Example #1
def generate_maps2():
    import random
    print 'Generating optic aberration maps using Proper'
    wfo = proper.prop_begin(tp.diam, 1., tp.grid_size, tp.beam_ratio)
    # rms_error = 5e-6#500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    # c_freq = 0.005             # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    # high_power = 1.          # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)
    rms_error = 2.5e-3  # 500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    c_freq = 0.000005  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    high_power = 1.  # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)

    # tp.abertime = [0.5,2,10] # characteristic time for each aberation in secs
    tp.abertime = [
    ]  # if beyond numframes then abertime will be auto set to duration of simulation
    abercubes = []
    aber_cube = np.zeros((ap.numframes, tp.grid_size, tp.grid_size))
    print 'here'

    perms = np.random.rand(ap.numframes, tp.grid_size, tp.grid_size) - 0.5
    perms *= 1e-7

    phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.uniform(size=(tp.grid_size,
                                                tp.grid_size)) - np.pi
    aber_cube[0] = proper.prop_psd_errormap(
        PHASE_HISTORY=phase)  # FILE=td.aberdir+'/telzPrimary_Map.fits')
    print 'lol'
    # quicklook_im(aber_cube[0], logAmp=False)

    for a in range(1, ap.numframes):
        # quicklook_im(aber_cube[a], logAmp=False)
        perms = np.random.rand(tp.grid_size, tp.grid_size) - 0.5
        perms *= 0.05
        phase += perms
        # print phase[:5,:5]
        aber_cube[a] = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,

    plt.plot(aber_cube[:, 20, 20])

    for a in range(0, ap.numframes - 1, 100):
        quicklook_im(aber_cube[a], logAmp=False)

    if not os.path.isdir(iop.aberdir):
    for f in range(0, ap.numframes, 1):
        # print 'saving frame #', f
        if f % 100 == 0: misc.progressBar(value=f, endvalue=ap.numframes)
                            '%stelz%f.fits' % (iop.aberdir, f * cp.frame_time))
Example #2
def add_IFS_ab(wfo, f_lens, w):
    # print 'Including Static Aberations'
    rms_error = 1.e-3  #500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    c_freq = 0.000005  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    high_power = 1.  # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)

                             FILE=iop.aberdir + str(w) + '_IFS.fits')
Example #3
def add_static(wfo, f_lens, loc='CPA', type='phase'):
    # print 'Including Static Aberations'
    # rms_error = 1.e-3#500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    # c_freq = 0.000005             # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    # high_power = 1.          # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)
    # prim_map = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo, rms_error, c_freq, high_power)
    # quicklook_im(prim_map, logAmp=False, colormap="jet")
    # rms_error = 1.e-3#500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    # c_freq = 0.0000005             # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    # high_power = 2.          # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)
    # prim_map = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo, rms_error, c_freq, high_power)
    # quicklook_im(prim_map, logAmp=False, colormap="jet")

    # rms_error = 5.e4#500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    # c_freq = 5e-7             # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    # high_power = 2.          # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)

    # rms_error = 1e-12#500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    # c_freq = 0.1             # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    # high_power = 3.          # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)

    rms_error = 7.2e-16  #500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    c_freq = 0.35  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    high_power = 3.1  # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)

    # quicklook_wf(wfo)
    if type == 'Amp' or type == 'Both':
        rms_error = 2.  # 500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
        c_freq = 1  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
        high_power = 3.  # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)
        prim_map = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,
                                            FILE=iop.aberdir + loc +
        print 'yep'
        prim_map = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,
                                            FILE=iop.aberdir + loc +
Example #4
def modulate(wfo, w, iter):
    # phase_mod = np.ones((tp.grid_size,tp.grid_size))*(iter%4) * w/4.
    # phase_arr = proper.prop_get_phase(wfo)
    # phase_mod[phase_arr == 0] = 0
    # # quicklook_wf(wfo)
    # proper.prop_add_phase(wfo, phase_mod)

    # phase_mod = (iter % 8) * w / 8. - w/4.
    # proper.prop_zernikes(wfo, [4], np.array([phase_mod])/4.)
    # # quicklook_wf(wfo)

    # import dm_functions as DM
    # # speck.generate_flatmap(phase)
    # s_amp = DM.amplitudemodel(0.05, 30, c=1.6)
    # waffle = DM.make_speckle_kxy(3, 3, s_amp, np.pi/2.)
    # quicklook_im(waffle, logAmp=False)
    # proper.prop_add_phase(wfo, waffle)

    # quicklook_wf(wfo)
    rms_error = 5e-7  # 500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    c_freq = 0.005  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    high_power = 2.  # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)
    phase_map = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,
Example #5
## Step 5

# Determine the region of the array corresponding to the DM surface for use in the fitting.
mp.dm1.V = np.ones((mp.dm1.Nact,mp.dm1.Nact))
testSurf =  falco.dm.gen_surf_from_act(mp.dm1, mp.dm1.compact.dx, mp.dm1.compact.NdmPad)
testArea = np.zeros(testSurf.shape)
testArea[testSurf >= 0.5*np.max(testSurf)] = 1

#--PROPER initialization
pupil_ratio = 1 # beam diameter fraction
wl_dummy = 1e-6 # dummy value needed to initialize wavelength in PROPER (meters)
wavefront = proper.prop_begin(mp.dm1.compact.NdmPad*mp.dm1.dx, wl_dummy, mp.dm1.compact.NdmPad, pupil_ratio)
# PSD Error Map Generation using PROPER
amp = 9.6e-19; b = 4.0;
c = 3.0;
errorMap = proper.prop_psd_errormap( wavefront, amp, b, c, TPF=True )
errorMap = errorMap*testArea;

    plt.figure(1); plt.imshow(testArea); plt.colorbar(); plt.pause(0.1);
    plt.figure(2); plt.imshow(errorMap); plt.colorbar(); plt.pause(0.1);

#--Fit the surface
Vout = falco.dm.fit_surf_to_act(mp.dm1,errorMap)/mp.dm1.VtoH
mp.dm1.V = Vout
DM1Surf =  falco.dm.gen_surf_from_act(mp.dm1, mp.dm1.compact.dx, mp.dm1.compact.NdmPad)  
surfError = errorMap - DM1Surf;
rmsError = np.sqrt(np.mean((surfError[testArea==1].flatten()**2)))
print('RMS fitting error to voltage map is %.2e meters.\n'%rmsError)

Example #6
def generate_maps(aber_vals, lens_diam, lens_name='lens'):
    generate PSD-defined aberration maps for a lens(mirror) using Proper

    Use Proper to generate an 2D aberration pattern across an optical element. The amplitude of the error per spatial
     frequency (cycles/m) across the surface is taken from a power spectral density (PSD) of statistical likelihoods
     for 'real' aberrations of physical optics.
    parameters defining the PSD function are specified in tp.aber_vals. These limit the range for the constants of the
     governing equation given by PSD = a/ [1+(k/b)^c]. This formula assumes the Terrestrial Planet Finder PSD, which is
     set to TRUE unless manually overridden line-by-line. As stated in the proper manual, this PSD function general
      under-predicts lower order aberrations, and thus Zernike polynomials can be added to get even more realistic
      surface maps.
    more information on a PSD error map can be found in the Proper manual on pgs 55-60

    Note: Functionality related to OOPP (out of pupil plane) optics has been removed. There is only one surface
    simulated for each optical surface

    :param aber_vals: dictionary? of values to use in the equation that generates the aberration map. The dictionary
        should contain 3 entries that get sent to proper.prop_psd_errormap. More information can be found on Proper
        Manual pg 56
    :param lens_diam: diameter of the lens/mirror to generate an aberration map for
    :param lens_name: name of the lens, for file naming
    :return: will create a FITs file in the folder specified by iop.quasi for each optic (and  timestep in the case
     of quasi-static aberrations)
    # TODO add different timescale aberations
    dprint('Generating optic aberration maps using Proper')
    iop.aberdata = f"gridsz{sp.grid_size}_bmratio{sp.beam_ratio}_tsteps{sp.numframes}"
    iop.aberdir = os.path.join(iop.testdir, iop.aberroot, iop.aberdata)
    if not os.path.isdir(iop.aberdir):
        os.makedirs(iop.aberdir, exist_ok=True)
    dprint(f"Abberation directory = {iop.aberdir}")

    # create blank lens wavefront for proper to add phase to
    wfo = proper.prop_begin(lens_diam, 1., sp.grid_size, sp.beam_ratio)
    aber_cube = np.zeros((sp.numframes, sp.grid_size, sp.grid_size))

    # Randomly select a value from the range of values for each constant
    rms_error = np.random.normal(aber_vals['a'][0], aber_vals['a'][1])
    c_freq = np.random.normal(
        aber_vals['b'][1])  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    high_power = np.random.normal(
        aber_vals['c'][1])  # high frequency falloff (r^-high_power)

    perms = np.random.rand(sp.numframes, sp.grid_size, sp.grid_size) - 0.5
    perms *= 1e-7

    phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.uniform(size=(sp.grid_size,
                                                sp.grid_size)) - np.pi
    aber_cube[0] = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,
    # PHASE_HISTORY stuff is a kwarg Rupert added to a proper.prop_pds_errormap in proper_mod that helps
    #  ennable the small perturbations to the phase aberrations over time (quasi-static aberration evolution)
    #  however, this may not be implemented here, and the functionality may not be robust. It has yet to be
    #  verified in a robust manner. However, I am not sure it is being used....? KD 10-15-19
    # TODO verify this and add qusi-static functionality

    filename = f"{iop.aberdir}/t{0}_{lens_name}.fits"
    #dprint(f"filename = {filename}")
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        saveFITS(aber_cube[0], filename)

    # I think this part does quasi-static aberrations, but not sure if the random error is correct. On 7-10-19
    for a in range(1, sp.numframes):
        perms = np.random.rand(sp.grid_size, sp.grid_size) - 0.5
        perms *= 0.05
        phase += perms
        aber_cube[a] = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,

        filename = f"{iop.aberdir}/t{a}_{lens_name}.fits"
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            saveFITS(aber_cube[0], filename)
Example #7
def generate_maps(aber_vals, lens_diam, lens_name='lens', quasi_static=False):
    generate PSD-defined aberration maps for a lens(mirror) using Proper

    Use Proper to generate an 2D aberration pattern across an optical element. The amplitude of the error per spatial
     frequency (cycles/m) across the surface is taken from a power spectral density (PSD) of statistical likelihoods
     for 'real' aberrations of physical optics.
    parameters defining the PSD function are specified in tp.aber_vals. These limit the range for the constants of the
     governing equation given by PSD = a/ [1+(k/b)^c]. This formula assumes the Terrestrial Planet Finder PSD, which is
     set to TRUE unless manually overridden line-by-line. As stated in the proper manual, this PSD function general
      under-predicts lower order aberrations, and thus Zernike polynomials can be added to get even more realistic
      surface maps.
    more information on a PSD error map can be found in the Proper manual on pgs 55-60

    Note: Functionality related to OOPP (out of pupil plane) optics has been removed. There is only one surface
    simulated for each optical surface

    :param aber_vals: dictionary? of values to use in the equation that generates the aberration map. The dictionary
        should contain 3 entries that get sent to proper.prop_psd_errormap. More information can be found on Proper
        Manual pg 56
    :param lens_diam: diameter of the lens/mirror to generate an aberration map for
    :param lens_name: name of the lens, for file naming
    :return: will create a FITs file in the folder specified by iop.quasi for each optic (and  timestep in the case
     of quasi-static aberrations)
    # TODO add different timescale aberations
    if sp.verbose:
            f'Generating optic aberration maps using Proper at directory {iop.aberdir}'
    if not os.path.isdir(iop.aberdir):
        # todo remove when all test scripts use the new format
        raise NotImplementedError
            'aberration maps should be created at the beginng, not on the fly')
        os.makedirs(iop.aberdir, exist_ok=True)

    # create blank lens wavefront for proper to add phase to
    wfo = proper.prop_begin(lens_diam, 1., sp.grid_size, sp.beam_ratio)
    aber_cube = np.zeros((1, sp.grid_size, sp.grid_size))

    # Randomly select a value from the range of values for each constant
    # rms_error = np.random.normal(aber_vals['a'][0], aber_vals['a'][1])
    # c_freq = np.random.normal(aber_vals['b'][0], aber_vals['b'][1])  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    # high_power = np.random.normal(aber_vals['c'][0], aber_vals['c'][1])  # high frequency falloff (r^-high_power)

    rms_error, c_freq, high_power = aber_vals

    # perms = np.random.rand(sp.numframes, sp.grid_size, sp.grid_size)-0.5
    # perms *= 1e-7

    phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.uniform(size=(sp.grid_size,
                                                sp.grid_size)) - np.pi
    aber_cube[0] = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,
    # PHASE_HISTORY stuff is a kwarg Rupert added to a proper.prop_pds_errormap in proper_mod that helps
    #  ennable the small perturbations to the phase aberrations over time (quasi-static aberration evolution)
    #  however, this may not be implemented here, and the functionality may not be robust. It has yet to be
    #  verified in a robust manner. However, I am not sure it is being used....? KD 10-15-19
    # TODO verify this and add qusi-static functionality

    filename = f"{iop.aberdir}/t{0}_{lens_name}.fits"
    #dprint(f"filename = {filename}")
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        saveFITS(aber_cube[0], filename)

    if quasi_static:
        # todo implement monkey patch of proper.prop_psd_error that return phase too so it can be incremented with correlated gaussian noise
        # See commit 48c77c0babd5c6fcbc681b4fdd0d2db9cf540695 for original implementation of this code
        raise NotImplementedError
Example #8
def add_aber(wfo, f_lens, aber_params, aber_vals, step=0, Loc='CPA'):
    if aber_params['QuasiStatic'] == False:
        step = 0

    # print aber_params
    if aber_params['Phase']:
        for surf in range(aber_params['n_surfs']):
            filename = '%s%s_Phase%f_v%i.fits' % (iop.aberdir, Loc,
                                                  step * cp.frame_time, surf)
            # print filename
            rms_error = np.random.normal(aber_vals['a'][0], aber_vals['a'][1])
            # print rms_error
            c_freq = np.random.normal(
                aber_vals['b'][1])  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
            # print c_freq
            high_power = np.random.normal(
                aber_vals['c'][1])  # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)
            # print high_power
            # quicklook_wf(wfo)
            if aber_params['OOPP']:
                proper.prop_lens(wfo, f_lens, "OOPP")
                proper.prop_propagate(wfo, f_lens / aber_params['OOPP'][surf])
            #     quicklook_wf(wfo)
            prim_map = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,
            if aber_params['OOPP']:
                    f_lens + f_lens * (1 - 1. / aber_params['OOPP'][surf]))
                proper.prop_lens(wfo, f_lens, "OOPP")
                # quicklook_wf(wfo)
            # quicklook_im(prim_map*1e9, logAmp=False, colormap="jet", show=True, axis=None, title='nm', pupil=True)

    if aber_params['Amp']:
        # filename = '%s%s_Amp%f.fits' % (iop.aberdir, Loc, step * cp.frame_time)
        for surf in range(aber_params['n_surfs']):
            filename = '%s%s_Amp%f_v%i.fits' % (iop.aberdir, Loc,
                                                step * cp.frame_time, surf)
            # print filename
            rms_error = np.random.normal(aber_vals['a_amp'][0],
            # print rms_error
            c_freq = np.random.normal(
                aber_vals['b'][1])  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
            # print c_freq
            high_power = np.random.normal(
                aber_vals['c'][1])  # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)
            # print high_power
            prim_map = proper.prop_psd_errormap(wfo,
Example #9
def generate_maps():
    import random
    print 'Generating optic aberration maps using Proper'
    wfo = proper.prop_begin(tp.diam, 1., tp.grid_size, tp.beam_ratio)
    # rms_error = 5e-6#500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    # c_freq = 0.005             # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    # high_power = 1.          # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)
    rms_error = 2.5e-3  #500.e-9       # RMS wavefront error in meters
    c_freq = 0.000005  # correlation frequency (cycles/meter)
    high_power = 1.  # high frewquency falloff (r^-high_power)

    # tp.abertime = [0.5,2,10] # characteristic time for each aberation in secs
    tp.abertime = [
    ]  # if beyond numframes then abertime will be auto set to duration of simulation
    abercubes = []
    for abertime in tp.abertime:
        # ap.numframes = 100
        aberfreq = 1. / abertime
        # tp.abertime=2 # aberfreq: number of frames goals per sec?
        num_longframes = aberfreq * ap.numframes * cp.frame_time
        print num_longframes, ap.numframes, cp.frame_time
        aber_cube = np.zeros((ap.numframes + 1, tp.grid_size, tp.grid_size))
        lin_size = tp.grid_size**2
        # spacing = int(ap.numframes/num_longframes)
        # frame_idx = np.int_(np.linspace(0,ap.numframes,num_longframes+1))
        c = range(0, ap.numframes)
        print num_longframes
        frame_idx = np.sort(random.sample(c, int(num_longframes + 1 - 2)))
        # frame_idx = np.int_(np.sort(np.round(np.random.uniform(0,ap.numframes,num_longframes+1-2))))
        frame_idx = np.hstack(([0], frame_idx, [ap.numframes]))
        # frame_idx = [0,  15,   69,  278,  418,  703, 1287, 1900, 3030, 3228, 5000]
        print frame_idx
        for f in frame_idx:
            aber_cube[f] = proper.prop_psd_errormap(
                wfo, rms_error, c_freq, high_power,
                MAP="prim_map")  #FILE=td.aberdir+'/telzPrimary_Map.fits')
            # quicklook_im(aber_cube[f], logAmp=False)
        for i, f in enumerate(frame_idx[:-1]):
            spacing = int(frame_idx[i + 1] - frame_idx[i])
            # quicklook_im(aber_cube[f], logAmp=False, show=False)

            frame1 = aber_cube[f]
            frame2 = aber_cube[frame_idx[i + 1]]
            lin_map = [
                np.linspace(f1, f2, spacing) for f1, f2 in zip(
                    frame1.reshape(lin_size), frame2.reshape(lin_size))
            interval_cube = np.array(lin_map).reshape(tp.grid_size,
                                                      tp.grid_size, spacing)
            interval_cube = np.transpose(interval_cube)
            print i, f, frame_idx[i], frame_idx[i + 1], np.shape(interval_cube)
            # loop_frames(interval_cube, logAmp=False)
            aber_cube[f:frame_idx[i + 1]] = interval_cube
        plt.plot(aber_cube[:, 20, 20])
    abercubes = np.array(abercubes)
    # print abercubes.shape
    # plt.plot(aber_cube[:,20,20])
    aber_cube = np.sum(abercubes, axis=0)
    plt.plot(aber_cube[:, 20, 20])
    if not os.path.isdir(iop.aberdir):
    for f in range(0, ap.numframes, 1):
        # print 'saving frame #', f
        if f % 100 == 0: misc.progressBar(value=f, endvalue=ap.numframes)
                            '%stelz%f.fits' % (iop.aberdir, f * cp.frame_time))
        # quicklook_im(aber_cube[f], logAmp=False, show=True)
