Example #1
def test_no_column_class_row(conn):
    class Empty:
        def __init__(self, x=10, y=20):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y

    cur = conn.cursor(row_factory=rows.class_row(Empty))
    x = cur.fetchone()
    assert isinstance(x, Empty)
    assert x.x == 10
    assert x.y == 20
Example #2
def test_class_row(conn):
    cur = conn.cursor(row_factory=rows.class_row(Person))
    cur.execute("select 'John' as first, 'Doe' as last")
    (p, ) = cur.fetchall()
    assert isinstance(p, Person)
    assert p.first == "John"
    assert p.last == "Doe"
    assert p.age is None

    for query in (
            "select 'John' as first",
            "select 'John' as first, 'Doe' as last, 42 as wat",
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example #3
def check_row_factories() -> None:
    conn1 = connect(row_factory=rows.tuple_row)
    v1: Tuple[Any, ...] = conn1.execute("").fetchall()[0]

    conn2 = connect(row_factory=rows.dict_row)
    v2: Dict[str, Any] = conn2.execute("").fetchall()[0]

    conn3 = connect(row_factory=rows.class_row(Person))
    v3: Person = conn3.execute("").fetchall()[0]

    conn4 = connect(row_factory=rows.args_row(argsf))
    v4: float = conn4.execute("").fetchall()[0]

    conn5 = connect(row_factory=rows.kwargs_row(kwargsf))
    v5: int = conn5.execute("").fetchall()[0]

    v1, v2, v3, v4, v5
Example #4
class DbUtils(WithConnection):
    def add_playlist(self, playlist_id: str, name: str, site: int | Site,
                     cur: Cursor[models.Playlist] = NotImplemented) -> models.Playlist:
        Adds a playlist to the database if it doesn't exist

                id of the playlist
                name of the playlist
                ID of the site being used
                Optional cursor

            int: The database id of the newly made playlist

        site = int(site)
        sql = 'INSERT INTO playlists (playlist_id, name, site) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) RETURNING *'
        cur.execute(sql, (playlist_id, name, site))
        return cur.fetchone()

    def update_archived_playlist_videos(self, playlist_id: int, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        Use when archive property is set to true on a playlist.
        Will set the download flag to true on each video in the playlist
        sql = '''
        UPDATE videos v SET download=TRUE
        FROM playlistvideos pv
        WHERE pv.playlist_id=%s AND v.id=pv.video_id AND v.download=FALSE
        cur.execute(sql, (playlist_id,))
        logger.info(f'Set download col for {cur.rowcount} videos')

    def add_and_update_vids(self, videos: Iterable[BaseVideo], existing_ids: set[str], site: int | Site, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        Adds new videos to database and updates the following properties from
        duplicate entries:
            title, description, thumbnail url, publish date
            also sets the deleted flag to False

        Do not give deleted videos to this function. It will set the deleted
        flag to true on them

                Iterable of :class:BaseVideo that will be added or updated
                Set of all video ids that are in the database for the given site.
                id of the site being used
                Optional cursor
        videos_set = set(videos)
        # We can't use intersection because it wouldn't give our custom object
        # instead it always would give a set of values used for comparison
        do_insert = videos_set - existing_ids
        do_update = videos_set - do_insert

        if not (do_insert or do_update):

        site = int(site)

        if do_insert:
            sql = 'INSERT INTO videos AS v (video_id, title, description, published_at, site, thumbnail) ' \
                  'VALUES %s'

            values = tuple(
                (vid.video_id, vid.title, vid.description, vid.published_at, site, vid.thumbnail)
                for vid in do_insert

            execute_values(cur, sql, values, page_size=500)

        if do_update:
            # https://stackoverflow.com/a/18799497/6046713
            sql = 'UPDATE videos AS v SET ' \
                  'title=CASE WHEN v.title!=c.title THEN c.title ELSE v.title END, ' \
                  'description=CASE WHEN v.description!=c.description THEN c.description ELSE v.description END, ' \
                  'deleted=FALSE,' \
                  'thumbnail=COALESCE(c.thumbnail, v.thumbnail), ' \
                  'published_at=CASE WHEN c.published_at >= v.published_at THEN v.published_at ELSE c.published_at END ' \
                  'FROM (VALUES %s) AS c(video_id, title, description, published_at, site, thumbnail) ' \
                  'WHERE c.site=v.site AND c.video_id=v.video_id'

            values = tuple(
                (vid.video_id, vid.title, vid.description, vid.published_at, site, vid.thumbnail)
                for vid in do_update

            execute_values(cur, sql, values, page_size=500)

    def add_deleted_vids(self, videos: Iterable[BaseVideo], existing_ids: set[str], site: int | Site, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        Sets the deleted flag on the videos provided and also sets the
        deletion time column if the deleted flag hasn't been set before

                Iterable of BaseVideo that are deleted
                id of the site being used
                Optional cursor
        videos = set(videos)
        do_insert = videos - existing_ids
        do_update = videos - do_insert

        if not (do_insert or do_update):

        site = int(site)
        if do_insert:
            t = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
            sql = 'INSERT INTO videos (video_id, title, published_at, site, deleted, deleted_at) VALUES %s'

            values = tuple((vid.video_id, t, t) for vid in do_insert)

            execute_values(cur, sql, values, page_size=1000, template=f"(%s, 'Deleted video', %s, {site}, True, %s)")

        if do_update:
            sql = 'UPDATE videos AS v SET ' \
                  'deleted_at=CASE WHEN v.deleted=FALSE THEN CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ELSE v.deleted_at END, ' \
                  'deleted=TRUE ' \
                  'WHERE site=%s AND video_id=ANY(%s)'

            cur.execute(sql, [site, [v.video_id for v in do_update]])

    @transaction(no_cursor=True, real_transaction=True)
    def add_vid_tags(self,
                     videos: set[BaseVideo],
                     cached_tags: dict[str, int],
                     all_videos: dict[str, int],
                     default_tags: list[str] = None):
        Adds missing tags to the database based on the provided videos.
        Also updates cached_tags and all_videos

                List of videos from which the tags will be added
                tags that have already been cached to memory
                All videos stored in the db of the specified site.
                An list of tag names to be applied to every video in the videos
        default_tags = [] if not default_tags else default_tags
        tag_values: set[str] = set(default_tags)
        cached_tag_names = set(cached_tags.keys())

        # Copy the list of videos since we don't want to edit the original list
        videos = videos.copy()
        for vid in videos.copy():  # This copy is probably needed
            if not vid.data:

            tags = vid.tags
            if not tags:

            tag_values.update(map(str.lower, tags))

        # Get non cached tags and add them to db
        tobecached = tag_values - cached_tag_names

        if tobecached:
            sql = 'INSERT INTO tags (tag) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING tag, id'
            with self.class_cursor(models.Tag) as cursor:
                results: list[models.Tag] = execute_values(cursor, sql,
                                                           [(x,) for x in tobecached],
                                                           page_size=1000, fetch=True)

            for tag in results:
                cached_tags[tag.tag] = tag.id

        values = []
        for vid in videos:
            video_id = all_videos.get(vid.video_id)
            if not video_id:
                logger.warning('Video id not found with %s' % vid)

            # Add video specific tags
            for tag in vid.tags:
                tag_id = cached_tags.get(tag.lower())
                if not tag_id:
                    logger.warning('Tag %s not found' % tag)

                values.append((tag_id, video_id))

            # Add default tags
            for default_tag in default_tags:
                tag_id = cached_tags.get(default_tag.lower())
                if not tag_id:
                    logger.warning('Tag %s not found' % default_tag)

                values.append((tag_id, video_id))

        sql = 'INSERT INTO videoTags (tag_id, video_id) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING '

        with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
            execute_values(cursor, sql, values, page_size=2000)

    def add_channels(self, channels: Iterable[BaseChannel], channel_cache: set[str], site: int | Site, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        Adds channels to db and updates old entries
        Columns updated are as follows:
            name and thumbnail aka profile pic

            channels: iterable of channels to add
            channel_cache: Set of all channels ids in db
            site: id of the site
            cur: Optional cursor

        site = int(site)
        channels = set(channels)
        do_insert = channels - cast(set[BaseChannel], channel_cache)
        do_update = channels - do_insert

        if not (do_insert or do_update):

        if do_insert:
            sql = 'INSERT INTO channels (channel_id, name, thumbnail, site) VALUES %s'

            execute_values(cur, sql, [(c.channel_id, c.name, c.thumbnail, site) for c in do_insert], page_size=1000)

            channel_cache.update([c.channel_id for c in do_insert])

        if do_update:
            sql = 'UPDATE channels AS c SET ' \
                  'name=COALESCE(v.name, c.name), ' \
                  'thumbnail=COALESCE(v.thumbnail, c.thumbnail) ' \
                  'FROM (VALUES %s) AS v(channel_id, name, thumbnail) ' \
                  'WHERE v.channel_id=c.channel_id'

            execute_values(cur, sql, [(c.channel_id, c.name, c.thumbnail) for c in do_update], page_size=1000)

    def add_channel_videos(self,
                           videos: Iterable[BaseVideo],
                           channels: Sequence[BaseChannel | str],
                           channel_cache: set[str],
                           db_videos:  dict[str, int],
                           site: int | Site):
        Link video ids to channel ids in the channelVideos table
        This will handle adding missing channels for you. The videos need
        to have the channel property set to for this to work

            videos: List of :class:BaseVideo instances
            channels: List of BaseChannel instances and channel_ids as str
            channel_cache: List of cached channel ids
            db_videos: video_id to db id
            site: id of the site being used
        self.add_channels([c for c in channels if not isinstance(c, str)], channel_cache, site)
        sql = 'SELECT id, channel_id FROM channels WHERE channel_id=ANY(%s)'

        channel_ids = {}
        with self.class_cursor(models.Channel) as cursor:
            cursor.execute(sql, [[c if isinstance(c, str) else c.channel_id for c in channels]])

            for row in cursor:
                channel_ids[row.channel_id] = row.id

        data = []

        for vid in videos:
            channel_id = channel_ids.get(vid.channel_id)
            if not channel_id:
                logger.warning(f'Channel not found for video {vid}')

            vid_id = db_videos.get(vid.video_id)
            if not vid_id:

            data.append((channel_id, vid_id))

        sql = 'INSERT INTO channelVideos (channel_id, video_id) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING'
        with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
            execute_values(cursor, sql, data, page_size=2000)

    def add_playlist_vids(self, playlist_id: int, video_ids: Iterable[int], cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        Add video playlist connection to the playlistVideos table

                The database id for the playlist
                An iterable of database ids for videos that are added the
                specified playlist
            cur: optional cursor
        sql = 'INSERT INTO playlistVideos (playlist_id, video_id) VALUES ' \
              '%s ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING'

        values = tuple((playlist_id, video_id) for video_id in video_ids)

        execute_values(cur, sql, values, page_size=2000)

    def update_removed_playlist_videos(self, playlist_id: int, video_ids: list[int], cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        Removes playlist videos that are not found in the video_ids iterable.
        sql = 'DELETE FROM playlistvideos WHERE playlist_id=%s AND NOT video_id=ANY(%s)'
        cur.execute(sql, [playlist_id, video_ids])
        logger.info(f'User removed {cur.rowcount} videos from playlist {playlist_id}')

    def get_vid_ids(self, vid_ids: list[str], site: int | Site, cur: Cursor[models.PartialVideo] = NotImplemented) -> dict[str, int]:
        Gets the database ids to the corresponding video ids

                list of video ids of the specified site.
                ID of the site being used

            dict: a dictionary of type {str: int} aka {video_id: database_id}
        site = int(site)
        sql = f'SELECT id, video_id, site FROM videos WHERE site={site} AND video_id=ANY(%s)'

        cur.execute(sql, [vid_ids])
        vid_ids = {vid.video_id: vid.id for vid in cur}

        return vid_ids

    def get_playlist_video_ids(self, playlist_id: int, cur: Cursor[models.PlaylistVideo] = NotImplemented) -> list[models.PlaylistVideo]:
        Gets all video ids that are associated with this playlist
            playlist_id: id of the playlist
            cur: Optional cursor
                A list PlaylistVideo objects with the video_id property set
        sql = 'SELECT video_id FROM playlistVideos WHERE playlist_id=%s'
        cur.execute(sql, (playlist_id,))
        return cur.fetchall()

    def get_extra_files(self, video_id: int, cur: Cursor[models.VideoExtraFiles] = NotImplemented) -> Optional[models.VideoExtraFiles]:
        sql = 'SELECT * FROM extra_video_files WHERE video_id=%s'
        cur.execute(sql, (video_id,))
        return cur.fetchone()

    def get_thumbnails_to_dl(self, site: int | Site, cur: Cursor[models.PartialVideo] = NotImplemented) -> list[models.PartialVideo]:
        Finds videos without thumbnail set in extra files
        sql = '''
        SELECT v.video_id, v.id FROM videos v
        LEFT JOIN extra_video_files evf ON v.id = evf.video_id
        WHERE v.site=%s AND v.deleted=FALSE AND evf.thumbnail IS NULL AND 
            (v.download=FALSE OR (v.force_redownload=FALSE AND v.downloaded_format IS NOT NULL))
        cur.execute(sql, (int(site),))
        return cur.fetchall()

    def iter_videos_to_download(self, playlist_ids: list[int] = None) -> Generator[models.Video, None, None]:
        where = '((download=TRUE or force_redownload=TRUE) AND deleted=FALSE)'
        join = ''
        args = ()

        if playlist_ids:
            where = 'pv.playlist_id=ANY(%s) AND ' + where
            join = 'INNER JOIN playlistvideos pv ON v.id = pv.video_id'
            args = [playlist_ids]

        sql = f'''
        SELECT DISTINCT ON (id) id, site, v.video_id, downloaded_format, downloaded_filename, download_format, force_redownload
        FROM videos v
        WHERE {where}

        with self.class_cursor(models.Video) as cursor:
            cursor.execute(sql, args)
            for row in cursor:
                yield row

    def update_vid_filename(self, filename: Optional[str], downloaded_format: Optional[str], video_id: int, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        sql = '''
        UPDATE videos SET 
            downloaded_filename=COALESCE(%s, downloaded_filename), 
            downloaded_format=COALESCE(%s, downloaded_format), 
        WHERE id=%s
        cur.execute(sql, (filename, downloaded_format, video_id))

    def update_filename(self, filename: str, video_id: int, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        cur.execute('UPDATE videos SET downloaded_filename=%s WHERE id=%s', (filename, video_id))

    def update_extra_files(self, model: models.VideoExtraFiles, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented):
        sql = '''
        INSERT INTO extra_video_files as e (video_id, thumbnail, info_json, other_files, audio_file, subtitles) 
        VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
        ON CONFLICT (video_id) DO UPDATE 
        SET thumbnail=COALESCE(EXCLUDED.thumbnail, e.thumbnail), 
            info_json=COALESCE(EXCLUDED.info_json, e.info_json), 
            other_files=COALESCE(EXCLUDED.other_files, e.other_files),
            audio_file=COALESCE(EXCLUDED.audio_file, e.audio_file),
            subtitles=COALESCE(EXCLUDED.subtitles, e.subtitles)
        other_files = Json(model.other_files) if model.other_files else None
        cur.execute(sql, (model.video_id, model.thumbnail, model.info_json, other_files, model.audio_file, model.subtitles or None))

    def videos_for_script(self, videos: set[BaseVideo], site: int | Site, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented) -> list[models.VideoToScript]:
        Transforms the given set of videos into a list that can be passed to a script
        site = int(site)
        sql = f'''
        SELECT v.video_id, v.title, c.name, c.channel_id, v.downloaded_filename, v.deleted_at, v.published_at
        FROM videos v 
        LEFT JOIN channelVideos cv ON cv.video_id=v.id 
        LEFT JOIN channels c ON cv.channel_id = c.id
        WHERE v.site=%s AND v.video_id=ANY(%s)

        cur.execute(sql, [site, [vid.video_id for vid in videos]])
        retval = []

        for row in cur:
            video_id = row['video_id']
            video = None
            for vid in videos:
                if vid.video_id == video_id:
                    video = vid

            if not video:
                logger.warning('Video not found from database when it should be added')


        return retval

    def get_deleted_info(self, deleted: set[BaseVideo], site: int | Site, cur: Cursor = NotImplemented) -> list[models.VideoToScript]:
        Updates BaseVideo objects with cached info from database
        Namely updates title, channel name and channel id

                 List of the videos to be updated
                Id of the site used
            cur: optional cursor

            list of videos that can be passed to a script

        if not deleted:
            return []

        deleted = deleted.copy()

        site = int(site)
        sql = f'''
        SELECT v.video_id, v.title, c.name, c.channel_id, v.downloaded_filename, v.deleted_at, v.published_at
        FROM videos v 
        LEFT JOIN channelVideos cv ON cv.video_id=v.id 
        LEFT JOIN channels c ON cv.channel_id = c.id
        WHERE v.site=%s AND v.video_id=ANY(%s)

        cur.execute(sql, [site, [vid.video_id for vid in deleted]])
        retval = []

        for row in cur:
            video_id = row['video_id']
            video = None
            for vid in deleted:
                if vid.video_id == video_id:
                    video = vid

            if not video:


        for vid in deleted:
                title=vid.title or 'Deleted video',

        return retval

    def get_new_deleted(self, deleted: set[BaseVideoT], site: int | Site,
                        cur: Cursor[models.Video] = NotImplemented) -> set[BaseVideoT]:
        Gets the newly deleted videos from the specified site with
        updated titles

                List of all deleted vids from a site.
                id if the site currently in use
            cur: optional cursor

            set: A set of BaseVideo objects with updated titles
        if not deleted:
            return set()

        site = int(site)
        sql = f'SELECT id, title, video_id FROM videos WHERE deleted IS FALSE AND site=%s' \
               ' AND video_id=ANY(%s)'

        new_deleted = set()
        cur.execute(sql, [site, [vid.video_id for vid in deleted]])

        for video_partial in cur:
            video_id = video_partial.video_id
            video = None
            for vid in deleted:
                if vid.video_id == video_id:
                    video = vid

            if not video:

            video.title = video_partial.title

        return new_deleted
Example #5
 def class_cursor(self, cls: Type[T]) -> Cursor[T]:
     with self.conn.cursor(row_factory=class_row(cls)) as cur:
         yield cur