def test_field_less_than_criteria():
    """with_field with less_than is translated as expected for
    date and non-date types
    publish_date = datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 27, 0, 0, 0)
    c1 = Criteria.with_field("num_field", Matcher.less_than(5))
    c2 = Criteria.with_field("date_field", Matcher.less_than(publish_date))

    assert filters_for_criteria(c1) == {"num_field": {"$lt": 5}}
    assert filters_for_criteria(c2) == {
        "date_field": {"$lt": {"$date": "2019-08-27T00:00:00Z"}}
def test_field_or_criteria():
    """or is translated to a mongo fragment as expected."""
    c1 = Criteria.with_field("f1", "v1")
    c2 = Criteria.with_field("f2", "v2")
    assert filters_for_criteria(Criteria.or_(c1, c2)) == {
        "$or": [{"f1": {"$eq": "v1"}}, {"f2": {"$eq": "v2"}}]
Example #3
def test_type():
    """type is mapped correctly"""
    crit = Criteria.with_field("type", Matcher.regex("foobar"))
    assert filters_for_criteria(crit, Repository) == {
        "notes._repo-type": {
            "$regex": "foobar"
Example #4
def test_is_temporary():
    """is_temporary is mapped correctly"""
    crit = Criteria.with_field("is_temporary", True)
    assert filters_for_criteria(crit, Repository) == {
        "notes.pub_temp_repo": {
            "$eq": True
Example #5
    def search_distributor(self, criteria=None):
        criteria = criteria or Criteria.true()
        distributors = []

        filters_for_criteria(criteria, Distributor)

            for repo in self._repositories:
                for distributor in repo.distributors:
                    if match_object(criteria, distributor):
        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            return f_return_error(ex)

        return self._prepare_pages(distributors)
def test_field_in_criteria():
    """with_field_in is translated to a mongo fragment as expected."""
    assert filters_for_criteria(
        Criteria.with_field_in("some.field", ["val1", "val2"])) == {
            "some.field": {
                "$in": ["val1", "val2"]
def test_field_exists_criteria():
    """with_field using 'exists' is translated to a mongo fragment as expected."""
    assert filters_for_criteria(
        Criteria.with_field("some.field", Criteria.exists)) == {
            "some.field": {
                "$exists": True
def test_field_eq_criteria():
    """with_field is translated to a mongo fragment as expected."""
    assert filters_for_criteria(Criteria.with_field("some.field",
                                                    "someval")) == {
                                                        "some.field": {
                                                            "$eq": "someval"
Example #9
def test_eng_product_in():
    """eng_product is mapped correctly"""
    crit = Criteria.with_field_in("eng_product_id", [12, 34, 56])
    assert filters_for_criteria(crit, Repository) == {
        "notes.eng_product": {
            "$in": ["12", "34", "56"]
Example #10
def test_signing_keys():
    """signing_keys are mapped correctly"""
    crit = Criteria.with_field("signing_keys", ["abc", "def", "123"])
    assert filters_for_criteria(crit, Repository) == {
        "notes.signatures": {
            "$eq": "abc,def,123"
Example #11
def test_field_regex_criteria():
    """with_field with regex is translated to a mongo fragment as expected."""

    assert filters_for_criteria(
        Criteria.with_field("some.field", Matcher.regex("abc"))) == {
            "some.field": {
                "$regex": "abc"
def test_dict_matcher_value():
    """criteria using a dict as matcher value"""

    crit = Criteria.with_field(
        Matcher.less_than({"created_date": datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0)}),

    assert filters_for_criteria(crit) == {
        "created": {"$lt": {"created_date": {"$date": "2019-09-04T00:00:00Z"}}}
Example #13
    def search_repository(self, criteria=None):
        criteria = criteria or Criteria.true()
        repos = []

        # Pass the criteria through the code used by the real client to build
        # up the Pulp query. We don't actually *use* the resulting query since
        # we're not accessing a real Pulp server. The point is to ensure the
        # same validation and error behavior as used by the real client also
        # applies to the fake.
        filters_for_criteria(criteria, Repository)

            for repo in self._repositories:
                if match_object(criteria, repo):
        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            return f_return_error(ex)

        # callers should not make any assumption about the order of returned
        # values. Encourage that by returning output in unpredictable order

        # Split it into pages
        page_data = []
        current_page_data = []
        while repos:
            next_elem = repos.pop()
            if len(current_page_data) == self._PAGE_SIZE and repos:
                current_page_data = []


        page = Page()
        next_page = None
        for batch in reversed(page_data):
            page = Page(data=batch, next=next_page)
            next_page = f_return(page)

        return f_return(page)
Example #14
    def search_repository(self, criteria=None):
        criteria = criteria or Criteria.true()
        repos = []

        # Pass the criteria through the code used by the real client to build
        # up the Pulp query. We don't actually *use* the resulting query since
        # we're not accessing a real Pulp server. The point is to ensure the
        # same validation and error behavior as used by the real client also
        # applies to the fake.
        filters_for_criteria(criteria, Repository)

            for repo in self._repositories:
                if match_object(criteria, repo):
        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            return f_return_error(ex)

        # callers should not make any assumption about the order of returned
        # values. Encourage that by returning output in unpredictable order
        return self._prepare_pages(repos)
Example #15
def test_created():
    """created is mapped correctly"""
    # TODO: there is no datetime => string implicit conversion right now.
    # Should we do that? Right now, it doesn't seem all that useful because
    # there's probably no usecase to search for an exact datetime anyway.
    # In practice, searching by datetime probably is useful only with $lt
    # or $gt, which is not supported by this library at all, at the time
    # of writing.
    crit = Criteria.with_field("created", "20190814T15:16Z")
    assert filters_for_criteria(crit, Repository) == {
        "notes.created": {
            "$eq": "20190814T15:16Z"
Example #16
def test_null_criteria():
    """Searching for None or True translates to empty filters."""
    assert filters_for_criteria(None) == {}
    assert filters_for_criteria(Criteria.true()) == {}
Example #17
def test_unsearchable():
    """passing a field which can't be mapped directly to Pulp raises an error"""
    crit = Criteria.with_field("relative_url", "foobar")
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc:
        filters_for_criteria(crit, Repository)
    assert "Searching on field relative_url is not supported" in str(exc.value)