def find_work(self, force=False, verbose=1): """Find work files within this work area. Args: force (bool): force reread work files from disk verbose (int): print process data Returns: (_CTTWorkFileBase): list of cachable work files """ dprint('FINDING WORK', self.path, verbose=verbose) # Get work dir _tmpl = get_template(self.maya_work_type.hint) _data = copy.copy( _data['Task'] = 'blah' _data['extension'] = 'mb' _data['version'] = 1 _tmp_path = _tmpl.apply_fields(_data) _tmp_work = self.maya_work_type(_tmp_path) # Find work files + make cachable _works = [] for _file in find(_tmp_work.dir, depth=1, type_='f'): try: _tmp_work = self.maya_work_type(_file) except ValueError: continue lprint(' - ADDING', _file, verbose=verbose > 1) _work = obtain_work(_tmp_work.path) _works.append(_work) return _works
def get_work_area(self, dcc='maya'): """Get work area in this step for the given dcc. Args: dcc (str): dcc to get work area for Returns: (TTWorkAreaBase): work area """ if dcc == 'maya': _tmpl = get_template(self.work_area_maya_hint) return self.work_area_maya_type(_tmpl.apply_fields( raise ValueError(dcc)
def find_next(self, vers=None): """Find next version. Args: vers (TTWorkFileBase list): override versions list Returns: (TTWorkFileBase): next version """ _data = copy.copy( _latest = self.find_latest(vers=vers) _data['version'] = _latest.version + 1 if _latest else 1 _path = get_template(self.hint).apply_fields(_data) return self.__class__(_path)
def __init__(self, path, verbose=0): """Constructor. Args: path (str): file seq path verbose (int): print process data """ _tmpl = get_template(self.hint) try: _data = _tmpl.get_fields(path) except tank.TankError as _exc: lprint('TANK ERROR', _exc.message, verbose=verbose) raise ValueError("Tank rejected path " + path) _data["SEQ"] = "%04d" _path = abs_path(_tmpl.apply_fields(_data)) super(TTOutputFileSeqBase, self).__init__(path=_path, data=_data, tmpl=_tmpl) Seq.__init__(self, _path)
def find_output_vers(self): """Find output versions in this shot. Returns: (TTShotOutputVersion list): list of output versions """ _tmpl = get_template('shot_output_root') _out_root = TTShotOutputRoot(_tmpl.apply_fields( _vers = [] for _dir in _out_root.find(depth=1, type_='d'): _type = TTShotOutputType(_dir) for _dir in _type.find(depth=1, type_='d'): try: _name = TTShotOutputName(_dir) except ValueError: continue for _dir in _name.find(depth=1, type_='d'): _ver = TTShotOutputVersion(_dir) _vers.append(_ver) return _vers
def find_outputs(self, filter_=None, verbose=1): """Find outputs from this work file. Args: filter_ (str): path filter verbose (int): print process data Returns: (TTAssetOutputFile list): list of outputs """ _ver_tmpl = get_template(self.output_version_type.hint) # Find vers that exist in each name lprint('SEARCHING FOR VERSIONS', verbose=verbose) _vers = [] for _name in self.find_output_names(filter_=filter_): _data = copy.copy( _data['version'] = self.version _ver = self.output_version_type(_ver_tmpl.apply_fields(_data)) if _ver.exists(): lprint(' - ADDED VER', _ver, verbose=verbose) _vers.append(_ver) lprint('FOUND {:d} VERS'.format(len(_vers)), verbose=verbose) # Find output in each ver _outputs = [] for _ver in _vers: _ver_outputs = _ver.find_outputs() lprint(' -', _ver, len(_ver_outputs), _ver_outputs, verbose=verbose) _outputs += _ver_outputs return _outputs
def find_output_names(self, filter_=None, verbose=0): """Find output names for this work file. Args: filter_ (str): path filter verbose (int): print process data Returns: (list): list of output names """ _root_tmpl = get_template(self.output_root_type.hint) _root = self.output_root_type(_root_tmpl.apply_fields( lprint('ROOT', _root, verbose=verbose) _names = [] for _dir in _root.find(filter_=filter_, depth=2, type_='d'): try: _name = self.output_name_type(_dir) except ValueError: continue if not _name.task == self.task: continue lprint(' - ADDED NAME', _name, verbose=verbose) _names.append(_name) return _names
def map_to(self, class_=None, **kwargs): """Map this template's values to a different template. For example, this could be used to map a maya work file to a output file seq. If additional data is required, this can be passed in the kwargs. Args: class_ (TTBase): template type to map to Returns: (TTBase): new template instance """ _class = class_ or type(self) _data = copy.copy( for _key, _val in kwargs.items(): _data[_key] = _val _tmpl = get_template(_class.hint) try: _path = _tmpl.apply_fields(_data) except tank.TankError as _exc: _tags = '[' + _exc.message.split('[')[-1] raise ValueError('Missing tags: ' + _tags) return _class(_path)