Example #1
def test_kerntypefactory_create_broken_type():
    ''' Check that we raise an error if the KernelTypeFactory.create()
    method encounters an unrecognised API. '''
    factory = KernelTypeFactory(api="")
    # Deliberately break the 'type' (API) of this factory
    factory._type = "invalid_api"
    test_builtin_name = "aX_plus_Y"
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        _ = factory.create(None, name=test_builtin_name.lower())
    assert ("KernelTypeFactory:create: Unsupported kernel type"
            in str(excinfo.value))
Example #2
def test_kerneltypefactory_default_api():
    ''' Check that the KernelTypeFactory correctly defaults to using
    the default API '''
    from psyclone.configuration import Config
    _config = Config.get()
    factory = KernelTypeFactory(api="")
    assert factory._type == _config.default_api
Example #3
    def create_coded_kernel_call(self, kernel_name, args):
        '''Takes a coded kernel name and a list of Arg objects which
        capture information about the coded call arguments and
        returns a KernelCall instance with content specific to the
        particular API (as specified in self._api).

        :param str kernel_name: the name of the coded kernel being \
        :param args: a list of 'Arg' instances containing the required \
        information for the arguments being passed from the algorithm \
        layer. The list order is the same as the argument order.
        :type arg: list of :py:class:`psyclone.parse.algorithm.Arg`
        :returns: a KernelCall instance with information specific to \
        the API.
        :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.parse.algorithm.KernelCall`
        :raises ParseError: if the kernel is not specified in a use \
        statement in the algorithm layer

            module_name = self._arg_name_to_module_name[kernel_name.lower()]
        except KeyError:
            raise ParseError(
                "kernel call '{0}' must either be named "
                "in a use "
                "statement (found {1}) or be a recognised built-in "
                "(one of '{2}' for this API)".format(
                    kernel_name, list(self._arg_name_to_module_name.values()),

        from psyclone.parse.kernel import get_kernel_ast
        modast = get_kernel_ast(module_name, self._alg_filename,
                                self._kernel_path, self._line_length)
        from psyclone.parse.kernel import KernelTypeFactory
        return KernelCall(
            KernelTypeFactory(api=self._api).create(modast, name=kernel_name),
Example #4
def test_kerneltypefactory_wrong_api():
    ''' Check that we raise an appropriate error if we try to create
    a KernelTypeFactory with an invalid API '''
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        _ = KernelTypeFactory(api="invalid_api")
    assert "check_api: Unsupported API 'invalid_api'" in str(excinfo.value)