Example #1
def test_read_length_block():
    data = b'\x00\x00\x00\x07\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00'
    body = data[4:11]
    with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
        assert read_length_block(f, padding=1) == body
        assert f.tell() == 11
    with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
        assert read_length_block(f, padding=2) == body
        assert f.tell() == 12
Example #2
    def read(cls, fp):
        data = read_length_block(fp)
        if len(data) == 0:
            return None

        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f, len(data))
Example #3
 def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman'):
     signature, key = read_fmt('4sH', fp)
         key = Resource(key)
     except ValueError:
         if Resource.is_path_info(key):
             logger.debug('Undefined PATH_INFO found: %d' % (key))
         elif Resource.is_plugin_resource(key):
             logger.debug('Undefined PLUGIN_RESOURCE found: %d' % (key))
             logger.warning('Unknown image resource %d' % (key))
     name = read_pascal_string(fp, encoding, padding=2)
     raw_data = read_length_block(fp, padding=2)
     if key in TYPES:
         data = TYPES[key].frombytes(raw_data)
         # try:
         #     _raw_data = data.tobytes(padding=1)
         #     assert _raw_data == raw_data, '%r vs %r' % (
         #         _raw_data, raw_data
         #     )
         # except AssertionError as e:
         #     logger.error(e)
         #     raise
         data = raw_data
     return cls(signature, key, name, data)
Example #4
    def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman', version=1):
        """Read the element from a file-like object.

        :param fp: file-like object
        :param encoding: encoding of the string
        :param version: psd file version
        :rtype: :py:class:`.LayerRecord`
        start_pos = fp.tell()
        top, left, bottom, right, num_channels = read_fmt('4iH', fp)
        channel_info = [
            ChannelInfo.read(fp, version) for i in range(num_channels)
        signature, blend_mode, opacity, clipping = read_fmt('4s4sBB', fp)
        flags = LayerFlags.read(fp)

        data = read_length_block(fp, fmt='xI')
        logger.debug('  read layer record, len=%d' % (fp.tell() - start_pos))
        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            self = cls(
                top, left, bottom, right, channel_info, signature, blend_mode,
                opacity, clipping, flags,
                *cls._read_extra(f, encoding, version)

        # with io.BytesIO() as f:
        #     self._write_extra(f, encoding, version)
        #     assert data == f.getvalue()

        return self
Example #5
    def read(cls, fp, version=1, padding=1):
        signature = read_fmt('4s', fp)[0]
        if signature not in cls._SIGNATURES:
            logger.warning('Invalid signature (%r)' % (signature))
            fp.seek(-4, 1)
            return None

        key = read_fmt('4s', fp)[0]
            key = TaggedBlockID(key)
        except ValueError:
            message = 'Unknown key: %r' % (key)

        fmt = cls._length_format(key, version)
        raw_data = read_length_block(fp, fmt=fmt, padding=padding)
        kls = TYPES.get(key)
        if kls:
            data = kls.frombytes(raw_data, version=version)
            # _raw_data = data.tobytes(version=version,
            #                          padding=1 if padding == 4 else 4)
            # assert raw_data == _raw_data, '%r: %s vs %s' % (
            #     kls, trimmed_repr(raw_data), trimmed_repr(_raw_data)
            # )
            message = 'Unknown tagged block: %r, %s' % (key,
            data = raw_data
        return cls(signature, key, data)
Example #6
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     items = []
     while is_readable(fp, 8):
         data = read_length_block(fp, fmt='Q', padding=4)
         with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
     return cls(items)
Example #7
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     items = []
     while is_readable(fp, 4):
         data = read_length_block(fp, padding=4)
         with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
     return cls(items)
Example #8
    def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman', version=1):
        data = read_length_block(fp, fmt=('I', 'Q')[version - 1])
        logger.debug('reading layer info, len=%d' % (len(data)))
        if len(data) == 0:
            return LayerInfo()

        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f, encoding, version)
Example #9
    def read(cls, fp):
        data = read_length_block(fp)  # fmt?
        logger.debug('reading global layer mask info, len=%d' % (len(data)))
        if len(data) == 0:
            return cls(overlay_color=None)

        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f)
Example #10
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     version = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     assert version in (1, 2, 3), 'Invalid version %d' % (version)
     items = []
     while is_readable(fp, 8):
         with io.BytesIO(read_length_block(fp, fmt='Q', padding=4)) as f:
     return cls(version=version, items=items)
Example #11
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     uuid = read_pascal_string(fp, encoding='ascii', padding=1)
     version = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     assert version <= 1, 'Invalid version %d' % (version)
     with io.BytesIO(read_length_block(fp, fmt='Q')) as f:
         rectangle, depth, max_channels, channels = cls._read_body(f)
     # Documentation is incorrect here.
     extra = FilterEffectExtra.read(fp) if is_readable(fp) else None
     return cls(uuid, version, rectangle, depth, max_channels, channels, extra)
Example #12
 def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman', version=1):
     start_pos = fp.tell()
     data = read_length_block(fp, fmt=('I', 'Q')[version - 1])
     logger.debug('reading layer and mask info, len=%d, offset=%d' %
                  (len(data), start_pos))
     if len(data) == 0:
         return cls()
     with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
         return cls._read_body(f, encoding, version)
Example #13
    def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman'):
        """Read the element from a file-like object.

        :param fp: file-like object
        :rtype: :py:class:`.ImageResources`
        data = read_length_block(fp)
        logger.debug('reading image resources, len=%d' % (len(data)))
        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f, encoding=encoding)
Example #14
    def read(cls, fp):
        """Read the element from a file-like object.

        :param fp: file-like object
        :rtype: ColorModeData
        value = read_length_block(fp)
        logger.debug('reading color mode data, len=%d' % (len(value)))
        # TODO: Parse color table.
        return cls(value)
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     version, count = read_fmt('2H', fp)
     items = []
     for _ in range(count):
         signature = read_fmt('4s', fp)[0]
         assert signature == b'8BIM', 'Invalid signature %r' % (signature)
         ostype = EffectOSType(read_fmt('4s', fp)[0])
         kls = cls.EFFECT_TYPES.get(ostype)
         items.append((ostype, kls.frombytes(read_length_block(fp))))
     return cls(version=version, items=items)
Example #16
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     is_written = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     if is_written == 0:
         return cls(is_written=is_written)
     data = read_length_block(fp, fmt='Q')
     if len(data) == 0:
         return cls(is_written=is_written)
     with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
         compression = read_fmt('H', f)[0]
         data = f.read()
     return cls(is_written, compression, data)
Example #17
    def read(cls, fp):
        """Read the element from a file-like object.

        :param fp: file-like object
        :rtype: :py:class:`.MaskData` or None
        data = read_length_block(fp)
        if len(data) == 0:
            return None

        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f, len(data))
Example #18
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     kind, is_open, flags, optional_blocks = read_fmt('4s2BH', fp)
     icon_location = read_fmt('4i', fp)
     popup_location = read_fmt('4i', fp)
     color = Color.read(fp)
     author = read_pascal_string(fp, 'macroman', padding=2)
     name = read_pascal_string(fp, 'macroman', padding=2)
     mod_date = read_pascal_string(fp, 'macroman', padding=2)
     length, marker = read_fmt('I4s', fp)
     data = read_length_block(fp)
     return cls(kind, is_open, flags, optional_blocks, icon_location,
                popup_location, color, author, name, mod_date, marker, data)
Example #19
    def read(cls, fp):
        """Read the element from a file-like object.

        :param fp: file-like object
        :rtype: :py:class:`.LayerBlendingRanges`
        data = read_length_block(fp)
        if len(data) == 0:
            return cls(None, None)

        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f)
Example #20
    def read(cls, fp):
        """Read the element from a file-like object.

        :param fp: file-like object
        :rtype: :py:class:`.GlobalLayerMaskInfo`
        data = read_length_block(fp)
        logger.debug('reading global layer mask info, len=%d' % (len(data)))
        if len(data) == 0:
            return cls(overlay_color=None)

        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f)
Example #21
    def read(cls, fp):
        is_written = read_fmt('B', fp)[0]
        if not is_written:
            return cls(is_written=is_written)

        rectangle = read_fmt('4i', fp)
        compression = 0
        data = b''
        with io.BytesIO(read_length_block(fp, fmt='Q')) as f:
            compression = read_fmt('H', f)[0]
            data = f.read()

        return cls(is_written, rectangle, compression, data)
Example #22
    def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
        version = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
        assert version == 3, 'Invalid version %d' % (version)

        data = read_length_block(fp)
        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            rectangle = read_fmt('4I', f)
            num_channels = read_fmt('I', f)[0]
            channels = []
            for _ in range(num_channels + 2):

        return cls(version, rectangle, channels)
Example #23
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     signature = read_fmt('4s', fp)[0]
     assert signature == b'8BIM', 'Invalid signature %r' % signature
     key, copy_on_sheet = read_fmt("4s?3x", fp)
     data = read_length_block(fp)
     if key in (b'mdyn', b'sgrp'):
         with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
             data = read_fmt('I', f)[0]
     elif key in cls._KNOWN_KEYS:
         data = DescriptorBlock.frombytes(data, padding=4)
         message = 'Unknown metadata key %r' % (key)
         data = data
     return cls(signature, key, copy_on_sheet, data)
Example #24
    def read(cls, fp):
        pos = fp.tell()
        data = read_length_block(fp)  # fmt?
        logger.debug('reading global layer mask info, len=%d' % (len(data)))
        if len(data) == 0:
            return cls(overlay_color=None)
        elif len(data) < 13:
                'global layer mask info is broken, expected 13 bytes but found '
                'only %d' % (len(data)))
            return cls(overlay_color=None)

        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f)
Example #25
    def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman', version=1):
        """Read the element from a file-like object.

        :param fp: file-like object
        :param encoding: encoding of the string
        :param version: psd file version
        :rtype: LayerAndMaskInformation
        start_pos = fp.tell()
        data = read_length_block(fp, fmt=('I', 'Q')[version - 1])
        logger.debug('reading layer and mask info, len=%d, offset=%d' % (len(data), start_pos))
        if len(data) == 0:
            return cls()
        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f, encoding, version)
Example #26
    def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman', version=1):
        """Read the element from a file-like object.

        :param fp: file-like object
        :param encoding: encoding of the string
        :param version: psd file version
        :rtype: :py:class:`.LayerInfo`
        data = read_length_block(fp, fmt=('I', 'Q')[version - 1])
        logger.debug('reading layer info, len=%d' % (len(data)))
        if len(data) == 0:
            return LayerInfo()

        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            return cls._read_body(f, encoding, version)
Example #27
    def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman', version=1):
        start_pos = fp.tell()
        top, left, bottom, right, num_channels = read_fmt('4iH', fp)
        channel_info = [
            ChannelInfo.read(fp, version) for i in range(num_channels)
        signature, blend_mode, opacity, clipping = read_fmt('4s4sBB', fp)
        flags = LayerFlags.read(fp)

        data = read_length_block(fp, fmt='xI')
        logger.debug('  read layer record, len=%d' % (fp.tell() - start_pos))
        with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
            self = cls(top, left, bottom, right, channel_info, signature,
                       blend_mode, opacity, clipping, flags,
                       *cls._read_extra(f, encoding, version))

        # with io.BytesIO() as f:
        #     self._write_extra(f, encoding, version)
        #     assert data == f.getvalue()

        return self
Example #28
 def read(cls, fp, encoding='macroman'):
     data = read_length_block(fp)
     logger.debug('reading image resources, len=%d' % (len(data)))
     with io.BytesIO(data) as f:
         return cls._read_body(f, encoding=encoding)
Example #29
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     items = []
     while is_readable(fp, 8):
         items.append(read_length_block(fp, fmt='Q'))
     return cls(items)
Example #30
 def read(cls, fp):
     return cls(read_length_block(fp))