Example #1
    def __relocate__(self, data, symbol, section, namespace=None):
        '''Apply relocations for the specified ``symbol`` to the ``data``.'''
        namespace = namespace or {}

        # figure out the relocation information
        relocationva, relocationtype = self['VirtualAddress'].int(), self['Type'].int()

        # figure out the symbol type
        storageclass = symbol['StorageClass'].int()

        # get the symbol name so that it can be looked up against the namespace
        name = symbol['Name'].str()

        # lookup the symbol's value in the namespace first...otherwise, use what was actually assigned in the symbol table
        value = namespace.get(name, symbol['Value'].int())

        # extract the value that's already encoded within the section's data
        result = ptypes.bitmap.zero
        generator = ( bitmap.new(ch, 8) for ch in data[relocationva : relocationva + 4] )
        for x in generator:
            result = bitmap.insert(result, x)
        result = bitmap.int(result)

        currentva = relocationva + 4

        # FIXME: figure out the machine type in order to determine the relocation types and how to apply them

        # XXX: this is only for x86
        # figure out where to get the relocation's value from based on the relocation type
        if section is None:       # externally defined
            result = value
        elif relocationtype == 0:
        # XXX: will these relocations work?
        elif relocationtype == 6:                                           # 32-bit VA
            result = (value+result)
        #    print '>',name,hex(result),targetsectionname,hex(namespace[targetsectionname])
        elif relocationtype == 0x14:                                        # 32-bit relative displacement
            result = (value+result+4) - (currentva)
            #raise NotImplementedError(relocationtype)
        elif relocationtype == 7:                                           # use real virtual address (???)
            result = value
        elif relocationtype in [0xA, 0xB]:                                  # [section index, offset from section]
            raise NotImplementedError(relocationtype)
            raise NotImplementedError(relocationtype)

        # calculate relocation and assign it into an array
        result, serialized = bitmap.new(result, 32), array.array('B','')
        while result[1] > 0:
            result, value = bitmap.consume(result, 8)

        # update segment data with new serialized relocation
        if len(serialized) != 4:
            raise AssertionError("Expected size of relocation was expected to be {:d} bytes : {:d} != {:d}".format(4, len(serialized), 4))
        data[relocationva : relocationva + len(serialized)] = serialized

        # we're done. so return it back to the user
        return data
Example #2
    def encode(self, object, **kwds):
        szone,pu = self.getparent(szone_t),object.get()
        cookie = szone['cookie'].li.int()

        csum = self.generate_checksum(pu^cookie)

        t = bitmap.new(pu, object.size()*8)
        t = bitmap.rol(t, 4)

        cs = bitmap.new(bitmap.number(t)|csum, bitmap.size(t))
        cs = bitmap.ror(cs, 4)

        logging.info("{:s}.ptr_union.encode : Encoded pointer 0x{:x} with 0x{:x} results in checksum 0x{:x} : {:s}".format(__name__, pu, cookie, csum, bitmap.hex(cs)))

        res = object.copy().set(bitmap.number(cs))
        return super(ptr_union,self).encode(res, **kwds)
Example #3
 def set_bitmap_signed():
     result = bitmap.new(0, -32)
     freeslot = 0
     count = 3
     result = bitmap.set(result, freeslot, 1, count)
     if bitmap.value(result) == 7:
         raise Success
Example #4
 def _write(self, value):
     res = bitmap.new(value, self.length * 8)
     string = ""
     while res[1] > 0:
         res, value = bitmap.consume(res, 8)
         string += chr(value)
     return string
Example #5
 def set_bitmap_signed():
     result = bitmap.new(0, -32)
     freeslot = 0
     count = 3
     result = bitmap.set(result, freeslot, 1, count)
     if bitmap.value(result) == 7:
         raise Success
Example #6
    def set(self, string):
        if string in self._values_.viewvalues():
            res = dict((v, k) for k, v in self._values_.viewitems())
            return self.set(res[string])

        res = map(int, string.split('.'))
        val = [res.pop(0)*40 + res.pop(0)]
        for n in res:
            if n <= 127:

            # convert integer to a bitmap
            x = bitmap.new(0,0)
            while n > 0:
                x = bitmap.insert(x, (n&0xf,4))
                n //= 0x10

            # shuffle bitmap into oid components
            y = []
            while bitmap.size(x) > 0:
                x,v = bitmap.consume(x, 7)
                y.insert(0, v)

            val.extend([x|0x80 for x in y[:-1]] + [y[-1]])
        return super(OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, self).set(str().join(map(six.int2byte, val)))
Example #7
    def __alloc_arena(self, elementsize, pages=1):
        '''allocates an arena for elements of /elementsize/'''
        allocator = self.allocator

        size = allocator.getPageSize()*pages
        pointer = allocator.getWriteable(None, pages)
        res = bitmap.new(0, size / elementsize )
        return (pointer, (int(elementsize), res))
Example #8
    def __alloc_arena(self, elementsize, pages=1):
        '''allocates an arena for elements of /elementsize/'''
        allocator = self.allocator

        size = allocator.getPageSize() * pages
        pointer = allocator.getWriteable(None, pages)
        res = bitmap.new(0, size // elementsize)
        return (pointer, (int(elementsize), res))
Example #9
 def write(self, integer, length):
     '''Given the specified integer and its length, encode it into its little-endian form and return a string.'''
     res = array.array('B')
     binteger = bitmap.new(integer, 8 * length)
     octets = bitmap.split(binteger, 8)
     for item in reversed(octets):
     return res.tostring()
Example #10
    def __relocate(self, data, symbol, sectionarray, currentsectionname, targetsectionname, namespace):
        relocationva, relocationtype = self["VirtualAddress"].int(), self["Type"].num()
        name = symbol["Name"].str()
        storageclass, value = symbol["StorageClass"].num(), namespace[name]

        if value is None:
            raise ValueError("Attempted relocation for an undefined symbol `%s'." % name)

        result = bitmap.new(0, 0)
        generator = (bitmap.new(ord(x), 8) for x in data[relocationva : relocationva + 4])
        for x in generator:
            result = bitmap.insert(result, x)
        result = result[0]

        currentva = relocationva + 4

        if targetsectionname is None:  # externally defined
            result = value

        elif relocationtype == 0:

        # XXX: will these relocations work?
        elif relocationtype == 6:  # 32-bit VA
            result = value + result
        #            print '>',name,hex(result),targetsectionname,hex(namespace[targetsectionname])

        elif relocationtype == 0x14:  # 32-bit relative displacement
            result = (value + result + 4) - (currentva)
            raise NotImplementedError(relocationtype)
        elif relocationtype == 7:  # use real virtual address (???)
            result = value
        elif relocationtype in [0xA, 0xB]:  # [section index, offset from section]
            raise NotImplementedError(relocationtype)
            raise NotImplementedError(relocationtype)

        result, serialized = bitmap.new(result, 32), array.array("c", "")
        while result[1] > 0:
            result, value = bitmap.consume(result, 8)
        assert len(serialized) == 4

        data[relocationva : relocationva + len(serialized)] = serialized
        return data
Example #11
    def encode(self, object, **kwds):
        szone, pu = self.getparent(szone_t), object.get()
        cookie = szone['cookie'].li.int()

        csum = self.generate_checksum(pu ^ cookie)

        t = bitmap.new(pu, object.size() * 8)
        t = bitmap.rol(t, 4)

        cs = bitmap.new(bitmap.number(t) | csum, bitmap.size(t))
        cs = bitmap.ror(cs, 4)

            "{:s}.ptr_union.encode : Encoded pointer 0x{:x} with 0x{:x} results in checksum 0x{:x} : {:s}"
            .format(__name__, pu, cookie, csum, bitmap.hex(cs)))

        res = object.copy().set(bitmap.number(cs))
        return super(ptr_union, self).encode(res, **kwds)
Example #12
def encodeInteger(number, bytes):
    '''given an integer and a number of bytes, will return a string encoded in the native endianness'''
    number &= (0x100**bytes) - 1  # convert to absolute using side-effect of &

    counter = bitmap.new(number, bytes * 8)
    res = ''
    while counter[1] > 0:
        counter, _ = bitmap.consume(counter, 8)
        res += chr(_)
    return res
Example #13
def encodeInteger(number, bytes):
    '''given an integer and a number of bytes, will return a string encoded in the native endianness'''
    number &= (0x100**bytes) - 1    # convert to absolute using side-effect of &

    counter = bitmap.new(number,bytes*8)
    res = ''
    while counter[1] > 0:
        counter,_ = bitmap.consume(counter,8)
        res += chr(_)
    return res
Example #14
 def str(self):
     data = map(ord, self.serialize())
     res = [data[0] / 40, data.pop(0) % 40]
     data = iter(data)
     for n in data:
         v = bitmap.new(0, 0)
         while n & 0x80:
             v = bitmap.push(v, (n & 0x7f, 7))
             n = data.next()
         v = bitmap.push(v, (n, 7))
     return '.'.join(map(str, res))
Example #15
    def set_bitmap_unsigned():
        x = bitmap.new(0xf000000000000000,64)
        #x = bitmap.set(x, 60, count=4)
        print bitmap.string(x)

        y,res = bitmap.shift(x, 4)
        print res,bitmap.string(y)

        x = bitmap.new(0,0)
        x = bitmap.push(x, (0x1,4) )
        x = bitmap.push(x, (0x2,4) )
        x = bitmap.push(x, (0x3,4) )
        x = bitmap.push(x, (0x4,4) )
        print x,bitmap.string(x)

        x = bitmap.new(0,0)
        x = bitmap.insert(x, (0x1,4) )
        x = bitmap.insert(x, (0x2,4) )
        x = bitmap.insert(x, (0x3,4) )
        x = bitmap.insert(x, (0x4,4) )
        print x,bitmap.string(x)

        x = bitmap.consumer('\x12\x34')
        print x.consume(4)
        print x.consume(4)
        print x.consume(4)
        print x.consume(4)

        x = bitmap.new(0, 4)
        for i in six.moves.range(6):
            print x
            x = bitmap.add(x, 3)

        for i in six.moves.range(6):
            print x
            x = bitmap.sub(x, 6)

        x = bitmap.new(4,4)
        print bitmap.string(bitmap.ror(bitmap.ror(bitmap.ror(x))))
Example #16
    def set_bitmap_unsigned():
        x = bitmap.new(0xf000000000000000, 64)
        #x = bitmap.set(x, 60, count=4)

        y, res = bitmap.shift(x, 4)
        print(res, bitmap.string(y))

        x = bitmap.new(0, 0)
        x = bitmap.push(x, (0x1, 4))
        x = bitmap.push(x, (0x2, 4))
        x = bitmap.push(x, (0x3, 4))
        x = bitmap.push(x, (0x4, 4))
        print(x, bitmap.string(x))

        x = bitmap.new(0, 0)
        x = bitmap.insert(x, (0x1, 4))
        x = bitmap.insert(x, (0x2, 4))
        x = bitmap.insert(x, (0x3, 4))
        x = bitmap.insert(x, (0x4, 4))
        print(x, bitmap.string(x))

        x = bitmap.consumer(b'\x12\x34')

        x = bitmap.new(0, 4)
        for i in range(6):
            x = bitmap.add(x, 3)

        for i in range(6):
            x = bitmap.sub(x, 6)

        x = bitmap.new(4, 4)
Example #17
    def decode(self, object, **kwds):
        szone,pu = self.getparent(szone_t),object.get()
        cookie = szone['cookie'].li.int()

        t = bitmap.new(pu, object.size()*8)
        t = bitmap.rol(t, 4)
        ptr = bitmap.number(t) & ~0xf
        cs = ptr ^ cookie

        if bitmap.number(t)&0xf != self.generate_checksum(cs):
            logging.warn("{:s}.ptr_union.decode : Checksum doesn't match with cookie 0x{:x} : 0x{:x} != 0x{:x}".format(__name__, cookie, bitmap.number(t)&0xf, self.generate_checksum(cs)))

        res = object.copy().set(ptr)
        return super(ptr_union,self).decode(res, **kwds)
Example #18
def decodeInteger(string, signed=False):
    '''given a string encoded in the native byte-order, will produce an integer'''
    res = bitmap.new(0, 0)
    for ch in string:
        res = bitmap.insert(res, (ord(ch), 8))
    res, _ = res
    if not signed:
        return res

    bitflag = (0x100**len(string)) // 2
    signbit, value = res & bitflag, res & (bitflag - 1)
    if res & signbit:
        return value - bitflag
    return value
Example #19
 def str(self):
     data = bytearray(self.serialize())
     if len(data) > 0:
         res = [data[0] // 40, data.pop(0) % 40]
         data = iter(data)
         for n in data:
             val = bitmap.new(0,0)
             while n & 0x80:
                 val = bitmap.push(val, (n & 0x7f, 7))
                 n = next(data)
             val = bitmap.push(val, (n, 7))
         return '.'.join(map("{:d}".format, res))
     return '0'
Example #20
def decodeInteger(string, signed=False):
    '''given a string encoded in the native byte-order, will produce an integer'''
    res = bitmap.new(0,0)
    for ch in string:
        res = bitmap.insert(res, (ord(ch),8))
    res,_ = res
    if not signed:
        return res

    bitflag = (0x100**len(string)) / 2
    signbit,value = res & bitflag, res & (bitflag - 1)
    if res & signbit:
        return value - bitflag
    return value
Example #21
    def test_tag():
        res = bitmap.new(0x1e, 5)

        res = bitmap.zero
        res = bitmap.push(res, (0x1f, 5))
        res = bitmap.push(res, (0x1, 1))
        res = bitmap.push(res, (0x10, 7))
        res = bitmap.push(res, (0x1, 0))
        res = bitmap.push(res, (0x0, 7))
        x = pbinary.new(ber.Tag, source=ptypes.prov.string(bitmap.data(res)))
        print x.l
        print x['TagLong'][0]
        print x.int()
        print int(x['TagLong'])
Example #22
    def decode(self, object, **kwds):
        szone, pu = self.getparent(szone_t), object.get()
        cookie = szone['cookie'].li.int()

        t = bitmap.new(pu, object.size() * 8)
        t = bitmap.rol(t, 4)
        ptr = bitmap.number(t) & ~0xf
        cs = ptr ^ cookie

        if bitmap.number(t) & 0xf != self.generate_checksum(cs):
                "{:s}.ptr_union.decode : Checksum doesn't match with cookie 0x{:x} : 0x{:x} != 0x{:x}"
                .format(__name__, cookie,
                        bitmap.number(t) & 0xf, self.generate_checksum(cs)))

        res = object.copy().set(ptr)
        return super(ptr_union, self).decode(res, **kwds)
Example #23
    def summary(self):
        iterable = (item.int() for item in self)
        res = functools.reduce(lambda agg, item: agg * 0x100000000 + item, iterable, 0)
        num = bitmap.new(res, 128)
        components = bitmap.split(num, 16)

        # FIXME: there's got to be a more elegant way than a hacky state machine
        result, counter = [], 0
        for item in map(bitmap.number, components):
            if counter < 2:
                if item == 0:
                    counter = 1
                    if len(result) == 0:
                elif counter > 0:
                    result.extend(['', "{:x}".format(item)])
                    counter = 2
        return ':'.join(result)
Example #24
    def set(self, string):
        res = map(int, string.split('.'))
        val = [res.pop(0) * 40 + res.pop(0)]
        for n in res:
            if n <= 127:

            # convert integer to a bitmap
            x = bitmap.new(0, 0)
            while n > 0:
                x = bitmap.insert(x, (n & 0xf, 4))
                n /= 0x10

            # shuffle bitmap into oid components
            y = []
            while bitmap.size(x) > 0:
                x, v = bitmap.consume(x, 7)
                y.insert(0, v)

            val.extend([x | 0x80 for x in y[:-1]] + [y[-1]])
        return super(OBJECT_IDENTIFIER).set(''.join(map(chr, val)))
Example #25
 def get_checksum(self):
     '''Returns the encoded checksum for the ptr_union'''
     pu = self.int()
     t = bitmap.new(pu, self.size() * 8)
     t = bitmap.rol(t, 4)
     return bitmap.number(t) & 0xf
Example #26
 def data_padding():
     res = bitmap.new(0x123, 12)
     data = bitmap.data(res, reversed=0)
     if data.encode('hex') == '1230':
         raise Success
Example #27
 def data_padding_reversed():
     res = bitmap.new(0x123, 12)
     data = bitmap.data(res, reversed=1)
     if data.encode('hex') == '3012':
         raise Success
Example #28
                x = x & mask
                x *= -1
                x &= mask


    return special, tuple(result)

def decode(string, *args, **kwds):
    return consume(iter(string), *args, **kwds)

if True:
    a = bitmap.new(0x0b058547, 32)
    b = bitmap.data(a)

    print bitmap.string(a)
    j, (instr_index, ) = decode(b)
    print hex(instr_index << 2)

    #RAM:8C161580 0B 05 85 47                             j       loc_9FC7A134     # [note] simulator branches to 8c16151c
    #AC 82 00 00
    #ROM:9FC7A138 14 40 FF D0                             bnez    $v0, loc_9FC7A07C
    #RAM:8C161560 14 40 FF D0                             bnez    $v0, loc_9FC7A0BC  # 8c1614a4 #8c161564

if True:
    a = bitmap.new(0x1440ffd0, 32)
    b = bitmap.data(a)
Example #29
 def get_checksum(self):
     '''Returns the encoded checksum for the ptr_union'''
     pu = self.int()
     t = bitmap.new(pu, self.size()*8)
     t = bitmap.rol(t, 4)
     return bitmap.number(t) & 0xf
Example #30
 def get_pointer(self):
     '''Returns the encoded pointer'''
     res = bitmap.new(self.int(), self.size() * 8)
     res = bitmap.rol(res, 4)
     res = bitmap.number(res) & ~0xf
     return res
Example #31
        if b < 0:
            if x & sf:
                x = x & mask
                x *= -1
                x &= mask


    return special,tuple(result)

def decode(string, *args, **kwds):
    return consume( iter(string), *args, **kwds )

if True:
    a = bitmap.new(0x0b058547, 32)
    b = bitmap.data(a)

    print bitmap.string(a)
    j,(instr_index,) = decode(b)
    print hex(instr_index<<2)

    #RAM:8C161580 0B 05 85 47                             j       loc_9FC7A134     # [note] simulator branches to 8c16151c
    #AC 82 00 00
    #ROM:9FC7A138 14 40 FF D0                             bnez    $v0, loc_9FC7A07C
    #RAM:8C161560 14 40 FF D0                             bnez    $v0, loc_9FC7A0BC  # 8c1614a4 #8c161564

if True:
    a = bitmap.new(0x1440ffd0, 32)
    b = bitmap.data(a)
Example #32
 def data_padding_reversed():
     res = bitmap.new(0x123, 12)
     data = bitmap.data(res, reversed=1)
     if tohex(data) == '3012':
         raise Success
Example #33
 def bitmap(self):
     res = bitmap.zero
     for index, msize, busy in self['metadata'].busyfree():
         val = bitmap.new((2**msize - 1) if busy else 0, msize)
         res = bitmap.insert(res, val)
     return res
Example #34
 def bitmap_ror2_value():
     res = bitmap.new(0b0110, 4)
     if bitmap.int(bitmap.ror(res, 2)) == 0b1001:
         raise Success
Example #35
 def bitmap(self):
     return bitmap.new(self.int(), self.size()*8)
Example #36
 def bitmap(self):
     res = bitmap.zero
     for index, msize, busy in self['metadata'].busyfree():
         val = bitmap.new((2**msize - 1) if busy else 0, msize)
         res = bitmap.insert(res, val)
     return res
Example #37
 def get_pointer(self):
     '''Returns the encoded pointer'''
     res = bitmap.new(self.int(), self.size()*8)
     res = bitmap.rol(res, 4)
     res = bitmap.number(res) & ~0xf
     return res
Example #38
 def summary(self):
     num = bitmap.new(super(in_addr,self).int(), 32)
     octets = bitmap.split(num, 8)[::-1]
     return '0x{:x} {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.{:d}'.format(*map(bitmap.number,[num]+octets))
Example #39
 def bitmap_rorX_size():
     res = bitmap.new(0b0110, 4)
     if bitmap.size(bitmap.ror(res, 8)) == 4:
         raise Success
Example #40
 def data_padding():
     res = bitmap.new(0x123, 12)
     data = bitmap.data(res, reversed=0)
     if tohex(data) == '1230':
         raise Success
Example #41
 def bitmap(self):
     iterable = (bitmap.new(six.byte2int(item), 8)
                 for item in self.serialize())
     return six.moves.reduce(bitmap.push, map(bitmap.reverse, iterable),
Example #42
 def bitmap_rol4_size():
     res = bitmap.new(0b0110, 4)
     if bitmap.size(bitmap.rol(res, 4)) == 4:
         raise Success
Example #43
 def bitmap(self):
     return bitmap.new(self.int(), self.size() * 8)
Example #44
 def bitmap_rol1_value():
     res = bitmap.new(0b0110, 4)
     if bitmap.int(bitmap.rol(res, 1)) == 0b1100:
         raise Success
Example #45
 def bitmap(self):
     iterable = (bitmap.new(item.int(), 8 * item.size()) for item in self)
     return six.moves.reduce(bitmap.push, map(bitmap.reverse, iterable),
Example #46
 def bitmap_ror4_value():
     res = bitmap.new(0b0110, 4)
     if bitmap.int(bitmap.ror(res, 4)) == 0b0110:
         raise Success
Example #47
 def data_padding():
     res = bitmap.new(0x123, 12)
     data = bitmap.data(res, reversed=0)
     if data.encode('hex') == '1230':
         raise Success
Example #48
 def generate_checksum(self, ptr):
     pu = bitmap.new(ptr, self.size()*8)
     res = reduce(bitmap.add, map(bitmap.number,bitmap.split(pu,8)), bitmap.new(0,8))
     return bitmap.number(res) & 0xf
Example #49
 def data_padding_reversed():
     res = bitmap.new(0x123, 12)
     data = bitmap.data(res, reversed=1)
     if data.encode('hex') == '3012':
         raise Success