def phila_gis_proxy_view(request, path): """ A small proxy for Philly GIS services, so that they are accessible over HTTPS. """ root = '' return proxy_view(request, root + path)
def pipe_wms_to_geoserver(request, path=""): # TODO: implement authentication here layers = request.GET.get("layers", "") extra_requests_args = dict() remoteurl = 'http://geoserver:8080/geoserver/adalitix/wms' return proxy_view(request, remoteurl, extra_requests_args)
def api(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only one configured dataset. """ root = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_ROOT') api_key = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_KEY') api_session_cookie = request.COOKIES.get('sa-api-sessionid') # It doesn't matter what the CSRF token value is, as long as the cookie and # header value match. api_csrf_token = '1234csrf567token' url = make_resource_uri(path, root) headers = {'X-SHAREABOUTS-KEY': api_key, 'X-CSRFTOKEN': api_csrf_token} cookies = {'sessionid': api_session_cookie, 'csrftoken': api_csrf_token} \ if api_session_cookie else {'csrftoken': api_csrf_token} # Clear cookies from the current domain, so that they don't interfere with # our settings here. request.META.pop('HTTP_COOKIE', None) response = proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={ 'headers': headers, 'cookies': cookies }) if place_was_created(request, path, response): send_place_created_notifications(request, response) return response
def csv_download(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only one configured dataset. """ root = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_ROOT') api_key = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_KEY') api_session_cookie = request.COOKIES.get('sa-api-session') url = make_resource_uri(path, root) headers = {'X-Shareabouts-Key': api_key, 'ACCEPT': 'text/csv'} cookies = {'sessionid': api_session_cookie} if api_session_cookie else {} return proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={ 'headers': headers, 'cookies': cookies }) # Send the csv as a timestamped download filename = '.'.join( [os.path.split(path)[1], now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), 'csv']) response['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename return response
def layer_proxy_view(request, layer_id): layer = get_object_or_404(Layer, id=layer_id, proxy_url=True) new_req_url = None to = request.GET.get('to') from_ = request.GET.get('from') if not to and not from_: try: limit = settings.MP_ONTOLOGY_FILTER_DEFAULT_LIMIT except: limit = 3 to = from_ = to.replace(year=to.year - limit) to = to.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') from_ = from_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') concepts = request.GET.get('concepts', []) if concepts: concepts = [concepts.split(',')] categories = request.GET.get('categories', []) if categories: categories = categories.split(',') type_ = request.GET.get('type') for category in categories: # Get the list of categories in the concept concept_list = RDFConcept.objects.filter(preflabel=category) if not concept_list: continue concepts.append(child.slug for child in concept_list[0].get_descendants() if child.slug) query_parameters = [] if from_: query_parameters.append("from=%s" % from_) if to: query_parameters.append("to=%s" % to) if type_: query_parameters.append("type=%s" % type_) for concept_list in concepts: query_parameters.append('c=%s' % (','.join(concept_list))) if query_parameters: new_req_url = '%s&%s' % (layer.url, '&'.join(query_parameters)) resp = None if new_req_url: r = requests.get(new_req_url) # Note: Future versions will need to use r.iter_content and a django # Streaming HTTP Response. resp = HttpResponse(r.text, r.status_code) else: # If we don't have any categories we just do this: resp = proxy_view(request, layer.url) return resp
def csv_download(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only one configured dataset. """ root = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_ROOT') api_key = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_KEY') api_session_cookie = request.COOKIES.get('sa-api-session') url = make_resource_uri(path, root) headers = { 'X-Shareabouts-Key': api_key, 'ACCEPT': 'text/csv' } cookies = {'sessionid': api_session_cookie} if api_session_cookie else {} return proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={ 'headers': headers, 'cookies': cookies }) # Send the csv as a timestamped download filename = '.'.join([os.path.split(path)[1], now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), 'csv']) response['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename return response
def file_handler(request, id): if request.method == "POST": try: data = request.FILES.get("data", None) file = File.objects.get(id=id) file_type = file.file_type if file_type == "other": file.file = data else: put_layer(id, data, file_type) return HttpResponse("Upload successful") except Exception as e: print(e) return HttpResponse("Upload failed", status=500) elif request.method == "GET": f = File.objects.get(id=id) file_type = f.file_type if (file_type == "other"): return FileResponse(f.file) elif (file_type == "tiff"): extra_requests_args = dict() remoteurl = 'http://geoserver:8080' + \ "/geoserver/adalitix/ows?service=WCS&version=2.0.0&request=GetCoverage&coverageId=adalitix:" + id return proxy_view(request, remoteurl, extra_requests_args) else: return HttpResponse("Method Not Allowed", status=405)
def backend_proxy_view(request, path, use_auth_header=True, base_remote_url=None): """ TODO: hacky as it's getting the base_url and the auth header from the get_connection slumber object. Also, we should limit the endpoint accessible from this proxy if you specifiy `use_auth_header` to be false, then it won't use the zone or url info from the get_connection slumber object. In that case you should pass in the base_remote_url yourself. """ assert use_auth_header or base_remote_url if use_auth_header: client = get_connection(request) extra_requests_args = { "headers": { k.upper(): v for k, v in dict([client._store["session"].auth.get_header() ]).items() } } if not base_remote_url: base_remote_url = client._store["base_url"] else: extra_requests_args = {} remoteurl = u"%s%s" % (base_remote_url, path) return proxy_view(request, remoteurl, extra_requests_args)
def proxy_request(request, path): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): # Python 3 code in this block get_keys = request.GET.keys() else: # Python 2 code in this block get_keys = request.GET.iterkeys() parameters = [] for key in get_keys: value_list = request.GET.getlist(key) if key == 'viewparams': parameters.extend([ '%s=%s' % (key, urllib.parse.quote(val)) for val in value_list ]) else: parameters.extend([ '%s=%s' % (key, urllib.parse.quote(val)) for val in value_list ]) if parameters: path += '?' + '&'.join(parameters) # If somehow we get malformed url if len(path.split('://')) == 1: new_path = path.split(':/') path = '://'.join(new_path) request.session['access_token'] = None return proxy_view(request, url=path)
def mapproxy_view(request, path): headers = { "Host": "localhost:8000", "X-Script-Name": "/mapproxy" } remoteurl = '' + path return proxy_view(request, remoteurl, {"headers": headers})
def capabilities_proxy_view(request, layer_id): layer = get_object_or_404(Layer, id=layer_id) if layer.url.endswith('?'): orig_url = layer.url[:-1] else: orig_url = layer.url capabilities_url = orig_url + '?request=getCapabilities' extra_requests_args = {'headers': {'CONTENT-TYPE': 'text/xml'}} return proxy_view(request, capabilities_url, extra_requests_args)
def trademarkify_habr_page(request, path): remote_url = '' + path response = proxy_view(request, remote_url) if 'text/html' in response['content-type']: # чтоб зря не парсить всякое parser = TradeMarkifyHTMLParser(response.content) response.content = parser.trademarkify() return response
def celery_flower_view(request, path): remote_url = 'http://{}/{}'.format(flower_url, path) try: response = proxy_view(request, remote_url) except Exception as e: msg = _("<h1>Flow service unavailable, check it</h1>") + \ '<br><br> <div>{}</div>'.format(e) response = HttpResponse(msg) return response
def get(self, request): user = request.user path = request.path.replace('/media/', '') if id: course = Exercise.objects.get(video=path).schedule.course if user in course.users.all(): secret = settings.SECRET_HASH remoteurl = '{}'.format(secret) + request.path return proxy_view(request, remoteurl) else: raise NotFound
def celery_flower_view(request, path): if not request.user.has_perm('ops.view_taskmonitor'): return HttpResponse("Forbidden") remote_url = 'http://{}/core/flower/{}'.format(flower_url, path) try: response = proxy_view(request, remote_url) except Exception as e: msg = _("<h1>Flower service unavailable, check it</h1>") + \ '<br><br> <div>{}</div>'.format(e) response = HttpResponse(msg) return response
def api(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only one configured dataset. """ root = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_ROOT') api_key = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_KEY') url = make_resource_uri(path, root) headers = {'X-Shareabouts-Key': api_key} return proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={'headers': headers})
def petfinder_view(request, path): requests_args = { 'params': { 'key': PETFINDER_API_KEY, 'format': 'json', 'animal': 'cat', 'count': 30 } } remoteurl = '' + path return proxy_view(request, remoteurl, requests_args)
def api(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only one configured dataset. """ config = get_shareabouts_config(settings.SHAREABOUTS_CONFIG) dataset = config['dataset'] api_key = config['dataset_api_key'] url = make_resource_uri(dataset, path, config['api_root']) headers = {'X-Shareabouts-Key': api_key} return proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={'headers': headers})
def users(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only user authentication. """ root = make_auth_root(settings.SHAREABOUTS.get("DATASET_ROOT")) api_key = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get("DATASET_KEY") api_session_cookie = request.COOKIES.get("sa-api-session") url = make_resource_uri(path, root) headers = {"X-Shareabouts-Key": api_key} if api_key else {} cookies = {"sessionid": api_session_cookie} if api_session_cookie else {} return proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={"headers": headers, "allow_redirects": False, "cookies": cookies})
def proxy_cra_requests(request, path): ''' Proxy various requests sent by Create-React-App projects in dev mode ("npm start"), within Django-hosted views, to the Create-React-App liveserver Works well with the following re_path definitions in your project's re_path(r'^sockjs-node/(?P<path>.*)$', proxy_sockjs), re_path(r'^__webpack_dev_server__/(?P<path>.*)$', proxy_sockjs), ''' path = request.path url = '{}{}'.format(CRA_SERVER_URL, path) return proxy_view(request, url)
def embeddable(request, id_mapa): m = get_object_or_404(Mapa, id_mapa=id_mapa) if ManejadorDePermisos.permiso_de_mapa(request.user, m) is None: return HttpResponseForbidden() extra_requests_args = {} mapfile=ManejadorDeMapas.commit_mapfile(id_mapa) if m.tipo_de_mapa == 'general': for c in m.capas.all(): ManejadorDeMapas.commit_mapfile(c.id_capa) # remote_url = MAPSERVER_URL+'?map='+mapfile +'&mode=browse&layers=all' remote_url = mapserver.get_map_browser_url(id_mapa) # print remote_url return views.proxy_view(request, remote_url, extra_requests_args)
def icommons_rest_api_proxy(request, path): request_args = { 'headers': { 'Authorization': "Token {}".format(settings.ICOMMONS_REST_API_TOKEN) } } # Remove resource_link_id query param # request.GET is immutable, so we need to copy before modifying request.GET = request.GET.copy() request.GET.pop('resource_link_id', None) url = "{}/{}".format(settings.ICOMMONS_REST_API_HOST, os.path.join(path, '')) if settings.ICOMMONS_REST_API_SKIP_CERT_VERIFICATION: request_args['verify'] = False return proxy_view(request, url, request_args)
def legend(request, id_mapa): mapa = get_object_or_404(Mapa, id_mapa=id_mapa) if ManejadorDePermisos.permiso_de_mapa(request.user, mapa) is None: return HttpResponseForbidden() capa = mapa.capas.first() extra_requests_args = {} mapfile = ManejadorDeMapas.commit_mapfile(id_mapa) if mapa.tipo_de_mapa == 'layer_raster_band': sld = mapa.mapserverlayer_set.first().archivo_sld else: sld = capa.dame_sld_default() remote_url = mapserver.get_legend_graphic_url(id_mapa, capa.nombre, sld) # remote_url = MAPSERVER_URL+'?map='+mapfile +'&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&SLD_VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&FORMAT=image/png&LAYER=%s&STYLE=&SLD=%s'%(capa.nombre,capa.dame_sld_default()) return views.proxy_view(request, remote_url, extra_requests_args)
def users(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only user authentication. """ root = make_auth_root(settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_ROOT')) api_key = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get('DATASET_KEY') api_session_cookie = request.COOKIES.get('sa-api-session') url = make_resource_uri(path, root) headers = {'X-Shareabouts-Key': api_key} if api_key else {} cookies = {'sessionid': api_session_cookie} if api_session_cookie else {} return proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={ 'headers': headers, 'allow_redirects': False, 'cookies': cookies })
def csv_download(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only one configured dataset. """ root = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get("DATASET_ROOT") api_key = settings.SHAREABOUTS.get("DATASET_KEY") api_session_cookie = request.COOKIES.get("sa-api-session") url = make_resource_uri(path, root) headers = {"X-Shareabouts-Key": api_key, "ACCEPT": "text/csv"} cookies = {"sessionid": api_session_cookie} if api_session_cookie else {} return proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={"headers": headers, "cookies": cookies}) # Send the csv as a timestamped download filename = ".".join([os.path.split(path)[1], now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), "csv"]) response["Content-disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + filename return response
def csv_download(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only one configured dataset. """ config = get_shareabouts_config(settings.SHAREABOUTS_CONFIG) dataset = config['dataset'] api_key = config['dataset_api_key'] url = make_resource_uri(dataset, path, config['api_root']) headers = {'X-Shareabouts-Key': api_key, 'ACCEPT': 'text/csv'} response = proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={'headers': headers}) # Send the csv as a timestamped download filename = '.'.join( [os.path.split(path)[1], now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), 'csv']) response['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename return response
def icommons_rest_api_proxy(request, path): request_args = { 'headers': { 'Authorization': "Token {}".format(settings.ICOMMONS_REST_API_TOKEN) } } # Remove resource_link_id query param # request.GET is immutable, so we need to copy before modifying request.GET = request.GET.copy() request.GET.pop('resource_link_id', None) # tlt-1314: include audit information when creating xlistmaps if request.method == 'POST' and 'xlist_maps' in path: body_json = json.loads(request.body) body_json['last_modified_by'] = request.LTI['lis_person_sourcedid'] request_args['data'] = json.dumps(body_json) url = "{}/{}".format(settings.ICOMMONS_REST_API_HOST, os.path.join(path, '')) if settings.ICOMMONS_REST_API_SKIP_CERT_VERIFICATION: request_args['verify'] = False return proxy_view(request, url, request_args)
def visualize(self, request, path): """Render visualization for current model. (A hacky implementation) This method tries to launch a tensorboard subprocess and then proxy django requests to it for visualization. The subprocess information is stored in a file in the model directory to record whether a process has been launched and the port it listens to. This implementation can leads to many process (max is the # of detectors available) being launched. Arguments: request {django http request} -- request coming in path {request path} -- http request path stripped of api prefixes Raises: Http404: [description] Http404: [description] Returns: Django HTTP response -- Returns a Django HTTP response for visualization. """ if not self._output_dir.exists(): raise Http404('Model directory not exists. Has the model been trained?') # tensorboard needs index.html to load correctly if len(path) == 0: path = 'index.html' pinfo_file_path = (self._output_dir / 'tensorboard.pinfo').resolve() self._run_tensorboard_subprocess_if_not_exist(pinfo_file_path) if pinfo_file_path.exists(): with open(pinfo_file_path, 'r') as f: subprocess_info = json.loads( port = subprocess_info['port'] remoteurl = 'http://localhost:{}/'.format(port) + path return proxy_view(request, remoteurl) else: raise Http404
def backend_proxy_view(request, path, use_auth_header=True, base_remote_url=None): """ TODO: hacky as it's getting the base_url and the auth header from the get_connection slumber object. Also, we should limit the endpoint accessible from this proxy if you specifiy `use_auth_header` to be false, then it won't use the zone or url info from the get_connection slumber object. In that case you should pass in the base_remote_url yourself. """ assert use_auth_header or base_remote_url if use_auth_header: client = get_connection(request) extra_requests_args = { "headers": {k.upper(): v for k, v in dict([client._store["session"].auth.get_header()]).items()} } if not base_remote_url: base_remote_url = client._store["base_url"] else: extra_requests_args = {} remoteurl = u"%s%s" % (base_remote_url, path) return proxy_view(request, remoteurl, extra_requests_args)
def csv_download(request, path): """ A small proxy for a Shareabouts API server, exposing only one configured dataset. """ config = get_shareabouts_config(settings.SHAREABOUTS_CONFIG) dataset = config['dataset'] api_key = config['dataset_api_key'] url = make_resource_uri(dataset, path, config['api_root']) headers = { 'X-Shareabouts-Key': api_key, 'ACCEPT': 'text/csv' } response = proxy_view(request, url, requests_args={'headers': headers}) # Send the csv as a timestamped download filename = '.'.join([os.path.split(path)[1], now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), 'csv']) response['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename return response
def habr_proxy(request, path): url = ('' + path) response = proxy_view(request, url) if not re.match('text/html', response['Content-Type']): return response soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html5lib') habr_link = re.compile('https?://habr\.com') local_link = r'' for string in soup.findAll(string=True): if (type(string) == bs4.element.NavigableString and not in ['script', 'style']): res = re.sub(r'\b(\w{6})\b', r'\1™', string) if (string != res): string.replaceWith(res) for attr_name in ('xlink:href', 'href'): for tag in soup.find_all(attrs={attr_name: habr_link}): link = re.sub(habr_link, local_link, tag[attr_name]) tag[attr_name] = link response.content = str(soup) return response
def export_search_to_csv(self, body, user_handle, retry:bool = True) -> None: CSV_HEADER = [ 'profile_id', 'join_date', 'github_created_at', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'handle', 'sms_verification', 'persona', 'rank_coder', 'rank_funder', 'num_hacks_joined', 'which_hacks_joined', 'hack_work_starts', 'hack_work_submits', 'hack_work_start_orgs', 'hack_work_submit_orgs', 'bounty_work_starts', 'bounty_work_submits', 'hack_started_feature', 'hack_started_code_review', 'hack_started_security', 'hack_started_design', 'hack_started_documentation', 'hack_started_bug', 'hack_started_other', 'hack_started_improvement', 'started_feature', 'started_code_review', 'started_security', 'started_design', 'started_documentation', 'started_bug', 'started_other', 'started_improvement', 'submitted_feature', 'submitted_code_review', 'submitted_security', 'submitted_design', 'submitted_documentation', 'submitted_bug', 'submitted_other', 'submitted_improvement', 'bounty_earnings', 'bounty_work_start_orgs', 'bounty_work_submit_orgs', 'kudos_sends', 'kudos_receives', 'hack_winner_kudos_received', 'grants_opened', 'grant_contributed', 'grant_contributions', 'grant_contribution_amount', 'num_actions', 'action_points', 'avg_points_per_action', 'last_action_on', 'keywords', 'activity_level', 'reliability', 'average_rating', 'longest_streak', 'earnings_count', 'follower_count', 'following_count', 'num_repeated_relationships', 'verification_status' ] user_profile = Profile.objects.get(handle=user_handle) PAGE_SIZE = 1000 proxy_req = HttpRequest() proxy_req.method = 'GET' remote_url = f'{settings.HAYSTACK_ELASTIC_SEARCH_URL}/haystack/modelresult/_search' query_data = json.loads(body) proxy_request = proxy_view(proxy_req, remote_url, {'data': body}) proxy_json_str = proxy_request.content.decode('utf-8') proxy_body = json.loads(proxy_json_str) if not proxy_body['timed_out']: total_hits = proxy_body['hits']['total'] hits = proxy_body['hits']['hits'] finished = False output = [] results = [] if total_hits < PAGE_SIZE: finished = True results = hits if not finished: max_loops = math.ceil(total_hits / PAGE_SIZE) for x in range(0, max_loops): new_body = query_data new_body['from'] = 0 if x is 0 else (PAGE_SIZE * x) + 1 new_body['size'] = PAGE_SIZE new_body = json.dumps(new_body) proxy_request = proxy_view(proxy_req, remote_url, {'data': new_body}) proxy_json_str = proxy_request.content.decode('utf-8') proxy_body = json.loads(proxy_json_str) hits = proxy_body['hits']['hits'] results = results + hits for result in results: source = result['_source'] row_item = {} for k in source.copy(): new_column = k.replace('_exact', '') if new_column in CSV_HEADER: row_item[new_column] = source[k] output.append(row_item) now = csv_file_path = f'/tmp/user-directory-export-{user_profile.handle}-{now}.csv' try: with open(csv_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=CSV_HEADER) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(output) except IOError: print("I/O error") if os.path.isfile(csv_file_path): to_email = from_email = settings.CONTACT_EMAIL subject = "Your exported user directory csv is attached" html = text = f'Your exported {csv_file_path.replace("/tmp/", "")} is attached.' send_mail( from_email, to_email, subject, text, html, from_name=f"@{user_profile.handle}", categories=['transactional'], csv=csv_file_path )
def pipe_ows_to_geoserver(request, path=""): # TODO: implement authentication here extra_requests_args = dict() remoteurl = 'http://geoserver:8080/geoserver/adalitix/ows' return proxy_view(request, remoteurl, extra_requests_args)
def view(request, project_id): return proxy_view(request, "http://" + project_id)
def fcs_proxy(request): return proxy_view(request, '')
def proxy_markdownify_view(request): if not is_user_an_editor(request): return HttpResponseForbidden() remote_url = API_HOST + '/markdownx/markdownify/' return proxy_view(request, remote_url, {})
def proxy(request, path): remote_url = 'http://localhost:3001/' + path return proxy_view(request, remote_url, {})
def view(request, project_id): proj = Play_Project.objects.get(unique_id=project_id) remoteurl = project_id + ".app:8000" return proxy_view(request, remoteurl)