Example #1
def test_json():

    import numpy as np

    # Generate JSON data
    json_data = {}
    json_data["molecule"] = """He 0 0 0\n--\nHe 0 0 1"""
    json_data["driver"] = "gradient"
    json_data["method"] = 'SCF'
    json_data["kwargs"] = {}
    json_data["options"] = {"BASIS": "STO-3G"}
    json_data["return_output"] = True


    assert psi4.compare_strings("STO-3G", json_data["options"]["BASIS"], "Options test")
    assert psi4.compare_integers(True, json_data["success"], "Success")

    bench_energy = -5.433191881443323
    cenergy = json_data["variables"]["CURRENT ENERGY"]

    bench_gradient = np.array([[  0.0 , 0.0 ,   0.4206844],
                               [  0.0 , 0.0 ,  -0.4206844]])
    cgradient = psi4.core.Matrix.from_serial(json_data["return_value"])
    assert psi4.compare_arrays(bench_gradient, cgradient.np, 4, "SCF RETURN_VALUE")

    return_wfn = "return_wfn" not in json_data["kwargs"]
    assert psi4.compare_integers(True, return_wfn, "Immutable input")

    with open("pytest_output.dat", "w") as f:
Example #2
def test_json():

    import numpy as np

    # Generate JSON data
    json_data = {}
    json_data["molecule"] = """He 0 0 0\n--\nHe 0 0 1"""
    json_data["driver"] = "gradient"
    json_data["method"] = 'SCF'
    json_data["kwargs"] = {}
    json_data["options"] = {"BASIS": "STO-3G"}
    json_data["return_output"] = True


    assert psi4.compare_strings("STO-3G", json_data["options"]["BASIS"],
                                "Options test")
    assert psi4.compare_integers(True, json_data["success"], "Success")

    bench_energy = -5.433191881443323
    cenergy = json_data["variables"]["CURRENT ENERGY"]

    bench_gradient = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.4206844], [0.0, 0.0, -0.4206844]])
    cgradient = psi4.core.Matrix.from_serial(json_data["return_value"])
    assert psi4.compare_arrays(bench_gradient, cgradient.np, 4,
                               "SCF RETURN_VALUE")

    return_wfn = "return_wfn" not in json_data["kwargs"]
    assert psi4.compare_integers(True, return_wfn, "Immutable input")

    with open("pytest_output.dat", "w") as f:
Example #3
def test_dft_block_schemes(scheme):
    """all DFT_BLOCK_SCHEME should give same results and number
    of grid points. Water dimer with ghost atoms"""

    mol = psi4.geometry(
    0 1
    O           -1.490196515110    -0.043256842172     0.000000000000
    H           -1.845932568294     0.844902886698     0.000000000000
    H           -0.533258283804     0.073267064698     0.000000000000
    @O            1.416663724802     0.038738966977     0.000000000000
    @H            1.773104797767    -0.423233996755     0.760023878024
    @H            1.773104797767    -0.423233996755    -0.760023878024
    symmetry c1
            "BASIS": "def2-SVPD",
            "DFT_SPHERICAL_POINTS": 590,
            "DFT_RADIAL_POINTS": 85,
            "D_convergence": 1e-8,
            "DFT_WEIGHTS_TOLERANCE": -1.0,
    ref = {"XC GRID TOTAL POINTS": 300900, "DFT XC ENERGY": -9.218561399189895}
    psi4.set_options({"DFT_BLOCK_SCHEME": scheme})
    e, wfn = psi4.energy("pbe/def2-SVPD", return_wfn=True)
    P = psi4.variable("XC GRID TOTAL POINTS")
    XC = wfn.variable("DFT XC ENERGY")
    assert psi4.compare_integers(ref["XC GRID TOTAL POINTS"], P, f" {scheme} GRID POINTS:")
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref["DFT XC ENERGY"], XC, f" {scheme} XC ENERGY:")
Example #4
def test_dft_block_scheme_distantpoints():
    """Test removal of distant grid points. all DFT_BLOCK_SCHEME should give same results and number
    of grid points."""

    mol = psi4.geometry(
    0 1
    O  -1.551007  -0.114520   0.000000
    H  -1.934259   0.762503   0.000000
    H  -0.599677   0.040712   0.000000
    symmetry c1
            "BASIS": "sto-3g",
            "maxiter": 1,
            "FAIL_ON_MAXITER": False,
            "DFT_WEIGHTS_TOLERANCE": -1.0,
    ref = {"True": 45929, "False": 46890}
    YESNO = [True,False]
    for YN in YESNO:
        for S in SCHEMES:
            psi4.set_options({"DFT_BLOCK_SCHEME": S})
            e, wfn = psi4.energy("pbe", return_wfn=True)
            P = psi4.variable("XC GRID TOTAL POINTS")
            XC = wfn.variable("DFT XC ENERGY")
            assert psi4.compare_integers(ref[f"{YN}"], P, f" scheme={S}; distant points={YN} ")
Example #5
def test_json():

    import numpy as np

    # Generate JSON data
    json_input = {
        "schema_name": "qc_schema_input",
        "schema_version": 1,
        "molecule": {
            "symbols": ["He", "He"],
            "geometry": [0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1]
        "driver": "gradient",
        "model": {
            "method": "SCF",
            "basis": "sto-3g"
        "keywords": {}

    json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_input)

    assert psi4.compare_integers(True, json_ret["success"], "Success")
    assert psi4.compare_values(-5.474227786274896, json_ret["properties"]["return_energy"], 4, "SCF ENERGY")

    bench_gradient = np.array([[  0.0 , 0.0 ,   0.32746933],
                               [  0.0 , 0.0 ,  -0.32746933]])
    cgradient = np.array(json_ret["return_result"]).reshape(-1, 3)
    assert psi4.compare_arrays(bench_gradient, cgradient, 4, "SCF RETURN GRADIENT")

    with open("pytest_output.dat", "w") as f:
        json.dump(json_ret["raw_output"], f)
Example #6
# Generate JSON data
json_data = {}
json_data["molecule"] = """He 0 0 0\n--\nHe 0 0 1"""
json_data["memory"] = "5GB"
json_data["driver"] = "energy"
json_data["method"] = 'SCF'
json_data["kwargs"] = {"bsse_type": "cp"}
json_data["options"] = {"BASIS": "STO-3G"}
json_data["return_output"] = True

psi4.compare_strings("STO-3G", json_data["options"]["BASIS"],
                     "Options test")  #TEST
                      len(json_data["raw_output"]) > 5000,
                      "Output returned")  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, json_data["success"], "Success")  #TEST

bench_cp_energy = 0.183936053861  #TEST
cenergy = json_data["variables"]["CURRENT ENERGY"]  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(bench_cp_energy, cenergy, 5, "SCF CURRENT ENERGY")  #TEST

cenergy = json_data["return_value"]  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(bench_cp_energy, cenergy, 5, "SCF RETURN_VALUE")  #TEST

return_wfn = "return_wfn" not in json_data["kwargs"]  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, return_wfn, "Immutable input")  #TEST

with open("output.dat", "w") as f:
Example #7
        "scf_type": "df"

noorient_data = copy.deepcopy(json_data)
noorient_data["molecule"]["fix_orientation"] = True
noorient_data["molecule"]["fix_com"] = True

# Write expected output
expected_return_result = -100.0194177509218
linear_dipole = 1.948993625469663 


# Orients to Z axis
psi4.compare_integers(True, json_data["success"], "JSON Success")  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(expected_return_result, json_data["return_result"], 5, "Return Value")  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(0.0, json_data["properties"]["scf_dipole_moment"][0], 5, "DIPOLE X")  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(0.0, json_data["properties"]["scf_dipole_moment"][1], 5, "DIPOLE Y")  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(linear_dipole, json_data["properties"]["scf_dipole_moment"][2], 5, "DIPOLE Z")  #TEST

dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(json_data["molecule"]["geometry"])[:3] - np.array(np.array(json_data["molecule"]["geometry"])[3:])) #TEST
psi4.compare_values(1.732, dist, 4, "HF Bond Distance")  #TEST


# Orients to Z axis
psi4.compare_integers(True, noorient_data["success"], "JSON Success")  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(expected_return_result, noorient_data["return_result"], 5, "Return Value")  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(0.0, noorient_data["properties"]["scf_dipole_moment"][0], 5, "DIPOLE X")  #TEST
Example #8
# Write expected output
expected_return_result = [
    0.0, 0.0, -0.05959774096119619, 0.0, -0.043039786289375104,
    0.02979887048056895, 0.0, 0.043039786289375104, 0.02979887048056895
expected_properties = {
    "calcinfo_nbasis": 24,
    "calcinfo_nmo": 24,
    "calcinfo_nalpha": 5,
    "calcinfo_nbeta": 5,
    "calcinfo_natom": 3,
    "scf_one_electron_energy": -122.4452968291507,
    "scf_two_electron_energy": 37.62243738251799,
    "nuclear_repulsion_energy": 8.80146206062943,
    "scf_total_energy": -76.02139738600329,
    "return_energy": -76.02139738600329

json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)

with open("output.json", "w") as ofile:
    json.dump(json_ret, ofile, indent=2)

psi4.compare_integers(True, json_ret["success"], "JSON Success")  #TEST
psi4.compare_arrays(expected_return_result, json_ret["return_result"], 5,
                    "Return Value")  #TEST

for k in expected_properties.keys():
    psi4.compare_values(expected_properties[k], json_ret["properties"][k], 5,
                        k.upper())  #TEST
Example #9
  "scf_total_energy": -76.02139738600329,
  "mp2_same_spin_correlation_energy": -0.05202760538221721,
  "mp2_opposite_spin_correlation_energy": -0.1548891108392641,
  "mp2_singles_energy": 0.0,
  "mp2_doubles_energy": -0.20691671622148142,
  "mp2_total_correlation_energy": -0.20691671622148142,
  "mp2_total_energy": -76.22831410222477,
  "return_energy": expected_return_result

json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)

with open("output.json", "w") as ofile:                                                    #TEST
    json.dump(json_ret, ofile, indent=2)                                                   #TEST

psi4.compare_integers(True, json_ret["success"], "JSON Success")                           #TEST
psi4.compare_values(expected_return_result, json_ret["return_result"], 5, "Return Value")  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, "MAYER_INDICES" in json_ret["psi4:qcvars"], "Mayer Indices Found")                           #TEST

for k in expected_properties.keys():                                                       #TEST
    psi4.compare_values(expected_properties[k], json_ret["properties"][k], 5, k.upper())   #TEST

# Expected output with exact MP2
expected_return_result = -76.2283674281634
expected_properties = {
  "calcinfo_nbasis": 24,
  "calcinfo_nmo": 24,
  "calcinfo_nalpha": 5,
  "calcinfo_nbeta": 5,
  "calcinfo_natom": 3,
  "scf_one_electron_energy": -122.44534537436829,
Example #10
        "fragments": [[2, 0, 1]]
    "driver": "energy",
    "model": {
        "method": "SCF",
        "basis": "cc-pVDZ"
    "keywords": {
        "scf_type": "df"

# Check non-contiguous fragment throws
json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)

psi4.compare_integers(False, json_ret["success"], "JSON Failure")  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers("non-contiguous frag" in json_ret["error"], True,
                      "Contiguous Fragment Error")  #TEST

# Check symbol length errors
del json_data["molecule"]["fragments"]
json_data["molecule"]["symbols"] = ["O", "H"]
json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)

psi4.compare_integers(False, json_data["success"], "JSON Failure")  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers("atoms" in json_data["error"], True,
                      "Symbol Error")  #TEST

# Check keyword errors
json_data["molecule"]["symbols"] = ["O", "H", "H"]
json_data["model"] = {"method": "SCF", "basis": "sto-3g"}
Example #11
        "fragments": [[2, 0, 1]]
    "driver": "energy",
    "model": {
        "method": "SCF",
        "basis": "cc-pVDZ"
    "keywords": {
        "scf_type": "df"

# Check non-contiguous fragment throws
json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)

psi4.compare_integers(False, json_ret["success"], "JSON Failure")                           #TEST
psi4.compare_integers("non-contiguous frag" in json_ret["error"], True, "Contiguous Fragment Error")  #TEST

# Check symbol length errors
del json_data["molecule"]["fragments"]
json_data["molecule"]["symbols"] = ["O", "H"]
json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)

psi4.compare_integers(False, json_data["success"], "JSON Failure")                           #TEST
psi4.compare_integers("atoms" in json_data["error"], True, "Symbol Error")  #TEST

# Check keyword errors
json_data["molecule"]["symbols"] = ["O", "H", "H"]
json_data["model"] = {"method": "SCF", "basis": "sto-3g"}
json_data["keywords"] = {"scf_type": "super_df"}
json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)
Example #12
# JKFIT     H 23/25   C  70/81      H +9/10   C +16/20

mymol = psi4.geometry("""
C    0.0  0.0 0.0
O    1.4  0.0 0.0
H_r -0.5 -0.7 0.0
H_l -0.5  0.7 0.0

psi4.set_options({'basis': 'cc-pvdz'})

print('[1]    <<<  uniform cc-pVDZ  >>>')
wert,ecp = psi4.core.BasisSet.build(mymol, 'BASIS', psi4.core.get_global_option('BASIS'))
psi4.compare_strings('CC-PVDZ', psi4.core.get_global_option('BASIS'), 'name')  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(38, wert.nbf(), 'nbf()')  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(40, wert.nao(), 'nao()')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('c2v', mymol.schoenflies_symbol(), 'symm')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('CC-PVDZ', wert.name(), 'callby')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('CC-PVDZ', wert.blend(), 'blend')  #TEST

print('[2]        <<<  RIFIT (default)  >>>')
wert = psi4.core.BasisSet.build(mymol, 'DF_BASIS_MP2', '', 'RIFIT', psi4.core.get_global_option('BASIS'))
psi4.compare_integers(140, wert.nbf(), 'nbf()')  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(162, wert.nao(), 'nao()')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('c2v', mymol.schoenflies_symbol(), 'symm')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('(CC-PVDZ AUX)', wert.name(), 'callby')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('CC-PVDZ-RI', wert.blend(), 'blend')  #TEST
Example #13
psi4.set_output_file("output.dat", False)

# Generate JSON data
json_data = {}
json_data["molecule"] = """He 0 0 0\n--\nHe 0 0 1"""
json_data["driver"] = "gradient"
json_data["method"] = 'SCF'
json_data["kwargs"] = {}
json_data["options"] = {"BASIS": "STO-3G"}
json_data["return_output"] = True


psi4.compare_strings("STO-3G", json_data["options"]["BASIS"], "Options test")  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, json_data["success"], "Success")                   #TEST

bench_energy = -5.433191881443323                                              #TEST
cenergy = json_data["variables"]["CURRENT ENERGY"]                             #TEST
psi4.compare_values(bench_energy, cenergy, 5, "SCF CURRENT ENERGY")            #TEST

bench_gradient = np.array([[  0.0 , 0.0 ,   0.4206844],
                           [  0.0 , 0.0 ,  -0.4206844]])
cgradient = psi4.core.Matrix.from_serial(json_data["return_value"])            #TEST
psi4.compare_arrays(bench_gradient, cgradient.np, 4, "SCF RETURN_VALUE")       #TEST

return_wfn = "return_wfn" not in json_data["kwargs"]                           #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, return_wfn, "Immutable input")                     #TEST

with open("output.dat", "w") as f:
Example #14
import numpy as np
import psi4

# Generate JSON data
json_data = {}
json_data["molecule"] = """He 0 0 0\n--\nHe 0 0 1"""
json_data["memory"] = "5GB"
json_data["driver"] = "energy"
json_data["method"] = 'SCF'
json_data["kwargs"] = {"bsse_type": "cp"}
json_data["options"] = {"BASIS": "STO-3G"}
json_data["return_output"] = True

psi4.compare_strings("STO-3G", json_data["options"]["BASIS"], "Options test")        #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, len(json_data["raw_output"]) > 5000, "Output returned")  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, json_data["success"], "Success")                         #TEST

bench_cp_energy = 0.183936053861                                                     #TEST
cenergy = json_data["variables"]["CURRENT ENERGY"]                                   #TEST
psi4.compare_values(bench_cp_energy, cenergy, 5, "SCF CURRENT ENERGY")               #TEST

cenergy = json_data["return_value"]                                                  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(bench_cp_energy, cenergy, 5, "SCF RETURN_VALUE")                 #TEST

return_wfn = "return_wfn" not in json_data["kwargs"]                                 #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, return_wfn, "Immutable input")                           #TEST

with open("output.dat", "w") as f:
Example #15
mymol = psi4.geometry("""
C    0.0  0.0 0.0
O    1.4  0.0 0.0
H_r -0.5 -0.7 0.0
H_l -0.5  0.7 0.0

psi4.set_options({'basis': 'cc-pvdz'})

print('[1]    <<<  uniform cc-pVDZ  >>>')
wert, ecp = psi4.core.BasisSet.build(mymol, 'BASIS',
psi4.compare_strings('CC-PVDZ', psi4.core.get_global_option('BASIS'),
                     'name')  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(38, wert.nbf(), 'nbf()')  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(40, wert.nao(), 'nao()')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('c2v', mymol.schoenflies_symbol(), 'symm')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('CC-PVDZ', wert.name(), 'callby')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('CC-PVDZ', wert.blend(), 'blend')  #TEST

print('[2]        <<<  RIFIT (default)  >>>')
wert = psi4.core.BasisSet.build(mymol, 'DF_BASIS_MP2', '', 'RIFIT',
psi4.compare_integers(140, wert.nbf(), 'nbf()')  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(162, wert.nao(), 'nao()')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('c2v', mymol.schoenflies_symbol(), 'symm')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('(CC-PVDZ AUX)', wert.name(), 'callby')  #TEST
psi4.compare_strings('CC-PVDZ-RI', wert.blend(), 'blend')  #TEST
Example #16
    "ccsd_opposite_spin_correlation_energy": -0.11488521989019397,
    "ccsd_singles_energy": 0.0,
    "ccsd_doubles_energy": -0.13940944106012007,
    "ccsd_correlation_energy": -0.13940944106012007,
    "ccsd_total_energy": -76.11955131338757,
    "ccsd_iterations": 12,
    "ccsd_prt_pr_correlation_energy": -0.140553536424603,
    "ccsd_prt_pr_total_energy": expected_return_result,

json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)

with open("output.json", "w") as ofile:  #TEST
    json.dump(json_ret, ofile, indent=2)  #TEST

psi4.compare_integers(True, json_ret["success"], "JSON Success")  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(expected_return_result, json_ret["return_result"], 5,
                    "Return Value")  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, "MAYER_INDICES" in json_ret["extras"]["qcvars"],
                      "Mayer Indices Found")  #TEST

for k in expected_properties.keys():  #TEST
    psi4.compare_values(expected_properties[k], json_ret["properties"][k], 5,
                        k.upper())  #TEST

assert "Density-fitted CCSD" in json_ret["raw_output"]  #TEST

# Expected output with exact MP2
expected_return_result = -76.2283674281634
expected_properties = {
    "calcinfo_nbasis": 24,
Example #17
        "fragments": [[2, 0, 1]]
    "driver": "energy",
    "model": {
        "method": "SCF",
        "basis": "cc-pVDZ"
    "keywords": {
        "scf_type": "df"

# Check non-contiguous fragment throws
json_ret = psi4.schema_wrapper.run_qcschema(json_data)

psi4.compare_integers(False, json_ret.success, "JSON Failure")                           #TEST
psi4.compare_integers("non-contiguous frag" in json_ret.error.error_message, True, "Contiguous Fragment Error")  #TEST

# Check symbol length errors
del json_data["molecule"]["fragments"]
json_data["molecule"]["symbols"] = ["O", "H"]
json_ret = psi4.schema_wrapper.run_qcschema(json_data)

psi4.compare_integers(False, json_ret.success, "JSON Failure")                           #TEST
psi4.compare_integers("dropped atoms!" in json_ret.error.error_message, True, "Symbol Error")  #TEST

# Check keyword errors
json_data["molecule"]["symbols"] = ["O", "H", "H"]
json_data["model"] = {"method": "SCF", "basis": "sto-3g"}
json_data["keywords"] = {"scf_type": "super_df"}
json_ret = psi4.schema_wrapper.run_qcschema(json_data)
Example #18
expected_properties = {
  "calcinfo_nbasis": 24,
  "calcinfo_nmo": 24,
  "calcinfo_nalpha": 5,
  "calcinfo_nbeta": 5,
  "calcinfo_natom": 3,
  "scf_one_electron_energy": -122.4452968291507,
  "scf_two_electron_energy": 37.62243738251799,
  "nuclear_repulsion_energy": 8.80146206062943,
  "scf_total_energy": -76.02139738600329,
  "return_energy": -76.02139738600329

json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data)

with open("output.json", "w") as ofile:
    json.dump(json_ret, ofile, indent=2)

psi4.compare_integers(True, json_ret["success"], "JSON Success")                           #TEST
psi4.compare_arrays(expected_return_result, json_ret["return_result"], 5, "Return Value")  #TEST

for k in expected_properties.keys():                                                       #TEST
    psi4.compare_values(expected_properties[k], json_ret["properties"][k], 5, k.upper())   #TEST
Example #19
psi4.set_output_file("output.dat", False)

# Generate JSON data
json_data = {}
json_data["molecule"] = """He 0 0 0\n--\nHe 0 0 1"""
json_data["driver"] = "gradient"
json_data["method"] = 'SCF'
json_data["kwargs"] = {}
json_data["options"] = {"BASIS": "STO-3G"}
json_data["return_output"] = True


psi4.compare_strings("STO-3G", json_data["options"]["BASIS"],
                     "Options test")  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, json_data["success"], "Success")  #TEST

bench_energy = -5.433191881443323  #TEST
cenergy = json_data["variables"]["CURRENT ENERGY"]  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(bench_energy, cenergy, 6, "SCF CURRENT ENERGY")  #TEST

bench_gradient = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.4206844], [0.0, 0.0, -0.4206844]])
cgradient = psi4.core.Matrix.from_serial(json_data["return_value"])  #TEST
psi4.compare_arrays(bench_gradient, cgradient.np, 4, "SCF RETURN_VALUE")  #TEST

return_wfn = "return_wfn" not in json_data["kwargs"]  #TEST
psi4.compare_integers(True, return_wfn, "Immutable input")  #TEST

with open("output.dat", "w") as f:
Example #20
# Compute required quantities for SCF
V = np.asarray(mints.ao_potential())
T = np.asarray(mints.ao_kinetic())
I = np.asarray(mints.ao_eri())

print('\nTotal time taken for integrals: %.3f seconds.' % (time.time() - t))

t = time.time()

# Build H_core
H = T + V

# <-- efp: add in permanent moment contribution and cache
Vefp = modify_Fock_permanent(mol, nbf, efpmol)
assert (psi4.compare_integers(1, np.allclose(Vefp, ref_V2),
                              'EFP permanent Fock contrib'))
H = H + Vefp
Horig = H.copy()
set_qm_atoms(mol, efpmol)
# --> efp

# Orthogonalizer A = S^(-1/2) using Psi4's matrix power.
A = mints.ao_overlap()
A.power(-0.5, 1.e-16)
A = np.asarray(A)

# Calculate initial core guess
Hp = A.dot(H).dot(A)
e, C2 = np.linalg.eigh(Hp)
C = A.dot(C2)
Cocc = C[:, :ndocc]
Example #21
# Compute required quantities for SCF
V = np.asarray(mints.ao_potential())
T = np.asarray(mints.ao_kinetic())
I = np.asarray(mints.ao_eri())

print('\nTotal time taken for integrals: %.3f seconds.' % (time.time() - t))

t = time.time()

# Build H_core
H = T + V

# <-- efp: add in permanent moment contribution and cache
Vefp = modify_Fock_permanent(mol, nbf, efpmol)
assert(psi4.compare_integers(1, np.allclose(Vefp, ref_V2), 'EFP permanent Fock contrib'))
H = H + Vefp
Horig = H.copy()
set_qm_atoms(mol, efpmol)
# --> efp

# Orthogonalizer A = S^(-1/2) using Psi4's matrix power.
A = mints.ao_overlap()
A.power(-0.5, 1.e-16)
A = np.asarray(A)

# Calculate initial core guess
Hp = A.dot(H).dot(A)
e, C2 = np.linalg.eigh(Hp)
C = A.dot(C2)
Cocc = C[:, :ndocc]