def transform(
        object_to_transform: AnyPDFType,
        context: Optional[WriteTransformerContext] = None,
        This method writes a Stream to a byte stream
        assert context is not None
        assert context.destination is not None
        assert isinstance(object_to_transform, Stream)

        # avoid resolving objects twice
        object_ref: typing.Optional[
            Reference] = object_to_transform.get_reference(
            )  # type: ignore [attr-defined]
        if object_ref is not None and object_ref in context.resolved_references:
            assert object_ref is not None
            assert object_ref.object_number is not None
                "skip writing object %d %d R (already resolved)" %
                (object_ref.object_number, object_ref.generation_number or 0))

        # start object if needed
        started_object = False
        if object_ref is not None:
            assert object_ref.object_number is not None
            if object_ref.object_number is not None and object_ref.byte_offset is None:
                started_object = True
                self.start_object(object_to_transform, context)

        # build stream dictionary
        stream_dictionary = Dictionary()

        # objects to turn into reference
        queue: typing.List[AnyPDFType] = []
        for k, v in object_to_transform.items():
            if k in ["Bytes", "DecodedBytes"]:
            if (isinstance(v, Dictionary) or isinstance(v, List)
                    or isinstance(v, Stream)
                ) and v.can_be_referenced():  # type: ignore [union-attr]
                stream_dictionary[k] = self.get_reference(v, context)
                stream_dictionary[k] = v

        # if self.compression_level == 0, remove \Filter
        if context.compression_level == 0 and Name(
                "Filter") in stream_dictionary:

        # handle compression
        if "DecodedBytes" in object_to_transform:
            if context.compression_level == 0:
                bts = object_to_transform["DecodedBytes"]
                bts = zlib.compress(object_to_transform["DecodedBytes"],
            stream_dictionary[Name("Length")] = pDecimal(len(bts))
            assert "Bytes" in object_to_transform
            bts = object_to_transform["Bytes"]

        # write stream dictionary
        self.get_root_transformer().transform(stream_dictionary, context)

        # write "stream"
        context.destination.write(bytes("stream\n", "latin1"))

        # write bytes

        # write "endstream"
        context.destination.write(bytes("\nendstream\n", "latin1"))

        # end object if needed
        if started_object:
            self.end_object(object_to_transform, context)

        for e in queue:
            self.get_root_transformer().transform(e, context)
    def transform(
        object_to_transform: AnyPDFType,
        context: Optional[WriteTransformerContext] = None,
        This method writes a Dictionary to a byte stream
        assert isinstance(object_to_transform, Dictionary)
        assert context is not None
        assert context.destination is not None
        assert context.destination

        # avoid resolving objects twice
        object_ref: typing.Optional[
            Reference] = object_to_transform.get_reference(
            )  # type: ignore [attr-defined]
        if object_ref is not None and object_ref in context.resolved_references:
            assert object_ref is not None
            assert object_ref.object_number is not None
                "skip writing object %d %d R (already resolved)" %
                (object_ref.object_number, object_ref.generation_number or 0))

        # output value
        out_value = Dictionary()

        # objects to turn into reference
        queue: typing.List[AnyPDFType] = []
        for k, v in object_to_transform.items():
            if (isinstance(v, Dictionary) or isinstance(v, List)
                    or isinstance(v, Stream) or isinstance(v, Image)
                    or isinstance(v, Element)
                ) and v.can_be_referenced():  # type: ignore [union-attr]
                out_value[k] = self.get_reference(v, context)
                out_value[k] = v

        # start object if needed
        started_object = False
        if object_ref is not None:
            assert object_ref.object_number is not None
            if object_ref.object_number is not None and object_ref.byte_offset is None:
                started_object = True
                self.start_object(object_to_transform, context)

        # write dictionary at current location
        context.destination.write(bytes("<<", "latin1"))
        N = len(out_value.items())
        for i, (k, v) in enumerate(out_value.items()):
            self.get_root_transformer().transform(k, context)
            context.destination.write(bytes(" ", "latin1"))
            self.get_root_transformer().transform(v, context)
            if i != N - 1:
                context.destination.write(bytes(" ", "latin1"))
        context.destination.write(bytes(">>\n", "latin1"))

        # end object if needed
        if started_object:
            self.end_object(object_to_transform, context)

        for e in queue:
            self.get_root_transformer().transform(e, context)

        # return
        return out_value