Example #1
 def onThemeChange(self, event):
     """Handles a theme change event (from a window with a themesMenu)"""
     win = event.EventObject.Window
     newTheme = win.themesMenu.FindItemById(event.GetId()).ItemLabel
     prefs.app['theme'] = newTheme
     self.theme = newTheme
Example #2
    def theme(self, value):
        """The theme to be used through the application"""
        # Make sure we just have a name
        if isinstance(value, themes.Theme):
            value = value.code
        # Store new theme
        prefs.app['theme'] = value
        # Reset icon cache
        # Set theme at module level
        # Apply to frames
        for frameRef in self._allFrames:
            frame = frameRef()
            if isinstance(frame, handlers.ThemeMixin):
                frame.theme = themes.theme

        # On OSX 10.15 Catalina at least calling SetFaceName with 'AppleSystemUIFont' fails.
        # So this fix checks to see if changing the font name invalidates the font.
        # if so rollback to the font before attempted change.
        # Note that wx.Font uses referencing and copy-on-write so we need to force creation of a copy
        # with the wx.Font() call. Otherwise you just get reference to the font that gets borked by SetFaceName()
        # -Justin Ales
        beforesetface = wx.Font(self._codeFont)
        success = self._codeFont.SetFaceName("JetBrains Mono")
        if not (success):
            self._codeFont = beforesetface
Example #3
def setupProxy():
    """Set up the urllib proxy if possible.

     The function will use the following methods in order to try and determine proxies:
        #. standard urllib2.urlopen (which will use any statically-defined http-proxy settings)
        #. previous stored proxy address (in prefs)
        #. proxy.pac files if these have been added to system settings
        #. auto-detect proxy settings (WPAD technology)

     .. note:
        This can take time, as each failed attempt to set up a proxy involves trying to load a URL and timing out. Best
        to do in a separate thread.


        True (success) or False (failure)
    global proxies
    #try doing nothing
    if testProxy(proxies) is True:
        logging.debug("Using standard urllib2 (static proxy or no proxy required)")
        urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(proxies))#this will now be used globally for ALL urllib2 opening
        return 1

    #try doing what we did last time
    if len(prefs.connections['proxy'])>0:
        proxies=urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': prefs.connections['proxy']})
        if testProxy(proxies) is True:
            logging.debug('Using %s (from prefs)' %(prefs.connections['proxy']))
            urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(proxies))#this will now be used globally for ALL urllib2 opening
            return 1
            logging.debug("Found a previous proxy but it didn't work")

    #try finding/using a proxy.pac file
    logging.debug("Found proxy PAC files: %s" %pacURLs)
    proxies=proxyFromPacFiles(pacURLs) # installs opener, if successful
    if proxies and hasattr(proxies, 'proxies') and len(proxies.proxies['http'])>0:
        #save that proxy for future
        logging.debug('Using %s (from proxy PAC file)' %(prefs.connections['proxy']))
        return 1

    #try finding/using 'auto-detect proxy'
    proxies=proxyFromPacFiles(pacURLs) # installs opener, if successful
    if proxies and hasattr(proxies, 'proxies') and len(proxies.proxies['http'])>0:
        #save that proxy for future
        logging.debug('Using %s (from proxy auto-detect)' %(prefs.connections['proxy']))
        return 1

    return 0
Example #4
def setup():
    Prepare psychopy environment and settings

    #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    from psychopy import prefs
    #pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel
    prefs.hardware['audioLib'] = config.psy.PREFS.get('audioLib')
    prefs.general['winType'] = config.psy.PREFS.get('winType')
    prefs.hardware['highDPI'] = config.psy.PREFS.get('highDPI')
    #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    import app.psy as psy
    #pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel

    # Ensure data directory exists and is writeable
    if not os.path.exists(config.data.DATA_PATH):
        except Exception as ex:
            raise SystemError('Cannot write to {}'.format(
                os.path.abspath(config.data.DATA_PATH))) from ex
    return psy.Psypy(config.psy.PREFS)
Example #5
def setupProxy(log=True):
    """Set up the urllib proxy if possible.

     The function will use the following methods in order to try and determine proxies:
        #. standard urllib.request.urlopen (which will use any statically-defined http-proxy settings)
        #. previous stored proxy address (in prefs)
        #. proxy.pac files if these have been added to system settings
        #. auto-detect proxy settings (WPAD technology)

     .. note:
        This can take time, as each failed attempt to set up a proxy involves trying to load a URL and timing out. Best
        to do in a separate thread.


        True (success) or False (failure)
    global proxies
    #try doing nothing
    proxies = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(urllib.request.getproxies())
    if tryProxy(proxies) is True:
        if log:
                "Using standard urllib (static proxy or no proxy required)")
            proxies))  #this will now be used globally for ALL urllib opening
        return 1

    #try doing what we did last time
    if len(prefs.connections['proxy']) > 0:
        proxies = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(
            {'http': prefs.connections['proxy']})
        if tryProxy(proxies) is True:
            if log:
                logging.debug('Using %s (from prefs)' %
            )  #this will now be used globally for ALL urllib opening
            return 1
            if log:
                logging.debug("Found a previous proxy but it didn't work")

    #try finding/using a proxy.pac file
    pacURLs = getPacFiles()
    if log:
        logging.debug("Found proxy PAC files: %s" % pacURLs)
    proxies = proxyFromPacFiles(pacURLs)  # installs opener, if successful
    if proxies and hasattr(proxies,
                           'proxies') and len(proxies.proxies['http']) > 0:
        #save that proxy for future
        prefs.connections['proxy'] = proxies.proxies['http']
        if log:
            logging.debug('Using %s (from proxy PAC file)' %
        return 1

    #try finding/using 'auto-detect proxy'
    pacURLs = getWpadFiles()
    proxies = proxyFromPacFiles(pacURLs)  # installs opener, if successful
    if proxies and hasattr(proxies,
                           'proxies') and len(proxies.proxies['http']) > 0:
        #save that proxy for future
        prefs.connections['proxy'] = proxies.proxies['http']
        if log:
            logging.debug('Using %s (from proxy auto-detect)' %
        return 1

    proxies = 0
    return 0