def _convert_action(action, data=None, context=None, config=None): if config is None: config = proteus.config.get_config() if data is None: data = {} else: data = data.copy() if 'type' not in (action or {}): return None data['action_id'] = action['id'] if action['type'] == 'ir.action.act_window': from .pyson import PYSONDecoder action.setdefault('pyson_domain', '[]') ctx = { 'active_model': data.get('model'), 'active_id': data.get('id'), 'active_ids': data.get('ids', []), } ctx.update(config.context) ctx['_user'] = config.user decoder = PYSONDecoder(ctx) action_ctx = decoder.decode(action.get('pyson_context') or '{}') ctx.update(action_ctx) ctx.update(context) action_ctx.update(context) if 'date_format' not in action_ctx: action_ctx['date_format'] = config.context.get( 'locale', {}).get('date', '%x') ctx['context'] = ctx decoder = PYSONDecoder(ctx) domain = decoder.decode(action['pyson_domain']) res_model = action.get('res_model', data.get('res_model')) res_id = action.get('res_id', data.get('res_id')) Model_ = Model.get(res_model) with config.set_context(action_ctx): if res_id is None: return Model_.find(domain) else: return [Model_(id_) for id_ in res_id] elif action['type'] == 'ir.action.wizard': kwargs = { 'action': action, 'config': config, 'context': context, } if 'model' in data: Model_ = Model.get(data['model']) kwargs['models'] = [Model_(id_) for id_ in data.get('ids', [])] return Wizard(action['wiz_name'], **kwargs) elif action['type'] == '': ActionReport = Report(action['report_name'], context=context) return ActionReport.execute(data=data) elif action['type'] == 'ir.action.url': return action.get('url')
def find(self, condition=None, offset=0, limit=None, order=None): 'Returns records matching condition taking into account list domain' from .pyson import PYSONDecoder decoder = PYSONDecoder(_EvalEnvironment(self.parent)) Relation = Model.get(self.model_name, self.parent._config) if condition is None: condition = [] field_domain = decoder.decode(self.domain) add_remove_domain = (decoder.decode(self.add_remove) if self.add_remove else []) new_domain = [field_domain, add_remove_domain, condition] with Relation._config.set_context(self._get_context()): return Relation.find(new_domain, offset, limit, order)
def __get__(self, instance, owner): from .pyson import PYSONDecoder relation = Model.get(self.definition['relation'], instance._config) value = super(One2ManyDescriptor, self).__get__(instance, owner) if not isinstance(value, ModelList): ctx = instance._context.copy() if instance._context else {} if self.definition.get('context'): decoder = PYSONDecoder(_EvalEnvironment(instance)) ctx.update(decoder.decode(self.definition.get('context'))) with instance._config.set_context(ctx): value = ModelList(self.definition, (relation(id) for id in value or []), instance, instance._values[] = value return value
def __get__(self, instance, owner): from .pyson import PYSONDecoder Relation = Model.get(self.definition['relation'], instance._config) value = super(One2ManyDescriptor, self).__get__(instance, owner) if not isinstance(value, ModelList): ctx = instance._context.copy() if instance._context else {} if self.definition.get('context'): decoder = PYSONDecoder(_EvalEnvironment(instance)) ctx.update(decoder.decode(self.definition.get('context'))) config = Relation._config with config.reset_context(), config.set_context(ctx): # JCA : Instantiate function O2M, which are read as dicts # rather than ids value = ModelList( self.definition, (Relation(**id) if isinstance(id, dict) else Relation(id) for id in value or []), instance, instance._values[] = value return value
def _get_context(self): from .pyson import PYSONDecoder decoder = PYSONDecoder(_EvalEnvironment(self.parent)) ctx = self.parent._context.copy() if self.parent._context else {} ctx.update(decoder.decode(self.context) if self.context else {}) return ctx