Example #1
    def __init__(self, url=None, name=None, directory=None, backlog_limit=0):

        self.temp_url = None

        # Maintain separate data members for originally provided URL and URL we may develop due to
        # redirects.
        if url is None or url == "":
            raise ERROR.MalformedSubscriptionError("No URL provided.")
            LOG.debug("Storing provided url '%s'.", url)
            self.url = url
            self.original_url = url

        # Maintain name of podcast.
        if name is None or name == "":
            raise ERROR.MalformedSubscriptionError("No name provided.")
            LOG.debug("Provided name '%s'.", name)
            self.name = name

        # Our file downloader.
        self.downloader = Util.generate_downloader(HEADERS, self.name)

        # Store feed state, including etag/last_modified.
        self.feed_state = _FeedState()

        self.directory = _process_directory(directory)

        self.backlog_limit = backlog_limit

        self.use_title_as_filename = None

    def decode_subscription(cls, sub_dictionary):
        """Decode subscription from dictionary."""
        url = sub_dictionary.get("url", None)
        if url is None:
            msg = "URL in subscription to decode is null. Cannot decode."
            raise Error.MalformedSubscriptionError(msg)

        name = sub_dictionary.get("name", None)
        if name is None:
            msg = "Name in subscription to decode is null. Cannot decode."
            raise Error.MalformedSubscriptionError(msg)

        original_url = sub_dictionary.get("original_url", None)
        directory = sub_dictionary.get("directory", None)
        backlog_limit = sub_dictionary.get("backlog_limit", 0)
        use_title_as_filename = sub_dictionary.get("use_title_as_filename", False)
        feed_state = _FeedState(feedstate_dict=sub_dictionary.get("feed_state", None))

        sub = Subscription(url=url, name=name, directory=directory, backlog_limit=backlog_limit)

        sub.original_url = original_url
        sub.use_title_as_filename = use_title_as_filename
        sub.feed_state = feed_state

        # Generate data members that shouldn't/won't be cached.
        sub.downloader = Util.generate_downloader(HEADERS, sub.name)

        return sub
Example #3
    def default_missing_fields(self, settings):
        """Set default values for any fields that are None (ones that were never set)."""

        # NOTE - directory is set separately, because we'll want to create it.
        # These are just plain options.

        if self.backlog_limit is None:
            self.backlog_limit = settings["backlog_limit"]

        if self.use_title_as_filename is None:
            self.use_title_as_filename = settings["use_title_as_filename"]

        if not hasattr(self, "feed_state") or self.feed_state is None:
            self.feed_state = _FeedState()

        self.downloader = Util.generate_downloader(HEADERS, self.name)
    def default_missing_fields(self, settings):
        """Set default values for any fields that are None (ones that were never set)."""

        # NOTE - directory is set separately, because we'll want to create it.
        # The options set here are just plain options.
        if self.backlog_limit is None:
            self.backlog_limit = settings["backlog_limit"]

        if self.use_title_as_filename is None:
            self.use_title_as_filename = settings["use_title_as_filename"]

        if not hasattr(self, "feed_state") or self.feed_state is None:
            self.feed_state = _FeedState()

        self.downloader = Util.generate_downloader(HEADERS, self.name)
        self.parser = _generate_feedparser(self.name)
    def __init__(self, url=None, name=None, directory=None, backlog_limit=0):

        # Maintain separate data members for originally provided URL, and URL we may change due to
        # redirects.
        if url is None or url == "":
            msg = "URL is None or empty - can't create subscription."
            raise Error.MalformedSubscriptionError(msg)

        # Maintain name of podcast.
        if name is None or name == "":
            msg = "Name is None or empty - can't create subscription."
            raise Error.MalformedSubscriptionError(msg)

        # Temporary storage for swapping around urls.
        self.temp_url = None

        LOG.debug("Storing provided url '%s'.", url)
        self.url = url
        self.original_url = url

        LOG.debug("Provided name '%s'.", name)
        self.name = name

        # Our file downloader.
        self.downloader = Util.generate_downloader(HEADERS, self.name)

        # Our wrapper around feedparser's parse for rate limiting.
        self.parser = _generate_feedparser(self.name)

        # Store feed state, including etag/last_modified.
        self.feed_state = _FeedState()

        self.directory = _process_directory(directory)

        self.backlog_limit = backlog_limit

        self.use_title_as_filename = None

Example #6
    def decode_subscription(cls, sub_dictionary):
        """Decode subscription from dictionary."""
        sub = Subscription.__new__(Subscription)

        attrs = ["name", "original_url", "url"]

        for attr in attrs:
            if attr not in sub_dictionary.keys():
                LOG.error("Sub to decode is missing %s, can't continue.", attr)
                return None
                setattr(sub, attr, sub_dictionary[attr])

        sub.directory = sub_dictionary.get("directory", None)

        # NOTE - Deprecate eventually.
        if "download_backlog" in sub_dictionary.keys():
            if sub_dictionary["download_backlog"]:
                sub.backlog_limit = sub_dictionary["backlog_limit"]
                sub.backlog_limit = 0

        # NOTE - deprecate eventually.
        if "_current_url" in sub_dictionary.keys():
            sub.url = sub_dictionary["_current_url"]

        # NOTE - deprecate eventually.
        if "_provided_url" in sub_dictionary.keys():
            sub.original_url = sub_dictionary["_provided_url"]

        sub.backlog_limit = sub_dictionary.get("backlog_limit", 0)
        sub.use_title_as_filename = sub_dictionary.get("use_title_as_filename", None)
        sub.feed_state = _FeedState(feedstate_dict=sub_dictionary.get("feed_state", None))

        # Generate data members that shouldn't/won't be cached.
        sub.downloader = Util.generate_downloader(HEADERS, sub.name)

        return sub