def test_callexp_parsing(self): input_case = "add(1, 2 * 3, 4 + 5)" lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) self.assertEqual( len(program.statements), 1, f"Program has not enough statements, got {len(program.statements)}.", ) stmt = program.statements[0] if not isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStatement):"Expected ExpressionStatement, got {stmt}.") exp = stmt.expression if not isinstance(exp, CallExpression):"Expected CallExpression, got {exp}.") self._test_identifier(exp.function, "add") self.assertEqual(len(exp.arguments), 3, f"Wrong length of args, got {len(exp.arguments)}.") self._test_literal_exp(exp.arguments[0], 1) self._test_infix_exp(exp.arguments[1], 2, "*", 3) self._test_infix_exp(exp.arguments[2], 4, "+", 5)
def test_identifier(self): inputcase = "foobar;" lexer = Lexer(inputcase) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) self.assertEqual( len(program.statements), 1, f"Program has not enough statements, got {len(program.statements)}.", ) if not isinstance(program.statements[0], ExpressionStatement): f"program.statements[0] not a instance of ExpressionStatement." ) ident = program.statements[0].expression if not isinstance(ident, Identifier):"Exp not a instance of Identifier.") self.assertEqual(ident.value, "foobar", f"ident.value != foobar, got {ident.value}.") self.assertEqual( ident.token_literal(), "foobar", f"ident.token_literal() != foobar, got {ident.token_literal()}.", )
def _test_eval(self, input_case: str): lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) env = objects.Environment() program = parser.parse_program() return evaluator.evaluate(program, env)
def test_parsing_dict_withexp(self): input_case = '{"one": 0 + 1, "two": 10 - 8, "three": 15 / 5}' lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) stmt = program.statements[0].expression if not isinstance(stmt, DictionaryLiteral):"Expected DictionaryLiteral, got {stmt}.") self.assertEqual( len(stmt.pairs), 3, f"hash.pairs has wrong length. got {len(stmt.pairs)}.") tests = { "one": lambda e: self._test_infix_exp(e, 0, "+", 1), "two": lambda e: self._test_infix_exp(e, 10, "-", 8), "three": lambda e: self._test_infix_exp(e, 15, "/", 5), } for key, val in stmt.pairs.items(): if not isinstance(key, StringLiteral):"key not StringLiteral, got {key}.") test_func = tests.get(str(key), None) self.assertNotEqual(test_func, None, f"No test function for key {str(key)} found.") test_func(val)
def start() -> None: # Print some information. sys_env = platform.system() print(f"\nPrymate {prymate.__version__} [Running on {sys_env}]") print("Type exit() to exit from the REPL.\n") # Start the REPL loop. env = Environment() while True: line = input(">>> ") if not line: continue parser = Parser(Lexer(line)) program = parser.parse_program() if parser.errors: print("There was a error while parsing the program.\nErrors:") for x in parser.errors: print(f"\t{x}\n") continue evaluated = evaluate(program, env) if evaluated is not None: print(evaluated.inspect())
def test_return(self): tests = [ ["return 5;", 5], ["return true;", True], ["return foobar;", "foobar"], ] for tt in tests: lexer = Lexer(tt[0]) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) self.assertEqual( len(program.statements), 1, f"Expected 1 statements, found {len(program.statements)}.", ) stmt = program.statements[0] if not isinstance(stmt, ReturnStatement):"Expected ReturnStatement, got {stmt}.") self.assertEqual( stmt.token_literal(), "return", f"Expected 'return', got {stmt.token_literal()}.", ) self._test_literal_exp(stmt.return_value, tt[1])
def test_fnparameter_parsing(self): tests = [ ["fn() {};", []], ["fn(x) {};", ["x"]], ["fn(x, y, z) {};", ["x", "y", "z"]], ] for tt in tests: lexer = Lexer(tt[0]) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) stmt = program.statements[0] function = stmt.expression self.assertEqual( len(function.parameters), len(tt[1]), f"Expected {len(tt[1])} params, got {len(function.parameters)}.", ) for i, ident in enumerate(tt[1]): self._test_literal_exp(function.parameters[i], ident)
def test_if_else_exp(self): input_case = "if (x < y) { x } else { y }" lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) self.assertEqual( len(program.statements), 1, f"Program has not enough statements, got {len(program.statements)}.", ) stmt = program.statements[0] if not isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStatement):"Expected ExpressionStatement, got {stmt}.") exp = stmt.expression if not isinstance(exp, IfExpression):"Expected IfExpression, got {exp}.") self._test_infix_exp(exp.condition, "x", "<", "y") self.assertEqual( len(exp.consequence.statements), 1, f"If Consequence has not enough statements, got {len(program.statements)}.", ) consequence = exp.consequence.statements[0] if not isinstance(consequence, ExpressionStatement):"Expected ExpressionStatement, got {consequence}.") self._test_identifier(consequence.expression, "x") self.assertEqual( len(exp.alternative.statements), 1, f"exp.alternative was not None, got {exp.alternative}", ) alt = exp.alternative.statements[0] if not isinstance(alt, ExpressionStatement):"Expected ExpressionStatement, got {alt}.") self._test_identifier(alt.expression, "y")
def test_parsing_emptydict(self): input_case = "{}" lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) stmt = program.statements[0].expression if not isinstance(stmt, DictionaryLiteral):"Expected DictionaryLiteral, got {stmt}.") self.assertEqual( len(stmt.pairs), 0, f"hash.pairs has wrong length. got {len(stmt.pairs)}.")
def test_parsing_index_exp(self): input_case = "myArray[1 + 1]" lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) stmt = program.statements[0] index_exp = stmt.expression if not isinstance(index_exp, IndexExpression):"exp not ast.IndexExpression. got={index_exp}") self._test_identifier( index_exp.left, "myArray", ) self._test_infix_exp(index_exp.index, 1, "+", 1)
def test_string_literal_exp(self): input_case = '"hello world";' lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) stmt = program.statements[0] literal = stmt.expression if not isinstance(literal, StringLiteral):"literal is not a StringLiteral, got {literal}.") self.assertEqual( literal.value, "hello world", f"literal value expected 'hello world', got {literal.value}.", )
def test_function_literal_parsing(self): input_case = "fn(x, y) { x + y; }" lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) self.assertEqual( len(program.statements), 1, f"Program has not enough statements, got {len(program.statements)}.", ) stmt = program.statements[0] if not isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStatement):"Expected ExpressionStatement, got {stmt}.") exp = stmt.expression if not isinstance(exp, FunctionLiteral):"Expected FunctionLiteral, got {exp}.") self.assertEqual(len(exp.parameters), 2, f"Expected 2 params, got {len(exp.parameters)}.") self._test_literal_exp(exp.parameters[0], "x") self._test_literal_exp(exp.parameters[1], "y") self.assertEqual( len(exp.body.statements), 1, f"Expected 1 statement, got {len(exp.body.statements)}.", ) body_stmt = exp.body.statements[0] if not isinstance(body_stmt, ExpressionStatement):"Expected ExpressionStatement, got {body_stmt}.") self._test_infix_exp(body_stmt.expression, "x", "+", "y")
def test_parsing_array_literals(self): input_case = "[1, 2 * 2, 3 + 3]" lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) stmt = program.statements[0] array = stmt.expression if not isinstance(array, ArrayLiteral):"exp not ast.ArrayLiteral. got={array}") self.assertEqual( len(array.elements), 3, f"len(array.elements) not 3. got={len(array.elements)}", ) self._test_int_literal(array.elements[0], 1) self._test_infix_exp(array.elements[1], 2, "*", 2) self._test_infix_exp(array.elements[2], 3, "+", 3)
def test_parsing_infix_exp(self): infix_tests = [ ["5 + 5;", 5, "+", 5], ["5 - 5;", 5, "-", 5], ["5 * 5;", 5, "*", 5], ["1.5 * 1.5;", 1.5, "*", 1.5], ["5 / 5;", 5, "/", 5], ["5 % 5;", 5, "%", 5], ["5 > 5;", 5, ">", 5], ["5 < 5;", 5, "<", 5], ["5 == 5;", 5, "==", 5], ["5 != 5;", 5, "!=", 5], ["true == true", True, "==", True], ["true != false", True, "!=", False], ["false == false", False, "==", False], ] for tt in infix_tests: lexer = Lexer(tt[0]) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) self.assertEqual( len(program.statements), 1, f"Program has not enough statements, got {len(program.statements)}.", ) if not isinstance(program.statements[0], ExpressionStatement): f"program.statements[0] not a instance of ExpressionStatement." ) ident = program.statements[0].expression self._test_infix_exp(ident, tt[1], tt[2], tt[3])
def test_parsing_prefix_exp(self): prefix_tests = [ ["!5;", "!", 5], ["-15;", "-", 15], ["!true", "!", True], ["!false", "!", False], ] for tt in prefix_tests: lexer = Lexer(tt[0]) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) self.assertEqual( len(program.statements), 1, f"Program has not enough statements, got {len(program.statements)}.", ) if not isinstance(program.statements[0], ExpressionStatement): f"program.statements[0] not a instance of ExpressionStatement." ) ident = program.statements[0].expression if not isinstance(ident, PrefixExpression):"Exp not a instance of PrefixExpression.") self.assertEqual( ident.operator, tt[1], f"ident.operator != {tt[1]}, got {ident.operator}.", ) self._test_literal_exp(ident.right, tt[2])
def test_parsing_dict(self): input_case = '{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}' lexer = Lexer(input_case) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) stmt = program.statements[0].expression if not isinstance(stmt, DictionaryLiteral):"Expected DictionaryLiteral, got {stmt}.") self.assertEqual( len(stmt.pairs), 3, f"hash.pairs has wrong length. got {len(stmt.pairs)}.") tests = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3} for key, val in stmt.pairs.items(): if not isinstance(key, StringLiteral):"key not StringLiteral, got {key}.") expected = tests[str(key)] self._test_int_literal(val, expected)
def test_let(self): tests = [ ["let x = 5;", "x", 5], ["let y = true;", "y", True], ["let foobar = y;", "foobar", "y"], ] for tt in tests: lexer = Lexer(tt[0]) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) self.assertEqual( len(program.statements), 1, f"Expected no. of statements is 1, found {len(program.statements)}.", ) stmt = program.statements[0] self._test_let_statement(stmt, tt[1]) self._test_literal_exp(stmt.value, tt[2])
def test_complex_exp(self): tests = [ ["-a * b", "((-a) * b)"], ["!-a", "(!(-a))"], ["a + b + c", "((a + b) + c)"], ["a + b - c", "((a + b) - c)"], ["a * b * c", "((a * b) * c)"], ["a * b / c", "((a * b) / c)"], ["a + b / c", "(a + (b / c))"], ["a + b % c", "(a + (b % c))"], ["a + b * c + d / e - f", "(((a + (b * c)) + (d / e)) - f)"], ["3 + 4; -5 * 5", "(3 + 4)((-5) * 5)"], ["5 > 4 == 3 < 4", "((5 > 4) == (3 < 4))"], ["5 < 4 != 3 > 4", "((5 < 4) != (3 > 4))"], [ "3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5", "((3 + (4 * 5)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))" ], [ "3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5", "((3 + (4 * 5)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))" ], [ "3.12 + 4 * 5.3 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5", "((3.12 + (4 * 5.3)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))", ], ["true", "true"], ["false", "false"], ["3 > 5 == false", "((3 > 5) == false)"], ["3.5 > 5.039411 == false", "((3.5 > 5.039411) == false)"], ["3 < 5 == true", "((3 < 5) == true)"], ["1 + (2 + 3) + 4", "((1 + (2 + 3)) + 4)"], ["(5 + 5) * 2", "((5 + 5) * 2)"], ["2 / (5 + 5)", "(2 / (5 + 5))"], ["-(5 + 5)", "(-(5 + 5))"], ["!(true == true)", "(!(true == true))"], ["a + add(b * c) + d", "((a + add((b * c))) + d)"], [ "add(a, b, 1, 2 * 3, 4 + 5, add(6, 7 * 8))", "add(a, b, 1, (2 * 3), (4 + 5), add(6, (7 * 8)))", ], [ "add(a + b + c * d / f + g)", "add((((a + b) + ((c * d) / f)) + g))" ], [ "a * [1, 2, 3, 4][b * c] * d", "((a * ([1, 2, 3, 4][(b * c)])) * d)" ], [ "add(a * b[2], b[1], 2 * [1, 2][1])", "add((a * (b[2])), (b[1]), (2 * ([1, 2][1])))", ], ] for tt in tests: lexer = Lexer(tt[0]) parser = Parser(lexer) program = parser.parse_program() self._check_parser_errors(parser) actual = str(program) self.assertEqual(actual, tt[1], f"Expected {tt[1]}, got {str(program)}.")