def do_query(conn, mode: str, query: str, data=None, **kwargs): """ Func that executes query string after having parameterised it. - *conn*: connection object returned by .connect() method. - *mode*: r (SELECT), w (INSERT), wr (INSERT RETURNING). - *query*: string query to be parameterised and executed. - *data*: collection or dictionary containing data for placeholders. - *kwargs*: kwarg to be parameterised and used to form query string. It returns a psycopg2 iterable cursor object if r or wr mode. Otherwise None. See here for cursor object """ validate_mode_arg(mode) (data is not None and validate_data_arg_type(data, mode)) if conn is not None: with conn: curs = conn.cursor() parameterized_query = parameterize_query(data=data, query=query, **kwargs) if mode in ["r", "wr"]: try: curs.execute(parameterized_query, data) except DatabaseError as error: raise DatabaseError(psycopg2_exception_enhanced(error)) return curs # user to curs.close() after reading from it. else: try: curs.execute(parameterized_query, data) except DatabaseError as error: raise DatabaseError(psycopg2_exception_enhanced(error)) # 'with' context manager should close or rollback, # let's close anyways in case something went wrong. finally: curs.close() else: raise (ValueError, "The \"conn\" argument seems to be None.")
def insert_one(self, newtuple, retkey=False): """Execute a single-tuple INSERT command :param newtuple: the tuple to be inserted :param retkey: indicates assigned key values should be returned """ attrnames = [name for name, typ in newtuple._heading] targets = '(%s)' % ", ".join(attrnames) values_list = 'VALUES (%s)' % ", ".join( ['%%(%s)s' % name for name in attrnames]) cmd = "INSERT INTO %s %s %s" % (, targets, values_list) if retkey: cmd += " RETURNING %s" % ", ".join(self.key) curs = self.db.execute(cmd, tuple_values_dict(newtuple)) if curs.rowcount != 1: self.db.rollback() raise DatabaseError("Failed to add %s %r" % (self.extname, self)) if retkey: attrdict = dict(self.attributes) rettuple = Tuple( [Attribute(name, attrdict[name].type) for name in self.key]) row = curs.fetchone() for attr, type_ in rettuple._heading: setattr(rettuple, attr, row[attr]) curs.close() if retkey: return rettuple
def update_one(self, newtuple, keytuple, currtuple=None): """Execute a single-tuple UPDATE command using the primary key :param newtuple: Tuple with new values :param keytuple: Tuple with key values :param currtuple: previous version of newtuple """ def update_one_cmd(): if changed_values or not hasattr(self, 'update_one_cmd'): setlist = "SET %s" % ", ".join([ '%s = %%(%s)s' % (c, c) for c in list(changed_values.keys()) ]) self.update_one_cmd = "UPDATE %s %s %s" % (, setlist, self.where_clause(currtuple is not None)) return self.update_one_cmd if currtuple: changed_values = tuple_values_dict(currtuple, newtuple) if not changed_values: return else: changed_values = tuple_values_dict(newtuple) values = self.key_values_update(keytuple, currtuple) values.update(changed_values) curs = self.db.execute(update_one_cmd(), values) if curs.rowcount != 1: self.db.rollback() raise DatabaseError("Failed to update %s %r" % (self.extname, self)) curs.close()
def _execute(self, query, params=None): # Raise error if that was expected, otherwise set the output if self._throw_on_execute: raise DatabaseError() self.description = self._results[0] self.rowcount = len(self._results[1]) self._has_been_read = True
def run_migrations_offline(): """ Run migrations in 'offline' mode. """ if os.environ.get("TESTING"): raise DatabaseError("Test migrations offline is not permitted.") context.configure(url=str(DATABASE_URL)) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations()
def run_migrations_offline() -> None: """Run migration in 'offline' mode """ if os.environ.get("TESTING"): raise DatabaseError( "Running testing migrations offline currently not permitted") alembic.context.configure(url=str(DATABASE_URL)) with alembic.context.begin_transaction(): alembic.context.run_migrations()
def run_migrations_offline() -> None: db_suffix = os.environ.get("DB_SUFFIX", "") if "test" in db_suffix: raise DatabaseError( "Running testing migrations offline currently not permitted.") alembic.context.configure(url=str(DATABASE_URL)) with alembic.context.begin_transaction(): alembic.context.run_migrations()
def run_migrations_offline() -> None: """ Run migrations in "offline" mode. """ if "TESTING" in os.environ and os.environ["TESTING"]: raise DatabaseError("Running testing migrations offline is not permitted.") alembic.context.configure(url=os.environ["DATABASE_URL"]) with alembic.context.begin_transaction(): alembic.context.run_migrations()
def run_migrations_offline(): """ Run migrations in 'offline' mode. """ if os.environ.get("TESTING"): raise DatabaseError( "Running testing migrations offline currently not permitted.") context.configure(url=str(settings.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI), target_metadata=target_metadata, literal_binds=True, compare_type=True) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations()
def connect(self, schema=None): """ Method which attempts connection to postresql instance using either a series of dsn kwargs or a libpq string. If schema is passed it will set path to that schema so all subsequent queries will be executed there. - *schema*: schema to connect to. If not provided, then public. It returns a Psycpog2 connection class. If it cannot connect it will return None. See here for conn class """ try: if self.libpq_string is not None: connection = psycopg2.connect(**parse_dsn(self.libpq_string)) else: connection = psycopg2.connect(**self.kwargs) except DatabaseError as error: raise DatabaseError(psycopg2_exception_enhanced(error)) if connection is not None and schema is not None: with connection: with connection.cursor() as cur: schema = sql.Identifier(schema) try: cur.execute( sql.SQL( "create schema if not exists {schema}; " "set search_path to {schema}, public;").format( schema=schema)) except Exception as error: raise DatabaseError(psycopg2_exception_enhanced(error)) return connection
def run_migrations_offline() -> None: ''' Run migrations in 'offline' mode. ''' db_suffix = os.environ.get('DB_SUFFIX', '') if 'test' in db_suffix: raise DatabaseError( 'Running testing migrations offline currently not permitted') alembic.context.configure(url=str(DATABASE_URL)) with alembic.context.begin_transaction(): alembic.context.run_migrations()
class CommonErrorStrategyTestCase(TestCase): exception_to_vaue_dict = { InterfaceError(): (True, TERMINATE), DatabaseError(choice(CommonErrorStrategy.BACKOFFABLE_MESSAGE)): (True, BACKOFF), OperationalError(): (True, TERMINATE), Exception(): (False, TERMINATE) } def setUp(self): self.strat = CommonErrorStrategy() def test_strategy_returns_correct_values(self): for exception, value in self.exception_to_vaue_dict.iteritems(): return_value = self.strat.handle_exception(exception) self.assertEqual(return_value, value)
def delete_one(self, keytuple, currtuple=None): """Execute a single-tuple DELETE command using the primary key :param keytuple: Tuple with key values :param currtuple: tuple from previous get """ def delete_one_cmd(): if not hasattr(self, 'delete_one_cmd'): self.delete_one_cmd = "DELETE FROM %s %s" % (, self.where_clause(currtuple is not None)) return self.delete_one_cmd values = self.key_values_update(keytuple, currtuple) curs = self.db.execute(delete_one_cmd(), values) if curs.rowcount != 1: self.db.rollback() raise DatabaseError("Failed to delete %s %r" % (self.extname, self)) curs.close()
def test_connect_err(mocker): mocker.patch('psycopg2.connect', side_effect=DatabaseError('DSN invalid')) conn, err = PostgreSQLAlt.do_connect('some_invalid_dsn') assert conn is None assert err is not None
def test_connection_fail_select(self): self.mock_execute.side_effect = DatabaseError() with self.assertRaises(DbtConfigError): DebugTask.validate_connection(self.target_dict) self.mock_execute.assert_has_calls( ['/* dbt */\nselect 1 as id', None)])
def test_get_config_err(conn): conn.fetchall_side_effect = DatabaseError('Something went wrong') config, err = PostgreSQLAlt.get_config(conn) assert config is None assert err is not None
def insert_scene_metadata(metadata, use_gee, raster=None): """ inserts the most important scene metadata before starting the inversion procedure into the OBIA4RTM PostgreSQL database Parameters ---------- metadata : Dictionary Sentinel-2 scene metadata use_gee : Boolean true if GEE was used, false if Sen2Core was used raster : String File-path to the Sentinel-2 imagery in case Sen2core was used Returns ------- None """ # open database connection conn, cursor = connect_db() # get sensor and scene_id sensor, scene_id = get_sensor_and_sceneid(metadata) # get mean angles from scene-metadata # tto -> sensor zenith angle # psi -> relative azimuth angle between sensor and sun tto, psi = get_mean_angles(metadata) # sun zenith angle tts = get_sun_zenith_angle(metadata) # get the footprint already as PostGIS insert statment footprint_statement = get_scene_footprint(metadata, gee=use_gee) # full metadata as JSON metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata) # storage drive and filename of the image raster data # this part only applies to Sen2Core preprocessing if use_gee: storage_drive = 'NA: Google Earth Engine' filename = 'NA: Google Earth Engine' else: splitted = os.path.split(raster) storage_drive = splitted[0] filename = splitted[1] # get acquisition time and date acquisition_time, acquisition_date = get_acqusition_time(metadata) # insert this basic metadata direclty into the OBIA4RTM database before # continuing statement = "INSERT INTO public.scene_metadata (acquisition_time, "\ "scene_id, sun_zenith, "\ "obs_zenith, rel_azimuth, sensor, footprint, full_description, "\ "storage_drive, filename) VALUES ('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},"\ "'{5}',{6},'{7}','{8}','{9}') ON CONFLICT (scene_id) "\ "DO NOTHING;".format( acquisition_time, scene_id, tts, tto, psi, sensor, footprint_statement, metadata_json, storage_drive, filename ) try: cursor.execute(statement) conn.commit() except DatabaseError: raise DatabaseError('Insert of metadata failed!') sys.exit() # close database connection close_db_connection(conn, cursor)