Example #1
if config.backup:

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Making a backup of the original image ...")

    # Determine new filepath and copy
    new_filepath = fs.appended_filepath(config.filepath, "_backup")
    fs.copy_file(config.filepath, new_filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user
log.info("Loading the image '" + config.filepath + "' ...")

# Load the image
image = Image.from_file(config.filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Debugging
sum_before = np.nansum(image.primary.data)
log.debug("Sum of the primary frame before multiplication is " + str(sum_before))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform th euser
log.info("Multiplying the image with a factor of " + str(config.factor) + " ...")

# Multiply
image *= config.factor
Example #2
definition.add_flag("replace_masks", "replace masks", False)
definition.add_flag("replace_segments", "replace segmentation maps", False)
definition.add_flag("backup", "make backup", False)
config = parse_arguments("interpolate", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.replace: config.replace_frames = config.replace_masks = config.replace_segments = True

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user
log.info("Loading the images ...")

# Load
to_image = Image.from_file(config.add_to)
from_image = Image.from_file(config.add_from)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Add the frames
if config.frames:

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Adding the frames ...")

    # Loop over the frames
    for frame_name in from_image.frames:

        # Check
        if frame_name in to_image.frames:
Example #3
#control_panels_to_load = [("Source", SourcePanel),
#                          ("Color", ColorPanel),
#                          ("Plot", PlotPanel),
#                          ("Stats", StatsPanel),
#                          ("Phot", PhotPanel),
#                          ("Faker", FitsFakerPanel)
#                          ]

# ----->

#viewer = MagicViewer(control_panels_module_path='control_panels')

# Load the image first
image = Image.from_file(arguments.filename)
#frame = Frame.from_file(arguments.filename)

# Create the viewer
viewer = MagicViewer(title="Magic viewer")

# Load the image into the viewer

# Set options

# Wait for the GUI to be closed
Example #4
# Load the star region
star_region_path = fs.join(input_path, "stars.reg")
star_region = Region.from_file(star_region_path) if fs.is_file(star_region_path) else None

# Load the saturation region
saturation_region_path = fs.join(input_path, "saturation.reg")
saturation_region = Region.from_file(saturation_region_path) if fs.is_file(saturation_region_path) else None

# Load the region of other sources
other_region_path = fs.join(input_path, "other_sources.reg")
other_region = Region.from_file(other_region_path) if fs.is_file(other_region_path) else None

# Load the image with segmentation maps
segments_path = fs.join(input_path, "segments.fits")
segments = Image.from_file(segments_path, no_filter=True)

# Get the segmentation maps
galaxy_segments = segments.frames.galaxies if "galaxies" in segments.frames else None
star_segments = segments.frames.stars if "stars" in segments.frames else None
other_segments = segments.frames.other_sources if "other_sources" in segments.frames else None

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If visualisation is enabled, set the visualisation path (=output path)
if arguments.visualise:
    animation = Animation()
    animation.fps = 1
else: animation = None

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Example #5
definition.add_flag("replace_segments", "replace segmentation maps", False)
definition.add_flag("backup", "make backup", False)
config = parse_arguments("interpolate", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.replace:
    config.replace_frames = config.replace_masks = config.replace_segments = True

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user
log.info("Loading the images ...")

# Load
to_image = Image.from_file(config.add_to)
from_image = Image.from_file(config.add_from)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Add the frames
if config.frames:

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Adding the frames ...")

    # Loop over the frames
    for frame_name in from_image.frames:

        # Check
        if frame_name in to_image.frames:
Example #6
#from ztv_examples.fits_faker_panel.fits_faker_panel import FitsFakerPanel

#control_panels_to_load = [("Source", SourcePanel),
#                          ("Color", ColorPanel),
#                          ("Plot", PlotPanel),
#                          ("Stats", StatsPanel),
#                          ("Phot", PhotPanel),
#                          ("Faker", FitsFakerPanel)
#                          ]

# ----->

#viewer = MagicViewer(control_panels_module_path='control_panels')

# Load the image first
image = Image.from_file(arguments.filename)
#frame = Frame.from_file(arguments.filename)

# Create the viewer
viewer = MagicViewer(title="Magic viewer")

# Load the image into the viewer

# Set options

# Wait for the GUI to be closed
Example #7
if config.backup:

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Making a backup of the original image ...")

    # Determine new filepath and copy
    new_filepath = fs.appended_filepath(config.filepath, "_backup")
    fs.copy_file(config.filepath, new_filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user
log.info("Loading the image '" + config.filepath + "' ...")

# Load the image
image = Image.from_file(config.filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Debugging
sum_before = np.nansum(image.primary.data)
log.debug("Sum of the primary frame before multiplication is " +

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform th euser
log.info("Multiplying the image with a factor of " + str(config.factor) +
         " ...")

# Multiply