) supports_suspend = Condition(lambda cli: hasattr(signal, 'SIGTSTP')) @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlZ, filter=supports_suspend) def _(event): event.cli.suspend_to_background() @Condition def cursor_in_leading_ws(cli): before = cli.application.buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor return (not before) or before.isspace() # Ctrl+I == Tab @kbmanager.registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlI, filter=(HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~HasSelection() & insert_mode & cursor_in_leading_ws )) def _(event): event.current_buffer.insert_text(' ' * 4) # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database history = InMemoryHistory() last_cell = u"" for _, _, cell in self.history_manager.get_tail(self.history_load_length, include_latest=True): # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates cell = cell.rstrip() if cell and (cell != last_cell): history.append(cell) self._style = self._make_style_from_name(self.highlighting_style) style = DynamicStyle(lambda: self._style) self._app = create_prompt_application( key_bindings_registry=kbmanager.registry, history=history, completer=IPythonPTCompleter(self.Completer), enable_history_search=True, style=style, mouse_support=self.mouse_support, **self._layout_options() ) self.pt_cli = CommandLineInterface(self._app, eventloop=create_eventloop(self.inputhook))
async def repl(old_ctx, prompt_kwargs=None, allow_system_commands=True, allow_internal_commands=True, once=False, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=_get_bottom_toolbar_tokens, get_prompt_tokens=None, style=_style): """ Start an interactive shell. All subcommands are available in it. :param old_ctx: The current Click context. :param prompt_kwargs: Parameters passed to :py:func:`prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.prompt`. If stdin is not a TTY, no prompt will be printed, but only commands read from stdin. """ # parent should be available, but we're not going to bother if not group_ctx = old_ctx.parent or old_ctx group = group_ctx.command isatty = sys.stdin.isatty() # Delete the REPL command from those available, as we don't want to allow # nesting REPLs (note: pass `None` to `pop` as we don't want to error if # REPL command already not present for some reason). repl_command_name = available_commands = group_ctx.command.commands available_commands.pop(repl_command_name, None) if isatty: prompt_kwargs = prompt_kwargs or {} if not get_prompt_tokens: prompt_kwargs.setdefault('message', u'>> ') history = prompt_kwargs.pop('history', None) \ or InMemoryHistory() completer = prompt_kwargs.pop('completer', None) \ or ClickCompleter(group) def get_command(): return prompt( completer=completer, history=history, # patch_stdout=False, # # multiline=True, # get_continuation_tokens=continuation_tokens, # get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=get_bottom_toolbar_tokens, # get_prompt_tokens=get_prompt_tokens, style=style, async_=True, **prompt_kwargs) else: get_command = sys.stdin.readline stopped = False while not stopped: try: command = await get_command() except KeyboardInterrupt: continue except EOFError: break finally: if once: stopped = True if not command: if isatty: continue else: break if allow_system_commands and dispatch_repl_commands(command): continue if allow_internal_commands: try: result = handle_internal_commands(command) if isinstance(result, six.string_types): click.echo(result) continue except ExitReplException: break args = shlex.split(command) try: with group.make_context(None, args, parent=group_ctx) as ctx: f = group.invoke(ctx) if f: await f ctx.exit() except ApplicationError as e: click.echo(style_error(u'[{}] {}'.format(e.error, e.args[0]))) except click.ClickException as e: except SystemExit: pass
from prompt_toolkit import prompt from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggestFromHistory history = InMemoryHistory() for word in ["apple", "banana", "orange", "grape", "pineapple"]: history.append(word) while True: text = prompt('> ', history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory()) print('You said: ', text)