Example #1
def recons_auto_correct(obj, weight=None, **kwargs):
    if weight is None:
        mask = recons_auto_mask(obj, **kwargs)
        mask = weight
    obj = u.rmphaseramp(obj, weight=mask)
    obj *= np.exp(-1j * np.median(np.angle(obj)[mask]))
    return obj
def convert_ptyr_to_mapping(file_path, border=80, rmramp=True):
    :param file_path: path the ptypy ptyr
    :param border: The pixel border to trim from the object reconstruction
    :param rmramp: Remove phase ramp 
    :return: dictionary with lists containing paths to 'complex', 'magnitude' and 'phase' nexus formatted file paths

    fread = h5.File(file_path, 'r')
    obj_keys = '/content/obj'
    complex_paths = []
    phase_paths = []
    magnitudes_paths = []
    for obj_name, obj in fread[obj_keys].items():
        x, y = obj['grids'][...]
        x = x[0, :, 0] / 1e-3  # get them into mm
        y = y[0, 0, :] / 1e-3  # get them into mm
        x = x[border:-border]
        y = y[border:-border]
        data = obj['data'][...].squeeze()
        data = data[border:-border, border:-border]
        if rmramp: data = u.rmphaseramp(data)
        data = data.reshape(data.shape+(1, 1))

        magnitudes_path = file_path.split('.')[0] + obj_name + '_mag.nxs'
        write_dataset_to_file(np.abs(data), magnitudes_path, obj_name, x, y, tag='mag_')

        phase_path = file_path.split('.')[0] + obj_name+'_phase.nxs'
        write_dataset_to_file(np.angle(data), phase_path, obj_name, x, y, tag='phase_')

        complex_path = file_path.split('.')[0] + obj_name+'_complex.nxs'
        write_dataset_to_file(data, complex_path, obj_name, x, y, tag='complex_', dtype=np.complex128)


    return {'complex': complex_paths, 'phase': phase_paths, 'magnitude': magnitudes_paths}
def write_multiple_ptyr_to_nxtomo(file_paths, angles, out_path, prefix="", border=80, norm=True, rmramp=True, rmradius=0.5, rmiter=1, save_odens=False, save_complex=False):

    out_phase  = out_path + "/" + prefix + "tomo_phase.nxs"
    if save_odens:
        out_odens  = out_path + "/" + prefix + "tomo_odens.nxs"
    if save_complex:
        out_complex = out_path + "/" + prefix + "tomo_complex.nxs"

    shapes = []
    nfiles = len(file_paths)
    for idx in range(nfiles):
        fread = h5.File(file_paths[idx], 'r')
        obj_keys = '/content/obj'
        obj = list(fread[obj_keys].values())[0]
        sh = obj['data'].shape[1:]
        if border > 0:
            sh = (sh[0] - 2*border, sh[1] - 2*border)
    log(3, "The tomographic angles range from {} to {} degress".format(angles[0], angles[-1]))
    shapes = np.array(shapes)
    full_shape = np.max(shapes[:, 0]), np.max(shapes[:, 1])
    log(3, "The common full shape of the object is {}".format(full_shape))
    # Create Nexus files for phase
    fp = create_nxtomo_file(out_phase,   angles, full_shape, nfiles)
    if save_odens:
        fo = create_nxtomo_file(out_odens,   angles, full_shape, nfiles)
    if save_complex:
        fc = create_nxtomo_file(out_complex, angles, full_shape, nfiles)
    ctr = 0
    for idx in range(nfiles):
        print("Projection %03d/%03d" %(idx, nfiles), end='\r', flush=True)
        slow_top = shapes[idx, 0]
        fast_top = shapes[idx, 1]
        fread = h5.File(file_paths[idx], 'r')
        obj_keys = '/content/obj'
        obj = list(fread[obj_keys].values())[0]
        e,v  = ortho(obj['data'])
        O = v[0] # select most dominant orthogonal object mode
        if border > 0:
            O = O[border:-border,border:-border]
        if rmramp:
            ny,nx = O.shape
            XX,YY = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx) - nx//2, np.arange(ny) - ny//2)
            W = np.sqrt(XX**2 + YY**2) < (rmradius * (nx+ny) / 4)
            for i in range(rmiter):
                O = u.rmphaseramp(O, weight=W)
        if norm:
            O *= np.exp(-1j*np.median(np.angle(O)))
        phase = np.angle(O)
        odens = -np.log(np.abs(O)**2)
        if norm:
            odens -= np.median(odens)
        fp['entry1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = phase
        if save_odens:
            fo['entry1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = odens
        if save_complex:
            fc['entry1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = O
        ctr += 1
    log(3, "Saved phase to {}".format(out_phase))
    if save_odens:
        log(3, "Saved optical density to {}".format(out_odens))
    if save_complex:
        log(3, "Saved complex object to {}".format(out_complex))
def write_single_ptyr_to_nxstxm(file_path, out_path, prefix="", border=80, rmramp=True, norm=True, rmradius=0.5, rmiter=1):

    out_phase     = out_path + "/" + prefix + "phase.nxs"
    out_odensity  = out_path + "/" + prefix + "optical_density.nxs"
    out_amplitude = out_path + "/" + prefix + "amplitude.nxs"

    shapes = []
    energy = []
    objs   = []
    fread = h5.File(file_path, 'r')
    obj_keys = '/content/obj'
    scan_keys = list(fread[obj_keys].keys())
    for obj in fread[obj_keys].values():
        enrg = obj['_energy'][...]
        data = obj['data'][0]
        if border > 0:
            data = data[border:-border,border:-border]
        sh = data.shape
    energy = np.array(energy)*1e3 # convert to eV
    log(3, "The energy ranges from {} to {} eV".format(energy[0], energy[-1]))
    shapes = np.array(shapes)
    full_shape = np.max(shapes[:, 0]), np.max(shapes[:, 1])
    log(3, "The common full shape of the object is {}".format(full_shape))
    # Create Mantis/Nexus files for phase and optical density
    fp = create_nxstxm_file(out_phase, energy, full_shape, len(scan_keys))
    fo = create_nxstxm_file(out_odensity, energy, full_shape, len(scan_keys))
    fa = create_nxstxm_file(out_amplitude, energy, full_shape, len(scan_keys))
    ctr = 0
    for idx in range(len(scan_keys)):
        slow_top = shapes[idx, 0]
        fast_top = shapes[idx, 1]
        O = objs[idx].squeeze()
        if rmramp:
            ny,nx = O.shape
            XX,YY = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx) - nx//2, np.arange(ny) - ny//2)
            W = np.sqrt(XX**2 + YY**2) < (rmradius * (nx+ny) / 4)
            for i in range(rmiter):
                O = u.rmphaseramp(O, weight=W)
        if norm:
            O *= np.exp(-1j*np.median(np.angle(O)))
        phase = np.angle(O)
        odensity = -np.log(np.abs(O)**2)
        odensity[np.isinf(odensity)] = 0
        if norm:
            odensity -= np.median(odensity)
        amplitude = np.abs(O)
        fp['entry1/Counter1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = phase
        fo['entry1/Counter1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = odensity
        fa['entry1/Counter1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = amplitude
        ctr += 1
    log(3, "Saved phase to {}".format(out_phase))
    log(3, "Saved optical density to {}".format(out_odensity))
    log(3, "Saved amplitude to {}".format(out_amplitude))
def write_multiple_ptyr_to_nxstxm(file_paths, out_path, prefix="", border=80, norm=True, rescale=True, rmramp=True, rmradius=0.5, rmiter=1):

    out_phase    = out_path + "/" + prefix + "phase.nxs"
    out_odensity = out_path + "/" + prefix + "optical_density.nxs"
    out_amplitude = out_path + "/" + prefix + "amplitude.nxs"
    out_probe_intensity = out_path + "/" + prefix + "probe_intensity.nxs"
    out_complex = out_path + "/" + prefix + "complex.nxs"

    shapes = []
    energy = []
    objs   = []
    prbs   = []
    nfiles = len(file_paths)
    for idx in range(nfiles):
        fread = h5.File(file_paths[idx], 'r')
        obj_keys = '/content/obj'
        obj = list(fread[obj_keys].values())[0]
        enrg = obj['_energy'][...]
        data = obj['data'][0]
        if border > 0:
            data = data[border:-border,border:-border]
        sh = data.shape
        probe_keys = '/content/probe'
        probe = list(fread[probe_keys].values())[0]
        probe_shape = tuple(np.array(probe['data'].shape[1:]))
    energy = np.array(energy)*1e3 # convert to eV
    prb_int_mean = (np.array(prbs)**2).mean(axis=(1,2))
    #print("Probe amplitude means", prb_mean)
    log(3, "The energy ranges from {} to {} eV".format(energy[0], energy[-1]))
    shapes = np.array(shapes)
    full_shape = np.max(shapes[:, 0]), np.max(shapes[:, 1])
    log(3, "The common full shape of the object is {}".format(full_shape))
    # Create Mantis/Nexus files for phase and optical density
    fp = create_nxstxm_file(out_phase, energy, full_shape, nfiles)
    fo = create_nxstxm_file(out_odensity, energy, full_shape, nfiles)
    fa = create_nxstxm_file(out_amplitude, energy, full_shape, nfiles)
    fi = create_nxstxm_file(out_probe_intensity, energy, probe_shape, nfiles)
    fc = create_nxstxm_file(out_complex, energy, full_shape, nfiles, dtype='complex')

    ctr = 0
    for idx in range(nfiles):
        slow_top = shapes[idx, 0]
        fast_top = shapes[idx, 1]
        O = objs[idx].squeeze()
        if rmramp:
            ny,nx = O.shape
            XX,YY = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx) - nx//2, np.arange(ny) - ny//2)
            W = np.sqrt(XX**2 + YY**2) < (rmradius * (nx+ny) / 4)
            for i in range(rmiter):
                O = u.rmphaseramp(O, weight=W)
        if norm:
            O *= np.exp(-1j*np.median(np.angle(O)))
        phase = np.angle(O)
        if rescale:
            O *= np.sqrt(prb_int_mean[idx] / prb_int_mean.mean())
        odensity = -np.log(np.abs(O)**2)
        odensity[np.isinf(odensity)] = 0
        if norm:
            odensity -= np.median(odensity)
        amplitude = np.abs(O)
        #print("probe intensity before: ", (prbs[idx]**2).mean())
        probeint = prbs[idx]**2 / (prb_int_mean[idx] / prb_int_mean.mean())
        #print("probe intensity after: ", (probeint).mean())
        fp['entry1/Counter1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = phase
        fo['entry1/Counter1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = odensity
        fa['entry1/Counter1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = amplitude
        fi['entry1/Counter1/data'][ctr] = probeint
        fc['entry1/Counter1/data'][ctr, :slow_top, :fast_top] = O
        ctr += 1
    log(3, "Saved phase to {}".format(out_phase))
    log(3, "Saved optical density to {}".format(out_odensity))
    log(3, "Saved amplitude to {}".format(out_amplitude))
    log(3, "Saved probe intensity to {}".format(out_probe_intensity))
    log(3, "Saved complex to {}".format(out_complex))
 def _deramped_data(self):
     weights = np.zeros_like(self.original_data)
     M, N = weights.shape
     weights[M//3:M//3*2, N//3:N//3*2] = 1
     return rmphaseramp(self.original_data, weights)