Example #1
    def _event_to_key_presses(self, ev):
        For this `KEY_EVENT_RECORD`, return a list of `KeyPress` instances.
        assert type(ev) == KEY_EVENT_RECORD and ev.KeyDown

        result = None

        u_char = ev.uChar.UnicodeChar
        ascii_char = u_char.encode('utf-8')

        # NOTE: We don't use `ev.uChar.AsciiChar`. That appears to be latin-1
        #       encoded. See also:
        # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10004
        # https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/issues/389

        if u_char == '\x00':
            if ev.VirtualKeyCode in self.keycodes:
                result = KeyPress(self.keycodes[ev.VirtualKeyCode], '')
            if ascii_char in self.mappings:
                if self.mappings[ascii_char] == Keys.ControlJ:
                    u_char = '\n'  # Windows sends \n, turn into \r for unix compatibility.
                result = KeyPress(self.mappings[ascii_char], u_char)
                result = KeyPress(u_char, u_char)

        # Correctly handle Control-Arrow keys.
        if (ev.ControlKeyState & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED or
                ev.ControlKeyState & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result:
            if result.key == Keys.Left:
                result.key = Keys.ControlLeft

            if result.key == Keys.Right:
                result.key = Keys.ControlRight

            if result.key == Keys.Up:
                result.key = Keys.ControlUp

            if result.key == Keys.Down:
                result.key = Keys.ControlDown

        # Turn 'Tab' into 'BackTab' when shift was pressed.
        if ev.ControlKeyState & self.SHIFT_PRESSED and result:
            if result.key == Keys.Tab:
                result.key = Keys.BackTab

        # Turn 'Space' into 'ControlSpace' when control was pressed.
        if (ev.ControlKeyState & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED or
                ev.ControlKeyState & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result and result.data == ' ':
            result = KeyPress(Keys.ControlSpace, ' ')

        # Turn Control-Enter into META-Enter. (On a vt100 terminal, we cannot
        # detect this combination. But it's really practical on Windows.)
        if (ev.ControlKeyState & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED or
                ev.ControlKeyState & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result and \
                result.key == Keys.ControlJ:
            return [KeyPress(Keys.Escape, ''), result]

        # Return result. If alt was pressed, prefix the result with an
        # 'Escape' key, just like unix VT100 terminals do.

        # NOTE: Only replace the left alt with escape. The right alt key often
        #       acts as altgr and is used in many non US keyboard layouts for
        #       typing some special characters, like a backslash. We don't want
        #       all backslashes to be prefixed with escape. (Esc-\ has a
        #       meaning in E-macs, for instance.)
        if result:
            meta_pressed = ev.ControlKeyState & self.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED

            if meta_pressed:
                return [KeyPress(Keys.Escape, ''), result]
                return [result]

            return []
Example #2
    def _event_to_key_presses(self, ev):
        For this `KEY_EVENT_RECORD`, return a list of `KeyPress` instances.
        assert type(ev) == KEY_EVENT_RECORD and ev.KeyDown

        result = None

        u_char = ev.uChar.UnicodeChar
        ascii_char = u_char.encode('utf-8')

        # NOTE: We don't use `ev.uChar.AsciiChar`. That appears to be latin-1
        #       encoded. See also:
        # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10004
        # https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/issues/389

        if u_char == '\x00':
            if ev.VirtualKeyCode in self.keycodes:
                result = KeyPress(self.keycodes[ev.VirtualKeyCode], '')
            if ascii_char in self.mappings:
                if self.mappings[ascii_char] == Keys.ControlJ:
                    u_char = '\n'  # Windows sends \n, turn into \r for unix compatibility.
                result = KeyPress(self.mappings[ascii_char], u_char)
                result = KeyPress(u_char, u_char)

        # Correctly handle Control-Arrow keys.
        if (ev.ControlKeyState & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED
                or ev.ControlKeyState & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result:
            if result.key == Keys.Left:
                result.key = Keys.ControlLeft

            if result.key == Keys.Right:
                result.key = Keys.ControlRight

            if result.key == Keys.Up:
                result.key = Keys.ControlUp

            if result.key == Keys.Down:
                result.key = Keys.ControlDown

        # Turn 'Tab' into 'BackTab' when shift was pressed.
        if ev.ControlKeyState & self.SHIFT_PRESSED and result:
            if result.key == Keys.Tab:
                result.key = Keys.BackTab

        # Turn 'Space' into 'ControlSpace' when control was pressed.
        if (ev.ControlKeyState & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED or ev.ControlKeyState
                & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result and result.data == ' ':
            result = KeyPress(Keys.ControlSpace, ' ')

        # Turn Control-Enter into META-Enter. (On a vt100 terminal, we cannot
        # detect this combination. But it's really practical on Windows.)
        if (ev.ControlKeyState & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED or
            ev.ControlKeyState & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result and \
                result.key == Keys.ControlJ:
            return [KeyPress(Keys.Escape, ''), result]

        # Return result. If alt was pressed, prefix the result with an
        # 'Escape' key, just like unix VT100 terminals do.

        # NOTE: Only replace the left alt with escape. The right alt key often
        #       acts as altgr and is used in many non US keyboard layouts for
        #       typing some special characters, like a backslash. We don't want
        #       all backslashes to be prefixed with escape. (Esc-\ has a
        #       meaning in E-macs, for instance.)
        if result:
            meta_pressed = ev.ControlKeyState & self.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED

            if meta_pressed:
                return [KeyPress(Keys.Escape, ''), result]
                return [result]

            return []
    def _event_to_key_presses(self, ev: KEY_EVENT_RECORD) -> List[KeyPress]:
        For this `KEY_EVENT_RECORD`, return a list of `KeyPress` instances.
        assert type(ev) == KEY_EVENT_RECORD and ev.KeyDown

        result: Optional[KeyPress] = None

        control_key_state = ev.ControlKeyState
        u_char = ev.uChar.UnicodeChar
        # Use surrogatepass because u_char may be an unmatched surrogate
        ascii_char = u_char.encode("utf-8", "surrogatepass")

        # NOTE: We don't use `ev.uChar.AsciiChar`. That appears to be the
        # unicode code point truncated to 1 byte. See also:
        # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10004
        # https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/issues/389

        if u_char == "\x00":
            if ev.VirtualKeyCode in self.keycodes:
                result = KeyPress(self.keycodes[ev.VirtualKeyCode], "")
            if ascii_char in self.mappings:
                if self.mappings[ascii_char] == Keys.ControlJ:
                    u_char = (
                        "\n"  # Windows sends \n, turn into \r for unix compatibility.
                result = KeyPress(self.mappings[ascii_char], u_char)
                result = KeyPress(u_char, u_char)

        # First we handle Shift-Control-Arrow/Home/End (need to do this first)
        if ((control_key_state & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED
             or control_key_state & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)
                and control_key_state & self.SHIFT_PRESSED and result):
            mapping: Dict[str, str] = {
                Keys.Left: Keys.ControlShiftLeft,
                Keys.Right: Keys.ControlShiftRight,
                Keys.Up: Keys.ControlShiftUp,
                Keys.Down: Keys.ControlShiftDown,
                Keys.Home: Keys.ControlShiftHome,
                Keys.End: Keys.ControlShiftEnd,
                Keys.Insert: Keys.ControlShiftInsert,
                Keys.PageUp: Keys.ControlShiftPageUp,
                Keys.PageDown: Keys.ControlShiftPageDown,
            result.key = mapping.get(result.key, result.key)

        # Correctly handle Control-Arrow/Home/End and Control-Insert/Delete keys.
        if (control_key_state & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED
                or control_key_state & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result:
            mapping = {
                Keys.Left: Keys.ControlLeft,
                Keys.Right: Keys.ControlRight,
                Keys.Up: Keys.ControlUp,
                Keys.Down: Keys.ControlDown,
                Keys.Home: Keys.ControlHome,
                Keys.End: Keys.ControlEnd,
                Keys.Insert: Keys.ControlInsert,
                Keys.Delete: Keys.ControlDelete,
                Keys.PageUp: Keys.ControlPageUp,
                Keys.PageDown: Keys.ControlPageDown,
            result.key = mapping.get(result.key, result.key)

        # Turn 'Tab' into 'BackTab' when shift was pressed.
        # Also handle other shift-key combination
        if control_key_state & self.SHIFT_PRESSED and result:
            mapping = {
                Keys.Tab: Keys.BackTab,
                Keys.Left: Keys.ShiftLeft,
                Keys.Right: Keys.ShiftRight,
                Keys.Up: Keys.ShiftUp,
                Keys.Down: Keys.ShiftDown,
                Keys.Home: Keys.ShiftHome,
                Keys.End: Keys.ShiftEnd,
                Keys.Insert: Keys.ShiftInsert,
                Keys.Delete: Keys.ShiftDelete,
                Keys.PageUp: Keys.ShiftPageUp,
                Keys.PageDown: Keys.ShiftPageDown,
            result.key = mapping.get(result.key, result.key)

        # Turn 'Space' into 'ControlSpace' when control was pressed.
        if ((control_key_state & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED
             or control_key_state & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result
                and result.data == " "):
            result = KeyPress(Keys.ControlSpace, " ")

        # Turn Control-Enter into META-Enter. (On a vt100 terminal, we cannot
        # detect this combination. But it's really practical on Windows.)
        if ((control_key_state & self.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED
             or control_key_state & self.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) and result
                and result.key == Keys.ControlJ):
            return [KeyPress(Keys.Escape, ""), result]

        # Return result. If alt was pressed, prefix the result with an
        # 'Escape' key, just like unix VT100 terminals do.

        # NOTE: Only replace the left alt with escape. The right alt key often
        #       acts as altgr and is used in many non US keyboard layouts for
        #       typing some special characters, like a backslash. We don't want
        #       all backslashes to be prefixed with escape. (Esc-\ has a
        #       meaning in E-macs, for instance.)
        if result:
            meta_pressed = control_key_state & self.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED

            if meta_pressed:
                return [KeyPress(Keys.Escape, ""), result]
                return [result]

            return []