Example #1
def simulate_basic_with_pods(ptypy_pars_tree=None, sim_pars=None, save=False):
    Basic Simulation
    p = DEFAULT.copy()
    ppt = ptypy_pars_tree
    if ppt is not None:
    if sim_pars is not None:

    P = ptypy.core.Ptycho(ppt, level=1)

    # make a data source that has is basicaly empty
    P.datasource = make_sim_datasource(P.modelm, p.pos_drift, p.pos_scale,


    # Propagate and apply psf for simulationg partial coherence (if not done so with modes)
    for name, pod in P.pods.iteritems():
        if not pod.active: continue
        pod.diff += conv(u.abs2(pod.fw(pod.exit)), p.psf)

    # Filter storage data similar to a detector.
    if p.detector is not None:
        Det = Detector(p.detector)
        save_dtype = Det.dtype
        for ID, Sdiff in P.diff.S.items():
            # get the mask storage too although their content will be overriden
            Smask = P.mask.S[ID]
            dat, mask = Det.filter(Sdiff.data)
            if p.frame_size is not None:
                hplanes = u.expect2(p.frame_size) - u.expect2(dat.shape[-2:])
                dat = u.crop_pad(dat, hplanes, axes=[-2, -1]).astype(dat.dtype)
                mask = u.crop_pad(mask, hplanes, axes=[-2,
        save_dtype = None

    if save:
        P.modelm.collect_diff_mask_meta(save=save, dtype=save_dtype)

    return P
Example #2
def simulate_basic_with_pods(ptypy_pars_tree=None,sim_pars=None,save=False):
    Basic Simulation
    p = DEFAULT.copy()
    ppt = ptypy_pars_tree
    if ppt is not None:
    if sim_pars is not None:
    P = ptypy.core.Ptycho(ppt,level=1)

    # make a data source that has is basicaly empty
    P.datasource = make_sim_datasource(P.modelm,p.pos_drift,p.pos_scale,p.pos_noise)
    # Propagate and apply psf for simulationg partial coherence (if not done so with modes)
    for name,pod in P.pods.iteritems():
        if not pod.active: continue
        pod.diff += conv(u.abs2(pod.fw(pod.exit)),p.psf)
    # Filter storage data similar to a detector.
    if p.detector is not None:
        Det = Detector(p.detector)
        save_dtype = Det.dtype
        for ID,Sdiff in P.diff.S.items():
            # get the mask storage too although their content will be overriden
            Smask = P.mask.S[ID]
            dat, mask = Det.filter(Sdiff.data)
            if p.frame_size is not None:
                hplanes = u.expect2(p.frame_size)-u.expect2(dat.shape[-2:])
                dat = u.crop_pad(dat,hplanes,axes=[-2,-1]).astype(dat.dtype)
                mask = u.crop_pad(mask,hplanes,axes=[-2,-1]).astype(mask.dtype)
        save_dtype = None        
    if save:
    return P
Example #3
def augment_to_coordlist(a, Npos):
    if np.isscalar(a):
        a = u.expect2(a)

    a = np.asarray(a)
    if a.size % 2 == 0:
        a = a.reshape(a.size // 2, 2)

    if a.shape[0] < Npos:
        b = np.concatenate((1 + Npos // a.shape[0]) * [a], axis=0)
        b = a

    return b[:Npos, :2]
Example #4
def augment_to_coordlist(a,Npos):
    if np.isscalar(a):
    a = np.asarray(a)
    if a.size % 2 == 0:
    if a.shape[0] < Npos:
    return b[:Npos,:2]
Example #5
 def _initialize(self,pars=None,**kwargs):
     # Starting parameters
     if pars is not None:
     for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
         if p.has_key(k): p[k] = v
     self.p = p
     self.interact = False
     # set distance
     if self.p.z is None or self.p.z==0:
         raise ValueError('Distance (geometry.z) must not be None or 0')
     # set frame shape
     if self.p.N is None or (np.array(self.p.N)==0).any():
         raise ValueError('Frame size (geometry.N) must not be None or 0')
         self.p.N = u.expect2(p.N)
     # Set energy and wavelength
     if p.energy is None:
         if p.lam is None:
             raise ValueError('Wavelength (geometry.lam) and energy (geometry.energy)\n must not both be None')
             self.lam = p.lam # also sets energy
         if p.lam is not None:
             logger.debug('Energy and wavelength both specified. Energy takes precedence over wavelength')
         self.energy = p.energy
     # set initial geometrical misfit to 0
     self.p.misfit = u.expect2(0.)
     # Pixel size
     self.p.psize_det_is_fix = p.psize_det is not None
     self.p.psize_sam_is_fix = p.psize_sam is not None
     if not self.p.psize_det_is_fix and not self.p.psize_sam_is_fix:
         raise ValueError('Pixel size in sample plane (geometry.psize_sam) and detector plane \n(geometry.psize_det) must not both be None')
     # fill pixel sizes
     self.p.psize_sam = u.expect2(p.psize_sam) if self.p.psize_sam_is_fix else u.expect2(1.0)
     self.p.psize_det = u.expect2(p.psize_det) if self.p.psize_det_is_fix else u.expect2(1.0)
     # update other values
     # attach propagator
     self._propagator = self._get_propagator()
Example #6
    def update(self, geo_pars=None, **kwargs):
        update internal p dictionary. Recompute all internal array buffers
        # local reference to avoid excessive self. use
        p = self.p
        if geo_pars is not None:
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if p.has_key(k): p[k] = v

        # wavelength * distance factor
        lz = p.lam * p.z

        #calculate real space pixel size.
        psize_sam = p.psize_sam if p.psize_sam is not None else lz / p.N / p.psize_det

        # calculate array shape from misfit
        self.crop_pad = np.round(u.expect2(p.misfit) / 2.0).astype(int) * 2
        self.sh = p.N + self.crop_pad

        # calculate the grids
        [X, Y] = u.grids(self.sh, psize_sam, p.origin_sam)
        [V, W] = u.grids(self.sh, p.psize_det, p.origin_det)

        # maybe useful later. delete this references if space is short
        self.grids_sam = [X, Y]
        self.grids_det = [V, W]

        # quadratic phase + shift factor before fft
        pre = np.exp(1j * np.pi * (X**2 + Y**2) / lz).astype(self.dtype)
        self.pre_fft = pre * np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi * 1j * (
            (X - X[0, 0]) * V[0, 0] +
            (Y - Y[0, 0]) * W[0, 0]) / lz).astype(self.dtype)

        # quadratic phase + shift factor before fft
        post = np.exp(1j * np.pi * (V**2 + W**2) / lz).astype(self.dtype)
        self.post_fft = post * np.exp(-2.0 * np.pi * 1j *
                                      (X[0, 0] * V + Y[0, 0] * W) / lz).astype(

        # factors for inverse operation
        self.pre_ifft = self.post_fft.conj()
        self.post_ifft = self.pre_fft.conj()
Example #7
    def update(self,geo_pars=None,**kwargs):
        update internal p dictionary. Recompute all internal array buffers
        # local reference to avoid excessive self. use
        p = self.p
        if geo_pars is not None:
        for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if p.has_key(k): p[k] = v
        # wavelength * distance factor
        lz= p.lam * p.z
        #calculate real space pixel size. 
        psize_sam = p.psize_sam if p.psize_sam is not None else lz / p.N / p.psize_det
        # calculate array shape from misfit 
        self.crop_pad = np.round(u.expect2(p.misfit) /2.0).astype(int) * 2
        self.sh = p.N + self.crop_pad
        # calculate the grids
        [X,Y] = u.grids(self.sh,psize_sam,p.origin_sam)
        [V,W] = u.grids(self.sh,p.psize_det,p.origin_det)
        # maybe useful later. delete this references if space is short
        self.grids_sam = [X,Y]  
        self.grids_det = [V,W]
        # quadratic phase + shift factor before fft
        pre = np.exp(1j * np.pi * (X**2+Y**2) / lz ).astype(self.dtype)
        self.pre_fft = pre*np.exp(-2.0*np.pi*1j*((X-X[0,0])*V[0,0]+(Y-Y[0,0])*W[0,0])/ lz).astype(self.dtype)
        # quadratic phase + shift factor before fft
        post=np.exp(1j * np.pi * (V**2+W**2) / lz ).astype(self.dtype)
        self.post_fft = post*np.exp(-2.0*np.pi*1j*(X[0,0]*V+Y[0,0]*W)/ lz).astype(self.dtype)

        # factors for inverse operation
        self.pre_ifft = self.post_fft.conj()
        self.post_ifft = self.pre_fft.conj()
Example #8
def make_sim_datasource(model_inst, drift=0.0, scale=0.0, noise=0.0):

    labels = []
    sources = []
    pars = []
    for label, scan in model_inst.scans.items():
        source = scan.pars.source
        if source is None:
            source = model_inst.ptycho.paths.get_data_file(label=label)
        #p = u.Param()
        scan_info = u.Param()
        pos = scan.pos_theory
        scan_info.positions_theory = pos
        scan_info.positions = exp_positions(pos, drift, scale, noise)
        N = u.expect2(scan.pars.geometry.N)
        scan_info.shape = (len(pos), np.int(N[0]), np.int(N[1]))
        scan_info.scan_label = label
        scan_info.data_filename = source


    return data.StaticDataSource(sources, pars, labels)
Example #9
def make_sim_datasource(model_inst,drift=0.0,scale= 0.0,noise=0.0):

    sources =[]
    pars =[]
    for label,scan in model_inst.scans.items():
        source = scan.pars.source
        if source is None:
            source = model_inst.ptycho.paths.get_data_file(label=label)
        #p = u.Param()
        pos = scan.pos_theory
        scan_info.positions_theory = pos
        scan_info.positions = exp_positions(pos,drift,scale,noise)
        N = u.expect2(scan.pars.geometry.N)
        scan_info.shape = (len(pos),np.int(N[0]),np.int(N[1]))
        scan_info.scan_label = label
        scan_info.data_filename = source 

    return data.StaticDataSource(sources,pars,labels)
Example #10
    def read(self, scan=None, **kwargs):
        Read in the data
        TODO: (maybe?) MPI to avoid loading all data in a single process for large scans. 
        scan=scan if scan is not None else self.p.scan
        logger.info( 'Processing scan number %s' % str(scan))
        self.scan = self.get_nexus_file(scan)
        logger.debug( 'Data will be read from path: %s' % self.scan)

        self.exp = load(self.scan,self.nxs.frame)
            self.motors = load(self.scan,self.nxs.motors)
        self.command = load(self.scan,self.nxs.command)
        self.data = load(self.scan, self.nxs.frame).astype(float)
        self.label = load(self.scan, self.nxs.label)[0]

        if self.p.experimentID is None:
                experimentID = load(self.scan, self.nxs.experiment)[0]
                logger.debug('Could not find experiment ID from nexus file %s.' % self.scan)
                experimentID = os.path.split(base_path[:-1])[1]
            logger.debug( 'experimentID: "%s" (automatically set).' % experimentID)          
            logger.debug( 'experimentID: "%s".' % self.p.experimentID)
            self.experimentID = self.p.experimentID

        dpsize = self.p.dpsize
        ctr =  self.p.ctr
        sh = self.data.shape[-2:]
        fullframe = False
        if dpsize is None:
            dpsize = sh
            logger.debug( 'Full frames (%d x %d) will be saved (so no recentering).' % (sh))
            fullframe = True
        self.p.dpsize = expect2(dpsize)
        #data_filename = self.get_save_filename(scan_number, dpsize)
        #logger.info( 'Data will be saved to %s' % data_filename)
        f = self.data
        if not fullframe:
            # Compute center of mass
            if self.mask is None:
                ctr_auto = mass_center(f.sum(0))
                ctr_auto = mass_center(f.sum(0)*self.mask)
            print ctr_auto
            # Check for center position
            if ctr is None:
                ctr = ctr_auto
                logger.debug( 'Using center: (%d, %d)' % (ctr[0],ctr[1]))

            #elif ctr == 'inter':
                #import matplotlib as mpl
                #fig = mpl.pyplot.figure()
                #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
                #ax.set_title('Select center point (hit return to finish)')
                #s = u.Multiclicks(ax, True, mode='replace')
                #ctr = np.round(np.array(s.pts[0][::-1]));
                #logger.debug( 'Using center: (%d, %d) - I would have guessed it is (%d, %d)' % (ctr[0], ctr[1], ctr_auto[0], ctr_auto[1]))

                logger.debug( 'Using center: (%d, %d) - I would have guessed it is (%d, %d)' % (ctr[0], ctr[1], ctr_auto[0], ctr_auto[1]))
            self.dpsize = dpsize
            self.ctr = np.array(ctr)
            lim_inf = -np.ceil(ctr - dpsize/2.).astype(int)
            lim_sup = np.ceil(ctr + dpsize/2.).astype(int) - np.array(sh)
            hplane_list = [(lim_inf[0], lim_sup[0]), (lim_inf[1], lim_sup[1])]
            logger.debug( 'Going from %s to %s (hplane_list = %s)' % (str(sh), str(dpsize), str(hplane_list)))
            if self.mask is not None: self.mask = u.crop_pad(self.mask, hplane_list).astype(bool)
            if self.flat is not None: self.flat = u.crop_pad(self.flat, hplane_list,fillpar=1.)
            if self.dark is not None: self.dark = u.crop_pad(self.dark, hplane_list)            
            if self.data is not None: self.data = u.crop_pad(self.data, hplane_list)
Example #11
 def set_size_probe(self, probe_shape):
     self.p, self.r = self.parse_params()
     sh = self.p.scans.savu.data.shape
     self.probe_size = (1, ) + tuple(
         u.expect2(sh)) + (self.get_num_probe_modes(), )
     print "probe size is" + str(self.probe_size)
Example #12
    def _initialize(self, pars=None, **kwargs):
        # Starting parameters
        p = u.Param(DEFAULT)
        if pars is not None:
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if p.has_key(k): p[k] = v

        self.p = p
        self.interact = False

        # set distance
        if self.p.z is None or self.p.z == 0:
            raise ValueError('Distance (geometry.z) must not be None or 0')

        # set frame shape
        if self.p.N is None or (np.array(self.p.N) == 0).any():
            raise ValueError('Frame size (geometry.N) must not be None or 0')
            self.p.N = u.expect2(p.N)

        # Set energy and wavelength
        if p.energy is None:
            if p.lam is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Wavelength (geometry.lam) and energy (geometry.energy)\n must not both be None'
                self.lam = p.lam  # also sets energy
            if p.lam is not None:
                    'Energy and wavelength both specified. Energy takes precedence over wavelength'

            self.energy = p.energy

        # set initial geometrical misfit to 0
        self.p.misfit = u.expect2(0.)

        # Pixel size
        self.p.psize_det_is_fix = p.psize_det is not None
        self.p.psize_sam_is_fix = p.psize_sam is not None

        if not self.p.psize_det_is_fix and not self.p.psize_sam_is_fix:
            raise ValueError(
                'Pixel size in sample plane (geometry.psize_sam) and detector plane \n(geometry.psize_det) must not both be None'

        # fill pixel sizes
        self.p.psize_sam = u.expect2(
            p.psize_sam) if self.p.psize_sam_is_fix else u.expect2(1.0)
        self.p.psize_det = u.expect2(
            p.psize_det) if self.p.psize_det_is_fix else u.expect2(1.0)

        # update other values

        # attach propagator
        self._propagator = self._get_propagator()
        self.interact = True
Example #13
 def N(self, v):
     self.p.N[:] = u.expect2(v).astype(int)
     if self.interact: self.update()
Example #14
    def read(self, scan=None, **kwargs):
        Read in the data
        TODO: (maybe?) MPI to avoid loading all data in a single process for large scans. 

        scan = scan if scan is not None else self.p.scan
        logger.info('Processing scan number %s' % str(scan))

        self.scan = self.get_nexus_file(scan)
        logger.debug('Data will be read from path: %s' % self.scan)

        self.exp = load(self.scan, self.nxs.frame)
            self.motors = load(self.scan, self.nxs.motors)
            self.motors = None
        self.command = load(self.scan, self.nxs.command)
        self.data = load(self.scan, self.nxs.frame).astype(float)
        self.label = load(self.scan, self.nxs.label)[0]

        if self.p.experimentID is None:
                experimentID = load(self.scan, self.nxs.experiment)[0]
                    'Could not find experiment ID from nexus file %s.' %
                experimentID = os.path.split(base_path[:-1])[1]
            logger.debug('experimentID: "%s" (automatically set).' %
            logger.debug('experimentID: "%s".' % self.p.experimentID)
            self.experimentID = self.p.experimentID

        dpsize = self.p.dpsize
        ctr = self.p.ctr

        sh = self.data.shape[-2:]
        fullframe = False
        if dpsize is None:
            dpsize = sh
                'Full frames (%d x %d) will be saved (so no recentering).' %
            fullframe = True
        self.p.dpsize = expect2(dpsize)

        #data_filename = self.get_save_filename(scan_number, dpsize)
        #logger.info( 'Data will be saved to %s' % data_filename)
        f = self.data
        if not fullframe:
            # Compute center of mass
            if self.mask is None:
                ctr_auto = mass_center(f.sum(0))
                ctr_auto = mass_center(f.sum(0) * self.mask)
            print ctr_auto
            # Check for center position
            if ctr is None:
                ctr = ctr_auto
                logger.debug('Using center: (%d, %d)' % (ctr[0], ctr[1]))

            #elif ctr == 'inter':
            #import matplotlib as mpl
            #fig = mpl.pyplot.figure()
            #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
            #ax.set_title('Select center point (hit return to finish)')
            #s = u.Multiclicks(ax, True, mode='replace')
            #ctr = np.round(np.array(s.pts[0][::-1]));
            #logger.debug( 'Using center: (%d, %d) - I would have guessed it is (%d, %d)' % (ctr[0], ctr[1], ctr_auto[0], ctr_auto[1]))

                    'Using center: (%d, %d) - I would have guessed it is (%d, %d)'
                    % (ctr[0], ctr[1], ctr_auto[0], ctr_auto[1]))

            self.dpsize = dpsize
            self.ctr = np.array(ctr)
            lim_inf = -np.ceil(ctr - dpsize / 2.).astype(int)
            lim_sup = np.ceil(ctr + dpsize / 2.).astype(int) - np.array(sh)
            hplane_list = [(lim_inf[0], lim_sup[0]), (lim_inf[1], lim_sup[1])]
            logger.debug('Going from %s to %s (hplane_list = %s)' %
                         (str(sh), str(dpsize), str(hplane_list)))
            if self.mask is not None:
                self.mask = u.crop_pad(self.mask, hplane_list).astype(bool)
            if self.flat is not None:
                self.flat = u.crop_pad(self.flat, hplane_list, fillpar=1.)
            if self.dark is not None:
                self.dark = u.crop_pad(self.dark, hplane_list)
            if self.data is not None:
                self.data = u.crop_pad(self.data, hplane_list)
Example #15
 def psize_sam(self, v):
     changing source space pixel size 
     self.p.psize_sam[:] = u.expect2(v)
     if self.interact: self.update()
Example #16
 def psize_det(self, v):
     changing propagated space pixel size 
     self.p.psize_det[:] = u.expect2(v)
     if self.interact: self.update()
Example #17
    def prepare(self, scan=None, filename=None, dtype=np.uint32, **kwargs):

            kwargs)  #rebin = rebin if rebin is not None else self.p.rebin

        scan = scan if scan is not None else self.p.scan

        self.read(scan, **kwargs)
        DS = u.Param()

        dark = self.dark
        data = self.data
        if dark is not None:
            if dark.ndim == 3:
                dark = dark.mean(0)
            dark = np.resize(dark, data.shape)

        flat = self.flat
        if flat is not None:
            if flat.ndim == 3:
                flat = flat.mean(0)
            flat = np.resize(flat, self.data.shape)
        if flat is not None and dark is not None:
            data = (data - dark) / (flat - dark)
        elif dark is not None:
            data = data - dark
            data = data
        # remove negative values
        data[data < 0] = 0
        if self.mask is None:
            mask = np.ones_like(data, dtype=np.bool)
        #DS.flat = self.flat
        #DS.dark = self.dark
        DS.scan_info = u.Param()
        s = DS.scan_info
        p = self.p
        #s.scan_number = p.scan_number
        s.scan_label = 'S' + self.label  #'S%05d' % p.scan_number
        s.data_filename = self.scan  #scandict['data_filename']
        s.wavelength = u.keV2m(p.energy)
        s.energy = p.energy
        rebin = self.p.rebin
        s.detector_pixel_size = p.detector_pixel_size * rebin if p.detector_pixel_size is not None else None
        p.dpsize = p.dpsize / rebin
        s.detector_distance = p.detector_distance
        s.initial_ctr = self.ctr / rebin
        if rebin != 1:
            sh = data.shape
            data = u.rebin(data, sh[0], sh[1] / rebin, sh[2] / rebin)
            mask = u.rebin(mask.astype(int), sh[0], sh[1] / rebin,
                           sh[2] / rebin).astype(bool)

        data = flip(data, self.p.flip)
        mask = flip(mask, self.p.flip)

        DS.data = data.astype(dtype)
        DS.mask = mask
        DS.data[np.invert(DS.mask)] = 0
        #s.date_collected = scandict['date']
        s.date_processed = time.asctime()
        s.exposure_time = self.exp

        #if meta is not None: s.raw_filenames = meta['filename']
        s.preparation_basepath = self.base_path
        s.preparation_other = {}
        s.shape = DS.data.shape

        s.positions_theory = None

        s.scan_command = self.command

        motors = p.motors
        if self.motors is not None:
            Nmotors = len(motors)
            logger.debug('Motors are : %s' % str(p.motors))
            mmult = u.expect2(p.motors_multiplier)

            pos_list = [
                mmult[i] * np.array(self.motors[motors[i]])
                for i in range(Nmotors)
            s.positions = np.array(pos_list).T
            s.positions = None

        self.p.scan_label = s.scan_label
        if filename is None:
            p.write_path = WRITE_PATH_PATTERN.format(**p)
            filename = SAVE_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(**p)

        s.data_filename = u.clean_path(filename)
        io.h5write(filename, DS)
        return DS
Example #18
 def prepare(self,scan=None,filename=None,dtype=np.uint32,**kwargs):
     self.p.update(kwargs) #rebin = rebin if rebin is not None else self.p.rebin
     scan = scan if scan is not None else self.p.scan
     self.read( scan, **kwargs)
     DS = u.Param()
     dark = self.dark
     data = self.data
     if dark is not None:
         if dark.ndim == 3:
             dark = dark.mean(0)
         dark = np.resize(dark,data.shape)
     flat = self.flat
     if flat is not None:
         if flat.ndim == 3:
             flat = flat.mean(0)
         flat = np.resize(flat,self.data.shape)
     if flat is not None and dark is not None:
         data = (data-dark )/(flat-dark)
     elif dark is not None:
         data = data - dark
         data = data
     # remove negative values
     if self.mask is None:
         mask = np.ones_like(data,dtype=np.bool)
     #DS.flat = self.flat
     #DS.dark = self.dark
     DS.scan_info = u.Param()
     s = DS.scan_info     
     p = self.p
     #s.scan_number = p.scan_number
     s.scan_label = 'S'+self.label #'S%05d' % p.scan_number
     s.data_filename = self.scan #scandict['data_filename']
     s.wavelength = u.keV2m( p.energy )    
     s.energy = p.energy
     rebin = self.p.rebin
     s.detector_pixel_size = p.detector_pixel_size * rebin if p.detector_pixel_size is not None else None
     p.dpsize = p.dpsize / rebin 
     s.detector_distance = p.detector_distance
     s.initial_ctr = self.ctr / rebin
     if rebin!=1:
         sh = data.shape
         data = u.rebin(data,sh[0],sh[1]/rebin,sh[2]/rebin)
         mask = u.rebin(mask.astype(int),sh[0],sh[1]/rebin,sh[2]/rebin).astype(bool)
     data = flip(data,self.p.flip)
     mask = flip(mask,self.p.flip)
     DS.data = data.astype(dtype)
     DS.mask = mask
     #s.date_collected = scandict['date']
     s.date_processed = time.asctime()
     s.exposure_time = self.exp
     #if meta is not None: s.raw_filenames = meta['filename']
     s.preparation_basepath = self.base_path
     s.preparation_other = {}
     s.shape = DS.data.shape
     s.positions_theory = None
     s.scan_command = self.command
     motors = p.motors
     if self.motors is not None:
         Nmotors = len(motors)
         logger.debug( 'Motors are : %s' % str(p.motors))
         mmult = u.expect2(p.motors_multiplier)
         pos_list = [mmult[i]*np.array(self.motors[motors[i]]) for i in range(Nmotors)]
         s.positions = np.array(pos_list).T
         s.positions = None
     self.p.scan_label = s.scan_label
     if filename is None:
         p.write_path = WRITE_PATH_PATTERN.format(**p)
         filename = SAVE_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(**p) 
     s.data_filename = u.clean_path(filename)
     return DS
Example #19
 def N(self,v):
     self.p.N[:] = u.expect2(v).astype(int)
     if self.interact: self.update()
Example #20
 def psize_det(self,v):
     changing propagated space pixel size 
     self.p.psize_det[:] = u.expect2(v)
     if self.interact: self.update()
Example #21
 def psize_sam(self,v):
     changing source space pixel size 
     self.p.psize_sam[:] = u.expect2(v)
     if self.interact: self.update()