def test_per_host_dict_args(self): server2_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port) server2_port = server2_socket.getsockname()[1] server2 = start_server(server2_socket) server3_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port) server3_port = server3_socket.getsockname()[1] server3 = start_server(server3_socket) hosts = [, '', ''] hosts_gen = (h for h in hosts) host_args = [dict(zip(('host_arg1', 'host_arg2',), ('arg1-%s' % (i,), 'arg2-%s' % (i,),))) for i, _ in enumerate(hosts)] cmd = 'echo %(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s' client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args) for i, host in enumerate(hosts): expected = ["%(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s" % host_args[i]] stdout = list(output[host]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0) self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command, cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]]) # Host list generator should work also client.hosts = hosts_gen output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args) for i, host in enumerate(hosts): expected = ["%(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s" % host_args[i]] stdout = list(output[host]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0) client.hosts = (h for h in hosts) self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command, cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]])
def test_per_host_tuple_args(self): server2_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port) server2_port = server2_socket.getsockname()[1] server2 = start_server(server2_socket) server3_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port) server3_port = server3_socket.getsockname()[1] server3 = start_server(server3_socket) hosts = [, '', ''] host_args = ('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3') cmd = 'echo %s' client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args) for i, host in enumerate(hosts): expected = [host_args[i]] stdout = list(output[host]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0) host_args = (('arg1', 'arg2'), ('arg3', 'arg4'), ('arg5', 'arg6'),) cmd = 'echo %s %s' output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args) for i, host in enumerate(hosts): expected = ["%s %s" % host_args[i]] stdout = list(output[host]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0) self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command, cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]])
def test_pssh_hosts_iterator_hosts_modification(self): """Test using iterator as host list and modifying host list in place""" server2_socket = make_socket("", port=self.listen_port) server2_port = server2_socket.getsockname()[1] server2 = start_server(server2_socket) server3_socket = make_socket("", port=self.listen_port) server3_port = server3_socket.getsockname()[1] server3 = start_server(server3_socket) hosts = [, ""] client = ParallelSSHClient(iter(hosts), port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, pool_size=1) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) stdout = [list(output[k]["stdout"]) for k in output] expected_stdout = [[self.fake_resp], [self.fake_resp]] self.assertEqual( len(hosts), len(output), msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts)), ) # Run again without re-assigning host list, should do nothing output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) self.assertFalse(hosts[0] in output, msg="Expected no host output, got %s" % (output,)) self.assertFalse(output, msg="Expected empty output, got %s" % (output,)) # Re-assigning host list with new hosts should work hosts = ["", ""] client.hosts = iter(hosts) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) self.assertEqual( len(hosts), len(output), msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts)), ) self.assertTrue(hosts[1] in output, msg="Did not get output for new host %s" % (hosts[1],)) del client, server2, server3
def test_pssh_client_retries(self): """Test connection error retries""" expected_num_tries = 2 client = ParallelSSHClient([''], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=expected_num_tries) self.assertRaises(ConnectionErrorException, client.run_command, 'blah') try: client.run_command('blah') except ConnectionErrorException, ex: num_tries = ex.args[-1:][0] self.assertEqual(expected_num_tries, num_tries, msg="Got unexpected number of retries %s - expected %s" % (num_tries, expected_num_tries,))
def test_pssh_client_ssh_exception(self): listen_socket = make_socket( listen_port = listen_socket.getsockname()[1] server = start_server(listen_socket, ssh_exception=True) client = ParallelSSHClient( [], user="******", password="******", port=listen_port, pkey=paramiko.RSAKey.generate(1024) ) # Handle exception try: client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) raise Exception("Expected SSHException, got none") except SSHException: pass del client server.join()
def test_pssh_client_hosts_list_part_failure(self): """Test getting output for remainder of host list in the case where one host in the host list has a failure""" server2_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port) server2_port = server2_socket.getsockname()[1] server2 = start_server(server2_socket, fail_auth=True) hosts = [, ''] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.join(output) self.assertTrue(hosts[0] in output, msg="Successful host does not exist in output - output is %s" % (output,)) self.assertTrue(hosts[1] in output, msg="Failed host does not exist in output - output is %s" % (output,)) self.assertTrue('exception' in output[hosts[1]], msg="Failed host %s has no exception in output - %s" % (hosts[1], output,)) try: raise output[hosts[1]]['exception'] except AuthenticationException: pass else: raise Exception("Expected AuthenticationException, got %s instead" % ( output[hosts[1]]['exception'],)) del client server2.kill()
def test_pssh_client_timeout(self): listen_socket = make_socket( listen_port = listen_socket.getsockname()[1] server_timeout=0.2 client_timeout=server_timeout-0.1 server = start_server(listen_socket, timeout=server_timeout) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, timeout=client_timeout) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) # Handle exception try: gevent.sleep(server_timeout+0.2) client.pool.join() if not server.exception: raise Exception( "Expected gevent.Timeout from socket timeout, got none") raise server.exception except gevent.Timeout: pass # chan_timeout = output[]['channel'].gettimeout() # self.assertEqual(client_timeout, chan_timeout, # msg="Channel timeout %s does not match requested timeout %s" %( # chan_timeout, client_timeout,)) del client server.join()
def test_pssh_client_retries(self): """Test connection error retries""" listen_socket = make_socket( listen_port = listen_socket.getsockname()[1] expected_num_tries = 2 client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=expected_num_tries) self.assertRaises(ConnectionErrorException, client.run_command, 'blah') try: client.run_command('blah') except ConnectionErrorException, ex: num_tries = ex.args[-1:][0] self.assertEqual(expected_num_tries, num_tries, msg="Got unexpected number of retries %s - expected %s" % (num_tries, expected_num_tries,))
def test_ssh_exception(self): """Test that we get ssh exception in output with correct arguments""" self.server.kill() host = '' _socket = make_socket(host) port = _socket.getsockname()[1] server = start_server(_socket, ssh_exception=True) hosts = [host] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=port, user='******', password='******', pkey=paramiko.RSAKey.generate(1024)) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) gevent.sleep(.2) client.pool.join() self.assertTrue('exception' in output[host], msg="Got no exception for host %s - expected connection error" % ( host,)) try: raise output[host]['exception'] except SSHException, ex: self.assertEqual(ex.args[1], host, msg="Exception host argument is %s, should be %s" % ( ex.args[1], host,)) self.assertEqual(ex.args[2], port, msg="Exception port argument is %s, should be %s" % ( ex.args[2], port,))
def test_host_config(self): """Test per-host configuration functionality of ParallelSSHClient""" hosts = ['127.0.0.%01d' % n for n in xrange(1,3)] host_config = dict.fromkeys(hosts) servers = [] user = '******' password = '******' for host in hosts: _socket = make_socket(host) port = _socket.getsockname()[1] host_config[host] = {} host_config[host]['port'] = port host_config[host]['user'] = user host_config[host]['password'] = password server = start_server(_socket, fail_auth=hosts.index(host)) servers.append((server, port)) pkey_data = load_private_key(PKEY_FILENAME) host_config[hosts[0]]['private_key'] = pkey_data client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, host_config=host_config) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.join(output) for host in hosts: self.assertTrue(host in output) try: raise output[hosts[1]]['exception'] except AuthenticationException, ex: pass
def test_ssh_proxy_auth(self): """Test connecting to remote destination via SSH proxy client -> proxy -> destination Proxy SSH server accepts no commands and sends no responses, only proxies to destination. Destination accepts a command as usual.""" proxy_server_socket = make_socket('') proxy_server_port = proxy_server_socket.getsockname()[1] proxy_server = start_server(proxy_server_socket) proxy_user = '******' proxy_password = '******' gevent.sleep(2) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, proxy_host='', proxy_port=proxy_server_port, proxy_user=proxy_user, proxy_password='******', proxy_pkey=self.user_key, ) gevent.sleep(2) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % ( stdout, expected_stdout,)) self.assertEqual(client.host_clients[].proxy_user, proxy_user) self.assertEqual(client.host_clients[].proxy_password, proxy_password) self.assertTrue(client.host_clients[].proxy_pkey) self.server.kill() proxy_server.kill()
def test_pssh_hosts_more_than_pool_size(self): """Test we can successfully run on more hosts than our pool size and get logs for all hosts""" # Make a second server on the same port as the first one server2_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port) server2_port = server2_socket.getsockname()[1] server1 = start_server({ self.fake_cmd : self.fake_resp }, self.listen_socket) server2 = start_server({ self.fake_cmd : self.fake_resp }, server2_socket) hosts = ['', ''] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, pool_size=1, ) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) stdout = [list(output[k]['stdout']) for k in output] expected_stdout = [[self.fake_resp], [self.fake_resp]] self.assertEqual(len(hosts), len(output), msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for \ %s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts),)) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Did not get expected output from all hosts. \ Got %s - expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) del client server1.kill() server2.kill()
def post(self): raw_dict = request.get_json(force=True) try: schema.validate(raw_dict) request_dict = raw_dict['data']['attributes'] ipaddress = request_dict['ipaddress'] username = request_dict['username'] password = request_dict['password'] #s = pxssh.pxssh() #s.login(ipaddress, username, password,port=2222,auto_prompt_reset=False) hosts = [ipaddress] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, user=username, password=password, port=2222) output= client.run_command("grep ':0' /etc/passwd | grep '/bin/bash' | awk -F: '{print $1}'") users = [] for host in output: for user in output[host]['stdout']: users.append(user) data = {'users': users} del output return data, 201 except ValidationError as err: resp = jsonify({"error": err.messages}) resp.status_code = 403 return resp
def test_pssh_client_timeout(self): server_timeout=0.2 client_timeout=server_timeout-0.1 server = start_server({ self.fake_cmd : self.fake_resp }, self.listen_socket, timeout=server_timeout) client = ParallelSSHClient([''], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, timeout=client_timeout) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) # Handle exception try: gevent.sleep(server_timeout+0.2) client.pool.join() if not server.exception: raise Exception( "Expected gevent.Timeout from socket timeout, got none") raise server.exception except gevent.Timeout: pass chan_timeout = output['']['channel'].gettimeout() self.assertEqual(client_timeout, chan_timeout, msg="Channel timeout %s does not match requested timeout %s" %( chan_timeout, client_timeout,)) del client server.join()
def test_pssh_client_run_command_get_output_explicit(self): server = start_server({ self.fake_cmd : self.fake_resp }, self.listen_socket) client = ParallelSSHClient([''], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) out = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) cmds = [cmd for host in out for cmd in [out[host]['cmd']]] output = client.get_output(commands=cmds) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] exit_code = output['']['exit_code'] stdout = list(output['']['stdout']) stderr = list(output['']['stderr']) self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % (exit_code, expected_exit_code,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % (stderr, expected_stderr,)) del client server.join()
def test_pssh_client_run_command_get_output_explicit(self): client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) out = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) cmds = [cmd for host in out for cmd in [out[host]['cmd']]] output = {} for cmd in cmds: client.get_output(cmd, output) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % (exit_code, expected_exit_code,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % (stderr, expected_stderr,)) del client
def test_pssh_client_ssh_exception(self): server = start_server({ self.fake_cmd : self.fake_resp }, self.listen_socket, ssh_exception=True) client = ParallelSSHClient([''], user='******', password='******', port=self.listen_port, pkey=paramiko.RSAKey.generate(1024), ) # Handle exception try: client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) raise Exception("Expected SSHException, got none") except SSHException: pass del client server.join()
def test_bash_variable_substitution(self): """Test bash variables work correctly""" client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) command = """for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done""" output = list(client.run_command(command)[]['stdout']) expected = ['1','2','3'] self.assertEqual(output, expected, msg="Unexpected output from bash variable substitution %s - should be %s" % ( output, expected,))
def ssh(): client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts) output = client.run_command('ls -ltr /home/siraj', sudo=True) # print output for host in output: for line in output[host]['stdout']: print 'Host %s - output: %s' % (host, line) sys.stdout.flush()
def test_pssh_client_run_long_command(self): expected_lines = 5 client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(self.long_cmd(expected_lines)) self.assertTrue( in output, msg="Got no output for command") stdout = list(output[]["stdout"]) self.assertTrue( len(stdout) == expected_lines, msg="Expected %s lines of response, got %s" % (expected_lines, len(stdout)) ) del client
def test_pssh_client_no_stdout_non_zero_exit_code(self): client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command('exit 1') expected_exit_code = 1 exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] client.pool.join() self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % (exit_code, expected_exit_code,))
def bootstrap_servers(servers, username, password, role_name, clone_url):'bootstrapping {}'.format(servers))'Bootstrapping servers: {0}'.format(servers)) command = ''' if [ ! -f '/src/{0}/' ]; then apt-get install -y git python-pip libevent-dev \ && mkdir -p /src ; cd /src; git clone {1}; \ pip3 install -r '/src/{0}/requirements.txt'; fi'''.format(role_name, clone_url) try: ssh_client = ParallelSSHClient(servers, user=username, password=password, pool_size=100) output = read_stdout(ssh_client.run_command('{}'.format(command), stop_on_errors=True)) BOOTSTRAPPED.append(servers) except Exception as e: print('Exception: {}'.format(e))
def Scan_Hosts(args): if args['verbose']: pssh.utils.enable_host_logger() private_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(args['key']) client = ParallelSSHClient(Get_Hosts_From_File(args['input']), pkey=private_key, pool_size=args['parallel'], timeout=args['timeout'], num_retries=args['retries']) output = client.run_command(args['command'], sudo=args['sudo'], stop_on_errors=False) f = open(args['output'], 'w') f.write("Host\tOutput") for host in output: for line in output[host]['stdout']: f.write(host + "\t" + line)
def test_identical_host_output(self): """Test that we get output when running with duplicated hosts""" # Make socket with no server listening on it just for testing output _socket1, _socket2 = make_socket(, make_socket( port = _socket1.getsockname()[1] hosts = [,,] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.pool.join() self.assertEqual(len(hosts), len(output.keys()), msg="Host list contains %s identical hosts, only got output for %s" % ( len(hosts), len(output.keys()))) del _socket1, _socket2
def test_pssh_client_run_long_command(self): expected_lines = 5 server = start_server({ self.long_running_cmd : self.long_running_response(expected_lines) }, self.listen_socket) client = ParallelSSHClient([''], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(self.long_running_cmd) self.assertTrue('' in output, msg="Got no output for command") stdout = list(output['']['stdout']) self.assertTrue(len(stdout) == expected_lines, msg="Expected %s lines of response, got %s" % ( expected_lines, len(stdout))) del client server.kill()
def test_pssh_client_long_running_command_exit_codes(self): expected_lines = 5 client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(self.long_cmd(expected_lines)) self.assertTrue( in output, msg="Got no output for command") self.assertTrue(not output[]['exit_code'], msg="Got exit code %s for still running cmd.." % ( output[]['exit_code'],)) # Embedded server is also asynchronous and in the same thread # as our client so need to sleep for duration of server connection gevent.sleep(expected_lines) client.join(output) self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0, msg="Got non-zero exit code %s" % ( output[]['exit_code'],)) del client
def test_parallel(): """Perform ls and copy file with ParallelSSHClient on localhost. Two identical hosts cause the same command to be executed twice on the same host in two parallel connections. In printed output there will be two identical lines per printed per line of `ls -ltrh` output as output is printed by host_logger as it becomes available and commands are executed in parallel Host output key is de-duplicated so that output for the two commands run on the same host(s) is not lost """ client = ParallelSSHClient(['localhost', 'localhost']) output = client.run_command('ls -ltrh') client.join(output) pprint(output) cmds = client.copy_file('../test', 'test_dir/test') client.pool.join()
class ChildClient(Thread): nextPid = 0 def __init__(self, servers, cmd, asRoot = True, outputObservers=[]): Thread.__init__(self) if asRoot: self.client = ParallelSSHClient(servers, user="******") else: self.client = ParallelSSHClient(servers) self.cmd = cmd self.observers = outputObservers self.servers = servers self.asRoot = asRoot def kill(self): print "killing processes on [{0}]...".format(', '.join(self.servers)) for server in self.servers: os.system('ssh {0}{1} "cat {2} | xargs kill -9"'.format("root@" if self.asRoot else "", server, self.pidFile)) os.system('ssh {0}{1} "rm {2}"'.format("root@" if self.asRoot else "", server, self.pidFile)) def run(self): try: thisPid = ChildClient.nextPid ChildClient.nextPid += 1 self.pidFile = '/tmp/awesome_{0}.pid'.format(thisPid) output = self.client.run_command("{0} & echo $! > {1}; wait < {1} ".format(self.cmd, self.pidFile)) threads = [] for host in output: oThread = OutputClient(host, output[host]['stdout'], outObs=self.observers) oThread.start() threads.append(oThread) oThread = OutputClient(host, output[host]['stderr'], prefix=Color.FAIL, suffix=Color.ENDC, outObs=self.observers) oThread.start() threads.append(oThread) print "started output threads" for t in threads: t.join() except: type, value, tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() last_frame = lambda tb=tb: last_frame(tb.tb_next) if tb.tb_next else tb frame = last_frame().tb_frame ns = dict(frame.f_globals) ns.update(frame.f_locals) code.interact(local=ns)
def test_connection_error_exception(self): """Test that we get connection error exception in output with correct arguments""" self.server.kill() # Make socket with no server listening on it on separate ip host = "" _socket = make_socket(host) port = _socket.getsockname()[1] hosts = [host] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.pool.join() self.assertTrue( "exception" in output[host], msg="Got no exception for host %s - expected connection error" % (host,) ) try: raise output[host]["exception"] except ConnectionErrorException, ex: self.assertEqual(ex.args[1], host, msg="Exception host argument is %s, should be %s" % (ex.args[1], host)) self.assertEqual(ex.args[2], port, msg="Exception port argument is %s, should be %s" % (ex.args[2], port))
def main(): # cleanup just in case kill() # create new droplet and wait for it droplet = start()['droplet'] print droplet while True: droplet = lookup(droplet['id']) # status s = droplet['status'] assert(s in ['active', 'new']) # addr ip = None for addr in droplet["networks"]["v4"]: if addr["type"] == "public": ip = addr["ip_address"] print 'STATUS: %s, IP: %s' % (str(s), str(ip)) if s == 'active' and ip != None: break time.sleep(3) hosts = [ip] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts) client.copy_file('./', '/tmp/') url = '' output = client.run_command('wget %s; bash' % url, sudo=True) output = output.values()[0] for l in output["stdout"]: print l for l in output["stderr"]: print l # make sure we cleanup everything! kill()
from pssh import ParallelSSHClient hosts = ['myhost1', 'myhost2'] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts) output = client.run_command('ls -ltrh /tmp/', sudo=True)
def test_parallel(): """Perform ls and copy file with ParallelSSHClient on localhost""" client = ParallelSSHClient(['localhost', 'localhost']) output = client.run_command('ls -ltrh') print output
def do_ssh_client(servers, role_name, clone_url, username, password): command = 'python /src/{0}/ {0}'.format(role_name) ssh_client = ParallelSSHClient(servers, user=username, password=password, pool_size=100) stdout = read_stdout(ssh_client.run_command('{}'.format(command), stop_on_errors=False)) return stdout
# append user options to basic command command += " -sh " + sharpness command += " -co " + contrast command += " -br " + brightness command += " -sa " + saturation command += " -ev " + ev command += " -w " + width command += " -h " + height command += " -o " + "/home/pi/" + name # create a folder to store current set images set_dir = "/var/www/html/img/" + name os.mkdir(set_dir) # run commands to take images output = parallel_client.run_command(command) parallel_client.join(output) # transfer all images to web server greenlets = parallel_client.copy_remote_file(name, set_dir + "/" + name) joinall(greenlets, raise_error=True) # delete all images on slave Pis output = parallel_client.run_command("rm /home/pi/" + name) parallel_client.join(output) # add .jpg extension to all images in folder image_files = os.listdir(set_dir) for image in image_files: os.rename(os.path.join(set_dir, image), os.path.join(set_dir, image + ".jpg"))
class ParallelSSHClientTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.fake_cmd = 'echo "me"' self.fake_resp = 'me' self.long_cmd = lambda lines: 'for (( i=0; i<%s; i+=1 )) do echo $i; sleep 1; done' % ( lines, ) self.user_key = USER_KEY = '' self.listen_socket = make_socket( self.listen_port = self.listen_socket.getsockname()[1] self.server = start_server(self.listen_socket) self.agent = FakeAgent() self.agent.add_key(USER_KEY) self.client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) def tearDown(self): del self.server del self.listen_socket del self.client def test_pssh_client_exec_command(self): cmd = self.client.exec_command(self.fake_cmd)[0] output = self.client.get_stdout(cmd) expected = { {'exit_code': 0}} self.assertEqual(expected, output, msg="Got unexpected command output - %s" % (output, )) self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0) def test_pssh_client_no_stdout_non_zero_exit_code(self): output = self.client.run_command('exit 1') expected_exit_code = 1 exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] self.client.pool.join() self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % ( exit_code, expected_exit_code, )) def test_pssh_client_exec_command_get_buffers(self): client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) cmd = client.exec_command(self.fake_cmd)[0] output = client.get_stdout(cmd, return_buffers=True) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % ( exit_code, expected_exit_code, )) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % ( stdout, expected_stdout, )) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % ( stderr, expected_stderr, )) def test_pssh_client_run_command_get_output(self): client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % ( exit_code, expected_exit_code, )) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % ( stdout, expected_stdout, )) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % ( stderr, expected_stderr, )) def test_pssh_client_run_command_get_output_explicit(self): client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) out = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) cmds = [cmd for host in out for cmd in [out[host]['cmd']]] output = {} for cmd in cmds: client.get_output(cmd, output) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % ( exit_code, expected_exit_code, )) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % ( stdout, expected_stdout, )) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % ( stderr, expected_stderr, )) del client def test_pssh_client_run_long_command(self): expected_lines = 5 client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(self.long_cmd(expected_lines)) self.assertTrue( in output, msg="Got no output for command") stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) self.assertTrue(len(stdout) == expected_lines, msg="Expected %s lines of response, got %s" % (expected_lines, len(stdout))) del client def test_pssh_client_auth_failure(self): listen_socket = make_socket( listen_port = listen_socket.getsockname()[1] server = start_server(listen_socket, fail_auth=True) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) cmd = client.exec_command(self.fake_cmd)[0] # Handle exception try: cmd.get() raise Exception("Expected AuthenticationException, got none") except AuthenticationException: pass del client server.join() def test_pssh_client_hosts_list_part_failure(self): """Test getting output for remainder of host list in the case where one host in the host list has a failure""" server2_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port) server2_port = server2_socket.getsockname()[1] server2 = start_server(server2_socket, fail_auth=True) hosts = [, ''] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) self.assertTrue( hosts[0] in output, msg="Successful host does not exist in output - output is %s" % (output, )) self.assertTrue( hosts[1] in output, msg="Failed host does not exist in output - output is %s" % (output, )) self.assertTrue('exception' in output[hosts[1]], msg="Failed host %s has no exception in output - %s" % ( hosts[1], output, )) try: raise output[hosts[1]]['exception'] except AuthenticationException: pass else: raise Exception( "Expected AuthenticationException, got %s instead" % (output[hosts[1]]['exception'], )) del client server2.kill() def test_pssh_client_ssh_exception(self): listen_socket = make_socket( listen_port = listen_socket.getsockname()[1] server = start_server(listen_socket, ssh_exception=True) client = ParallelSSHClient( [], user='******', password='******', port=listen_port, pkey=paramiko.RSAKey.generate(1024), ) # Handle exception try: client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) raise Exception("Expected SSHException, got none") except SSHException: pass del client server.join() def test_pssh_client_timeout(self): listen_socket = make_socket( listen_port = listen_socket.getsockname()[1] server_timeout = 0.2 client_timeout = server_timeout - 0.1 server = start_server(listen_socket, timeout=server_timeout) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, timeout=client_timeout) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) # Handle exception try: gevent.sleep(server_timeout + 0.2) client.pool.join() if not server.exception: raise Exception( "Expected gevent.Timeout from socket timeout, got none") raise server.exception except gevent.Timeout: pass # chan_timeout = output[]['channel'].gettimeout() # self.assertEqual(client_timeout, chan_timeout, # msg="Channel timeout %s does not match requested timeout %s" %( # chan_timeout, client_timeout,)) del client server.join() def test_pssh_client_exec_command_password(self): """Test password authentication. Embedded server accepts any password even empty string""" client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, password='') cmd = client.exec_command(self.fake_cmd)[0] output = client.get_stdout(cmd) expected = { {'exit_code': 0}} self.assertEqual(expected, output, msg="Got unexpected command output - %s" % (output, )) del client def test_pssh_client_long_running_command(self): expected_lines = 5 client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) cmd = client.exec_command(self.long_cmd(expected_lines))[0] output = client.get_stdout(cmd, return_buffers=True) self.assertTrue( in output, msg="Got no output for command") stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) self.assertTrue(len(stdout) == expected_lines, msg="Expected %s lines of response, got %s" % (expected_lines, len(stdout))) del client def test_pssh_client_long_running_command_exit_codes(self): expected_lines = 5 client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) output = client.run_command(self.long_cmd(expected_lines)) self.assertTrue( in output, msg="Got no output for command") self.assertTrue(not output[]['exit_code'], msg="Got exit code %s for still running cmd.." % (output[]['exit_code'], )) # Embedded server is also asynchronous and in the same thread # as our client so need to sleep for duration of server connection gevent.sleep(expected_lines) client.join(output) self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0, msg="Got non-zero exit code %s" % (output[]['exit_code'], )) del client def test_pssh_client_retries(self): """Test connection error retries""" listen_socket = make_socket( listen_port = listen_socket.getsockname()[1] expected_num_tries = 2 client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=expected_num_tries) self.assertRaises(ConnectionErrorException, client.run_command, 'blah') try: client.run_command('blah') except ConnectionErrorException, ex: num_tries = ex.args[-1:][0] self.assertEqual( expected_num_tries, num_tries, msg="Got unexpected number of retries %s - expected %s" % ( num_tries, expected_num_tries, )) else:
from pssh import ParallelSSHClient import datetime output = [] host = 'localhost' hosts = [host] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts) # Run 10 five second sleeps cmds = ['sleep 5' for _ in xrange(10)] start = for cmd in cmds: output.append(client.run_command(cmd, stop_on_errors=False)) end = print("Started %s commands on %s host(s) in %s" % ( len(cmds), len(hosts), end-start,)) start = for _output in output: client.join(_output) print(_output) end = print("All commands finished in %s" % (end-start,))
class ParallelSSHClientTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.fake_cmd = 'echo "me"' self.fake_resp = 'me' self.long_cmd = lambda lines: 'for (( i=0; i<%s; i+=1 )) do echo $i; sleep 1; done' % (lines,) self.user_key = USER_KEY = '' self.server_sock = make_socket( self.listen_port = self.server_sock.getsockname()[1] self.server = start_server(self.server_sock) self.agent = SSHAgent() self.agent.add_key(USER_KEY) self.client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) def make_random_port(self, host=None): host = if not host else host listen_socket = make_socket(host) listen_port = listen_socket.getsockname()[1] del listen_socket return listen_port def tearDown(self): del self.client self.server.kill() del self.agent def test_client_join_consume_output(self): output = self.client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) expected_exit_code = 0 self.client.join(output, consume_output=True) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) self.assertTrue(len(stdout) == 0) self.assertTrue(len(stderr) == 0) self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code) def test_client_join_stdout(self): output = self.client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] self.client.join(output) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % (exit_code, expected_exit_code,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % (stderr, expected_stderr,)) def test_pssh_client_no_stdout_non_zero_exit_code_immediate_exit(self): output = self.client.run_command('exit 1') expected_exit_code = 1 self.client.join(output) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % (exit_code, expected_exit_code,)) def test_pssh_client_run_command_get_output(self): output = self.client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % (exit_code, expected_exit_code,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % (stderr, expected_stderr,)) def test_pssh_client_run_command_get_output_explicit(self): out = self.client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) cmds = [cmd for host in out for cmd in [out[host]['cmd']]] output = {} for cmd in cmds: self.client.get_output(cmd, output) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % (exit_code, expected_exit_code,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % (stderr, expected_stderr,)) def test_pssh_client_run_long_command(self): expected_lines = 5 output = self.client.run_command(self.long_cmd(expected_lines)) self.assertTrue( in output, msg="Got no output for command") stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) self.assertTrue(len(stdout) == expected_lines, msg="Expected %s lines of response, got %s" % ( expected_lines, len(stdout))) def test_pssh_client_auth_failure(self): server, listen_port = start_server_from_ip(, fail_auth=True) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) self.assertRaises( AuthenticationException, client.run_command, self.fake_cmd) del client server.kill() def test_pssh_client_hosts_list_part_failure(self): """Test getting output for remainder of host list in the case where one host in the host list has a failure""" server2, _ = start_server_from_ip('', port=self.listen_port, fail_auth=True) hosts = [, ''] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) self.assertFalse(client.finished(output)) client.join(output) self.assertTrue(client.finished(output)) self.assertTrue(hosts[0] in output, msg="Successful host does not exist in output - output is %s" % (output,)) self.assertTrue(hosts[1] in output, msg="Failed host does not exist in output - output is %s" % (output,)) self.assertTrue('exception' in output[hosts[1]], msg="Failed host %s has no exception in output - %s" % (hosts[1], output,)) try: raise output[hosts[1]]['exception'] except AuthenticationException: pass else: raise Exception("Expected AuthenticationException, got %s instead" % ( output[hosts[1]]['exception'],)) del client server2.kill() def test_pssh_client_ssh_exception(self): server, listen_port = start_server_from_ip(, ssh_exception=True) client = ParallelSSHClient([], user='******', password='******', port=listen_port, pkey=RSAKey.generate(1024), num_retries=1, ) self.assertRaises(SSHException, client.run_command, self.fake_cmd) del client server.kill() def test_pssh_client_timeout(self): server_timeout=0.2 client_timeout=server_timeout-0.1 server, listen_port = start_server_from_ip(, timeout=server_timeout) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, timeout=client_timeout, num_retries=1) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) # Handle exception try: gevent.sleep(server_timeout+0.2) client.join(output) if not server.exception: raise Exception( "Expected gevent.Timeout from socket timeout, got none") finally: del client server.kill() def test_pssh_client_run_command_password(self): """Test password authentication. Embedded server accepts any password even empty string""" client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, password='') output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) self.assertTrue( in output, msg="No output for host") self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0, msg="Expected exit code 0, got %s" % ( output[]['exit_code'],)) self.assertEqual(stdout, [self.fake_resp]) def test_pssh_client_long_running_command_exit_codes(self): expected_lines = 5 output = self.client.run_command(self.long_cmd(expected_lines)) self.assertTrue( in output, msg="Got no output for command") self.assertTrue(not output[]['exit_code'], msg="Got exit code %s for still running cmd.." % ( output[]['exit_code'],)) self.assertFalse(self.client.finished(output)) # Embedded server is also asynchronous and in the same thread # as our client so need to sleep for duration of server connection gevent.sleep(expected_lines) self.client.join(output) self.assertTrue(self.client.finished(output)) self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0, msg="Got non-zero exit code %s" % ( output[]['exit_code'],)) def test_pssh_client_retries(self): """Test connection error retries""" listen_port = self.make_random_port() expected_num_tries = 2 client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=expected_num_tries) self.assertRaises(ConnectionErrorException, client.run_command, 'blah') try: client.run_command('blah') except ConnectionErrorException as ex: num_tries = ex.args[-1:][0] self.assertEqual(expected_num_tries, num_tries, msg="Got unexpected number of retries %s - " "expected %s" % (num_tries, expected_num_tries,)) else: raise Exception('No ConnectionErrorException') def test_sftp_exceptions(self): # Port with no server listening on it on separate ip host = '' port = self.make_random_port(host=host) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=port, num_retries=1) cmds = client.copy_file("test", "test") client.pool.join() for cmd in cmds: self.assertRaises(ConnectionErrorException, cmd.get) def test_pssh_copy_file(self): """Test parallel copy file""" test_file_data = 'test' local_filename = 'test_file' remote_test_dir, remote_filename = 'remote_test_dir', 'test_file_copy' remote_filename = os.path.sep.join([remote_test_dir, remote_filename]) test_file = open(local_filename, 'w') test_file.writelines([test_file_data + os.linesep]) test_file.close() client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) cmds = client.copy_file(local_filename, remote_filename) cmds[0].get() self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(remote_test_dir), msg="SFTP create remote directory failed") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(remote_filename), msg="SFTP copy failed") for filepath in [local_filename, remote_filename]: os.unlink(filepath) shutil.rmtree(remote_test_dir) del client def test_pssh_client_directory(self): """Tests copying multiple directories with SSH client. Copy all the files from local directory to server, then make sure they are all present.""" test_file_data = 'test' local_test_path = 'directory_test' remote_test_path = 'directory_test_copied' for path in [local_test_path, remote_test_path]: try: shutil.rmtree(path) except OSError: pass os.mkdir(local_test_path) remote_file_paths = [] for i in range(0, 10): local_file_path_dir = os.path.join(local_test_path, 'dir_foo' + str(i)) os.mkdir(local_file_path_dir) local_file_path = os.path.join(local_file_path_dir, 'foo' + str(i)) remote_file_path = os.path.join(remote_test_path, 'dir_foo' + str(i), 'foo' + str(i)) remote_file_paths.append(remote_file_path) test_file = open(local_file_path, 'w') test_file.write(test_file_data) test_file.close() client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) cmds = client.copy_file(local_test_path, remote_test_path, recurse=True) for cmd in cmds: cmd.get() for path in remote_file_paths: self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path)) shutil.rmtree(local_test_path) shutil.rmtree(remote_test_path) def test_pssh_client_copy_file_failure(self): """Test failure scenarios of file copy""" test_file_data = 'test' local_test_path = 'directory_test' remote_test_path = 'directory_test_copied' for path in [local_test_path, remote_test_path]: mask = int('0700') if sys.version_info <= (2,) else 0o700 if os.path.isdir(path): os.chmod(path, mask) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): os.chmod(root, mask) for _path in files + dirs: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, _path), mask) try: shutil.rmtree(path) except OSError: pass os.mkdir(local_test_path) os.mkdir(remote_test_path) local_file_path = os.path.join(local_test_path, 'test_file') remote_file_path = os.path.join(remote_test_path, 'test_file') test_file = open(local_file_path, 'w') test_file.write('testing\n') test_file.close() # Permission errors on writing into dir mask = int('0111') if sys.version_info <= (2,) else 0o111 os.chmod(remote_test_path, mask) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) cmds = client.copy_file(local_test_path, remote_test_path, recurse=True) for cmd in cmds: try: cmd.get() raise Exception("Expected IOError exception, got none") except IOError: pass self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(remote_file_path)) # Create directory tree failure test local_file_path = os.path.join(local_test_path, 'test_file') remote_file_path = os.path.join(remote_test_path, 'test_dir', 'test_file') cmds = client.copy_file(local_file_path, remote_file_path, recurse=True) for cmd in cmds: try: cmd.get() raise Exception("Expected IOError exception on creating remote " "directory, got none") except IOError: pass self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(remote_file_path)) mask = int('0600') if sys.version_info <= (2,) else 0o600 os.chmod(remote_test_path, mask) for path in [local_test_path, remote_test_path]: shutil.rmtree(path) def test_pssh_copy_remote_file(self): """Test parallel copy file to local host""" test_file_data = 'test' local_test_path = 'directory_test_local_remote_copied' remote_test_path = 'directory_test_remote_copy' local_copied_dir = '_'.join([local_test_path,]) new_local_copied_dir = '.'.join([local_test_path,]) for path in [local_test_path, remote_test_path, local_copied_dir, new_local_copied_dir]: try: shutil.rmtree(path) except OSError: try: os.unlink(path) except Exception: pass pass os.mkdir(remote_test_path) local_file_paths = [] for i in range(0, 10): remote_file_path_dir = os.path.join(remote_test_path, 'dir_foo' + str(i)) os.mkdir(remote_file_path_dir) remote_file_path = os.path.join(remote_file_path_dir, 'foo' + str(i)) local_file_path = os.path.join(local_copied_dir, 'dir_foo' + str(i), 'foo' + str(i)) local_file_paths.append(local_file_path) test_file = open(remote_file_path, 'w') test_file.write(test_file_data) test_file.close() client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) cmds = client.copy_remote_file(remote_test_path, local_test_path) for cmd in cmds: self.assertRaises(ValueError, cmd.get) cmds = client.copy_remote_file(remote_test_path, local_test_path, recurse=True) for cmd in cmds: cmd.get() try: self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(local_copied_dir)) for path in local_file_paths: self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path)) except Exception: shutil.rmtree(remote_test_path) finally: shutil.rmtree(local_copied_dir) cmds = client.copy_remote_file(remote_test_path, local_test_path, suffix_separator='.', recurse=True) for cmd in cmds: cmd.get() new_local_copied_dir = '.'.join([local_test_path,]) try: for path in local_file_paths: path = path.replace(local_copied_dir, new_local_copied_dir) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path)) finally: shutil.rmtree(new_local_copied_dir) shutil.rmtree(remote_test_path) def test_pssh_pool_size(self): """Test setting pool size to non default values""" hosts = ['host-%01d' % d for d in xrange(5)] pool_size = 2 client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, pool_size=pool_size) expected, actual = pool_size, client.pool.size self.assertEqual(expected, actual, msg="Expected pool size to be %s, got %s" % ( expected, actual,)) hosts = ['host-%01d' % d for d in xrange(15)] pool_size = 5 client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, pool_size=pool_size) expected, actual = client.pool_size, client.pool.size self.assertEqual(expected, actual, msg="Expected pool size to be %s, got %s" % ( expected, actual,)) hosts = ['host-%01d' % d for d in xrange(15)] pool_size = len(hosts)+5 client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, pool_size=pool_size) expected, actual = pool_size, client.pool.size self.assertEqual(expected, actual, msg="Expected pool size to be %s, got %s" % ( expected, actual,)) def test_pssh_hosts_more_than_pool_size(self): """Test we can successfully run on more hosts than our pool size and get logs for all hosts""" # Make a second server on the same port as the first one host2 = '' server2, _ = start_server_from_ip(host2, port=self.listen_port) hosts = [, host2] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, pool_size=1, ) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) stdout = [list(output[k]['stdout']) for k in output] expected_stdout = [[self.fake_resp], [self.fake_resp]] self.assertEqual(len(hosts), len(output), msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " \ "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts),)) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Did not get expected output from all hosts. \ Got %s - expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) del client server2.kill() def test_pssh_hosts_iterator_hosts_modification(self): """Test using iterator as host list and modifying host list in place""" host2, host3 = '', '' server2, _ = start_server_from_ip(host2, port=self.listen_port) server3, _ = start_server_from_ip(host3, port=self.listen_port) hosts = [, ''] client = ParallelSSHClient(iter(hosts), port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, pool_size=1, ) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) stdout = [list(output[k]['stdout']) for k in output] expected_stdout = [[self.fake_resp], [self.fake_resp]] self.assertEqual(len(hosts), len(output), msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " \ "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts),)) # Run again without re-assigning host list, should do nothing output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) self.assertFalse(hosts[0] in output, msg="Expected no host output, got %s" % (output,)) self.assertFalse(output, msg="Expected empty output, got %s" % (output,)) # Re-assigning host list with new hosts should work hosts = ['', ''] client.hosts = iter(hosts) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) self.assertEqual(len(hosts), len(output), msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " \ "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts),)) self.assertTrue(hosts[1] in output, msg="Did not get output for new host %s" % (hosts[1],)) del client server2.kill() server3.kill() def test_ssh_proxy(self): """Test connecting to remote destination via SSH proxy client -> proxy -> destination Proxy SSH server accepts no commands and sends no responses, only proxies to destination. Destination accepts a command as usual.""" del self.client self.client = None self.server.kill() server, _ = start_server_from_ip(, port=self.listen_port) proxy_host = '' proxy_server, proxy_server_port = start_server_from_ip(proxy_host) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, proxy_host=proxy_host, proxy_port=proxy_server_port, ) try: output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) finally: del client server.kill() proxy_server.kill() def test_ssh_proxy_target_host_failure(self): del self.client self.client = None self.server.kill() proxy_host = '' proxy_server, proxy_server_port = start_server_from_ip(proxy_host) client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, proxy_host=proxy_host, proxy_port=proxy_server_port, ) try: self.assertRaises( ConnectionErrorException, client.run_command, self.fake_cmd) finally: del client proxy_server.kill() def test_ssh_proxy_auth(self): """Test connecting to remote destination via SSH proxy client -> proxy -> destination Proxy SSH server accepts no commands and sends no responses, only proxies to destination. Destination accepts a command as usual.""" host2 = '' proxy_server, proxy_server_port = start_server_from_ip(host2) proxy_user = '******' proxy_password = '******' client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, proxy_host=host2, proxy_port=proxy_server_port, proxy_user=proxy_user, proxy_password='******', proxy_pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=1, ) expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] try: output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % ( stdout, expected_stdout,)) self.assertEqual(client.host_clients[].proxy_user, proxy_user) self.assertEqual(client.host_clients[].proxy_password, proxy_password) self.assertTrue(client.host_clients[].proxy_pkey) finally: del client proxy_server.kill() def test_ssh_proxy_auth_fail(self): """Test failures while connecting via proxy""" proxy_host = '' server, listen_port = start_server_from_ip(, fail_auth=True) proxy_server, proxy_server_port = start_server_from_ip(proxy_host) proxy_user = '******' proxy_password = '******' client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, proxy_host='', proxy_port=proxy_server_port, proxy_user=proxy_user, proxy_password='******', proxy_pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=1, ) try: self.assertRaises( AuthenticationException, client.run_command, self.fake_cmd) finally: del client server.kill() proxy_server.kill() def test_bash_variable_substitution(self): """Test bash variables work correctly""" client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key) command = """for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done""" output = list(client.run_command(command)[]['stdout']) expected = ['1','2','3'] self.assertEqual(output, expected, msg="Unexpected output from bash variable substitution %s - should be %s" % ( output, expected,)) def test_identical_host_output(self): """Test that we get output when running with duplicated hosts""" # Make port with no server listening on it just for testing output port = self.make_random_port() hosts = [,,] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=port, pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=1) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.pool.join() self.assertEqual(len(hosts), len(output.keys()), msg="Host list contains %s identical hosts, only got output for %s" % ( len(hosts), len(output.keys()))) def test_connection_error_exception(self): """Test that we get connection error exception in output with correct arguments""" # Make port with no server listening on it on separate ip host = '' port = self.make_random_port(host=host) hosts = [host] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=port, pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=1) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.pool.join() self.assertTrue('exception' in output[host], msg="Got no exception for host %s - expected connection error" % ( host,)) try: raise output[host]['exception'] except ConnectionErrorException as ex: self.assertEqual(ex.args[1], host, msg="Exception host argument is %s, should be %s" % ( ex.args[1], host,)) self.assertEqual(ex.args[2], port, msg="Exception port argument is %s, should be %s" % ( ex.args[2], port,)) else: raise Exception("Expected ConnectionErrorException") def test_authentication_exception(self): """Test that we get authentication exception in output with correct arguments""" server, port = start_server_from_ip(, fail_auth=True) hosts = [] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=port, pkey=self.user_key, agent=self.agent, num_retries=1) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.pool.join() self.assertTrue('exception' in output[], msg="Got no exception for host %s - expected connection error" % (,)) try: raise output[]['exception'] except AuthenticationException as ex: self.assertEqual(ex.args[1],, msg="Exception host argument is %s, should be %s" % ( ex.args[1],,)) self.assertEqual(ex.args[2], port, msg="Exception port argument is %s, should be %s" % ( ex.args[2], port,)) else: raise Exception("Expected AuthenticationException") server.kill() def test_ssh_exception(self): """Test that we get ssh exception in output with correct arguments""" host = '' server, port = start_server_from_ip(host, ssh_exception=True) hosts = [host] client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=port, user='******', password='******', pkey=RSAKey.generate(1024), num_retries=1) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.pool.join() self.assertTrue('exception' in output[host], msg="Got no exception for host %s - expected connection error" % ( host,)) try: raise output[host]['exception'] except SSHException as ex: self.assertEqual(ex.args[1], host, msg="Exception host argument is %s, should be %s" % ( ex.args[1], host,)) self.assertEqual(ex.args[2], port, msg="Exception port argument is %s, should be %s" % ( ex.args[2], port,)) else: raise Exception("Expected SSHException") server.kill() def test_multiple_single_quotes_in_cmd(self): """Test that we can run a command with multiple single quotes""" output = self.client.run_command("echo 'me' 'and me'") stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) expected = 'me and me' self.assertTrue(len(stdout)==1, msg="Got incorrect number of lines in output - %s" % (stdout,)) self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0, msg="Error executing cmd with multiple single quotes - %s" % ( stdout,)) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout[0], msg="Got unexpected output. Expected %s, got %s" % ( expected, stdout[0],)) def test_backtics_in_cmd(self): """Test running command with backtics in it""" output = self.client.run_command("out=`ls` && echo $out") self.client.join(output) self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0, msg="Error executing cmd with backtics - error code %s" % ( output[]['exit_code'],)) def test_multiple_shell_commands(self): """Test running multiple shell commands in one go""" output = self.client.run_command("echo me; echo and; echo me") stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) expected = ["me", "and", "me"] self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0, msg="Error executing multiple shell cmds - error code %s" % ( output[]['exit_code'],)) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout, msg="Got unexpected output. Expected %s, got %s" % ( expected, stdout,)) def test_escaped_quotes(self): """Test escaped quotes in shell variable are handled correctly""" output = self.client.run_command('t="--flags=\\"this\\""; echo $t') stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) expected = ['--flags="this"'] self.assertTrue(output[]['exit_code'] == 0, msg="Error executing multiple shell cmds - error code %s" % ( output[]['exit_code'],)) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout, msg="Got unexpected output. Expected %s, got %s" % ( expected, stdout,)) def test_host_config(self): """Test per-host configuration functionality of ParallelSSHClient""" hosts = ['127.0.0.%01d' % n for n in xrange(1,3)] host_config = dict.fromkeys(hosts) servers = [] user = '******' password = '******' for host in hosts: server, port = start_server_from_ip(host, fail_auth=hosts.index(host)) host_config[host] = {} host_config[host]['port'] = port host_config[host]['user'] = user host_config[host]['password'] = password servers.append(server) pkey_data = load_private_key(PKEY_FILENAME) host_config[hosts[0]]['private_key'] = pkey_data client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, host_config=host_config) output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, stop_on_errors=False) client.join(output) for host in hosts: self.assertTrue(host in output) try: raise output[hosts[1]]['exception'] except AuthenticationException as ex: pass else: raise AssertionError("Expected AutnenticationException on host %s", hosts[0]) self.assertFalse(output[hosts[1]]['exit_code'], msg="Execution failed on host %s" % (hosts[1],)) self.assertTrue(client.host_clients[hosts[0]].user == user, msg="Host config user override failed") self.assertTrue(client.host_clients[hosts[0]].password == password, msg="Host config password override failed") self.assertTrue(client.host_clients[hosts[0]].pkey == pkey_data, msg="Host config pkey override failed") for server in servers: server.kill() def test_pssh_client_override_allow_agent_authentication(self): """Test running command with allow_agent set to False""" output = self.client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, exit_code, msg="Got unexpected exit code - %s, expected %s" % (exit_code, expected_exit_code,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stdout, stdout, msg="Got unexpected stdout - %s, expected %s" % (stdout, expected_stdout,)) self.assertEqual(expected_stderr, stderr, msg="Got unexpected stderr - %s, expected %s" % (stderr, expected_stderr,)) def test_get_exit_codes_bad_output(self): self.assertFalse(self.client.get_exit_codes({})) self.assertFalse(self.client.get_exit_code({})) def test_per_host_tuple_args(self): host2, host3 = '', '' server2, _ = start_server_from_ip(host2, port=self.listen_port) server3, _ = start_server_from_ip(host3, port=self.listen_port) hosts = [, host2, host3] host_args = ('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3') cmd = 'echo %s' client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=1) output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args) for i, host in enumerate(hosts): expected = [host_args[i]] stdout = list(output[host]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0) host_args = (('arg1', 'arg2'), ('arg3', 'arg4'), ('arg5', 'arg6'),) cmd = 'echo %s %s' output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args) for i, host in enumerate(hosts): expected = ["%s %s" % host_args[i]] stdout = list(output[host]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0) self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command, cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]]) # Invalid number of args host_args = (('arg1', ),) self.assertRaises( TypeError, client.run_command, cmd, host_args=host_args) for server in [server2, server3]: server.kill() def test_per_host_dict_args(self): host2, host3 = '', '' server2, _ = start_server_from_ip(host2, port=self.listen_port) server3, _ = start_server_from_ip(host3, port=self.listen_port) hosts = [, host2, host3] hosts_gen = (h for h in hosts) host_args = [dict(zip(('host_arg1', 'host_arg2',), ('arg1-%s' % (i,), 'arg2-%s' % (i,),))) for i, _ in enumerate(hosts)] cmd = 'echo %(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s' client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=1) output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args) for i, host in enumerate(hosts): expected = ["%(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s" % host_args[i]] stdout = list(output[host]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0) self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command, cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]]) # Host list generator should work also client.hosts = hosts_gen output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args) for i, host in enumerate(hosts): expected = ["%(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s" % host_args[i]] stdout = list(output[host]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0) client.hosts = (h for h in hosts) self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command, cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]]) client.hosts = hosts def test_per_host_dict_args_invalid(self): cmd = 'echo %(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s' # Invalid number of host args host_args = [{'host_arg1': 'arg1'}] self.assertRaises( KeyError, self.client.run_command, cmd, host_args=host_args) def test_ssh_client_utf_encoding(self): """Test that unicode output works""" expected = [u'é'] cmd = u"echo 'é'" output = self.client.run_command(cmd) stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) self.assertEqual(expected, stdout, msg="Got unexpected unicode output %s - expected %s" % ( stdout, expected,)) utf16_server, server_port = start_server_from_ip(, encoding='utf-16') client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=server_port, pkey=self.user_key) # File is already set to utf-8, cannot use utf-16 only representations # Using ascii characters decoded as utf-16 on py2 # and utf-8 encoded ascii decoded to utf-16 on py3 output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, encoding='utf-16') stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) if type(self.fake_resp) == bytes: self.assertEqual([self.fake_resp.decode('utf-16')], stdout) else: self.assertEqual([self.fake_resp.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-16')], stdout) def test_pty(self): cmd = "exit 0" output = self.client.run_command(cmd, use_pty=False) self.client.join(output) stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] expected = [] self.assertEqual(expected, stdout) self.assertTrue(exit_code == 0) def test_channel_timeout(self): cmd = "sleep 2; echo me" self.client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, channel_timeout=.1) output = self.client.run_command(cmd) self.assertRaises(socket_timeout, list, output[]['stdout']) def test_output_attributes(self): output = self.client.run_command(self.fake_cmd) expected_exit_code = 0 expected_stdout = [self.fake_resp] expected_stderr = [] self.client.join(output) exit_code = output[]['exit_code'] stdout = list(output[]['stdout']) stderr = list(output[]['stderr']) host_output = output[] self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, host_output.exit_code) self.assertEqual(expected_exit_code, host_output['exit_code']) self.assertEqual(host_output['cmd'], host_output.cmd) self.assertEqual(host_output['exception'], host_output.exception) self.assertEqual(host_output['stdout'], host_output.stdout) self.assertEqual(host_output['stderr'], host_output.stderr) self.assertEqual(host_output['stdin'], host_output.stdin) self.assertEqual(host_output['channel'], self.assertEqual(host_output['host'], self.assertTrue(hasattr(output[], 'host')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(output[], 'cmd')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(output[], 'channel')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(output[], 'stdout')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(output[], 'stderr')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(output[], 'stdin')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(output[], 'exception')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(output[], 'exit_code')) def test_run_command_user_sudo(self): user = '******' output = self.client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, user=user) self.client.join(output) stderr = list(output[].stderr) self.assertTrue(len(stderr) > 0) self.assertTrue(output[].exit_code == 1) def test_run_command_shell(self): output = self.client.run_command(self.fake_cmd, shell="bash -c") self.client.join(output) stdout = list(output[].stdout) self.assertEqual(stdout, [self.fake_resp]) def test_run_command_no_shell(self): output = self.client.run_command('id', use_shell=False) self.client.join(output) stdout = list(output[].stdout) self.assertTrue(len(stdout) > 0) self.assertTrue(output[].exit_code == 0) def test_proxy_remote_host_failure_timeout(self): """Test that timeout setting is passed on to proxy to be used for the proxy->remote host connection timeout """ self.server.kill() server_timeout=0.2 client_timeout=server_timeout-0.1 server, listen_port = start_server_from_ip(, timeout=server_timeout) proxy_host = '' proxy_server, proxy_server_port = start_server_from_ip(proxy_host) proxy_user = '******' proxy_password = '******' client = ParallelSSHClient([], port=listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, proxy_host='', proxy_port=proxy_server_port, proxy_user=proxy_user, proxy_password='******', proxy_pkey=self.user_key, num_retries=1, timeout=client_timeout, ) try: self.assertRaises( ConnectionErrorException, client.run_command, self.fake_cmd) finally: del client server.kill() proxy_server.kill()