def checkdbexist(self): """ 没有数据库则创建 创建数据库表proxy 去重创建表: create table proxy(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,ip TEXT NOT NULL , port TEXT NOT NULL ,protocol TEXT NOT NULL, score INTEGER NOT NULL ,UNIQUE(ip,protocol)); :rtype: object """ if not self.dbExists: try: print("create proxydb: " + proxyDbName + " and table: proxy ") conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbPath) c = conn.cursor() c.execute( '''CREATE TABLE proxy(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,ipport TEXT NOT NULL ,protocol TEXT NOT NULL, score INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 100 ,UNIQUE(ipport, protocol))''' ) conn.commit() conn.close() cprint("pls get proxy ip to insert to the db ", color="red") return True except IOError: cprint("no proxydb !!", color="red") else: #后续添加检测是否存在proxy表 return True
def publicip(self): req = requests.get("") if req.status_code == 200: find_ip = re.compile('<h2>((\d{1,3})(\.\d{1,3}){3})</h2>') re_ip = find_ip.findall(req.text) return re_ip[0][0] else: cprint("获取公网IP失败", color="red")
def run(self): cprint('获取器开始执行') for callback_label in range(self.crawler.__CrawlFuncCount__): callback = self.crawler.__CrawlFunc__[callback_label] # 获取代理 proxies = self.crawler.get_proxies(callback) sys.stdout.flush() cprint("插入数据到sqlite3 proxy 表") for proxy in proxies: self.sqlite3.add(list(proxy))
def random(self): """ 随机获取一个分数最高的代理,] 如果没有则降序排列获取最高的一个 :return :随机的一个代理 """ print(self.dbPath) if self.dbCreated: try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbPath) c = conn.cursor() getRandom = c.execute( "select ipport,protocol from proxy where score=100") list = getRandom.fetchall() if list: print("打印获取的随机代理,score=100") # print(choice(list)) return choice(list) else: getRandom = c.execute( '''select ipport,protocol from proxy where score>80''' ) list = getRandom.fetchall() if list: return choice(list) else: cprint("no ip where score > 80 ", color="red") conn.close() except Exception as ex: print(type(ex)) cprint("get random proxy fail!!", color="red") finally: conn.close() else: cprint("no proxydb plse check...", color="red")
def add(self, proxy): """ 判断数据库是否存在,代理写入数据库 proxy = ('', 'http') :rtype: object """ if not self.dbCreated: cprint("数据库不存在,请在setting检查数据库路径,并执行checkdbexist....", color="red") return False else: try: if self.dbCreated: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbPath) c = conn.execute( 'INSERT INTO proxy(ipport, protocol) VALUES (?,?)', proxy) conn.commit() conn.close() cprint("success: add proxy ip into db !!") return True except Exception: print("add ip into db WRONG!!")
def run(self): cprint("代理有效性验证开始") print('\n') count = self.sqlite.count() cprint("共有代理数量:" + str(count)) for i in range(0, count, BATCH_TEST_SIZE): start = i stop = min(i + BATCH_TEST_SIZE, count) print('正在测试第', start + 1, '-', stop, '个代理') time.sleep(1) testproxy = self.sqlite.batch(start, stop) print(testproxy) for proxy in testproxy: testresult = self.veriy(proxy) if testresult: cprint(str(proxy[0]) + "可用") self.sqlite.max(proxy[0]) else: self.sqlite.decrease(proxy[0]) cprint(str(proxy[0]) + "分数降级", color="red")
def veriy(self, proxy): cprint("正在验证" + str(proxy[0])) http = {"http": "http://" + proxy[0]} https = {"https": "http://" + proxy[0]} headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1464.0 Safari/537.36', 'Referer': '' } time.sleep(0.3) try: if str(proxy[1]).lower() == "http": cprint("测试的代理ip" + str(http)) response = requests.get(TEST_URL, proxies=http, timeout=10, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: find_ip = re.compile('<h2>((\d{1,3})(\.\d{1,3}){3})</h2>') re_ip1 = find_ip.findall(response.text) else: cprint("代理测试公网IP失败获取公网IP失败", color="red") # if proxy[0] in str(response.text): # if self.public_ip != re_ip1[0][0]: return True else: return False else: cprint(https) response = requests.get(TEST_URL, proxies=https, timeout=10, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: find_ip = re.compile('<h2>((\d{1,3})(\.\d{1,3}){3})</h2>') re_ip2 = find_ip.findall(response.text) else: cprint("代理测试公网IP失败", color="red") # if proxy[0] in str(response.text): if self.public_ip != re_ip2[0][0]: return True else: return False except Exception: cprint("代理有效性测试失败", color="red") return False
def get_proxies(self, callback): proxies = [] for proxy in eval("self.{}()".format(callback)): cprint("成功获取到代理:" + str(proxy)) proxies.append(proxy) return proxies