Example #1
    def update(self):
        global countdn
        # check for config save
        if countdn > 0:
            countdn -= 1
            if countdn == 0 and self._db:
                # save config
                db_url, db_name, db_instrument, db_alias = self._db.split(
                    ',', 4)
                mycdb = cdb.configdb(db_url, db_instrument, True, db_name)

                top = cdict()
                top.setInfo('xpm', self._name, None, 'serial1234',
                            'No comment')
                top.setAlg('config', [0, 0, 0])

                top.set('XTPG.CuDelay', self._xpm.CuGenerator.cuDelay.get(),
                        self._xpm.CuGenerator.cuBeamCode.get(), 'UINT8')
                        self._xpm.AxiSy56040.OutputConfig[0].get(), 'UINT8')
                v = []
                for i in range(8):
                top.set('PART.L0Delay', v, 'UINT32')

                if not db_alias in mycdb.get_aliases():
                mycdb.modify_device(db_alias, top)
Example #2
def set_calib(db_url, instrument, seg, alias, calib):

    dict = json.loads(calib)

    create = True
    dbname = 'configDB'

    mycdb = cdb.configdb(db_url,
                         user=instrument + 'opr',

    top = cdict()

    top.setAlg('calib', [0, 0, 0])

    help_str = "No help at this time"
    top.set("help:RO", help_str, 'CHARSTR')

    for k, v in dict['expert'].items():
        top.set("expert." + k, v, 'UINT16')


    name = seg.split('_')[0]
    segn = int(seg.split('_')[1])
    top.setInfo('hsd', name, segn, 'serial1234', 'No comment')
    mycdb.modify_device(alias, top)
Example #3
    def update(self, cycle):

        #  The following section will throw an exception if the CuInput PV is not set properly
        if cycle < 10:
            print('pvseq in %d' % (10 - cycle))
        elif cycle == 10:
            self._seq = PVSeq(provider, self._name + ':SEQENG:0', self._ip,
                              Engine(0, self._xpm.SeqEng_0))

            self._pv_dumpSeq = SharedPV(initial=NTScalar('I').wrap(0),
            provider.add(self._name + ':DumpSeq', self._pv_dumpSeq)

        global countdn
        # check for config save
        if countdn > 0:
            countdn -= 1
            if countdn == 0 and self._db:
                # save config
                print('Updating {}'.format(self._db))
                db_url, db_name, db_instrument, db_alias = self._db.split(
                    ',', 4)
                mycdb = cdb.configdb(db_url,
                                     user=db_instrument + 'opr',

                top = cdict()
                top.setInfo('xpm', self._name, None, 'serial1234',
                            'No comment')
                top.setAlg('config', [0, 0, 0])

                top.set('XTPG.CuDelay', self._xpm.CuGenerator.cuDelay.get(),
                        self._xpm.CuGenerator.cuBeamCode.get(), 'UINT8')
                        self._xpm.AxiSy56040.OutputConfig[0].get(), 'UINT8')
                v = []
                for i in range(8):
                top.set('PART.L0Delay', v, 'UINT32')

                if not db_alias in mycdb.get_aliases():

                    mycdb.modify_device(db_alias, top)
Example #4
def get_config_with_params(db_url, instrument, db_name, cfgtype, detname):
    create = False
    mycdb = cdb.configdb(db_url, instrument, create, db_name)
    cfg = mycdb.get_configuration(cfgtype, detname)

    if cfg is None: raise ValueError('Config for instrument/detname %s/%s not found. dbase url: %s, db_name: %s, config_style: %s'%(instrument,detname,db_url,db_name,cfgtype))

    cfg_no_RO_names = remove_read_only(cfg)

    return cfg_no_RO_names
Example #5
def get_configdb(uri=URI_CONFIGDB,
    return configdb(uri,
Example #6
def write_to_daq_config_db(args):

    #database contains collections which are sets of documents (aka json objects).
    #each type of device has a collection.  The elements of that collection are configurations of that type of device.
    #e.g. there will be OPAL, EVR, and YUNGFRAU will be collections.  How they are configured will be a document contained within that collection
    #Each hutch is also a collection.  Documents contained within these collection have an index, alias, and list of devices with configuration IDs
    #How is the configuration of a state is described by the hutch and the alias found.  E.g. TMO and BEAM.  TMO is a collection.
    #BEAM is an alias of some of the documents in that collection. The document with the matching alias and largest index is the current
    #configuration for that hutch and alias.
    #When a device is configured, the device has a unique name OPAL7.  Need to search through document for one that has an NAME called OPAL7.  This will have
    #have two fields "collection" and ID field (note how collection here is a field. ID points to a unique document).  This collection field and
    #ID point to the actuall Mongo DB collection and document

    create = True
    dbname = 'configDB'  #this is the name of the database running on the server.  Only client care about this name.

    db = 'configdb' if args.prod else 'devconfigdb'
    url = f'https://pswww.slac.stanford.edu/ws-auth/{db}/ws/'

    mycdb = cdb.configdb(url,

    top = mcdict(args.yaml)
    top.setInfo('wave8', args.name, args.segm, args.id, 'No comment')
    top.setAlg('config', [0, 1, 0])

    help_str = "-- user. --"
    help_str += "\ndelta_ns  : nanoseconds difference from LCLS-1 timing"
    top.set("help:RO", help_str, 'CHARSTR')

    #  Split configuration into two sections { User and Expert }
    #  Expert configuration is the basis, and User configuration overrides
    #  Expert variables map directly to Rogue variables

    top.set("user.delta_ns", -807692, 'INT32')  # [ns from LCLS1 timing]

    top.set("expert.TriggerEventManager.TriggerEventBuffer.TriggerDelay", 0,
            'UINT32')  # user config

    mycdb.modify_device(args.alias, top)
Example #7
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update gain map')
    parser.add_argument('--file' , help='input pixel mask', type=str, required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--gain', help='gain for pixels [0 1]', default=['M','L'], nargs=2, choices=gain_dict.keys(), required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--dev', help='use development db', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--inst', help='instrument', type=str, default='ued')
    parser.add_argument('--alias', help='alias name', type=str, default='BEAM')
    parser.add_argument('--name', help='detector name', type=str, default='epixquad')
    parser.add_argument('--segm', help='detector segment', type=int, default=0)
    parser.add_argument('--id', help='device id/serial num', type=str, default='serial1234')
    parser.add_argument('--user', help='user for HTTP authentication', type=str, default='uedopr')
    parser.add_argument('--password', help='password for HTTP authentication', type=str, default='pcds')
    parser.add_argument('--test', help='test transformation', action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    create = False
    dbname = 'configDB'

    detname = f'{args.name}_{args.segm}'

    db   = 'devconfigdb' if args.dev else 'configdb'
    url  = f'https://pswww.slac.stanford.edu/ws-auth/{db}/ws/'

    create = False

    mycdb = cdb.configdb(url, args.inst, create,
                         root=dbname, user=args.user, password=args.password)
    cfg = mycdb.get_configuration(args.alias,detname)

    if cfg is None: raise ValueError('Config for instrument/detname %s/%s not found. dbase url: %s, db_name: %s, config_style: %s'%(args.inst,detname,url,dbname,args.alias))

    top = epixquad_cdict()  # We need the full cdict in order to store
    copyValues(cfg,top)     # Now copy old values into the cdict

    #  Write gainmap
    d = epixquad_readmap(args.file,args.gain)

    print('Setting user.pixel_map')
    top.set('user.pixel_map', d['user.pixel_map'])

    #  Store
    top.setInfo('epix10kaquad', args.name, args.segm, args.id, 'No comment')
    if not args.test:
        mycdb.modify_device(args.alias, top)
Example #8
def write_to_daq_config_db(args):

    #database contains collections which are sets of documents (aka json objects).
    #each type of device has a collection.  The elements of that collection are configurations of that type of device.
    #e.g. there will be OPAL, EVR, and YUNGFRAU will be collections.  How they are configured will be a document contained within that collection
    #Each hutch is also a collection.  Documents contained within these collection have an index, alias, and list of devices with configuration IDs
    #How is the configuration of a state is described by the hutch and the alias found.  E.g. TMO and BEAM.  TMO is a collection.
    #BEAM is an alias of some of the documents in that collection. The document with the matching alias and largest index is the current
    #configuration for that hutch and alias.
    #When a device is configured, the device has a unique name OPAL7.  Need to search through document for one that has an NAME called OPAL7.  This will have
    #have two fields "collection" and ID field (note how collection here is a field. ID points to a unique document).  This collection field and
    #ID point to the actuall Mongo DB collection and document

    create = True
    dbname = 'configDB'  #this is the name of the database running on the server.  Only client care about this name.

    mycdb = cdb.configdb(

    top = cdict()
    top.setInfo('timetool', args.name, args.segm, args.id, 'No comment')
    top.setAlg('config', [2, 0, 0])

    top.set("firmwareBuild:RO", "-", 'CHARSTR')
    top.set("firmwareVersion:RO", 0, 'UINT32')

    help_str = "-- user interface --"
    help_str += "\nstart_ns : nanoseconds from fiducial to exposure start"
    help_str += "\ngate_ns  : nanoseconds from exposure start to stop"
    top.set("help:RO", help_str, 'CHARSTR')

    #Create a user interface that is an abstraction of the common inputs
    top.set("user.start_ns", 107649, 'UINT32')
    top.set("user.gate_ns", 1000, 'UINT32')
    #top.set("user.raw.prescale"    , 2, 'UINT32')
    #top.set("user.fex.prescale_bkg", 3, 'UINT32')
    #top.set("user.fex.prescale_bkg", 3, 'UINT32')
    #top.set("user.fex.fir_coeff0"", 1., 'DOUBLE')

    #There are many rogue fields, but only a handful need to be configured.  what are they?
    #1)  the FIR coefficients.  after accounting for parabolic fitting detection
    #2)  start and stop?
    #3)  main by pass. (still isn't working with FEX in hardware, but does in simulation.)
    #4)  all prescalers.  This has potential to crash linux kernel during hi rate and low prescaling.  How to add protection?  Slow ramp?
    #5)  low pass on background
    #6)  op code (now called readout group). there's no rogue counter part of this yet.
    #7)  the load coefficients bit needs to set to one for the FIR coefficients to be written.
    #8)  camera rate and soft or hard trigger. The soft trigger is for offline testing.  For users or just for me?
    #9)  the batcher bypass so soft trigger doesn't halt.

    # timing system
        16, 'UINT32')
        42, 'UINT32')
        0, 'UINT32')

    # prescaling
        2, 'UINT32')  # prescaled raw data
        3, 'UINT32'
    )  # prescaled raw backgrounds (may consider accumulated backgrounds instead)

    # initial fir filter
        "7f7f7f7f", 'CHARSTR')  #high part of step
        "7f7f7f7f", 'CHARSTR')  #high part of step
        "7f7f7f7f", 'CHARSTR')  #high part of step
        "7f7f7f7f", 'CHARSTR')  #high part of step
        "81818181", 'CHARSTR')  #low  part of step
        "81818181", 'CHARSTR')  #low  part of step
        "81818181", 'CHARSTR')  #low  part of step
        "81818181", 'CHARSTR')  #low  part of step

        "1", 'CHARSTR'
    )  #low  part of step.  Having a value of 1  causes a segfault in pgpread_timetool.cc.  But not in tt_config.py.

    # time constants
        8, 'UINT32')

    # subtraction enabled
        0, 'UINT32')  #turn background subtract on

    # Feb[0] refers to pgp lane, Ch[0][,1] refers to camera link channel from Feb (these should be abstracted)
    # UartOpal1000 is camType; sets serial registers
    # ClinkTop.LinkMode is Base,Medium,Full,Deca
    # ClinkTop.DataMode is 8b,10b,12b,14b,16b,24b,30b,36b
    # ClinkTop.FrameMode is None,Line,Frame
    # ClinkTop.TapCount
    # All serial commands are enumerated as registers
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].EnableTrig', 1,
            'UINT8')  # rogue wants 'bool'
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].InvCC', 0,
            'UINT8')  # rogue wants 'bool'
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].TrigMap', 0,
            'UINT32')  # ChanA/ChanB
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].TrigMask', 1, 'UINT32')  # CC1
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].TrigPulseWidth', 32.768, 'FLOAT')

    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.PllConfig[0]", '80MHz', 'CHARSTR')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.PllConfig[1]", '80MHz', 'CHARSTR')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.PllConfig[2]", '80MHz', 'CHARSTR')

    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].LinkMode", 3,
            'UINT32')  # Full mode
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].DataMode", 1, 'UINT32')  # 8-bit
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].FrameMode", 1, 'UINT32')  # Line
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].TapCount", 8, 'UINT32')  #
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].DataEn", 1,
            'UINT8')  # rogue wants 'bool'
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].Blowoff", 0,
            'UINT8')  # rogue wants 'bool'
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].BaudRate", 9600,
            'UINT32')  # bps
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].SerThrottle", 30000, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].SwControlValue", 0,
            'UINT32')  # Frame
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].SwControlEn", 0,
            'UINT32')  # Frame

    # Piranha Settings
    #commands can be sent manually using cl.ClinkFeb0.ClinkTop.Ch0.UartPiranha4._tx.sendString('GCP')
    #to manually query a camera hardware setting cl.ClinkFeb0.ClinkTop.Ch0.UartPiranha4._tx.sendString('get stm')

    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.CLS", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.CLM", 2, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.DST", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.FFM", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.FRS", 2, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.LPC", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.ROI[0]", 1,
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.ROI[1]", 2048,
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SAC", 1, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SAD[0]", 1,
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SAD[1]", 1,
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SAD[2]", 2048,
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SAM", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SBH", 1, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SBR", 9600,
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SBV", 1, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SCD", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SEM", 1, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SET", 5000,
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SMM", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SPF", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SSB", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SSF", 2, 'UINT32')
    #top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SSG",1,'UINT32') # requires two arguments (selector,gain)
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.STG", 2, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.STM", 1, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.SVM", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.USD", 1, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.USL", 1, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartPiranha4.USS", 1, 'UINT32')

    #the object hierarchy paths (e.g. cl.TimeToolKcu1500.Application.AppLane[0]... yadayadayada) for a device can be found by implementing
    #pr.generateAddressMap where pr comes from "import rogue as pr".  For this to work, one has to be logged onto the machine hosting the firmware
    #that interacts with rogue.  This particular register map can be found in the lcls2-pcie-apps directory cloned from https://github.com/slaclab/lcls2-pcie-apps.

    mycdb.modify_device(args.alias, top)
Example #9
    create = True
    dbname = 'configDB'  #this is the name of the database running on the server.  Only client care about this name.

    args = cdb.createArgs().args

    args.name = 'tmoopal2'
    args.segm = 0
    args.id = 'opal_serial1235'
    args.alias = 'BEAM'
    args.prod = True
    args.inst = 'tmo'
    args.user = '******'
    args.password = '******'

    db = 'configdb' if args.prod else 'devconfigdb'
    url = f'https://pswww.slac.stanford.edu/ws-auth/{db}/ws/'

    mycdb = cdb.configdb(url,

    top = opal_cdict()
    top.setInfo('opal', args.name, args.segm, args.id, 'No comment')

    mycdb.modify_device(args.alias, top)
Example #10
    description='Write a new teb configuration into the database')
parser.add_argument('--inst', help='instrument', type=str, default='tst')
parser.add_argument('--alias', help='alias name', type=str, default='BEAM')
parser.add_argument('--name', help='detector name', type=str, default='tmoTeb')
parser.add_argument('--segm', help='detector segment', type=int, default=0)
                    help='device id/serial num',
                    default='No serial number')
args = parser.parse_args()

# these are the current default values, but put them here to be explicit
create = False
dbname = 'configDB'

mycdb = cdb.configdb('https://pswww.slac.stanford.edu/ws-auth/devconfigdb/ws/',
                     args.inst, create, dbname)

# this needs to be called once per detType at the
# "beginning of time" to create the collection name (same as detType
# in top.setInfo).  It doesn't hurt to call it again if the collection
# already exists, however.

top = cdict()

top.setInfo('teb', args.name, args.segm, args.id, 'No comment')
top.setAlg('tebConfig', [0, 0, 1])

top.set('soname', 'libtmoTeb.so', 'CHARSTR')

# This is a required entry:
Example #11
                    help='user for HTTP authentication',
                    help='password for HTTP authentication',
args = parser.parse_args()

# these are the current default values, but I put them here to be explicit
create = True
dbname = 'configDB'

mycdb = cdb.configdb('https://pswww.slac.stanford.edu/ws-auth/devconfigdb/ws/',

# this needs to be called once per detType at the
# "beginning of time" to create the collection name (same as detType
# in top.setInfo).  It doesn't hurt to call it again if the collection
# already exists, however.

top = cdict()

top.setInfo('ts', args.name, args.segm, args.id, 'No comment')
top.setAlg('config', [2, 0, 0])
Example #12
    help='DB URL')
parser.add_argument('--inst', type=str, default='tst', help='instrument')
parser.add_argument('--alias', type=str, default='PROD', help='alias')
parser.add_argument('--db', type=str, default='configDB', help='database')
parser.add_argument('--load', action='store_true', help='load from db')
parser.add_argument('--store', action='store_true', help='store to db')
                    help='device name')
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.store:

    mycdb = cdb.configdb(args.url, args.inst, create, args.db)

    top = cdict()

    top.setInfo('xpm', args.name, None, 'serial1234', 'No comment')
    top.setAlg('config', [0, 0, 0])

    top.set('XTPG.CuDelay', 160000, 'UINT32')
    top.set('XTPG.CuBeamCode', 40, 'UINT8')
    top.set('XTPG.CuInput', 2, 'UINT8')
    v = [90] * 8
    top.set('PART.L0Delay', v, 'UINT32')

    if not args.alias in mycdb.get_aliases():
Example #13
def write_to_daq_config_db(args):

    #database contains collections which are sets of documents (aka json objects).
    #each type of device has a collection.  The elements of that collection are configurations of that type of device.
    #e.g. there will be OPAL, EVR, and YUNGFRAU will be collections.  How they are configured will be a document contained within that collection
    #Each hutch is also a collection.  Documents contained within these collection have an index, alias, and list of devices with configuration IDs
    #How is the configuration of a state is described by the hutch and the alias found.  E.g. TMO and BEAM.  TMO is a collection.
    #BEAM is an alias of some of the documents in that collection. The document with the matching alias and largest index is the current
    #configuration for that hutch and alias.
    #When a device is configured, the device has a unique name OPAL7.  Need to search through document for one that has an NAME called OPAL7.  This will have
    #have two fields "collection" and ID field (note how collection here is a field. ID points to a unique document).  This collection field and
    #ID point to the actuall Mongo DB collection and document

    create = True
    dbname = 'configDB'  #this is the name of the database running on the server.  Only client care about this name.

    db = 'configdb' if args.prod else 'devconfigdb'
    url = f'https://pswww.slac.stanford.edu/ws-auth/{db}/ws/'

    mycdb = cdb.configdb(url,

    top = mcdict(args.yaml)
    top.setInfo('wave8', args.name, args.segm, args.id, 'No comment')
    top.setAlg('config', [0, 0, 1])

    top.set("firmwareBuild:RO", "-", 'CHARSTR')
    top.set("firmwareVersion:RO", 0, 'UINT32')

    help_str = "-- user.raw --"
    help_str += "\nstart_ns  : nanoseconds from timing fiducial to sampling start"
    help_str += "\ngate_ns   : nanoseconds from sampling start to finish"
    help_str += "\nenable[8] : include channel in readout [0/1]"
    help_str += "\nprescale  : record 1-out-of-N events"
    help_str += "\n-- user.fex --"
    help_str += "\nbaseline  : samples prior to start to average for integral subtraction"
    help_str += "\nstart_ns  : nanoseconds from timing fiducial to integral start"
    help_str += "\ngate_ns   : nanoseconds from integral start to finish"
    help_str += "\nquadsel   : select [even/odd] channels for X,Y,I calculation"
    help_str += "\ncoeff[4]  : coefficients for X,Y,I calculation"
    help_str += "\n  (A,B,C,D) = (0,2,4,6) if quadsel=even else (1,3,5,7)"
    help_str += "\n  I = (coeff[0]*integ[A] + coeff[1]*integ[B] + coeff[2]*integ[C] + coeff[3]*integ[D])"
    help_str += "\n  X = (coeff[0]*integ[A] + coeff[1]*integ[B] - coeff[2]*integ[C] + coeff[3]*integ[D]) / I"
    help_str += "\n  Y = (coeff[0]*integ[A] - coeff[1]*integ[B] + coeff[2]*integ[C] - coeff[3]*integ[D]) / I"
    top.set("help:RO", help_str, 'CHARSTR')

                    {'%d samples' % (2**key): key
                     for key in range(1, 8)})
    top.define_enum('quadrantEnum', {'Even': 0, 'Odd': 1})

    #  Split configuration into two sections { User and Expert }
    #  Expert configuration is the basis, and User configuration overrides
    #  Expert variables map directly to Rogue variables

    top.set("user.raw.start_ns", 107692, 'UINT32')  # [ns from timing fiducial]
    top.set("user.raw.gate_ns", 400, 'UINT32')  # [ns]
    top.set("user.raw.nsamples:RO", 100, 'UINT32')  # [ns]
    top.set("user.raw.enable", [1] * 8, 'UINT8')  # record channel
    top.set("user.raw.prescale", 1, 'UINT32')  # record 1 out of N events
    top.set("user.fex.baseline", 1,
            'baselineEnum')  # [log2 of 250 MHz ADC samples]
    top.set("user.fex.start_ns", 107892, 'UINT32')  # [ns from timing fiducial]
    top.set("user.fex.gate_ns", 200, 'UINT32')  # [ns]
    top.set("user.fex.nsamples:RO", 50, 'UINT32')  # [ns]
    top.set("user.fex.quadsel", 0,
            'quadrantEnum')  # channels for X,Y,I calculation
    top.set("user.fex.coeff", [1.] * 4,
            'DOUBLE')  # coefficient in X,Y,I calculation

    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.AvccEn0", 1, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.AvccEn1", 1, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.Ap5V5En", 1, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.Ap5V0En", 1, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.A0p3V3En", 1, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.A1p3V3En", 1, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.Ap1V8En", 1, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.FpgaTmpCritLatch", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.AdcReset", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.AdcCtrl1", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.AdcCtrl2", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.TrigEn", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.timingRxUserRst", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.timingTxUserRst", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.timingUseMiniTpg", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.SystemRegs.TrigSrcSel", 1, 'UINT8')

    top.init("expert", "Top.Integrators.TrigDelay", 0, 'UINT32')  # user config
    top.init("expert", "Top.Integrators.IntegralSize", 0,
             'UINT32')  # user config
    top.init("expert", "Top.Integrators.BaselineSize", 0,
             'UINT8')  # user config
    top.init("expert", "Top.Integrators.QuadrantSel", 0,
             'quadrantEnum')  # user config
    top.init("expert", "Top.Integrators.CorrCoefficientFloat64", [1.0] * 4,
             'DOUBLE')  # user config
    top.init("expert", "Top.Integrators.CntRst", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.Integrators.ProcFifoPauseThreshold", 255, 'UINT32')
    top.init("expert", "Top.Integrators.IntFifoPauseThreshold", 255, 'UINT32')

    top.init("expert", "Top.RawBuffers.BuffEn", [0] * 8,
             'UINT32')  # user config
    top.init("expert", "Top.RawBuffers.BuffLen", 100, 'UINT32')  # user config
    top.init("expert", "Top.RawBuffers.CntRst", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.RawBuffers.FifoPauseThreshold", 100, 'UINT32')
    top.init("expert", "Top.RawBuffers.TrigPrescale", 0,
             'UINT32')  # user config

    top.init("expert", "Top.BatcherEventBuilder.Bypass", 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init("expert", "Top.BatcherEventBuilder.Timeout", 0, 'UINT32')
    top.init("expert", "Top.BatcherEventBuilder.Blowoff", 0, 'UINT8')

    top.init("expert", "Top.TriggerEventManager.TriggerEventBuffer.Partition",
             0, 'UINT8')
             "Top.TriggerEventManager.TriggerEventBuffer.PauseThreshold", 16,
             "Top.TriggerEventManager.TriggerEventBuffer.TriggerDelay", 0,
             'UINT32')  # user config
             "Top.TriggerEventManager.TriggerEventBuffer.MasterEnable", 0,

    dlyAlane = [[0x0c, 0x0b, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x10, 0x12, 0x0b],
                [0x0a, 0x08, 0x0c, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0c, 0x0b, 0x0c],
                [0x12, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 0x13],
                [0x0d, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x12, 0x12, 0x13]]
    dlyBlane = [[0x11, 0x11, 0x12, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11, 0x0b, 0x0b],
                [0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x0a],
                [0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x12, 0x10, 0x11],
                [0x13, 0x12, 0x13, 0x12, 0x12, 0x11, 0x12, 0x11]]

    for iadc in range(4):
        base = 'Top.AdcReadout%d' % iadc
        top.init('expert', base + '.DelayAdcALane', dlyAlane[iadc], 'UINT8')
        top.init('expert', base + '.DelayAdcBLane', dlyBlane[iadc], 'UINT8')
        top.init('expert', base + '.DMode', 3, 'UINT8')
        top.init('expert', base + '.Invert', 0, 'UINT8')
        top.init('expert', base + '.Convert', 3, 'UINT8')

    for iadc in range(4):
        base = 'Top.AdcConfig%d' % iadc
        zeroregs = [
            7, 8, 0xb, 0xc, 0xf, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x16,
            0x17, 0x18, 0x20
        for r in zeroregs:
            top.init('expert', base + '.AdcReg_0x%04X' % r, 0, 'UINT8')
        top.init('expert', base + '.AdcReg_0x0006', 0x80, 'UINT8')
        top.init('expert', base + '.AdcReg_0x000D', 0x6c, 'UINT8')
        top.init('expert', base + '.AdcReg_0x0015', 1, 'UINT8')
        top.init('expert', base + '.AdcReg_0x001F', 0xff, 'UINT8')

    top.init('expert', 'Top.AdcPatternTester.Channel', 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init('expert', 'Top.AdcPatternTester.Mask', 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init('expert', 'Top.AdcPatternTester.Pattern', 0, 'UINT8')
    top.init('expert', 'Top.AdcPatternTester.Samples', 0, 'UINT32')
    top.init('expert', 'Top.AdcPatternTester.Request', 0, 'UINT8')

    mycdb.modify_device(args.alias, top)
Example #14
def write_to_daq_config_db(args):

    #database contains collections which are sets of documents (aka json objects).
    #each type of device has a collection.  The elements of that collection are configurations of that type of device.
    #e.g. there will be OPAL, EVR, and YUNGFRAU will be collections.  How they are configured will be a document contained within that collection
    #Each hutch is also a collection.  Documents contained within these collection have an index, alias, and list of devices with configuration IDs
    #How is the configuration of a state is described by the hutch and the alias found.  E.g. TMO and BEAM.  TMO is a collection.
    #BEAM is an alias of some of the documents in that collection. The document with the matching alias and largest index is the current
    #configuration for that hutch and alias.
    #When a device is configured, the device has a unique name OPAL7.  Need to search through document for one that has an NAME called OPAL7.  This will have
    #have two fields "collection" and ID field (note how collection here is a field. ID points to a unique document).  This collection field and
    #ID point to the actuall Mongo DB collection and document

    create = True
    dbname = 'configDB'  #this is the name of the database running on the server.  Only client care about this name.

    mycdb = cdb.configdb(

    top = cdict()
    top.setInfo('opal', args.name, args.segm, args.id, 'No comment')
    top.setAlg('config', [2, 0, 0])

    top.set("firmwareBuild:RO", "-", 'CHARSTR')
    top.set("firmwareVersion:RO", 0, 'UINT32')

    help_str = "-- user interface --"
    help_str += "\nstart_ns : nanoseconds from fiducial to exposure start"
    help_str += "\ngate_ns  : nanoseconds of exposure; rounded up to 10 microseconds"
    top.set("help:RO", help_str, 'CHARSTR')

    top.define_enum('binEnum', {'x%d' % (2**key): key for key in range(4)})

    #Create a user interface that is an abstraction of the common inputs
    top.set("user.start_ns", 107749, 'UINT32')
    top.set("user.gate_ns", 100, 'UINT32')
    top.set("user.black_level", 32, 'UINT32')
    top.set("user.vertical_bin", 0, 'binEnum')

    # timing system
        16, 'UINT32')
        42, 'UINT32')
        0, 'UINT32')

        'rateEnum', {
            '929kHz': 0,
            '71kHz': 1,
            '10kHz': 2,
            '1kHz': 3,
            '100Hz': 4,
            '10Hz': 5,
            '1Hz': 6
        6, 'rateEnum')

    # Feb[0] refers to pgp lane, Ch[0][,1] refers to camera link channel from Feb (these should be abstracted)
    # UartOpal1000 is camType; sets serial registers
    # ClinkTop.LinkMode is Base,Medium,Full,Deca
    # ClinkTop.DataMode is 8b,10b,12b,14b,16b,24b,30b,36b
    # ClinkTop.FrameMode is None,Line,Frame
    # ClinkTop.TapCount
    # All serial commands are enumerated as registers
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].EnableTrig', 1,
            'UINT8')  # rogue wants 'bool'
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].InvCC', 0,
            'UINT8')  # rogue wants 'bool'
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].TrigMap', 0,
            'UINT32')  # ChanA/ChanB
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].TrigMask', 1, 'UINT32')  # CC1
    top.set('expert.ClinkFeb[0].TrigCtrl[0].TrigPulseWidth', 32.768, 'FLOAT')

    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.PllConfig[0]", '80MHz', 'CHARSTR')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.PllConfig[1]", '80MHz', 'CHARSTR')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.PllConfig[2]", '80MHz', 'CHARSTR')

    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].LinkMode", 1,
            'UINT32')  # Base mode
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].DataMode", 3,
            'UINT32')  # 12-bit
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].FrameMode", 2,
            'UINT32')  # Frame
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].TapCount", 2, 'UINT32')  #
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].DataEn", 1,
            'UINT8')  # rogue wants 'bool'
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].Blowoff", 0,
            'UINT8')  # rogue wants 'bool'
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].BaudRate", 57600,
            'UINT32')  # bps
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].SerThrottle", 10000, 'UINT32')
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].SwControlValue", 0,
            'UINT32')  # Frame
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].SwControlEn", 0,
            'UINT32')  # Frame

    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.BL", 32,
            'UINT32')  # black level
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.GA", 100,
            'UINT32')  # digital gain, percent
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.VBIN", 0,
            'UINT32')  # vertical binning (powers-of-two)[0..3]
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.VR", 1,
            'UINT32')  # vertical remapping (top-to-bottom, left-to-right)
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.MI", 0,
            'UINT32')  # output mirroring (hor=b0, ver=b1)
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.OR", 12,
            'UINT32')  # output resolution, bits
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.TP", 0,
            'UINT32')  # test pattern on/off
    #    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.OLUTE",  0,'UINT32')  # output lookup table enable on/off (not implemented)
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.DPE", 0,
            'UINT32')  # defect pixel correction on/off
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.OVL", 1,
            'UINT32')  # overlay frame counter and integration time
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.MO", 1,
            'UINT32')  # operating mode continuous, triggered
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.CCE[0]", 0,
            'UINT32')  # trigger on CC1
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.CCE[1]", 0,
            'UINT32')  # polarity 0=rise-to-fall 1=fall-to-rise
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.FP", 0,
            'UINT32')  # frame period, continuous mode, 10 us units
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.IT", 1,
            'UINT32')  # integration time, 10 us units (< FP-10 and 32000)
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.CCFS[0]", 0,
            'UINT32')  # only relevant for modes 2,3
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.CCFS[1]", 0,
            'UINT32')  # only relevant for modes 2,3
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.OFS", 1,
            'UINT32')  # color cameras only
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.WB[0]", 100,
            'UINT32')  # red gain
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.WB[1]", 100,
            'UINT32')  # green gain
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.WB[2]", 100,
            'UINT32')  # blue gain

    #    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.FSE",0,'UINT32')      # flash strobe enable (not implemented)
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.FSM", 0,
            'UINT32')  # flash strobe mode
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.FST[0]", 0,
            'UINT32')  # flash stroble timing
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.FST[1]", 0,
    top.set("expert.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].UartOpal1000.FSP", 1,
            'UINT32')  # flash strobe polarity

    #the object hierarchy paths (e.g. cl.TimeToolKcu1500.Application.AppLane0... yadayadayada) for a device can be found by implementing
    #pr.generateAddressMap where pr comes from "import rogue as pr".  For this to work, one has to be logged onto the machine hosting the firmware
    #that interacts with rogue.  This particular register map can be found in the lcls2-pcie-apps directory cloned from https://github.com/slaclab/lcls2-pcie-apps.

    mycdb.modify_device(args.alias, top)
Example #15
def get_configdb(uri_suffix=URI_CONFIGDB, inst=None, root=ROOT_CONFIGDB):
    #print('XXX get_configdb', uri_suffix, inst, root)
    return configdb(uri_suffix, inst, root=root)