def merge_perchrom_vcfs(job, perchrom_vcfs, tool_name, univ_options): """ Merge per-chromosome vcf files into a single genome level vcf. :param dict perchrom_vcfs: Dictionary with chromosome name as key and fsID of the corresponding vcf as value :param str tool_name: Name of the tool that generated the vcfs :returns: fsID for the merged vcf :rtype: toil.fileStore.FileID """ work_dir = os.getcwd() input_files = { ''.join([chrom, '.vcf']): jsid for chrom, jsid in perchrom_vcfs.items() } input_files = get_files_from_filestore(job, input_files, work_dir, docker=False) first = True with open(''.join([work_dir, '/', 'all_merged.vcf']), 'w') as outvcf: for chromvcfname in chrom_sorted( [x.rstrip('.vcf') for x in input_files.keys()]): with open(input_files[chromvcfname + '.vcf'], 'r') as infile: for line in infile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): if first: print(line, file=outvcf) continue first = False print(line, file=outvcf) output_file = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile( export_results(job, output_file,, univ_options, subfolder='mutations/' + tool_name) job.fileStore.logToMaster('Ran merge_perchrom_vcfs for %s successfully' % tool_name) return output_file
def merge_perchrom_mutations(job, chrom, mutations, univ_options): """ Merge the mutation calls for a single chromosome. :param str chrom: Chromosome to process :param dict mutations: dict of dicts of the various mutation caller names as keys, and a dict of per chromosome job store ids for vcfs as value :param dict univ_options: Dict of universal options used by almost all tools :returns fsID for vcf contaning merged calls for the given chromosome :rtype: toil.fileStore.FileID """ work_dir = os.getcwd() from protect.mutation_calling.muse import process_muse_vcf from protect.mutation_calling.mutect import process_mutect_vcf from protect.mutation_calling.radia import process_radia_vcf from protect.mutation_calling.somaticsniper import process_somaticsniper_vcf from protect.mutation_calling.strelka import process_strelka_vcf mutations.pop('indels') mutations['strelka_indels'] = mutations['strelka']['indels'] mutations['strelka_snvs'] = mutations['strelka']['snvs'] vcf_processor = { 'snvs': { 'mutect': process_mutect_vcf, 'muse': process_muse_vcf, 'radia': process_radia_vcf, 'somaticsniper': process_somaticsniper_vcf, 'strelka_snvs': process_strelka_vcf }, 'indels': { 'strelka_indels': process_strelka_vcf } } # 'fusions': lambda x: None, # 'indels': lambda x: None} # For now, let's just say 2 out of n need to call it. # num_preds = len(mutations) # majority = int((num_preds + 0.5) / 2) majority = {'snvs': 2, 'indels': 1} accepted_hits = defaultdict(dict) for mut_type in vcf_processor.keys(): # Get input files perchrom_mutations = { caller: vcf_processor[mut_type][caller](job, mutations[caller][chrom], work_dir, univ_options) for caller in vcf_processor[mut_type] } # Process the strelka key perchrom_mutations['strelka'] = perchrom_mutations['strelka_' + mut_type] perchrom_mutations.pop('strelka_' + mut_type) # Read in each file to a dict vcf_lists = { caller: read_vcf(vcf_file) for caller, vcf_file in perchrom_mutations.items() } all_positions = list(set(itertools.chain(*vcf_lists.values()))) for position in sorted(all_positions): hits = { caller: position in vcf_lists[caller] for caller in perchrom_mutations.keys() } if sum(hits.values()) >= majority[mut_type]: callers = ','.join( [caller for caller, hit in hits.items() if hit]) assert position[1] not in accepted_hits[position[0]] accepted_hits[position[0]][position[1]] = (position[2], position[3], callers) with open(''.join([work_dir, '/', chrom, '.vcf']), 'w') as outfile: print('##fileformat=VCFv4.0', file=outfile) print( '##INFO=<ID=callers,Number=.,Type=String,Description=List of supporting callers.', file=outfile) print('#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO', file=outfile) for chrom in chrom_sorted(accepted_hits.keys()): for position in sorted(accepted_hits[chrom]): print(chrom, position, '.', accepted_hits[chrom][position][0], accepted_hits[chrom][position][1], '.', 'PASS', 'callers=' + accepted_hits[chrom][position][2], sep='\t', file=outfile) fsid = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile( export_results(job, fsid,, univ_options, subfolder='mutations/merged') return fsid