def confirm_apply(request, pk): """ After a student presses apply on a proposal, he/she has to confirm the application on this page. This page also checks whether the user is allowed to apply :param request: :param pk: id of the proposal """ prop = get_cached_project(pk) if prop.Status < 4: raise PermissionDenied( 'This proposal is not public, application is not possible.') if get_all_applications(request.user, timeslot=prop.TimeSlot).filter( Q(Proposal=prop)).exists(): return render(request, 'base.html', context={ 'Message': 'You already applied to this proposal.', 'return': 'students:listapplications', }) return render(request, 'students/apply.html', context={ 'proposal': get_object_or_404(Proposal, pk=pk), })
def apply(request, pk): """ Let a user apply to a proposal. Called after confirmapply. :param request: :param pk: id of a proposal. """ prop = get_cached_project(pk) if prop.Status < 4: raise PermissionDenied( 'This proposal is not public, application is not possible.') if get_all_applications( request.user, timeslot=prop.TimeSlot).count() >= settings.MAX_NUM_APPLICATIONS: return render(request, 'base.html', context={ 'Message': 'already at max amount of applied proposals<br>' 'retract one first before continuing', 'return': 'students:listapplications', }) if get_all_applications(request.user, timeslot=prop.TimeSlot).filter( Q(Proposal=prop)).exists(): return render(request, 'base.html', context={ 'Message': 'You already applied to this proposal.', 'return': 'students:listapplications', }) track = ApplicationTracking() track.Proposal = prop track.Student = request.user track.Type = 'a' appl = Application() appl.Proposal = prop highestprio = get_all_applications(request.user, timeslot=prop.TimeSlot).aggregate( Max('Priority'))['Priority__max'] appl.Student = request.user if highestprio is None: appl.Priority = 1 else: appl.Priority = highestprio + 1 return render(request, 'base.html', context={ 'Message': 'Application saved with priority number {}'.format( appl.Priority), 'return': 'students:listapplications', })
def wrapper(*args, **kw): if 'pk' in kw: pk = int(kw['pk']) else: pk = int(args[1]) proj = get_cached_project(pk) request = args[0] # user needs to be logged in (so no need for login_required on top of this) if not request.user.is_authenticated: page = args[0].path return redirect_to_login( next=page, login_url='index:login', redirect_field_name='next', ) # support staf or superusers are always allowed to view if get_grouptype( "3") in request.user.groups.all() or request.user.is_superuser: return fn(*args, **kw) # user is staffmember and involved in the project if proj.ResponsibleStaff == request.user \ or request.user in proj.Assistants.all() \ or proj.Track.Head == request.user: return fn(*args, **kw) # group administrators can view proposal if group_administrator_status(proj, request.user) > 0: return fn(*args, **kw) # if project is published, non private and its the right time phase if proj.Status == 4: if not proj.Private.exists() or request.user in proj.Private.all( ): # only non-private proposals # else staff members are allowed to view public proposals in all timeslots and timephases # this includes assessors as they are type1 or type2. if request.user.groups.exists(): return fn(*args, **kw) # students view public proposals or private student views his proposal: Only in timephase after 2 elif get_timephase_number( ) > 2 and proj.TimeSlot == get_timeslot(): return fn(*args, **kw) # assessors are allowed to view status4 private projects if they have to assess it. elif planning_public() and \ proj.Private.exists() and \ request.user.groups.exists() and \ proj.TimeSlot == get_timeslot(): for dist in proj.distributions.all(): try: if request.user in dist.presentationtimeslot.Presentations.Assessors.all( ): return fn(*args, **kw) except PresentationTimeSlot.DoesNotExist: continue raise PermissionDenied( "You are not allowed to view this project page.")
def connect(self): = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['pk'] self.track = get_project_tracking(get_cached_project( if self.track.Subject.Status != 4: self.close() return if not self.scope['user'].groups.exists(): self.close() return async_to_sync(self.channel_layer.group_add)('viewnumber{}'.format(, self.channel_name) self.accept() self.send(text_data=str(self.track.UniqueVisitors.count()) ) # send only to this socket connection
def api_redistribute(request): """ AJAX call from manual distribute to change a distribution :param request: :return: """ if get_timephase_number() < 4 or get_timephase_number() > 6: raise PermissionDenied('Distribution is not possible in this timephase') if request.method == 'POST': try: student = get_all_students(undistributed=True).get(pk=request.POST['student']) except User.DoesNotExist: return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString + ' (User cannot be found)'}) try: dist = student.distributions.get(TimeSlot=get_timeslot()) except Distribution.DoesNotExist: return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString + ' (Distribution cannot be found)'}) try: # change Proposal dist.Proposal = get_cached_project(request.POST['propTo']) # change Application if user has Application try: dist.Application = get_all_applications(dist.Student).get(Proposal=dist.Proposal) appl_prio = dist.Application.Priority except Application.DoesNotExist: dist.Application = None appl_prio = -1 dist.full_clean() except Exception as e: return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString, 'exception': str(e)}) return JsonResponse( {'type': 'success', 'txt': 'Changed distributed Student ' + dist.Student.usermeta.get_nice_name() + ' to Proposal ' + dist.Proposal.Title, 'prio': appl_prio}) else: raise PermissionDenied("You don't know what you're doing!")