Example #1
def createChunksSubmitJobs(inDir, outDir, minId, runner, chunkSize):
    """ convert Consyn ZIP files from inDir to outDir 
        split files into chunks and submit chunks to cluster system
        write first to temporary dir, and copy over at end of all jobs

    updateId, minId, alreadyDoneFiles = pubStore.parseUpdatesTab(outDir, minId)
    if chunkSize == None:
        chunkSize = pubStore.guessChunkSize(outDir)
    assert (chunkSize != None)

    # build into temporary dir, fail if it exists
    # it should not exist, otherwise something is wrong
    finalOutDir = outDir
    #outDir     = tempfile.mktemp(dir = outDir, prefix = "elsevierUpdate%s.tmp." % str(updateId))
    buildDir = join(outDir, "build")

    inFiles = os.listdir(inDir)
    inFiles = [x for x in inFiles if x.endswith(".ZIP")]
    # keep order of input of input files for first run
    if len(alreadyDoneFiles) != 0:
        processFiles = set(inFiles).difference(alreadyDoneFiles)
        processFiles = inFiles

    if len(processFiles) == 0:
        logging.info("All updates done, not converting anything")
        return None

    indexFilename = join(buildDir, "%d_index.tab" % updateId)
    maxArticleId = createIndexFile(inDir, processFiles, indexFilename,
                                   updateId, minId, chunkSize)
    indexSplitDir = indexFilename + ".tmp.split"
    chunkIds = pubStore.splitTabFileOnChunkId(indexFilename, indexSplitDir)
    idFname = pubGeneric.concatIdentifiers(finalOutDir, indexSplitDir,

    submitJobs(runner, inDir, chunkIds, indexSplitDir, idFname, buildDir)

    pubGeneric.concatDelIdFiles(buildDir, finalOutDir, "%d_ids.tab" % updateId)
    pubGeneric.concatDelLogs(buildDir, finalOutDir, "%d.log" % updateId)

    if isdir(indexSplitDir):  # necessary? how could it not be there?
        logging.info("Deleting directory %s" % indexSplitDir)
        shutil.rmtree(indexSplitDir)  # got sometimes exception here...
    pubStore.moveFiles(buildDir, finalOutDir)

    pubStore.appendToUpdatesTxt(finalOutDir, updateId, maxArticleId,
Example #2
def createChunksSubmitJobs(inDir, outDir, minId, runner, chunkSize):
    """ convert Consyn ZIP files from inDir to outDir 
        split files into chunks and submit chunks to cluster system
        write first to temporary dir, and copy over at end of all jobs

    updateId, minId, alreadyDoneFiles = pubStore.parseUpdatesTab(outDir, minId)
    if chunkSize==None:
        chunkSize  = pubStore.guessChunkSize(outDir)

    # build into temporary dir, fail if it exists
    # it should not exist, otherwise something is wrong
    finalOutDir= outDir
    #outDir     = tempfile.mktemp(dir = outDir, prefix = "elsevierUpdate%s.tmp." % str(updateId))
    buildDir     = join(outDir, "build")

    inFiles = os.listdir(inDir)
    inFiles = [x for x in inFiles if x.endswith(".ZIP")]
    # keep order of input of input files for first run
    if len(alreadyDoneFiles)!=0:
        processFiles = set(inFiles).difference(alreadyDoneFiles)
        processFiles = inFiles

    if len(processFiles)==0:
        logging.info("All updates done, not converting anything")
        return None

    indexFilename = join(buildDir, "%d_index.tab" % updateId)
    maxArticleId  = createIndexFile(inDir, processFiles, indexFilename, updateId, minId, chunkSize)
    indexSplitDir = indexFilename+".tmp.split"
    chunkIds = pubStore.splitTabFileOnChunkId(indexFilename, indexSplitDir)
    idFname = pubGeneric.concatIdentifiers(finalOutDir, indexSplitDir, "doneArticles.tab")

    submitJobs(runner, inDir, chunkIds, indexSplitDir, idFname, buildDir)

    pubGeneric.concatDelIdFiles(buildDir, finalOutDir, "%d_ids.tab" % updateId)
    pubGeneric.concatDelLogs(buildDir, finalOutDir, "%d.log" % updateId)

    if isdir(indexSplitDir): # necessary? how could it not be there? 
        logging.info("Deleting directory %s" % indexSplitDir)
        shutil.rmtree(indexSplitDir) # got sometimes exception here...
    pubStore.moveFiles(buildDir, finalOutDir)

    pubStore.appendToUpdatesTxt(finalOutDir, updateId, maxArticleId, processFiles)
Example #3
def createChunksSubmitJobs(inDir, outDir, minId, chunkCount, runner):
    """ convert Consyn ZIP files from inDir to outDir 
        split files into chunks and submit chunks to cluster system

    updateId, minId, alreadyDoneFiles = pubStore.parseUpdatesTab(outDir, minId)
    chunkSize  = pubStore.guessChunkSize(outDir)
    finalOutDir= outDir
    outDir     = tempfile.mktemp(dir = outDir, prefix = "temp.pubConvElsevier.update.")
    chunkCount = None

    inFiles = os.listdir(inDir)
    inFiles = [x for x in inFiles if x.endswith(".ZIP")]
    # keep order of input of input files for first run
    if len(alreadyDoneFiles)!=0:
        processFiles = set(inFiles).difference(alreadyDoneFiles)
        processFiles = inFiles

    if len(processFiles)==0:
        logging.info("All updates done, not converting anything")
        return None

    indexFilename = join(outDir, "%d_index.tab" % updateId)
    maxArticleId  = createIndexFile(inDir, processFiles, indexFilename, updateId, minId, chunkCount, chunkSize)
    indexSplitDir = indexFilename+".tmp.split"
    pubStore.splitTabFileOnChunkId(indexFilename, indexSplitDir)
    submitJobs(runner, indexSplitDir, outDir)

    pubStore.moveFiles(outDir, finalOutDir)
    if isdir(indexSplitDir): # how could it not be there? 
        logging.info("Deleting directory %s" % indexSplitDir)
        shutil.rmtree(indexSplitDir) # got sometimes exception here...
    pubStore.appendToUpdatesTxt(finalOutDir, updateId, maxArticleId, processFiles)