Example #1
 def makeLiteral(string_format, latex_format, extra_core_info, context):
     Make the DigitLiteral that matches the core information.
     from proveit import Context
     assert context==Context(__file__), 'Expecting a different Context for a DigitLiteral'
     n = int(extra_core_info[0])
     return Numeral(n, string_format, latex_format)
Example #2
def fix_context(context_path):
    mode = None
    with open(os.path.join(context_path, '_sub_contexts_.txt')) as f:
        sub_context_names = []
        for k, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
            if k == 0 and line[:6] == 'mode: ':
                mode = line[6:].strip()
    if mode is not None:
        with open(os.path.join(context_path, '_mode_.txt'), 'w') as fw:
            fw.write(mode + '\n')
Example #3
 def __init__(self, operator_or_operators, operand_or_operands, styles=dict(), requirements=tuple()):
     Create an operation with the given operator(s) and operand(s).
     The operator(s) must be Label(s) (a Variable or a Literal).
     When there is a single operator, there will be an 'operator'
     attribute.  When there is a single operand, there will be
     an 'operand' attribute.  In any case, there will be
     'operators' and 'operands' attributes that bundle
     the one or more Expressions into a composite Expression.
     from proveit._core_.expression.composite import Composite, compositeExpression, singleOrCompositeExpression, Iter, Indexed
     from proveit._core_.expression.label.label import Label
     from proveit import Context
     if hasattr(self.__class__, '_operator_') and operator_or_operators==self.__class__._operator_:
         operator = operator_or_operators
         context = Context(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
         if Expression.contexts[operator] != context:
             raise OperationError("Expecting '_operator_' Context to match the Context of the Operation sub-class.  Use 'context=__file__'.")
     self.operator_or_operators = singleOrCompositeExpression(operator_or_operators)
     self.operand_or_operands = singleOrCompositeExpression(operand_or_operands)
     if isinstance(self.operator_or_operators, Composite):
         # a composite of multiple operators:
         self.operators = self.operator_or_operators 
         for operator in self.operators:
             if isinstance(operator, Iter):
                 if not isinstance(operator.lambda_map.body, Indexed):
                     raise TypeError('operators must be Labels, Indexed variables, or iteration (Iter) over Indexed variables.')                
             elif not isinstance(operator, Label) and not isinstance(operator, Indexed):
                 raise TypeError('operator must be a Label, Indexed variable, or iteration (Iter) over Indexed variables.')
         # a single operator
         self.operator = self.operator_or_operators
         if not isinstance(self.operator, Label) and not isinstance(self.operator, Indexed):
             raise TypeError('operator must be a Label, Indexed variable, or iteration (Iter) over Indexed variables.')
         # wrap a single operator in a composite for convenience
         self.operators = compositeExpression(self.operator)
     if isinstance(self.operand_or_operands, Composite):
         # a composite of multiple operands
         self.operands = self.operand_or_operands
         # a single operand
         self.operand = self.operand_or_operands
         # wrap a single operand in a composite for convenience
         self.operands = compositeExpression(self.operand)
     if 'operation' not in styles:
         styles['operation'] = 'normal' # vs 'function
     if 'wrapPositions' not in styles:
         styles['wrapPositions'] = '()' # no wrapping by default
     if 'justification' not in styles:
         styles['justification'] = 'center'
     Expression.__init__(self, ['Operation'], [self.operator_or_operators, self.operand_or_operands], styles=styles, requirements=requirements)
Example #4
def build(context_paths, all_paths, just_execute_proofs=False):
    Build all Context-related notebooks (_common_, _axioms_,
    _theorems_, and proof notebooks for the theorems)
    in the context_paths.
    For the paths in all_paths (which should include the
    context paths), build any contained notebooks and
    any of the expr.ipynb and dependencies.ipnyb notebooks
    within the __pv_it directory (storing Prove-It "database"
    if not just_execute_proofs:
        # Make sure there is a _common_.py in each context directory.
        # These will be useful in figuring out dependencies between _common_
        # notebooks (see CommonExpressions in proveit._core_.context
        for context_path in context_paths:

        # Execute the _context_ notebooks in each context directory as
        # needed and generate _context_.html.
        for context_path in context_paths:
            context_notebook_path = os.path.join(context_path,
            with open(os.path.join(context_path, '_mode_.txt')) as f:
                prev_mode = f.read().strip()

            if prev_mode == 'interactive':
                # re-execute to get switch it to static mode
                # don't re-execute the notebook because it is already in
                # static mode; just export it to HTML.

        # Next, run the _common_.ipynb (common expression) notebooks for the contexts.
        # For any that depend up _common_.py of other contexts, run the
        # requirements first.
        common_nb_queue = list(context_paths)
        exececuted_common_nb = set()
        while len(common_nb_queue) > 0:
            context_path = common_nb_queue.pop(0)
            if context_path in exececuted_common_nb:

            # The failed_common_import.txt file is used to communicate a failed
            # common expression import from another context.  First erase this
            # file, then see if it is created after executing the common notebook.
            failed_common_import_filename = os.path.join(
                context_path, '__pv_it', 'failed_common_import.txt')
            if os.path.isfile(failed_common_import_filename):

                    os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
                    os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
                exececuted_common_nb.add(context_path)  # finished successfully
            except execute.CellExecutionError as e:
                retry = False
                if os.path.isfile(failed_common_import_filename):
                    # A failed_common_import.txt file was created.  It will indicate the
                    # context from which a common expression was attempted to be imported.
                    # If its _common_ notebook has not already executed, execute it first
                    # and then try to execute this one again.
                    with open(failed_common_import_filename, 'r') as f:
                        required_context_name = f.read().strip()
                        if required_context_name not in exececuted_common_nb:
                            print '  Failed to execute; try a prerequisite first:', required_context_name
                                0, context_path)  # re-insert to try again
                            # but first execute the _common_ notebook from the required_context.
                                0, context_map[required_context_name])
                            retry = True
                if not retry:
                    raise e

        # Next, run _axioms_.ipynb and _theorems_.ipynb notebooks for the contexts.
        # The order does not matter assuming these expression constructions
        # do not depend upon other axioms or theorems (but possibly common expressions).
        for context_path in context_paths:
                os.path.join(context_path, '_axioms_.ipynb'))
                os.path.join(context_path, '_theorems_.ipynb'))
                os.path.join(context_path, '_axioms_.ipynb'))
                os.path.join(context_path, '_theorems_.ipynb'))

    # Get the proof notebook filenames for the theorems in all of the contexts.
    proof_notebook_theorems = dict(
    )  # map proof notebook names to corresponding Theorem objects.
    proof_notebooks = []
    for context_path in context_paths:
        context = Context(context_path)
        for theorem_name in context.theoremNames():
            theorem = context.getTheorem(theorem_name)
            proof_notebook_name = context.proofNotebook(
                theorem_name, theorem.provenTruth.expr)
            proof_notebook_theorems[proof_notebook_name] = theorem

    # Next, for each of the theorems, record the "presuming" information
    # of the proof notebooks in the _proofs_ folder.  Do this before executing
    # any of the proof notebooks to account for dependencies properly
    # (avoiding circular dependencies as intended).
    for proof_notebook in proof_notebooks:
        print 'record presuming info:', proof_notebook

    # Next, execute all of the proof notebooks for each context.
    # the order is not important since we know the dependencies via
    # the "presuming" information from the previous step.
    for proof_notebook in proof_notebooks:

    # Next, run any other notebooks within path/context directories
    # (e.g., with tests and demonstrations).
    for path in all_paths:
        for sub in os.listdir(path):
            full_path = os.path.join(path, sub)
            if os.path.isfile(full_path) and os.path.splitext(
                    full_path)[1] == '.ipynb':
                if sub[0] != '_':

    # Lastly, run expr.ipynb and dependencies.ipynb within the hash directories
    # of the __pv_it folders for each context.
    # May require multiple passes (showing expression info may generate
    # expr.ipynb notebooks for sub-expressions).
    executed_hash_paths = set(
    )  # hash paths whose notebooks have been executed
    while True:  # repeat until there are no more new notebooks to process
        prev_num_executed = len(executed_hash_paths)
        for path in all_paths:
            pv_it_dir = os.path.join(path, '__pv_it')
            if os.path.isdir(pv_it_dir):
                for hash_directory in os.listdir(pv_it_dir):
                    hash_path = os.path.join(pv_it_dir, hash_directory)
                    if os.path.isdir(hash_path):
                        if hash_path in executed_hash_paths:
                            continue  # already executed this case
                        expr_notebook = os.path.join(hash_path, 'expr.ipynb')
                        if os.path.isfile(expr_notebook):
                            # execute the expr.ipynb notebook
                            executed_hash_paths.add(hash_path)  # done
                        dependencies_notebook = os.path.join(
                            hash_path, 'dependencies.ipynb')
                        if os.path.isfile(dependencies_notebook):
                            # execute the dependencies.ipynb notebook
        if len(executed_hash_paths) == prev_num_executed:
            break  # no more new ones to process
Example #5
        'paths to be processed; sub-contexts will be included recursively (default: %s)'
        % ' '.join(default_paths))
    args = parser.parse_args()
    paths = args.path

    # Get all the contexts of the given top-level paths
    # in the order indicated in _sub_context_.txt files.
    context_paths = []
    context_map = dict()  # map Context names to paths
    for path in paths:
        for context_path in findContextPaths(path):
            context_map[Context(context_path).name] = context_path

    all_paths = list(context_paths)
    all_paths += [path for path in paths if path not in context_paths]

    if args.clean:
        # clean all of the __pv_it directories that may be auto-generated
        print "Cleaning '__pv_it' directories..."
        for path in all_paths:
            # remove the __pv_it folders from all paths
            pv_it_dir = os.path.join(path, '__pv_it')
            if os.path.isdir(pv_it_dir):
        # remove the __pv_it/commons.pv_it in all of the context paths
Example #6
def build(execute_processor, context_paths, all_paths, no_execute=False, just_execute_essentials=False, just_execute_proofs=False, just_execute_demos=False, just_execute_expression_nbs=False):
    Build all Context-related notebooks (_common_, _axioms_,
    _theorems_, and proof notebooks for the theorems)
    in the context_paths.
    For the paths in all_paths (which should include the
    context paths), build any contained notebooks and
    any of the expr.ipynb and dependencies.ipnyb notebooks
    within the __pv_it directory (storing Prove-It "database"
    if not just_execute_proofs and not just_execute_demos and not just_execute_expression_nbs:
        if not just_execute_essentials:
            # Generate html pages from index.ipynb and guide.ipynb in the packages folder:
            if no_execute:
                executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, 'index.ipynb')
                executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, 'guide.ipynb')
        # Make sure there is a _common_.py, _axioms_.py, and _theorems_.py
        # in each context directory.
        # These will be useful in figuring out dependencies between _common_
        # notebooks (see CommonExpressions in proveit._core_.context as well
        # as avoiding import errors.
        for context_path in context_paths:
            for spec_expr_kind in ('common', 'axioms', 'theorems'):
        # Execute the _context_ notebooks in each context directory 
        # and generate _context_.html.
        for context_path in context_paths:
            context_notebook_path = os.path.join(context_path, '_context_.ipynb')
            with open(os.path.join(context_path, '_mode_.txt'), 'wt') as f:
                f.write('interactive\n') # when executed again, it will toggle to 'static' mode                
            # execute into static mode
            executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, context_notebook_path, no_execute=no_execute)
        # Next, run the _common_.ipynb (common expression) notebooks for the contexts.
        # For any that depend up _common_.py of other contexts, run the
        # requirements first.
        common_nb_queue = list(context_paths)
        exececuted_common_nb = set()
        while len(common_nb_queue) > 0:
            context_path = common_nb_queue.pop(0)
            if context_path in exececuted_common_nb:
            # The failed_common_import.txt file is used to communicate a failed
            # common expression import from another context.  First erase this
            # file, then see if it is created after executing the common notebook.
            failed_common_import_filename = os.path.join(context_path, '__pv_it', 'failed_common_import.txt')
            if os.path.isfile(failed_common_import_filename):
                revise_special_notebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
                executeAndExportNotebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
                exececuted_common_nb.add(context_path) # finished successfully
            except execute.CellExecutionError as e:            
                retry = False
                if os.path.isfile(failed_common_import_filename):
                    # A failed_common_import.txt file was created.  It will indicate the
                    # context from which a common expression was attempted to be imported.
                    # If its _common_ notebook has not already executed, execute it first
                    # and then try to execute this one again.
                    with open(failed_common_import_filename, 'r') as f:
                        required_context_name = f.read().strip()
                        if required_context_name not in exececuted_common_nb:
                            print '  Failed to execute; try a prerequisite first:', required_context_name
                            common_nb_queue.insert(0, context_path) # re-insert to try again
                            # but first execute the _common_ notebook from the required_context.
                            common_nb_queue.insert(0, context_map[required_context_name])
                            retry = True
                if not retry:
                    raise e
        if no_execute:
            for context_path in context_paths:
                #revise_special_notebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
                exportToHTML(os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
            # execute the commons notebooks first, and do this twice to work out inter-dependencies
            for _ in range(2):
                for context_path in context_paths:
                    #revise_special_notebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
                    execute_processor.executeNotebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
            # one last time to eliminate "expression notebook ... updated" messages and we'll export to html
            for context_path in context_paths:
                #revise_special_notebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
                executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, os.path.join(context_path, '_common_.ipynb'))
        # Next, run _axioms_.ipynb and _theorems_.ipynb notebooks for the contexts.
        # The order does not matter assuming these expression constructions
        # do not depend upon other axioms or theorems (but possibly common expressions).
        # do this twice to get rid of extraneous information about adding/removing from database
        if no_execute:
            for context_path in context_paths:
                exportToHTML(os.path.join(context_path, '_axioms_.ipynb'))
                exportToHTML(os.path.join(context_path, '_theorems_.ipynb'))    
            for context_path in context_paths:
                #revise_special_notebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_axioms_.ipynb'))
                #revise_special_notebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_theorems_.ipynb'))
                execute_processor.executeNotebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_axioms_.ipynb'))
                execute_processor.executeNotebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_theorems_.ipynb'))    
            # the second time we'll export to html
            for context_path in context_paths:
                #revise_special_notebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_axioms_.ipynb'))
                #revise_special_notebook(os.path.join(context_path, '_theorems_.ipynb'))
                executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, os.path.join(context_path, '_axioms_.ipynb'))
                executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, os.path.join(context_path, '_theorems_.ipynb'))    
    if not just_execute_expression_nbs and not just_execute_demos:
        # Get the proof notebook filenames for the theorems in all of the 
        # contexts.
        # Map proof notebook names to corresponding Theorem objects:
        proof_notebook_theorems = dict() 
        theorem_proof_notebooks = []
        # Turn off automation while loading theorems simply for recording
        # dependencies:
        #proveit.defaults.automation = False
        print("Finding theorem proof notebooks.")
        for context_path in context_paths:
            context = Context(context_path)
            for theorem_name in context.theoremNames():
                start_time = time.time()
                print("Loading", theorem_name, end='', flush=True)
                theorem = context.getTheorem(theorem_name)
                proof_notebook_name = context.thmProofNotebook(theorem_name, theorem.provenTruth.expr)
                proof_notebook_theorems[proof_notebook_name] = theorem
                print("; finished in %0.2f seconds"%(time.time()-start_time))
        # Turn automation back on:
        #proveit.defaults.automation = True
        # Some proveit modules may not have loaded properly while
        # automation was off, so we need to reset and reload it. 
        for k,v in list(sys.modules.items()):
            if k.startswith('proveit'):
                if k=='proveit' or k.startswith('proveit._core_'):
                    # Don't reload proveit or proveit._core_.
                print('reload', v)
        if no_execute:
            if not just_execute_essentials:
                for proof_notebook in theorem_proof_notebooks:
                    #if not os.path.isfile(proof_notebook[-5:] + '.html'): # temporary
            # Next, for each of the theorems, record the "presuming" information
            # of the proof notebooks in the _proofs_ folder.  Do this before executing
            # any of the proof notebooks to account for dependencies properly
            # (avoiding circular dependencies as intended).
            print("Recording theorem dependencies.")
            for proof_notebook in theorem_proof_notebooks:
                recordPresumingInfo(proof_notebook_theorems[proof_notebook], proof_notebook)

            if not just_execute_essentials:
                # Next, execute all of the proof notebooks twice
                # to ensure there are no circular logic violations.
                for proof_notebook in theorem_proof_notebooks:
                for proof_notebook in theorem_proof_notebooks:
                    executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, proof_notebook)
    if not just_execute_essentials and not just_execute_expression_nbs and not just_execute_proofs:
        # Next, run any other notebooks within path/context directories
        # (e.g., with tests and demonstrations).
        for path in all_paths:
            for sub in os.listdir(path):
                full_path = os.path.join(path, sub)
                if os.path.isfile(full_path) and os.path.splitext(full_path)[1] == '.ipynb':
                    if sub == '_demonstrations_.ipynb' or sub[0] != '_':
                        executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, full_path, no_execute=no_execute)
    if not just_execute_essentials and not just_execute_proofs and not just_execute_demos:
        # Lastly, run expr.ipynb, proof.ipynb, and dependencies.ipynb within 
        # the hash directories of the __pv_it folders for each context.
        # May require multiple passes (showing expression info may generate
        # expr.ipynb notebooks for sub-expressions).
        executed_hash_paths = set()  # hash paths whose notebooks have been executed
        while True: # repeat until there are no more new notebooks to process
            prev_num_executed = len(executed_hash_paths)
            for path in all_paths:
                pv_it_dir = os.path.join(path, '__pv_it')
                if os.path.isdir(pv_it_dir):
                    for hash_directory in os.listdir(pv_it_dir):
                        hash_path = os.path.join(pv_it_dir, hash_directory)
                        if os.path.isdir(hash_path):
                            if hash_path in executed_hash_paths:
                                continue # already executed this case
                            expr_html = os.path.join(hash_path, 'expr.html')
                            expr_notebook = os.path.join(hash_path, 'expr.ipynb')
                            if os.path.isfile(expr_notebook):
                                if no_execute:
                                    # if expr_html doesn't exist or is older than expr_notebook, generate it
                                    if not os.path.isfile(expr_html) or os.path.getmtime(expr_html) < os.path.getmtime(expr_notebook):
                                        # execute the expr.ipynb notebook
                                        executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, expr_notebook)
                                        executed_hash_paths.add(hash_path) # done
                            proof_html = os.path.join(hash_path, 'proof.html')
                            proof_notebook = os.path.join(hash_path, 'proof.ipynb')
                            if os.path.isfile(proof_notebook):
                                if no_execute:
                                    # if proof_html doesn't exist or is older than proof_notebook, generate it
                                    if not os.path.isfile(proof_html) or os.path.getmtime(proof_html) < os.path.getmtime(proof_notebook):
                                        # execute the proof.ipynb notebook
                                        executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, proof_notebook)
                                        executed_hash_paths.add(hash_path) # done
                            # always execute the dependencies notebook for now to be safes
                            dependencies_notebook = os.path.join(hash_path, 'dependencies.ipynb')
                            if os.path.isfile(dependencies_notebook):
                                # execute the dependencies.ipynb notebook
                                executeAndExportNotebook(execute_processor, dependencies_notebook, no_execute=no_execute)
            if len(executed_hash_paths) == prev_num_executed:
                break # no more new ones to process