Example #1
def showDependencyTree(runsDict):
    ''' This function will create a figure with a dependency 
    tree between the runs of the project '''
    from protlib_gui_figure import XmippPlotter
    import matplotlib.lines as mlines
    XSIZE, YSIZE = 8, 6
    DPI = 100
    DY = 56
    DX = 50
    FONT = "sans-serif"
    FONTSIZE = 9
    colors = ['#D9F1FA', '#D9F1FA', '#FCCE62', '#D2F5CB', '#F5CCCB', '#F3F5CB', '#416FF0']
    xplotter = XmippPlotter(figsize=(XSIZE, YSIZE), dpi=100, windowTitle='Runs dependencies TREE')
    # Store the right horizontal x position for better packaging of
    # the graph, assuming max of 100 y-levels
    from numpy import zeros
    hLimits = zeros(100)
    #a = xplotter.createSubPlot("Test", "Particle number", "Zscore")
    a = xplotter.createCanvas()
    a.set_xlim(0, XDIM)
    a.set_ylim(top=0, bottom=YDIM)
    def showNode(dd, x, y):
        if dd.prot is None:
            nodeText = dd.extRunName
            nodeText = "%s\n%s" % (dd.protName, dd.runName)
        t = a.text(x, y, nodeText, family=FONT, size=FONTSIZE, 
                       bbox = dict(boxstyle="round", fc=colors[dd.state]))
        box = t.get_bbox_patch()
        dd.width = box.get_width()
        dd.height = box.get_height()
        dd.start = x
        return t
    def showLevel(dd, level):
        y = level * DY
        if len(dd.deps):
            #width = (xmax - xmin) / n
            childs = [runsDict[rn] for rn in dd.deps]
            for c in childs:
                showLevel(c, level + 1)
            firstChild = childs[0]
            lastChild = childs[-1]
            t = showNode(dd, 0, y)
            dd.start = (lastChild.start + lastChild.width + firstChild.start - dd.width) / 2
            dd.start = max(dd.start, hLimits[level] + DX)
            t.set_position((dd.start, y))            
            hLimits[level] = dd.start + dd.width     
            xx = [dd.start + dd.width/2, 0]
            yy = [y + dd.height - 18, 0]
            for c in childs:
                xx[1] = c.start + c.width/2
                yy[1] = y + DY - c.height
                a.add_line(mlines.Line2D(xx, yy, lw=2., alpha=0.4))
            t = showNode(dd, hLimits[level] + DX, y)
            hLimits[level] = dd.start + dd.width
    root = runsDict['PROJECT']
    showLevel(root, 0)    