def is_po_line_exists(self, po_num, po_line_num): existing_order = get_by_external_id(SalesOrder, po_num) if existing_order is not None: for line in existing_order.lines: if line.external_id == po_line_num: return True return False
def create_or_update_product(prd_num, prd_name, prd_mem, pur_price, ret_price, supplier): prd = get_by_external_id(Product, prd_num) if prd is None: prd = get_by_name(Product, prd_name) if prd is None: prd = Product() prd.external_id = prd_num prd.deliver_day = current_app.config.get('DEFAULT_DELIVER_DAY') prd.lead_day = current_app.config.get('DEFAULT_LEAD_DAY') prd.category_id = current_app.config.get('DEFAULT_CATEGORY_ID') prd.organization_id = current_user.organization_id = prd_name prd.mnemonic = prd_mem prd.purchase_price = pur_price prd.retail_price = ret_price prd.supplier = supplier db.session.add(prd) return prd
def create_or_update_supplier(sup_num, sup_name, mem, contact, address, email, phone, mobile, remark, mobile2, acct_name, acct_no): def concat(current_val, format_str, new_val): if new_val != '': val = format_str.format(new_val) if current_val == '': current_val += val else: current_val += ", " + val return current_val supplier = get_by_external_id(Supplier, sup_num) if supplier is None: supplier = get_by_name(Supplier, sup_name) if supplier is None: supplier = Supplier() supplier.organization_id = current_user.organization_id supplier.external_id = sup_num = sup_name # TODO.xqliu Change this remark calculate to a reduce supplier.remark = concat('', "手机: {0}", mobile) supplier.remark = concat(supplier.remark, "手机2: {0}", mobile2) supplier.remark = concat(supplier.remark, "地址: {0}", address) supplier.remark = concat(supplier.remark, "备注: {0}", remark) = contact = email = phone supplier.mnemonic = mem if acct_name is not None and acct_no is not None: pm = PaymentMethod() pm.account_name = acct_name pm.account_number = acct_no pm.bank_name = '-' pm.supplier = supplier db.session.add(supplier) return supplier
def create_or_update_sales_order(po_num, po_line_num, product, act_price, qty, sale_date): order = get_by_external_id(SalesOrder, po_num) if order is None: order = SalesOrder() order.external_id = po_num order.logistic_amount = 0 order.organization_id = current_user.organization_id order.order_date = sale_date order.type = EnumValues.get(const.DIRECT_SO_TYPE_KEY) order.status = EnumValues.get(const.SO_DELIVERED_STATUS_KEY) existing = False line = None for line in order.lines: if line.external_id == po_line_num: existing = True break if not existing: line = SalesOrderLine() line.sales_order = order line.external_id = po_line_num line.unit_price = act_price line.quantity = qty line.product = product return order, line