def __init__(self): """Populate cache with source files.""" self._cache = [] proc_queue = [ (source.AssetSource, pathes.theme_assets()), (source.AssetSource, pathes.assets()), (source.PageSource, pathes.pages()), (source.PostSource, pathes.posts()), ] self._errors = [] for src_type, dir_path in proc_queue: def add_source(root, rel): try: file_name = os.path.join(root, rel) self._cache.append(src_type(file_name, root)) except Exception as e: self._errors.append((rel, e)) helpers.walk(dir_path, add_source)
def create(name, force=False): """Create new post file placeholder with a unique name. Arguments: name -- post name. force -- True to overwrite existing file; False to raise an exception.""" created = post_name = urlify(name) or const.UNTITLED_POST file_name = PostSource._ymd(POST_NAME_FORMAT, created, post_name) post_path = os.path.join(pathes.posts(), file_name) count = 0 while True: file_name = helpers.suffix(post_path, count) if force or not os.path.exists(file_name): created = created.strftime(conf.get("time_format")[0]) text = const.PROTO_POST text = text.format(title=name, created=created) helpers.newfile(file_name, text) break count += 1 return os.path.basename(file_name)