def _validateInputSize(self, inputParam, inputLabel, mandatory, md, errors): """ Validate, if the mask value is non-empty, that the mask file exists and have the same dimensions than the input images. """ inputValue = getattr(self, inputParam, '') errMsg = "Param <%s> file should exists" % inputLabel if not mandatory: errMsg += " if not empty" if mandatory or inputValue.strip(): if not xmippExists(inputValue): errors.append(errMsg) else: validateInputSize([inputValue], self.ImgMd, md, errors, inputLabel)
def validate(self): errors = [] md = mdFirstRow(self.ImgMd) if md.containsLabel(MDL_IMAGE): # If using reference check that have same size as images: if not self.DoGenerateReferences: from protlib_xmipp import validateInputSize mdRef = MetaData(self.RefMd) references = mdRef.getColumnValues(MDL_IMAGE) validateInputSize(references, self.ImgMd, errors) else: errors.append("Input metadata <%s> doesn't contains image label" % self.ImgMd) if self.acquisionInfo is None: errors.append("Acquisition info was not found relative to image location") if (self.NumberOfThreads > 1 and self.DoMlf): errors.append("""WARNING: Threads are not implemented for MLF, set number of threads to 1 and consider to increment the number of MPI processes """) return errors