def test_svd_mass_res(file_prefix='F_m'):
    test SVD decomposition of mass residuals by generating SVD, saving to file and reloading
    from proteus.deim_utils import read_snapshots,generate_svd_decomposition

    ns = get_burgers_ns("test_svd_mass_res",T=0.1,nDTout=10,archive_pod_res=True)
    failed = ns.calculateSolution("run_svd_mass_res")
    assert not failed
    from proteus import Archiver
    archive = Archiver.XdmfArchive(".","test_svd_mass_res",readOnly=True)


    S_svd =,,V))
    #now load back in and test
    S = read_snapshots(archive,len(ns.tnList),'mass_residual0')

Example #2
def test_svd_soln():
    test SVD decomposition of solution by generating SVD, saving to file and reloading
    from proteus.deim_utils import read_snapshots, generate_svd_decomposition

    ns = get_burgers_ns("test_svd_soln",

    failed = ns.calculateSolution("run_svd_soln")
    assert not failed
    from proteus import Archiver
    archive = Archiver.XdmfArchive(".", "test_svd_soln", readOnly=True)

    U, s, V = generate_svd_decomposition(archive, len(ns.tnList), 'u', 'soln')

    S_svd =,, V))
    #now load back in and test
    S = read_snapshots(archive, len(ns.tnList), 'u')

    npt.assert_almost_equal(S, S_svd)
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python

from burgers_init import use_deim
from proteus import deim_utils,Archiver
from proteus.deim_utils import read_snapshots

T = 1.0
nDTout = 100
DT = T/float(nDTout)

archive = Archiver.XdmfArchive(".",,readOnly=True)

import numpy as np

#generate snapshots for solution
S = read_snapshots(archive,nDTout+1,'u',)
U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(S, full_matrices=False)
print 'SVD for solution done!'
np.savetxt('SVD_basis', U, delimiter=' ')
np.savetxt('Singular_values', s, delimiter=' ')

if use_deim:
    Sf = read_snapshots(archive,nDTout+1,'spatial_residual0')
    Uf,sf,Vf = np.linalg.svd(Sf,full_matrices=False)
    print 'SVD for spatial residual done!'
    np.savetxt('Fs_SVD_basis', Uf, delimiter=' ')
    np.savetxt('Fs_Singular_values', sf, delimiter=' ')
    Sm = read_snapshots(archive,nDTout+1,'mass_residual0')
    Um,sm,Vm = np.linalg.svd(Sm,full_matrices=False)
    print 'SVD for mass residual done!'
    np.savetxt('Fm_SVD_basis', Um, delimiter=' ')
def deim_approx(T=0.1,nDTout=10,m=5,m_mass=5):
    Follow basic setup for DEIM approximation
    - generate a burgers solution, saving spatial and 'mass' residuals
    - generate SVDs for snapshots
    - for both residuals F_s and F_m
      - pick $m$, dimension for snapshot reduced basis $\mathbf{U}_m$
      - call DEIM algorithm to determine $\vec \rho$ and compute projection matrix 

    For selected timesteps
    - extract fine grid solution from archive, $\vec y$
    - for both residuals F=F_s and F_m
      - evaluate $\vec F(\vec y)$ at indices in $\vec \rho \rightarrow \vec c$
      - apply DEIM interpolant $\tilde{\vec F} = \mathbf{P}_F\vec c$
      - compute error $\|F-\tilde{\vec F}\|
    - visualize

    from proteus.deim_utils import read_snapshots,generate_svd_decomposition
    ##run fine grid problem
    ns = get_burgers_ns("test_deim_approx",T=T,nDTout=nDTout,archive_pod_res=True)
    failed = ns.calculateSolution("run_deim_approx")
    assert not failed

    from proteus import Archiver
    archive = Archiver.XdmfArchive(".","test_deim_approx",readOnly=True)
    ##perform SVD on spatial residual

    from proteus.deim_utils import deim_alg
    ##calculate DEIM indices and projection matrix
    rho,PF = deim_alg(U,m)
    #also 'mass' term
    rho_m,PF_m = deim_alg(U_m,m_mass)

    ##for comparison, grab snapshots of solution and residual
    Su = read_snapshots(archive,len(ns.tnList),'u')
    Sf = read_snapshots(archive,len(ns.tnList),'spatial_residual0')
    Sm = read_snapshots(archive,len(ns.tnList),'mass_residual0')

    steps_to_test = np.arange(len(ns.tnList)) 
    errors = np.zeros(len(steps_to_test),'d'); errors_mass = errors.copy()

    F_deim = np.zeros((Sf.shape[0],len(steps_to_test)),'d')
    Fm_deim = np.zeros((Sf.shape[0],len(steps_to_test)),'d')
    for i,istep in enumerate(steps_to_test):
        #solution on the fine grid
        u = Su[:,istep]
        #spatial residual evaluated from fine grid
        F = Sf[:,istep]
        #deim approximation on the fine grid 
        F_deim[:,istep] =,F[rho])
        errors[i] = np.linalg.norm(F-F_deim[:,istep])
        #repeat for 'mass residual'
        Fm= Sm[:,istep]
        #deim approximation on the fine grid 
        Fm_deim[:,istep] =,Fm[rho])
        errors_mass[i] = np.linalg.norm(Fm-Fm_deim[:,istep])
    return errors,errors_mass,F_deim,Fm_deim
Example #5
def deim_approx(T=0.1, nDTout=10, m=5, m_mass=5):
    Follow basic setup for DEIM approximation
    - generate a burgers solution, saving spatial and 'mass' residuals
    - generate SVDs for snapshots
    - for both residuals F_s and F_m
      - pick $m$, dimension for snapshot reduced basis $\mathbf{U}_m$
      - call DEIM algorithm to determine $\vec \rho$ and compute projection matrix 

    For selected timesteps
    - extract fine grid solution from archive, $\vec y$
    - for both residuals F=F_s and F_m
      - evaluate $\vec F(\vec y)$ at indices in $\vec \rho \rightarrow \vec c$
      - apply DEIM interpolant $\tilde{\vec F} = \mathbf{P}_F\vec c$
      - compute error $\|F-\tilde{\vec F}\|
    - visualize

    from proteus.deim_utils import read_snapshots, generate_svd_decomposition
    ##run fine grid problem
    ns = get_burgers_ns("test_deim_approx",

    failed = ns.calculateSolution("run_deim_approx")
    assert not failed

    from proteus import Archiver
    archive = Archiver.XdmfArchive(".", "test_deim_approx", readOnly=True)
    ##perform SVD on spatial residual
    U, s, V = generate_svd_decomposition(archive, len(ns.tnList),
                                         'spatial_residual0', 'F_s')
    U_m, s_m, V_m = generate_svd_decomposition(archive, len(ns.tnList),
                                               'mass_residual0', 'F_m')

    from proteus.deim_utils import deim_alg
    ##calculate DEIM indices and projection matrix
    rho, PF = deim_alg(U, m)
    #also 'mass' term
    rho_m, PF_m = deim_alg(U_m, m_mass)

    ##for comparison, grab snapshots of solution and residual
    Su = read_snapshots(archive, len(ns.tnList), 'u')
    Sf = read_snapshots(archive, len(ns.tnList), 'spatial_residual0')
    Sm = read_snapshots(archive, len(ns.tnList), 'mass_residual0')

    steps_to_test = np.arange(len(ns.tnList))
    errors = np.zeros(len(steps_to_test), 'd')
    errors_mass = errors.copy()

    F_deim = np.zeros((Sf.shape[0], len(steps_to_test)), 'd')
    Fm_deim = np.zeros((Sf.shape[0], len(steps_to_test)), 'd')
    for i, istep in enumerate(steps_to_test):
        #solution on the fine grid
        u = Su[:, istep]
        #spatial residual evaluated from fine grid
        F = Sf[:, istep]
        #deim approximation on the fine grid
        F_deim[:, istep] =, F[rho])
        errors[i] = np.linalg.norm(F - F_deim[:, istep])
        #repeat for 'mass residual'
        Fm = Sm[:, istep]
        #deim approximation on the fine grid
        Fm_deim[:, istep] =, Fm[rho])
        errors_mass[i] = np.linalg.norm(Fm - Fm_deim[:, istep])
            T, nDTout, m), errors)
            T, nDTout, m_mass), errors_mass)

    return errors, errors_mass, F_deim, Fm_deim