Example #1
def test_check_variable():
    '''Test the _check_variable utility method behaves as expected'''

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("variable property in Loop class should be a DataSymbol but "
            "found 'NoneType'." in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("variable property in Loop class should be a DataSymbol but "
            "found 'str'." in str(info.value))

    array_type = ArrayType(INTEGER_TYPE, shape=[10, 20])
    array_symbol = DataSymbol("my_array", array_type)
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("variable property in Loop class should be a ScalarType but "
            "found 'ArrayType'." in str(info.value))

    scalar_symbol = DataSymbol("my_array", REAL_TYPE)
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("variable property in Loop class should be a scalar integer but "
            "found 'REAL'." in str(info.value))

    scalar_symbol = DataSymbol("my_array", INTEGER_TYPE)
    assert Loop._check_variable(scalar_symbol) is None
Example #2
    def create(variable, start, stop, step, children):
        '''Create a NemoLoop instance given valid instances of a variable,
        start, stop and step nodes, and a list of child nodes for the
        loop body.

        :param variable: the PSyIR node containing the variable \
            of the loop iterator.
        :type variable: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`
        :param start: the PSyIR node determining the value for the \
            start of the loop.
        :type start: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node`
        :param end: the PSyIR node determining the value for the end \
            of the loop.
        :type end: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node`
        :param step: the PSyIR node determining the value for the loop \
        :type step: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node`
        :param children: a list of PSyIR nodes contained in the \
        :type children: list of :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node`

        :returns: a NemoLoop instance.
        :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.nemo.NemoLoop`

        :raises GenerationError: if the arguments to the create method \
            are not of the expected type.


        if not isinstance(children, list):
            raise GenerationError(
                "children argument in create method of NemoLoop class "
                "should be a list but found '{0}'."

        # Create the loop
        loop = NemoLoop(variable=variable)
        schedule = Schedule(parent=loop, children=children)
        loop.children = [start, stop, step, schedule]
        for child in children:
            child.parent = schedule
        start.parent = loop
        stop.parent = loop
        step.parent = loop

        # Indicate the type of loop
        loop_type_mapping = Config.get().api_conf("nemo") \
        loop.loop_type = loop_type_mapping.get(variable.name, "unknown")
        return loop