Example #1
	def testGetConfig(self):
		print "TestDatasourceConfig : testGetConfig"
		pf = PropertiesFile("modules/testdsdetails.properties")
		dsList = pf.getPartialKey("*.db.host")
		testpost24 = 0
		testpre241 = 0
		for k, v in dsList:
			tag = k.split(".")[0]
			dsConfig = DatasourceConfig(tag, pf).getConfig()
			if pf.get(tag + ".datasource.name"):
				# post 2.4.0
				self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".datasource.name"), dsConfig["name"])
				jndiList = []
				for jndiName in pf.get(tag + ".jndi.name").split(","):
				self.assertEqual(jndiList, dsConfig["jndi"])
				testpost24 = 1
				# pre 2.4.1
				self.assertEqual(tag, dsConfig["name"])
				self.assertEqual(tag, dsConfig["jndi"][0])
				testpre241 = 1
			self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".db.host"), dsConfig["host"])
			self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".db.port"), dsConfig["port"])
			self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".db.user"), dsConfig["user"])
			self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".db.password"), dsConfig["password"])
			self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".db.name"), dsConfig["dbName"])
			self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".db.url"), dsConfig["url"])
			self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".db.driver"), dsConfig["driver"])
			targets = []
			for target in pf.get(tag + ".target").split(","):
			self.assertEqual(targets, dsConfig["target"])
		self.assertEqual(testpost24, 1)
		self.assertEqual(testpre241, 1)
	def testGet(self):
		print "testGet"
		pf = PropertiesFile(self.simplePropertiesFileName)
		val = pf.get("key")
		self.assertEqual(val, "value")
		val = pf.get("rubbish")
		self.assertEqual(val, None)
		val = pf.get("space.filled.value")
		self.assertEqual(val, "valuebit nextbit")
		val = pf.get("special-characters")
		self.assertEqual(val, r"Or@c1e@pp@dm!n")
		val = pf.get("back.slash")
		self.assertEqual(val, r"back\slash")
	def testCreateTokenisedProperties(self):
		print "testCreateTokenisedProperties"
		pf = PropertiesFile(self.simplePropertiesFileName)
		tokenisedFileName = pf.createTokenisedProperties("@@_", "_@@", "testtokenisedproperties.properties")
		tokenisedFile = PropertiesFile(tokenisedFileName)
		for tpk in tokenisedFile.properties.keys():
			print tpk + "=" + tokenisedFile.get(tpk)
			if not tpk == "property.file.version":
				self.assertEqual(tokenisedFile.get(tpk), pf.get(tpk[3:][:-3]).replace("\\", r"\\"))
				self.assertEqual(tpk[:3], "@@_")
				self.assertEqual(tpk[-3:], "_@@")
		for i in range(len(self.properties)):
				if self.properties[i].strip().startswith("#") or self.properties[i].strip() == "" or self.properties[i].strip().startswith("property.file.version"):
					self.assertEqual(pf.allEntries[i].strip(), tokenisedFile.allEntries[i].strip())
	def testGetPartialKey(self):
		print "testGetPartialKey"
		pf = PropertiesFile(self.simplePropertiesFileName)
		propertyList = pf.getPartialKey("partial.key.*")
		self.assertEqual(len(propertyList), 3)
		for key, value in propertyList:
			self.assertEqual(value, pf.get(key))
		propertyList = pf.getPartialKey("*.key.*")
		self.assertEqual(len(propertyList), 3)
		for key, value in propertyList:
			self.assertEqual(value, pf.get(key))
		propertyList = pf.getPartialKey("rubbish.*")
		self.assertEqual(len(propertyList), 0)
		propertyList = pf.getPartialKey("*.rubbish.*")
		self.assertEqual(len(propertyList), 0)
		propertyList = pf.getPartialKey("module.*.name")
		self.assertEqual(len(propertyList), 2)
		propertyList = pf.getPartialKey("*.name")
		self.assertEqual(len(propertyList), 1)
Example #5
	def testGetConfig(self):
		print "TestJMSResourceConfig : testGetConfig"
		pf = PropertiesFile("modules/testjmsdetails.properties")
		jmsList = pf.getPartialKey("*.jms.system.module.name")
		for k, v in jmsList:
			tag = k.split(".")[0]
			jmsConfig = JMSResourceConfig(tag, pf).getConfig()
			self.assertEqual(pf.get(tag + ".jms.system.module.name"), tag)
			if pf.get(tag + ".jms.system.module.suffix"):
				self.assertEqual(jmsConfig["module.name"], tag + "_" + pf.get(tag + ".jms.system.module.suffix"))
				self.assertEqual(jmsConfig["module.name"], tag)
			self.assertEqual(jmsConfig["base.name"], tag)
			if pf.get(tag + ".target.suffix"):
				self.assertEqual(jmsConfig["target.domain"], pf.get(tag + ".target.domain") + "_" + pf.get(tag + ".target.suffix"))
				self.assertEqual(jmsConfig["target.domain"], pf.get(tag + ".target.domain"))
			self.assertEqual(jmsConfig["datasource"], pf.get(tag + ".datasource"))
			# simply test that the number of queues is the same
			self.assertEqual(len(jmsConfig["queues"]), len(pf.getPartialKey(tag + ".queue.*.name")))
			# simply test that the number of topics is the same
			self.assertEqual(len(jmsConfig["topics"]), len(pf.getPartialKey(tag + ".topic.*.name")))
Example #6
""" take a list of properties files and open them
import sys, os
from propertiesutils import PropertiesFile
from propertiesutils import NonEncryptedPropertiesFile
from loggingutils import SimpleReporter
from propertiesutils import XmlProperties
logger = SimpleReporter()
xpf = XmlProperties("tmp/ant-properties.xml")
pf = PropertiesFile("tmp/ant-properties.properties")
fileList = pf.get("property.files").split(",")
for file in fileList:
	logger.report("Processing %s" % (file))
	enc = NonEncryptedPropertiesFile(file)
	def testGetPasswordProperty(self):
		print "TestPropertiesFile : testGetPasswordProperty"
		pf = PropertiesFile(self.simplePropertiesFileName)
		val = pf.get("my.password.test")
		self.assertEqual(val, "mypassword")
	def testGetWithEqualsSign(self):
		print "testGetWithEqualsSign"
		pf = PropertiesFile(self.simplePropertiesFileName)
		val = pf.get("contains-equals")
		self.assertEqual(val, "123=4")
this is pretty crude and may benefit from some cleverness
import sys
from propertiesutils import PropertiesFile
from wlstutils import ServerConnection
from propertiesutils import XmlProperties
	tp = XmlProperties("tmp/ant-properties.xml")
	pf = PropertiesFile("tmp/ant-properties.properties")
	adminServers = pf.getPartialKey("*.domain_name")
	for k, v in adminServers:
		prefix = k.split(".")[0]
		username = pf.get(prefix + ".admin_user")
		password = pf.get(prefix + ".admin_password")
		url = pf.get(prefix + ".admin_url")
		sc = ServerConnection(url, username, password)
		clusters = sc.listClusters()
		for cluster in clusters:
			if not sc.clusterIsUp(cluster):
				print "[ERROR] One or more managed servers is not running"
	print "[INFO] all managed servers are running"
except Exception, e:
    print e 
import os, sys
from propertiesutils import XmlProperties
from propertiesutils import PropertiesFile
xmlProps = XmlProperties("tmp/ant-properties.xml")
antPropertiesFile = "tmp/ant-properties.properties"
apf = PropertiesFile(antPropertiesFile)
# add some validation of existence of config file
configFilePath = apf.get("config.file.path")
if os.path.isfile(configFilePath):
	epf = PropertiesFile(configFilePath)
	print "[ERROR] configuration properties file " + configFilePath + " does not exist"
	sys.exit("missing environment configuration file")
# add some validation of version
envVersion = apf.get("config.file.version")
if epf.validateVersionProperty(propertyValue=envVersion):
	version = epf.get("property.file.version")
	config_file_name = apf.get("config.file.name")
	tpf = epf.createTokenisedProperties("{@", "@}", "configmaps/" + config_file_name + version + ".properties")
	print "[ERROR] invalid configuration file version"
	sys.exit("invalid configuration file")
Example #11
def importIntoDomain():
		# Declare Variables
		sessionMBean = None
		alsbConfigurationMBean = None
		xpf = XmlProperties("tmp/ant-properties.xml")
		pf = PropertiesFile("tmp/ant-properties.properties")
		packageHome = pf.get("package.home")
		# Connect to Server
		print 'Connecting to server: ', pf.get("osbadm.adminUrl")
	#		connectToServer()
		connect(pf.get("osbadm.admin_user"), pf.get("osbadm.admin_password"), pf.get("osbadm.adminUrl"))

		# Create unique session name	
		print 'Creating unique session name'
		sessionName = createSessionName()
		print 'Created session name :', sessionName

		# Create and start session
		print 'Creating SessionMBean'
		sessionMBean = getSessionMBean(sessionName)
		print 'SessionMBean started new session'

		# obtain the ALSBConfigurationMBean instance that operates
		# on the session that has just been created. Notice that
		# the name of the mbean contains the session name.
		print 'Create ALSBConfiguration'
		alsbConfigurationMBean = findService(String(ALSBConfigurationMBean.NAME + ".").concat(sessionName), ALSBConfigurationMBean.TYPE)
		print "ALSBConfiguration MBean found", alsbConfigurationMBean
		# Perform updates or read operations in the session using alsbSession
		# sys.arg[4] is the root of the package
		print 'INFO package root is ' + packageHome
		pscProps = PropertiesFile(packageHome + "/" + 'psc_details.properties')
		print 'INFO loaded properties from ' + packageHome + "/" + 'psc_details.properties'
		pscNames = pscProps.getPartialKey("*.pscname")
		serviceProps = []
		for k, v in pscNames:
			if pscProps.get(v + ".technology") == "osb":
				serviceProps.append((k, v))
		for k, pscName in serviceProps:
			print 'INFO processing serviceslist entry ' + pscName
			# sys.arg[4] is the root of the package
			if len(pscName) != 0:
				service_file= packageHome + "/" + pscProps.get(pscName + ".deployable")
				print 'INFO deployable resolved to ' , service_file
				psc_list.append(pscName + ":" + pscProps.get(pscName + ".version.label"))

				print 'Starting import of:', service_file, "on to OSB Admin Server:", pf.get("osbimp.adminUrl")

				# Read import jar file
				print 'INFO Read import jar file'
				theBytes = BinaryFile(service_file).getBytes()
				print 'INFO Import file read successfully', service_file

				# Upload Jar File
				print 'INFO Uploading Jar file'
				print 'INFO Jar Uploaded'

				print 'INFO ALSB Project will now get imported'
				alsbJarInfo = alsbConfigurationMBean.getImportJarInfo()

				alsbImportPlan = alsbJarInfo.getDefaultImportPlan()
				# we are currently running all WLST with the same keystore
				# if this changes we will have to get more clever here
				operationMap = alsbImportPlan.getOperations()
				print 'INFO Default importPlan'
				print 'INFO Modified importPlan'
				importResult = alsbConfigurationMBean.importUploaded(alsbImportPlan)

				if importResult.getFailed().isEmpty() == false:
					print 'ERROR One or more resources could not be imported properly'
				#customize if a customization file is specified
				#affects only the created resources
				customisationFile = service_file + ".xml"
					print 'INFO Loading customization File', customisationFile
					iStream = FileInputStream(customisationFile)
					customizationList = Customization.fromXML(iStream)

		print "INFO The MBean session has been configured for the following deployments:"		
		for psc in psc_list:
			print "\t" + psc
		deployMessage = "Deployed PSC's " + "\t" + "\n\t".join(psc_list)
			sessionMBean.activateSession(sessionName, deployMessage)
			print "ERROR problem encountered activating the session"
			print "INFO this can happen if one or more of the managed servers are not running"
		print "INFO Deployment of : \n\t" + "\n\t".join(psc_list) + "\nsuccessful"
	except Exception, e:
		print "ERROR Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
		print e
		if sessionMBean: