Example #1
def latlon_diff(lat_ref, lon_ref, lat, lon):
    """Calculate difference in North and East from two GPS coordinates

    lat_ref : float
        Latitude of origin (decimal format)
    lon_ref : float
        Longitude of origin (decimal format)
    offset_N : float
        Offset in North direction (meters)
    offset_E : float
        Offset in East direction (meters)
    lat :

    lon :


    d_lon = lon - lon_ref
    d_lat = lat - lat_ref

    dist_N = deg2rad(d_lat) * EARTH_RADIUS_M
    dist_E = deg2rad(d_lon) * EARTH_RADIUS_M * cos(deg2rad(lat))

    return (dist_N, dist_E)
Example #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.arm_length = 0.4
     self.arm_config = "x"
     self.pose = [
         0.0, 0.0, 10.0,
Example #3
    def test_sandbox(self):
        p_I_C = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
        p_G_I = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        rpy_IG = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_IG = euler2quat(rpy_IG)
        C_IG = C(q_IG)

        print(p_G_I + np.dot(C_IG, p_I_C))
Example #4
    def test_update(self):
        setpoints = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(10.0), 0.5])

        dt = 0.001
        for i in range(1000):
            actual = np.array([
                self.quadrotor.states[0], self.quadrotor.states[1],
                self.quadrotor.states[2], self.quadrotor.states[8]
            motor_inputs = self.attitude_controller.update(
                setpoints, actual, dt)

            self.quadrotor.update(motor_inputs, dt)
Example #5
    def test_observed_features(self):
        # Setup camera model
        K = camera_intrinsics(554.25, 554.25, 320.0, 320.0)
        camera_model = PinholeCameraModel(640, 640, K)

        # Setup random 3d features
        feature = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [10.0]])

        # Test
        rpy = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(-10.0), 0.0])
        t = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        observed = camera_model.observed_features(feature, rpy, t)

        # Assert
        self.assertTrue(len(observed) > 0)
Example #6
    def update(self, setpoints, actual, dt):
        """ Update attitude controller





        self.dt += dt
        if self.dt < 0.001:
            return self.outputs

        # update yaw error
        actual_yaw = rad2deg(actual[2])
        setpoint_yaw = rad2deg(setpoints[2])
        error_yaw = setpoint_yaw - actual_yaw
        if error_yaw > 180.0:
            error_yaw -= 360.0
        elif error_yaw < -180.0:
            error_yaw += 360.0
        error_yaw = deg2rad(error_yaw)

        # roll pitch yaw
        r = self.roll_controller.update(setpoints[0], actual[0], self.dt)
        p = self.pitch_controller.update(setpoints[1], actual[1], self.dt)
        y = self.yaw_controller.update(error_yaw, 0.0, self.dt)

        # thrust
        max_thrust = 5.0
        t = max_thrust * setpoints[3]  # convert relative to true thrust
        t = max_thrust if t > max_thrust else t  # limit thrust
        t = 0.0 if t < 0 else t  # limit thrust

        # map roll, pitch, yaw and thrust to motor outputs
        outputs = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        outputs[0] = -p - y + t
        outputs[1] = -r + y + t
        outputs[2] = p - y + t
        outputs[3] = r + y + t

        # limit outputs
        for i in range(4):
            if outputs[i] > max_thrust:
                outputs[i] = max_thrust
            elif outputs[i] < 0.0:
                outputs[i] = 0.0

        # keep track of outputs
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.dt = 0.0

        return outputs
    def test_plot_elbow_manipulator(self):
        # Link angles
        link1_theta = 20.0
        link2_theta = 10.0

        # Create base frame
        rpy = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        R_BG = euler2rot([deg2rad(i) for i in rpy], 321)
        t_G_B = np.array([2.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        T_GB = np.array([[R_BG[0, 0], R_BG[0, 1], R_BG[0, 2], t_G_B[0]],
                         [R_BG[1, 0], R_BG[1, 1], R_BG[1, 2], t_G_B[1]],
                         [R_BG[2, 0], R_BG[2, 1], R_BG[2, 2], t_G_B[2]],
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])

        # Create DH Transforms
        T_B1 = dh_transform(deg2rad(link1_theta), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        T_12 = dh_transform(deg2rad(link2_theta), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

        # Create Transforms
        T_G1 = np.dot(T_GB, T_B1)
        T_G2 = np.dot(T_GB, np.dot(T_B1, T_12))

        # Transform from origin to end-effector
        links = []

        # Plot first link
        # debug = True
        debug = False
        if debug:
            plt.plot([T_GB[0, 3], links[0][0, 3]],
                     [T_GB[1, 3], links[0][1, 3]])

            plt.plot([links[0][0, 3], links[1][0, 3]],
                     [links[0][1, 3], links[1][1, 3]])

            obs = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
            obs_end = np.dot(T_G2, obs)
            plt.plot(obs_end[0], obs_end[1], marker="x")

            plt.xlim([0.0, 6.0])
            plt.ylim([0.0, 6.0])
Example #8
def plot_3d_cube(ax, width, origin, orientation):
    """ Plot 3D cube

    ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
        Plot axes

    width : float
        Cube width

    origin : np.array

    orientation : np.array

    # Cube points
    points = np.array([[-1, -1, -1],
                       [1, -1, -1],
                       [1, 1, -1],
                       [-1, 1, -1],
                       [-1, -1, 1],
                       [1, -1, 1],
                       [1, 1, 1],
                       [-1, 1, 1]])
    points = points * (width / 2.0)

    # Rotate Cube
    R = euler2rot([deg2rad(i) for i in orientation], 123)
    points = np.array([dot(R, pt) for pt in points])

    # Translate Cube
    points += origin

    # Plot mesh grid
    r = [-1, 1]
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(r, r)

    # List of sides' polygons of figure
    verts = [[points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]],
             [points[4], points[5], points[6], points[7]],
             [points[0], points[1], points[5], points[4]],
             [points[2], points[3], points[7], points[6]],
             [points[1], points[2], points[6], points[5]],
             [points[4], points[7], points[3], points[0]],
             [points[2], points[3], points[7], points[6]]]

    # Plot sides
Example #9
    def test_calculate_residuals(self):
        # Camera states
        # -- Camera state 0
        p_G_C0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        rpy_C0G = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_C0G = euler2quat(rpy_C0G)
        C_C0G = C(q_C0G)
        # -- Camera state 1
        p_G_C1 = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        rpy_C1G = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_C1G = euler2quat(rpy_C1G)
        C_C1G = C(q_C1G)

        # Features
        landmark = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 10.0])
        kp1 = self.cam_model.project(landmark, C_C0G, p_G_C0)[0:2]
        kp2 = self.cam_model.project(landmark, C_C1G, p_G_C1)[0:2]

        # Setup feature track
        track_id = 0
        frame_id = 1
        data1 = KeyPoint(kp1, 21)
        data2 = KeyPoint(kp2, 21)
        track = FeatureTrack(track_id, frame_id, data1, data2)

        # Setup track cam states
        self.msckf.min_track_length = 2
        self.msckf.cam_states[0].p_G = p_G_C0.reshape((3, 1))
        self.msckf.cam_states[0].q_CG = q_C0G.reshape((4, 1))
        self.msckf.cam_states[1].p_G = p_G_C1.reshape((3, 1))
        self.msckf.cam_states[1].q_CG = q_C1G.reshape((4, 1))

        # Test
Example #10
    def test_triangulate(self):
        # Camera states
        # -- Camera state 0
        p_G_C0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        rpy_C0G = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_C0G = euler2quat(rpy_C0G)
        C_C0G = C(q_C0G)
        # -- Camera state 1
        p_G_C1 = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        rpy_C1G = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_C1G = euler2quat(rpy_C1G)
        C_C1G = C(q_C1G)

        # Features
        landmark = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 10.0])
        kp1 = self.cam_model.project(landmark, C_C0G, p_G_C0)[0:2]
        kp2 = self.cam_model.project(landmark, C_C1G, p_G_C1)[0:2]

        # Calculate rotation and translation of first and last camera states
        # -- Obtain rotation and translation from camera 0 to camera 1
        C_C0C1 = dot(C_C0G, C_C1G.T)
        t_C0_C1C0 = dot(C_C0G, (p_G_C1 - p_G_C0))
        # -- Convert from pixel coordinates to image coordinates
        pt1 = self.cam_model.pixel2image(kp1)
        pt2 = self.cam_model.pixel2image(kp2)

        # Triangulate
        p_C0_C1C0, r = self.estimator.triangulate(pt1, pt2, C_C0C1, t_C0_C1C0)

        # Assert
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(p_C0_C1C0.ravel(), landmark))
Example #11
def focal_length(image_width, image_height, fov):
    """Calculate focal length in the x and y axis from:
    - image width
    - image height
    - field of view

    image_width : int
        Image width
    image_height : int
        Image height
    fov : float
        Field of view

    (fx, fy) : (float, float)
        Focal length in x and y axis

    fx = (image_width / 2.0) / tan(deg2rad(fov) / 2.0)
    fy = (image_height / 2.0) / tan(deg2rad(fov) / 2.0)
    return (fx, fy)
Example #12
    def setUp(self):
        # Generate random features
        nb_features = 100
        feature_bounds = {
            "x": {
                "min": -1.0,
                "max": 1.0
            "y": {
                "min": -1.0,
                "max": 1.0
            "z": {
                "min": 10.0,
                "max": 20.0
        self.features = rand3dfeatures(nb_features, feature_bounds)

        # Pinhole Camera model
        image_width = 640
        image_height = 480
        fov = 60
        fx, fy = focal_length(image_width, image_height, fov)
        cx, cy = (image_width / 2.0, image_height / 2.0)
        K = camera_intrinsics(fx, fy, cx, cy)

        self.cam = PinholeCameraModel(image_width, image_height, K)

        # Rotation and translation of camera 0 and camera 1
        self.R_0 = np.eye(3)
        self.t_0 = np.zeros((3, 1))
        self.R_1 = roty(deg2rad(10.0))
        self.t_1 = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape((3, 1))

        # Points as observed by camera 0 and camera 1
        self.obs0 = self.project_points(self.features, self.cam, self.R_0,
        self.obs1 = self.project_points(self.features, self.cam, self.R_1,
Example #13
def latlon_offset(lat_ref, lon_ref, offset_N, offset_E):
    """Calculate new latitude and longitude coordinates with an offset in
    North and East directions

    lat_ref : float
        Latitude of origin (decimal format)
    lon_ref : float
        Longitude of origin (decimal format)
    offset_N : float
        Offset in North direction (meters)
    offset_E : float
        Offset in East direction (meters)


        (lat, lon)

    lat_new = lat_ref + (offset_E / EARTH_RADIUS_M)
    lon_new = lon_ref + (offset_N / EARTH_RADIUS_M) / cos(deg2rad(lat_ref))
    return (lat_new, lon_new)
Example #14
    def test_residualize_track(self):
        # Camera states
        # -- Camera state 0
        p_G_C0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        rpy_C0G = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_C0G = euler2quat(rpy_C0G)
        C_C0G = C(q_C0G)
        # -- Camera state 1
        p_G_C1 = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        rpy_C1G = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_C1G = euler2quat(rpy_C1G)
        C_C1G = C(q_C1G)

        # Features
        landmark = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 10.0])
        kp1 = self.cam_model.project(landmark, C_C0G, p_G_C0)[0:2]
        kp2 = self.cam_model.project(landmark, C_C1G, p_G_C1)[0:2]

        # Setup feature track
        track_id = 0
        frame_id = 1
        data1 = KeyPoint(kp1, 21)
        data2 = KeyPoint(kp2, 21)
        track = FeatureTrack(track_id, frame_id, data1, data2)

        # Setup track cam states
        self.msckf.min_track_length = 2
        self.msckf.cam_states[0].p_G = p_G_C0.reshape((3, 1))
        self.msckf.cam_states[0].q_CG = q_C0G.reshape((4, 1))
        self.msckf.cam_states[1].p_G = p_G_C1.reshape((3, 1))
        self.msckf.cam_states[1].q_CG = q_C1G.reshape((4, 1))


        # Test
        # self.msckf.enable_ns_trick = False
        H_o_j, r_o_j, R_o_j = self.msckf.residualize_track(track)

Example #15
    def test_estimate(self):
        estimator = DatasetFeatureEstimator()

        # Pinhole Camera model
        image_width = 640
        image_height = 480
        fov = 60
        fx, fy = focal_length(image_width, image_height, fov)
        cx, cy = (image_width / 2.0, image_height / 2.0)
        K = camera_intrinsics(fx, fy, cx, cy)
        cam_model = PinholeCameraModel(image_width, image_height, K)

        # Camera states
        track_cam_states = []
        # -- Camera state 0
        p_G_C0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        rpy_C0G = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_C0G = euler2quat(rpy_C0G)
        C_C0G = C(q_C0G)
        track_cam_states.append(CameraState(0, q_C0G, p_G_C0))

        # -- Camera state 1
        p_G_C1 = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        rpy_C1G = np.array([deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0), deg2rad(0.0)])
        q_C1G = euler2quat(rpy_C1G)
        C_C1G = C(q_C1G)
        track_cam_states.append(CameraState(1, q_C1G, p_G_C1))

        # Feature track
        p_G_f = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [10.0]])
        kp0 = KeyPoint(cam_model.project(p_G_f, C_C0G, p_G_C0)[0:2], 0)
        kp1 = KeyPoint(cam_model.project(p_G_f, C_C1G, p_G_C1)[0:2], 0)
        track = FeatureTrack(0, 1, kp0, kp1, ground_truth=p_G_f)
        estimate = estimator.estimate(cam_model, track, track_cam_states)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(p_G_f.ravel(), estimate.ravel(), atol=0.1))
Example #16
    def update(self, motor_inputs, dt):
        """Update quadrotor motion model

        motor_inputs : np.array
            Motor inputs
        dt : float
            Time difference

        # States
        ph = self.states[0]
        th = self.states[1]
        ps = self.states[2]

        p = self.states[3]
        q = self.states[4]
        r = self.states[5]

        x = self.states[6]  # NOQA
        y = self.states[7]  # NOQA
        z = self.states[8]  # NOQA

        vx = self.states[9]
        vy = self.states[10]
        vz = self.states[11]

        # Convert motor inputs to angular p, q, r and total thrust
        A = np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                      [0.0, -self.arm_length, 0.0, self.arm_length],
                      [-self.arm_length, 0.0, self.arm_length, 0.0],
                      [-self.d, self.d, -self.d, self.d]])
        tau = dot(A, motor_inputs)
        tauf = tau[0]
        taup = tau[1]
        tauq = tau[2]
        taur = tau[3]

        # Update
        self.states[0] = ph + (p + q * sin(ph) * tan(th) + r * cos(ph) * tan(th)) * dt  # NOQA
        self.states[1] = th + (q * cos(ph) - r * sin(ph)) * dt  # NOQA
        self.states[2] = ps + ((1 / cos(th)) * (q * sin(ph) + r * cos(ph))) * dt  # NOQA
        self.states[3] = p + (-((self.Iz - self.Iy) / self.Ix) * q * r - (self.kr * p / self.Ix) + (1 / self.Ix) * taup) * dt  # NOQA
        self.states[4] = q + (-((self.Ix - self.Iz) / self.Iy) * p * r - (self.kr * q / self.Iy) + (1 / self.Iy) * tauq) * dt  # NOQA
        self.states[5] = r + (-((self.Iy - self.Ix) / self.Iz) * p * q - (self.kr * r / self.Iz) + (1 / self.Iz) * taur) * dt  # NOQA
        self.states[6] = x + vx * dt
        self.states[7] = y + vy * dt
        self.states[8] = z + vz * dt

        ax = ((-self.kt * vx / self.m) + (1 / self.m) * (cos(ph) * sin(th) * cos(ps) + sin(ph) * sin(ps)) * tauf)  # NOQA
        ay = ((-self.kt * vy / self.m) + (1 / self.m) * (cos(ph) * sin(th) * sin(ps) - sin(ph) * cos(ps)) * tauf)  # NOQA
        az = (-(self.kt * vz / self.m) + (1 / self.m) * (cos(ph) * cos(th)) * tauf - self.g)  # NOQA

        self.states[9] = vx + ax * dt
        self.states[10] = vy + ay * dt
        self.states[11] = vz + az * dt

        # Constrain yaw to be [-180, 180]
        self.states[2] = rad2deg(self.states[2])
        self.states[2] = deg2rad(self.states[2])
Example #17
                             data=np.dot(x.data(), self.data()))

        # Input is rotation matrix
        elif x.shape == (3, 3):
            R = x
            T_x = np.block([[R, np.zeros((3, 1))], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
            return np.dot(T, T_x)[0:3, 0:3]

        # Input is vector (not in homogeneous coordinates)
        elif len(x) != 4 and len(x) == 3:
            x = x.ravel()
            x = np.array([[x[0]], [x[1]], [x[2]], [1.0]])
            return np.dot(T, x)[0:3]

        # Input is vector (in homogeneous coordinates)
        elif x.shape == (4, 1):
            return np.dot(T, x)

        # Input is matrix
        elif x.shape == (4, 4):
            return np.dot(T, x)

# Useful default transforms
R_camera_global = np.dot(rotx(deg2rad(-90.0)), rotz(deg2rad(-90.0)))
R_global_camera = np.dot(rotz(deg2rad(90.0)), rotx(deg2rad(90.0)))
T_camera_global = Transform("camera", "global", R=R_camera_global)
T_global_camera = Transform("global",
Example #18
    def plot(self, ax):
        """ Plot quadrotor

        ax :

        # Quadrotor center
        center = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Quadrotor axis
        front = np.array(
            [center[0] + (self.arm_length * 1.0), center[1], center[2]])
        left = np.array(
            [center[0], center[1] + (self.arm_length * 1.0), center[2]])
        up = np.array(
            [center[0], center[1], center[2] + (self.arm_length * 1.0)])

        # Quadrotor arms ("+" configuration)
        arm_l = np.array([center[0], center[1] + self.arm_length, center[2]])
        arm_r = np.array([center[0], center[1] - self.arm_length, center[2]])
        arm_f = np.array([center[0] + self.arm_length, center[1], center[2]])
        arm_b = np.array([center[0] - self.arm_length, center[1], center[2]])

        # Quadrotor arms ("x" configuration)
        if self.arm_config == "x":
            R_z = rotz(deg2rad(45.0))
            arm_l = np.dot(R_z, arm_l)
            arm_r = np.dot(R_z, arm_r)
            arm_f = np.dot(R_z, arm_f)
            arm_b = np.dot(R_z, arm_b)

        # Transform quadrotor
        R = euler2rot(self.pose[3:6], 123)
        t = np.array(self.pose[0:3])
        arm_l = np.dot(R, arm_l) + t
        arm_r = np.dot(R, arm_r) + t
        arm_f = np.dot(R, arm_f) + t
        arm_b = np.dot(R, arm_b) + t
        front = np.dot(R, front) + t
        left = np.dot(R, left) + t
        up = np.dot(R, up) + t
        center = np.dot(R, center) + t

        # Plot quadrotor

        ax.plot([center[0], front[0]], [center[1], front[1]],
                [center[2], front[2]],
        ax.plot([center[0], left[0]], [center[1], left[1]],
                [center[2], left[2]],
        ax.plot([center[0], up[0]], [center[1], up[1]], [center[2], up[2]],

        for arm in [arm_l, arm_r, arm_f, arm_b]:
            ax.plot([center[0], arm[0]], [center[1], arm[1]],
                    [center[2], arm[2]],
Example #19
    def update(self, setpoints, actual, yaw, dt):
        """Update controller

        setpoints : np.array - 1x3
            Position setpoints in world frame (x, y, z)
        actual : np.array - 1x3
            Actual position in world frame (x, y, z)
        yaw : float
            Yaw setpoint
        dt : float
            Time difference

        outputs : np.array - 1x4
            Position controller output where the elements represent roll, pitch,
            yaw and throttle

        # Check rate
        self.dt += dt
        if self.dt < 0.01:
            return self.outputs

        # Update RPY errors relative to quadrotor by incorporating yaw
        errors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        errors[0] = setpoints[0] - actual[0]
        errors[1] = setpoints[1] - actual[1]
        errors[2] = setpoints[2] - actual[2]
        euler = [0.0, 0.0, actual[3]]
        R = euler2rot(euler, 123)
        errors = dot(R, errors)

        # Roll, pitch, yaw and thrust
        r = -1.0 * self.y_controller.update(errors[1], 0.0, dt)
        p = self.x_controller.update(errors[0], 0.0, dt)
        y = yaw
        t = 0.5 + self.z_controller.update(errors[2], 0.0, dt)
        outputs = [r, p, y, t]

        # Limit roll, pitch
        for i in range(2):
            if outputs[i] > deg2rad(30.0):
                outputs[i] = deg2rad(30.0)
            elif outputs[i] < deg2rad(-30.0):
                outputs[i] = deg2rad(-30.0)

        # Limit thrust
        if outputs[3] > 1.0:
            outputs[3] = 1.0
        elif outputs[3] < 0.0:
            outputs[3] = 0.0

        # Yaw first if threshold reached
        if fabs(yaw - actual[3]) > deg2rad(2.0):
            outputs[0] = 0.0
            outputs[1] = 0.0

        # Keep track of outputs
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.dt = 0.0

        return outputs
Example #20
    def update(self, setpoints, actual, dt):

        setpoints : np.array - 1x3
            Attitude setpoints in body frame (roll, pitch, yaw, z)
        actual : np.array - 1x3
            Actual attitude in body frame (roll, pitch, yaw, z)
        yaw : float
            Yaw setpoint
        dt : float
            Time difference

        outputs : np.array - 1x4
            Attitude controller output where the elements represent roll, pitch,
            yaw and throttle

        self.dt += dt
        if self.dt < 0.001:
            return self.outputs

        # update yaw error
        actual_yaw = rad2deg(actual[2])
        setpoint_yaw = rad2deg(setpoints[2])
        error_yaw = setpoint_yaw - actual_yaw
        if error_yaw > 180.0:
            error_yaw -= 360.0
        elif error_yaw < -180.0:
            error_yaw += 360.0
        error_yaw = deg2rad(error_yaw)

        # roll pitch yaw
        r = self.roll_controller.update(setpoints[0], actual[0], self.dt)
        p = self.pitch_controller.update(setpoints[1], actual[1], self.dt)
        y = self.yaw_controller.update(error_yaw, 0.0, self.dt)

        # thrust
        max_thrust = 5.0
        t = max_thrust * setpoints[3]  # convert relative to true thrust
        t = max_thrust if t > max_thrust else t  # limit thrust
        t = 0.0 if t < 0 else t  # limit thrust

        # map roll, pitch, yaw and thrust to motor outputs
        outputs = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        outputs[0] = -p - y + t
        outputs[1] = -r + y + t
        outputs[2] = p - y + t
        outputs[3] = r + y + t

        # limit outputs
        for i in range(4):
            if outputs[i] > max_thrust:
                outputs[i] = max_thrust
            elif outputs[i] < 0.0:
                outputs[i] = 0.0

        # keep track of outputs
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.dt = 0.0

        return outputs
Example #21
 def test_world_to_body(self):
     wp = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 3.0])
     pos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 4.0])
     yaw = deg2rad(45.0)
     R = euler2rot(np.array([0.0, 0.0, yaw]), 321)
Example #22
    def test_calc_yaw_to_waypoint(self):
        wp = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 3.0])
        pos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 3.0])

        heading = self.wp_controller.calc_yaw_to_waypoint(wp, pos)
        self.assertEqual(heading, deg2rad(45.0))
Example #23
    def update(self, pos, yaw, dt):
        """Update waypoint controller

        pos : numpy array
            robot position
        yaw : float
            Yaw setpoint
        dt : float
            Time difference

        carrot_pt : numpy array
            carrot point

        # Time pre-check
        self.dt += dt
        if self.dt < 0.01:
            return self.outputs

        # Get new waypoint
        wp = self.update_waypoint(pos)

        # Calculate yaw error
        # actual_yaw = yaw
        # setpoint_yaw = self.calc_yaw_to_waypoint(wp, pos)
        # error_yaw = setpoint_yaw - actual_yaw
        # if error_yaw > pi:
        #     error_yaw -= 2 * pi
        # elif error_yaw < -pi:
        #     error_yaw += 2 * pi

        # Calculate along and cross track errors
        # R_BG = euler2rot(np.array([0.0, 0.0, yaw]), 321).T
        # error_p_B = np.dot(R_BG, (wp - pos))
        # error_at = error_p_B[1]
        # error_ct = error_p_B[0]
        # error_z = error_p_B[2]
        error_at = wp[0] - pos[0]
        error_ct = wp[1] - pos[1]
        error_z = wp[2] - pos[2]

        # Roll, pitch, yaw and thrust
        r = -1 * self.ct_ctrl.update(error_ct, 0.0, self.dt)
        p = self.at_ctrl.update(error_at, 0.0, self.dt)
        # r = 0.0
        # p = 0.0
        # y = self.yaw_ctrl.update(error_yaw, 0.0, self.dt)
        y = 0.0
        t = 0.5 + self.z_ctrl.update(error_z, 0.0, self.dt)
        outputs = [r, p, y, t]

        # Limit roll, pitch
        for i in range(2):
            if outputs[i] > deg2rad(30.0):
                outputs[i] = deg2rad(30.0)
            elif outputs[i] < deg2rad(-30.0):
                outputs[i] = deg2rad(-30.0)

        # Limit thrust
        if outputs[3] > 1.0:
            outputs[3] = 1.0
        elif outputs[3] < 0.0:
            outputs[3] = 0.0

        # # Yaw first if threshold reached
        # if fabs(yaw - actual[3]) > deg2rad(2.0):
        #     outputs[0] = 0.0
        #     outputs[1] = 0.0

        # Keep track of outputs
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.dt = 0.0

        return outputs
    def test_plot(self):
        # Gimbal initial guess
        # # -- tau (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw)
        # tau_s = np.array([-0.045, -0.085, 0.08, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        # tau_d = np.array([0.01, 0.0, -0.03, pi / 2.0, 0.0, -pi / 2.0])
        # # -- link (theta, alpha, a, d)
        # alpha = pi / 2.0
        # offset = -pi / 2.0
        # roll = 0.0
        # pitch = 0.1
        # link1 = np.array([offset + roll, alpha, 0.0, 0.045])
        # link2 = np.array([pitch, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # # Optimized gimbal params
        # offset = -pi / 2.0
        # roll = 0.0
        # pitch = 0.0
        # tau_s = np.array([-0.0419, -0.0908, 0.0843, 0.0189, -0.0317, -0.0368])
        # tau_d = np.array([0.0032, 0.0007, -0.0302, 1.5800, 0.0123, -1.5695])
        # link1 = np.array([offset + roll, 1.5731, -0.0012, 0.0404])
        # link2 = np.array([pitch, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Real 2 initial guess
        # offset = -pi / 2.0
        # roll = 0.0
        # pitch = 0.0
        # tau_s = np.array([0.0, -0.08, 0.1143, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        # tau_d = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, pi / 2.0, 0.0, -pi / 2.0])
        # link1 = np.array([offset + roll,  # theta
        #                   pi / 2.0,       # alpha
        #                   0.0,            # a
        #                   0.0])           # d
        # link2 = np.array([pitch, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Real 2 optimized params
        offset = -pi / 2.0
        roll = 0.0
        pitch = 0.0
        tau_s = np.array([
            0.01519, -0.036509, 0.096354,
        link1 = np.array([
            offset + roll,  # theta
            deg2rad(83.57483),  # alpha
            -0.0050,  # a
        ])  # d
        link2 = np.array([pitch, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        tau_d = np.array([
            -0.00029, 0.00138, -0.03656,

        # -- Gimbal model
        gimbal_model = GimbalModel(tau_s=tau_s,
        # T_ds = gimbal_model.T_ds()
        # p_s = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        # Plot gimbal model
        plot = PlotGimbal(gimbal=gimbal_model,
        plot.set_attitude([0.0, 0.0])

        # Plot
        debug = True
        # debug = False
        if debug:
Example #25
 def test_deg2rad(self):
     r = deg2rad(360)
     self.assertTrue((r - 2 * math.pi) < 0.0001)