def neovim(c): "Install neovim, a text editor." if utils.command_exists(c, 'nvim'): return utils.apt_install(c, ["neovim", "python3-neovim"]) # Install plugins with vim-plug. print(colors.OKRED + "Run :PlugInstall the next time you open vim to install plugins." + colors.ENDC)
def tmux(c): """Install tmux, a terminal multiplexer, from source.""" if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/bin/tmux")): return import requests # install dependencies. utils.apt_install(c, [ "libevent-dev", "ncurses-dev", "build-essential", "bison", "pkg-config", ]) # Downlaod tarball. response = requests.get( "") tar_path = "/tmp/tmux.tar.gz" with open(tar_path, "wb") as tarfile: tarfile.write(response.content) # Extract its contents. utils.print_run(c, f"tar -zxf {tar_path} --directory /tmp", hide="out") with utils.chdir("/tmp/tmux-3.1b"): # Build it. utils.print_run(c, "./configure --enable-static", hide="out") utils.print_run(c, "make", hide="out") # Move it $HOME/bin. destination_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "bin") if not os.path.exists(destination_dir): os.makedirs(destination_dir) utils.print_run(c, f"cp ./tmux {destination_dir}/tmux", hide="out") print(colors.OKRED + "Run CTRL+b I the next time you open tmux to install plugins." + colors.ENDC)
def ag(c): "Install ag, an improved grep." if utils.command_exists(c, 'ag'): return utils.apt_install(c, "silversearcher-ag")
def xclip(c): "Install xclip, a tool for copying text from terminal to your clipboard." if utils.is_apt_installed(c, 'xclip'): return utils.apt_install(c, "xclip")
def python3_dev(c): """Install Python 3 headers.""" if utils.is_apt_installed(c, 'python3-dev'): return utils.apt_install(c, "python3-dev")
def keepass2(c): """Install Keepass2, a password storage app.""" if utils.command_exists(c, 'keepass2'): return utils.apt_install(c, "keepass2")
def htop(c): "Install htop, a nicer version of top." if utils.command_exists(c, 'htop'): return utils.apt_install(c, "htop")
def git(c): "Install git, a version control system." if utils.command_exists(c, 'git'): return utils.apt_install(c, "git")
def meld(c): """Installs meld, a 3-way merge tool.""" if utils.command_exists(c, 'meld'): return utils.apt_install(c, "meld")
def cmake(c): """Install cmake, a tool for building from source.""" if utils.command_exists(c, 'cmake'): return utils.apt_install(c, ["build-essential", "cmake"])
def zsh(c): "Install zsh, an alternative to bash." if utils.command_exists(c, 'zsh'): return utils.apt_install(c, "zsh") utils.print_run(c, "chsh -s $(which zsh)")