def materialized_path(self): sql = """ WITH RECURSIVE materialized_path_cte(parent_id, GEN_PATH) AS ( SELECT T.parent_id, :: TEXT AS GEN_PATH FROM %s AS T WHERE = %s UNION ALL SELECT T.parent_id, ( || '/' || R.GEN_PATH) AS GEN_PATH FROM materialized_path_cte AS R JOIN %s AS T ON = R.parent_id WHERE R.parent_id IS NOT NULL ) SELECT gen_path FROM materialized_path_cte AS N WHERE parent_id IS NULL LIMIT 1; """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, [ AsIs(self._meta.db_table),, AsIs(self._meta.db_table) ]) row = cursor.fetchone() if not row: return '/' path = row[0] if not self.is_file: path = path + '/' return path
def is_checked_out(self): sql = """ WITH RECURSIVE is_checked_out_cte(id, parent_id, checkout_id) AS ( SELECT, T.parent_id, T.checkout_id FROM %s AS T WHERE = %s UNION ALL SELECT, T.parent_id, T.checkout_id FROM is_checked_out_cte AS R JOIN %s AS T ON T.parent_id = ) SELECT N.checkout_id FROM is_checked_out_cte as N WHERE N.checkout_id IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1; """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, [ AsIs(self._meta.db_table),, AsIs(self._meta.db_table) ]) row = cursor.fetchone() if row and row[0]: return True return False
def select(self, ticker): conn = self.get_connection() cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM %(table)s """ ) cur.execute(sql, {'table': AsIs(ticker)}) records = cur.fetchall() conn.close() return {'code': AsIs(ticker), 'records': records}
def execute_insert_query(table_type, insert_dict): statement = 'insert into ' + SCHEMA + '.' + config_json[ table_type] + ' (%s) values %s ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;' columns = insert_dict.keys() values = [insert_dict[column] for column in columns] cur.execute(statement, (AsIs(','.join(columns)), tuple(values))) # print(cur.mogrify(statement, (AsIs(','.join(columns)), tuple(values)))) conn.commit()
def insert_dict(self, insertions): columns, values = zip(*insertions.items()) query = SQL('INSERT INTO {}.{} (%s) VALUES %s').format( Identifier(self.schema), Identifier(self.table_name)) self.db.cursor.execute(query, [AsIs(','.join(columns)), values]) self.db.connection.commit()
def change_dict(self, item_id, changes): columns, values = zip(*changes.items()) query = SQL('UPDATE {}.{} SET (%s) = %s WHERE id=%s').format( Identifier(self.schema), Identifier(self.table_name)) self.db.cursor.execute(query, [AsIs(','.join(columns)), values, item_id]) self.db.connection.commit()
def selectitem(id, user): if request.method == 'GET': cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('select * from items where warehouse_id = (%s);', (id, )) itemss = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return render_template('selectitem1.html', itemlist=itemss) else: cur = conn.cursor() items = request.form.getlist('select') quantity = request.form.getlist('quantity') a = [] for i in quantity: if i != '': a.append(i) print(a) print(items) # print(quantity) table = "cart" + str(user) cur.execute('drop table if exists %(table)s cascade ', {"table": AsIs(table)}) # cur.execute('drop table if exists %s') # conn.commit() cur.execute( 'create table %(table)s (item_number serial primary key, item_id integer not null references items(item_id) on delete cascade , price integer not null, quantity integer not null, total integer generated always as (quantity*price) stored); ', {"table": AsIs(table)}) conn.commit() for i in range(0, len(items)): cur.execute('select price from items where item_id = (%s)', (items[i], )) price1 = cur.fetchone()[0] # cur.execute('insert into %(table)s (item_id,price, quantity) values (%s, %s,%s)', {"table":AsIs(table),items[i], price1,quantity[i]}) # try: cur.execute( 'insert into %s (item_id, price, quantity) values (%%s, %%s, %%s)' % table, (items[i], price1, a[i])) # conn.commit() print('try block working') # except: # cur.close() # return redirect('/selectitem/'+str(id)+'/'+str(user)) conn.commit() cur.close() return redirect('/cart/' + str(id) + '/' + str(user))
def insert(self, stock: Stock): conn = self.get_connection() cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO %(table)s (TIME, PRICE, VOL, CAP) VALUES (%(datetime)s, %(price)s, %(volume)s, %(cap)s); """ ) cur.execute(sql, {'table': AsIs(stock.ticker), 'datetime': stock.datetime, 'price': stock.price, 'volume': stock.volume, 'cap': stock.cap}) conn.commit() conn.close()
def test_database_is_encrypted(self): eaf = ExternalAccountFactory(**self.encrypted_field_dict) ea = ExternalAccount.objects.get( ea.reload() sql = """ SELECT %s FROM osf_externalaccount WHERE id = %s; """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, [AsIs(', '.join(self.encrypted_field_dict.keys())),]) row = cursor.fetchone() for blicky in row: assert jwe.decrypt(bytes(blicky[len(EncryptedTextField.prefix):]), SENSITIVE_DATA_KEY) == self.magic_string
def install_extension(conn, extension: str): """Install Postgres extension.""" query = 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "%s";' with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (AsIs(extension), )) installed = check_extension(conn, extension) if not installed: raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError( 'Postgres extension failed installation.', extension)
def cart(user, ware_id): if request.method == 'GET': cur = conn.cursor() table = 'cart' + str(user) # cur.execute('select * from %(table)s', {"table":AsIs(table)}) cur.execute('drop view if exists cart_dis') # conn.commit() cur.execute( 'create view cart_dis as select item_name, company, items.price, quantity, total from items, %(table)s where %(table)s.item_id = items.item_id;', {"table": AsIs(table)}) conn.commit() cur.execute('select * from cart_dis') global itemss itemss = cur.fetchall() print(itemss) cur.close() return render_template('cart1.html', list=itemss, order=False) else: if request.form['submit'] == 'Place Order': cur = conn.cursor() table = 'cart' + str(user) cur.execute('select * from %(table)s;', {"table": AsIs(table)}) items = cur.fetchall() for i in items: cur.execute( 'delete from orders where item_id = (%s) and shop_id = (%s) and ware_id = (%s)', (i[1], user, ware_id)) # conn.commit() cur.execute( 'insert into orders(item_num, item_id, price, quantity, shop_id, ware_id) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', (i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], user, ware_id)) # conn.commit() conn.commit() cur.close() return redirect('/slip') # return render_template('slip.html') # return render_template('cart1.html', list=itemss, order=True) else: return redirect('/selectitem/' + str(ware_id) + '/' + str(user))
def insert_dict(self, db_fields_enum, dict): try: table = db_fields_enum.__name__.lower() none_empty_columns = list(filter(lambda e: dict[e.value] != '', db_fields_enum)) columns = list(map(lambda e: e.value, none_empty_columns)) values = [dict[col] for col in columns] insert_statement = 'insert into {} (%s) values %s'.format(table) self.cur.execute(insert_statement, (AsIs(','.join(columns)), tuple(values))) self.conn.commit() except Exception as e: print("cant insert dict") print(e)
def execute_upsert_query(dict, table, conflict_column_name): statement = 'insert into ' + SCHEMA + '.' + table + ' (%s) values %s ON CONFLICT' + f'({conflict_column_name}) DO UPDATE SET ' columns = dict.keys() values = [dict[column] for column in columns] for column in columns: if dict[column] is None: pass elif column.lower() == conflict_column_name: pass elif isinstance(dict[column], or isinstance( dict[column], str): statement = statement + f"{column}='{dict[column]}'," else: statement = statement + f"{column}={dict[column]}," statement = statement[:-1] + ";" cur.execute(statement, (AsIs(','.join(columns)), tuple(values))) conn.commit()
def __createTableIfNotExists(self, arg): conn = self.get_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name=%s)", [arg]) if not cur.fetchone()[0]: sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE %(table)s ( TIME BIGINT NOT NULL, PRICE NUMERIC NOT NULL, VOL BIGINT NOT NULL, CAP NUMERIC NOT NULL, UNIQUE(TIME) ); """ ) cur.execute(sql, {'table': AsIs(arg)}) conn.commit() conn.close()
async def task_process(self): semaphore = Semaphore(2) running_procs = [] while self.loop.is_running(): if semaphore > 0: task = stack.blpop() if task: process = Popen( ["python3", "task_scripts/" + task["name"]], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) tasks_table.update(identifier=task["id"], data={ "status": "run", "start_time": "now()", "pid": }) running_procs.append(process) semaphore.decr() # выполняем задачу из стека for proc in running_procs: retcode = proc.poll() if retcode is not None: # Процесс завершился. print("Process finished, retcode: ", retcode, "args:", proc.args) running_procs.remove(proc) tasks_table.update(, data={ "status": "completed", "exec_time": AsIs("now() - start_time") }, search_by="pid") semaphore.incr() break else: # Спим и проверяем ещё раз. await asyncio.sleep(.1) await asyncio.sleep(.1)
def adapt_numpy_float(numpy_float): return AsIs(numpy_float)
def adapter(text_geom): return AsIs("ST_GeomFromText('%s',%s)" % (text_geom.string_rep, text_geom.epsg))
def adaptPoint(self, point): return AsIs("ST_GeomFromText('%s', %s)" % (point.wkt,
pdict['reddit_title'] = post.title pdict['reddit_link'] = "" + post.permalink pdict['title'] = post.title.split("(", 1)[0].split("[", 1)[0] extras = [num for num in post.title.split() if len(num) < 6] parentheses = find_in("(", ")", post.title) brackets = find_in("[", "]", post.title) both = parentheses + brackets + extras year, res = get_year_res(both) pdict['year'] = year pdict['resolution'] = res pdict['link'] = post.url website = post.domain.split(".")[1] keys = pdict.keys() mogrified = cur.mogrify( insertcmd, (AsIs(','.join(keys)), tuple([pdict[key] for key in keys]))) print(mogrified) try: cur.execute(mogrified) except Exception as e: raise e passed = False # while not passed: # try: # cur.execute(mogrified) # passed = True # except psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation as e: # db_id += 1 # except Exception as e: # raise e print(post.title, year, res)
def adapt_action_enum(action): return AsIs(repr(action.value))
try: return json.dumps(obj) except TypeError: if isinstance(obj, list): return json.dumps([str(x) for x in obj]) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return json.dumps({str(k): str(v) for k, v in obj.items()}) # This allows us to directly commit dict and list objects as JSONB with psycopg2 register_adapter(dict, StringConverterJSON) register_adapter(list, StringConverterJSON) register_adapter(set, StringConverterJSON) # We also want our KeyStruct to be adapted as a normal text string so we can insert it directly as text register_adapter(KeyStruct, lambda x: AsIs("'{}'".format(str(x)))) register_adapter(MR, lambda x: AsIs("'{}'".format(str(x)))) class PostgresConnectionManager(object): """ A class that stores and manages a psycopg2 connection pool for a postgres database. Right now, the class just wraps the SimpleConnectionPool, but in the future could do something more complicated. """ def __init__(self, conn_name, minconn=1, maxconn=5, **kwargs): """ Instantiates a Simple Connection Pool object with minconn and maxconn :param conn_name: What to name this connection :param minconn: The minimum number of connections created
def adaptLineString(self, line, hasQuotation=True): # lineStringCoordinates = [self.adaptPoint(Point(xy), hasQuotation=False) for xy in line.coords] # xy is a tuple (x, y) return AsIs("ST_GeomFromText('%s', %s)" % (line.wkt, # ",".join(lineStringCoordinates))
def adaptPolygon(self, polygon): return AsIs( "ST_GeomFromText('%s', %s)" % (polygon.wkt, # ",".join(lineStringCoordinates))
def object_id_adapter(object_id): return AsIs(to_sql_value(object_id))
def populateTableRoutesGeometry(self): print("Creating table routes geometry...") sql_insert = """INSERT INTO {}(route_id, trip_id, route_short_name, stops, stop_names, route_geom) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(%s)', 4326)); """ sql_insert = SQL(sql_insert).format(Identifier("routes_geometry_"+str(self.region))) sql_routes = """ SELECT route_id, route_short_name FROM {}; """ sql_routes = SQL(sql_routes).format(Identifier("routes_"+str(self.region))) sql_geometry = """ SELECT ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(%s)', 4326), (SELECT polygon from {0} where level = (SELECT min(level) FROM {0}))); """ sql_geometry = SQL(sql_geometry).format(Identifier("neighborhoods_"+str(self.region))) try: cursor = self.conn.getCursor() cursor.execute(sql_routes) routes = {} row = cursor.fetchone() while row is not None: (route_id, route_short_name) = row routes[route_id] = route_short_name row = cursor.fetchone() sql_stops = """select st.stop_id, trip_id, s.stop_lat, s.stop_lon, s.stop_parent, s.stop_name from {} st, {} s where trip_id in (select trip_id from {} where route_id = %s) and st.stop_id = s.stop_id ORDER BY trip_id, stop_sequence; """ sql_stops = SQL(sql_stops).format(Identifier("stop_times_"+str(self.region)), Identifier("stops_"+str(self.region)), Identifier("trips_"+str(self.region))) for route in routes: cursor.execute(sql_stops, (route, )) row = cursor.fetchone() trips_set = [] trips_id = [] route_stops = [] stop_names = [] trip_stops = {} trip_names = {} trip_geometry = {} previous_trip = -1 geometry = "" while row is not None: (stop_id, trip_id, lat, lon, parent, name) = row if not parent: #stop does not have a parent parent = stop_id if trip_id != previous_trip: if previous_trip != -1: route_set = set(route_stops) res = self.checkNewTrip(trips_set, route_set) if res >= -1: trips_set.append(set(route_set)) trips_id.append(previous_trip) trip_stops[previous_trip] = route_stops trip_names[previous_trip] = stop_names if res >= 0: del trips_set[res] del trips_id[res] geometry = geometry[:-1] trip_geometry[previous_trip] = geometry geometry = "" geometry += str(lon) + " " + str(lat) + "," route_stops = [parent] stop_names = [name] else: route_stops.append(parent) stop_names.append(name) geometry += str(lon) + " " + str(lat) + "," previous_trip = trip_id row = cursor.fetchone() route_set = set(route_stops) res = self.checkNewTrip(trips_set, route_set) if res >= -1: trips_set.append(set(route_set)) trips_id.append(previous_trip) trip_stops[previous_trip] = route_stops trip_names[previous_trip] = stop_names if res >= 0: del trips_set[res] del trips_id[res] geometry = geometry[:-1] trip_geometry[previous_trip] = geometry for trip_id in trips_id: geometry_trip = AsIs(trip_geometry[trip_id]) stops = trip_stops[trip_id] cursor.execute(sql_geometry, (geometry_trip, )) (intersects, ) = cursor.fetchone() if intersects: names = trip_names[trip_id] cursor.execute(sql_insert, (route, trip_id, routes[route], stops, names, geometry_trip)) self.conn.commit() cursor.close() except IOError as e: print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])