Example #1
def test_adduse_invalid_location(location):
    '''Test that the expected exception is raised when the specified
    location is invalid.

    name = "my_use"
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        adduse(location, name)
    assert ("Location argument must be a sub-class of fparser.two.utils.Base "
            "but got: " in str(excinfo.value))
Example #2
def test_adduse_noonly_names(parser):
    '''Test that the expected output is obtained when variable/function
    names are provided for a use statement and the value for the only
    argument is not provided.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(CODE, parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"
    adduse(location, name, funcnames=["a", "b", "c"])
    assert ("PROGRAM test\n  USE my_use, ONLY: a, b, c\n"
            "  INTEGER :: i\n") in str(parse_tree)
Example #3
def test_adduse_only_nonames(parser):
    '''Test that the expected output is obtained when no variable/function
    names are provided for a use statement and only is True.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(CODE, parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"

    adduse(location, name, only=True)
    assert "PROGRAM test\n  USE my_use, ONLY:\n  INTEGER :: i\n" \
        in str(parse_tree)
Example #4
def test_adduse_only_names1(parser):
    '''Test that the expected output is obtained in a Fortran program when
    variable/function names are provided for a use statement and only
    is True.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(CODE, parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"

    adduse(location, name, only=True, funcnames=["a", "b", "c"])
    assert "PROGRAM test\n  USE my_use, ONLY: a, b, c\n  INTEGER :: i\n" \
        in str(parse_tree)
Example #5
def test_adduse_onlyfalse_names(parser):
    '''Test that an exception is raised when variable/function names are
    provided for a use statement and the value for the only argument
    is set to False.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(CODE, parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        adduse(location, name, only=False, funcnames=["a", "b", "c"])
    assert ("If the 'funcnames' argument is provided and has content, "
            "then the 'only' argument must not be set to "
            "'False'.") in str(excinfo.value)
Example #6
def test_adduse_unsupportedparent1(parser):
    '''Test that the expected exception is raised when the specified
    location has an ancestor that is a module.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(
        "module test\n"
        "  integer :: i\n"
        "end module test\n", parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as excinfo:
        adduse(location, name)
    assert ("Currently support is limited to program, subroutine and "
            "function.") in str(excinfo.value)
Example #7
def test_adduse_nospec(parser):
    '''Test that the expected exception is raised when the ancestor (a
    program or a subroutine) does not have a specification part as its
    second child location has a parent that is a function. This is the
    case if a program has no content. This could be considered to be a
    bug but we'll treat it as a feature at the moment.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree("program test\n" "end program test\n", parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"

    with pytest.raises(InternalError) as excinfo:
        adduse(location, name)
    assert ("The second child of the parent code (content[1]) is expected "
            "to be a specification part but found 'End_Program_Stmt"
            "('PROGRAM', Name('test'))'.") in str(excinfo.value)
Example #8
def test_adduse_only_names3(parser):
    '''Test that the expected output is obtained in a Fortran function
    when variable/function names are provided for a use statement and
    only is True.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(
        "integer function test()\n"
        "  integer :: i\n"
        "  return i\n"
        "end function test\n", parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"

    adduse(location, name, only=True, funcnames=["a", "b", "c"])
    assert ("INTEGER FUNCTION test()\n  USE my_use, ONLY: a, b, c\n"
            "  INTEGER :: i\n") in str(parse_tree)
Example #9
def test_adduse_noprogparent(parser):
    '''Test that the expected exception is raised when the specified
    location has no parent that is one of main_program, module,
    subroutine or function.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(CODE, parser)
    # Choose the Program_Stmt node and then patch it so that it has
    # no parent
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    location.parent = None
    name = "my_use"

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        adduse(location, name)
    assert ("The specified location is invalid as it has no parent in the "
            "parse tree that is a program, module, subroutine or "
            "function.") in str(excinfo.value)
Example #10
def test_adduse_location_none():
    '''Test that the expected exception is raised when the specified
    location is None. There is a check for this as the parse tree can
    contain nodes with the value None.

    location = None
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        _ = adduse(None, location, None)
    assert "Location argument must not be None." \
        in str(excinfo.value)
Example #11
def test_adduse_nolocation(parser):
    '''Test that the expected exception is raised when the specified
    location is not in the parse_tree

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(CODE, parser)
    location = "lilliput"
    name = "my_use"

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        _ = adduse(parse_tree, location, name)
    assert "The specified location is not in the parse tree." \
        in str(excinfo.value)
Example #12
def test_adduse_noonly_nonames(parser):
    '''Test that the expected output is obtained when no variable/function
    names are provided for a use statement and only is not explicitly

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(CODE, parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"

    new_parse_tree = adduse(parse_tree, location, name)
    assert "PROGRAM test\n  USE my_use\n  INTEGER :: i\n" \
        in str(new_parse_tree)
Example #13
def test_adduse_noprogparent(parser):
    '''Test that the expected exception is raised when the specified
    location has no parent that is one of main_program, module,
    subroutine or function.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(CODE, parser)
    # location is main_program which is not a child of program.
    location = parse_tree.content[0]
    name = "my_use"

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        _ = adduse(parse_tree, location, name)
    assert ("The specified location is invalid as it has no parent in the "
            "parse tree that is a program, module, subroutine or "
            "function.") in str(excinfo.value)
Example #14
def test_adduse_only_names2(parser):
    '''Test that the expected output is obtained in a Fortran subroutine
    when variable/function names are provided for a use statement and
    only is True.

    parse_tree = get_parse_tree(
        "subroutine test()\n"
        "  integer :: i\n"
        "  i=0\n"
        "end subroutine test\n", parser)
    location = parse_tree.content[0].content[0]
    name = "my_use"

    new_parse_tree = adduse(parse_tree, location, name, only=True,
                            funcnames=["a", "b", "c"])
    assert ("SUBROUTINE test\n  USE my_use, ONLY: a, b, c\n"
            "  INTEGER :: i\n") in str(new_parse_tree)